// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fpdfapi/cmaps/cmap_int.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/cpdf_modulemgr.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_fontglobals.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_pagemodule.h" extern "C" { static int compareWord(const void* p1, const void* p2) { return (*(uint16_t*)p1) - (*(uint16_t*)p2); } static int compareWordRange(const void* key, const void* element) { if (*(uint16_t*)key < *(uint16_t*)element) return -1; if (*(uint16_t*)key > ((uint16_t*)element)[1]) return 1; return 0; } static int compareDWordRange(const void* p1, const void* p2) { uint32_t key = *(uint32_t*)p1; uint16_t hiword = (uint16_t)(key >> 16); const auto* element = reinterpret_cast<const FXCMAP_DWordCIDMap*>(p2); if (hiword < element->m_HiWord) return -1; if (hiword > element->m_HiWord) return 1; uint16_t loword = (uint16_t)key; if (loword < element->m_LoWordLow) return -1; if (loword > element->m_LoWordHigh) return 1; return 0; } }; // extern "C" namespace { const FXCMAP_CMap* FindNextCMap(const FXCMAP_CMap* pMap) { return pMap->m_UseOffset ? pMap + pMap->m_UseOffset : nullptr; } } // namespace const FXCMAP_CMap* FPDFAPI_FindEmbeddedCMap(const ByteString& bsName, int charset, int coding) { CPDF_FontGlobals* pFontGlobals = CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->GetPageModule()->GetFontGlobals(); const FXCMAP_CMap* pCMaps; uint32_t count; std::tie(count, pCMaps) = pFontGlobals->GetEmbeddedCharset(charset); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (bsName == pCMaps[i].m_Name) return &pCMaps[i]; } return nullptr; } uint16_t FPDFAPI_CIDFromCharCode(const FXCMAP_CMap* pMap, uint32_t charcode) { ASSERT(pMap); if (charcode >> 16) { while (pMap) { if (pMap->m_DWordMapType == FXCMAP_CMap::Range) { ASSERT(pMap->m_pDWordMap); auto* found = static_cast<FXCMAP_DWordCIDMap*>( bsearch(&charcode, pMap->m_pDWordMap, pMap->m_DWordCount, sizeof(FXCMAP_DWordCIDMap), compareDWordRange)); if (found) { return found->m_CID + static_cast<uint16_t>(charcode) - found->m_LoWordLow; } } else { ASSERT(pMap->m_DWordMapType == FXCMAP_CMap::None); ASSERT(!pMap->m_pDWordMap); } pMap = FindNextCMap(pMap); } return 0; } uint16_t code = (uint16_t)charcode; while (pMap) { if (!pMap->m_pWordMap) return 0; if (pMap->m_WordMapType == FXCMAP_CMap::Single) { uint16_t* found = static_cast<uint16_t*>( bsearch(&code, pMap->m_pWordMap, pMap->m_WordCount, 4, compareWord)); if (found) return found[1]; } else if (pMap->m_WordMapType == FXCMAP_CMap::Range) { uint16_t* found = static_cast<uint16_t*>(bsearch( &code, pMap->m_pWordMap, pMap->m_WordCount, 6, compareWordRange)); if (found) return found[2] + code - found[0]; } pMap = FindNextCMap(pMap); } return 0; } uint32_t FPDFAPI_CharCodeFromCID(const FXCMAP_CMap* pMap, uint16_t cid) { // TODO(dsinclair): This should be checking both pMap->m_WordMap and // pMap->m_DWordMap. There was a second while() but it was never reached as // the first always returns. Investigate and determine how this should // really be working. (https://codereview.chromium.org/2235743003 removed the // second while loop.) ASSERT(pMap); while (pMap) { if (pMap->m_WordMapType == FXCMAP_CMap::Single) { const uint16_t* pCur = pMap->m_pWordMap; const uint16_t* pEnd = pMap->m_pWordMap + pMap->m_WordCount * 2; while (pCur < pEnd) { if (pCur[1] == cid) return pCur[0]; pCur += 2; } } else if (pMap->m_WordMapType == FXCMAP_CMap::Range) { const uint16_t* pCur = pMap->m_pWordMap; const uint16_t* pEnd = pMap->m_pWordMap + pMap->m_WordCount * 3; while (pCur < pEnd) { if (cid >= pCur[2] && cid <= pCur[2] + pCur[1] - pCur[0]) return pCur[0] + cid - pCur[2]; pCur += 3; } } pMap = FindNextCMap(pMap); } return 0; }