path: root/testing/resources
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-01-29Add minimized test cases for stack exhaustion crash to repository.Tom Sepez
2015-01-28Merge to Master: Cover fpdftext.h API with embeddertests.Tom Sepez
2015-01-27Add embedder test for stream length beyond end of file.Tom Sepez
2015-01-26Fix infinite recursion in CPDF_Parser::ParseIndirectObjectAt().Tom Sepez
2015-01-23Fix null crash in CheckTrailer.Tom Sepez
2015-01-22Add API tests: NamedDestsByName, DestGetPageIndex.Tom Sepez
2015-01-21Add tests for GetNamedDests() API.Tom Sepez
2015-01-15Create first pdfium embedder test.Tom Sepez