// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_FPDFAPI_FPDF_FONT_TTGSUBTABLE_H_ #define CORE_FPDFAPI_FPDF_FONT_TTGSUBTABLE_H_ #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_basic.h" #include "core/fxge/include/fx_font.h" #include "core/fxge/include/fx_freetype.h" class CFX_GlyphMap { public: CFX_GlyphMap(); ~CFX_GlyphMap(); void SetAt(int key, int value); FX_BOOL Lookup(int key, int& value); protected: CFX_BinaryBuf m_Buffer; }; class CFX_CTTGSUBTable { public: CFX_CTTGSUBTable(); explicit CFX_CTTGSUBTable(FT_Bytes gsub); virtual ~CFX_CTTGSUBTable(); bool IsOk() const; bool LoadGSUBTable(FT_Bytes gsub); bool GetVerticalGlyph(uint32_t glyphnum, uint32_t* vglyphnum); private: struct tt_gsub_header { uint32_t Version; uint16_t ScriptList; uint16_t FeatureList; uint16_t LookupList; }; struct TLangSys { TLangSys() : LookupOrder(0), ReqFeatureIndex(0), FeatureCount(0), FeatureIndex(nullptr) {} ~TLangSys() { delete[] FeatureIndex; } uint16_t LookupOrder; uint16_t ReqFeatureIndex; uint16_t FeatureCount; uint16_t* FeatureIndex; private: TLangSys(const TLangSys&); TLangSys& operator=(const TLangSys&); }; struct TLangSysRecord { TLangSysRecord() : LangSysTag(0) {} uint32_t LangSysTag; struct TLangSys LangSys; private: TLangSysRecord(const TLangSysRecord&); TLangSysRecord& operator=(const TLangSysRecord&); }; struct TScript { TScript() : DefaultLangSys(0), LangSysCount(0), LangSysRecord(nullptr) {} ~TScript() { delete[] LangSysRecord; } uint16_t DefaultLangSys; uint16_t LangSysCount; // TODO(weili): Replace with a smart pointer type, pdfium:518. struct TLangSysRecord* LangSysRecord; private: TScript(const TScript&); TScript& operator=(const TScript&); }; struct TScriptRecord { TScriptRecord() : ScriptTag(0) {} uint32_t ScriptTag; struct TScript Script; private: TScriptRecord(const TScriptRecord&); TScriptRecord& operator=(const TScriptRecord&); }; struct TScriptList { TScriptList() : ScriptCount(0), ScriptRecord(nullptr) {} ~TScriptList() { delete[] ScriptRecord; } uint16_t ScriptCount; struct TScriptRecord* ScriptRecord; private: TScriptList(const TScriptList&); TScriptList& operator=(const TScriptList&); }; struct TFeature { TFeature() : FeatureParams(0), LookupCount(0), LookupListIndex(nullptr) {} ~TFeature() { delete[] LookupListIndex; } uint16_t FeatureParams; int LookupCount; uint16_t* LookupListIndex; private: TFeature(const TFeature&); TFeature& operator=(const TFeature&); }; struct TFeatureRecord { TFeatureRecord() : FeatureTag(0) {} uint32_t FeatureTag; struct TFeature Feature; private: TFeatureRecord(const TFeatureRecord&); TFeatureRecord& operator=(const TFeatureRecord&); }; struct TFeatureList { TFeatureList() : FeatureCount(0), FeatureRecord(nullptr) {} ~TFeatureList() { delete[] FeatureRecord; } int FeatureCount; struct TFeatureRecord* FeatureRecord; private: TFeatureList(const TFeatureList&); TFeatureList& operator=(const TFeatureList&); }; enum TLookupFlag { LOOKUPFLAG_RightToLeft = 0x0001, LOOKUPFLAG_IgnoreBaseGlyphs = 0x0002, LOOKUPFLAG_IgnoreLigatures = 0x0004, LOOKUPFLAG_IgnoreMarks = 0x0008, LOOKUPFLAG_Reserved = 0x00F0, LOOKUPFLAG_MarkAttachmentType = 0xFF00, }; struct TCoverageFormatBase { TCoverageFormatBase() : CoverageFormat(0) {} virtual ~TCoverageFormatBase() {} uint16_t CoverageFormat; CFX_GlyphMap m_glyphMap; private: TCoverageFormatBase(const TCoverageFormatBase&); TCoverageFormatBase& operator=(const TCoverageFormatBase&); }; struct TCoverageFormat1 : public TCoverageFormatBase { TCoverageFormat1(); ~TCoverageFormat1() override; uint16_t GlyphCount; uint16_t* GlyphArray; private: TCoverageFormat1(const TCoverageFormat1&); TCoverageFormat1& operator=(const TCoverageFormat1&); }; struct TRangeRecord { TRangeRecord(); friend bool operator>(const TRangeRecord& r1, const TRangeRecord& r2) { return r1.Start > r2.Start; } uint16_t Start; uint16_t End; uint16_t StartCoverageIndex; private: TRangeRecord(const TRangeRecord&); }; struct TCoverageFormat2 : public TCoverageFormatBase { TCoverageFormat2(); ~TCoverageFormat2() override; uint16_t RangeCount; struct TRangeRecord* RangeRecord; private: TCoverageFormat2(const TCoverageFormat2&); TCoverageFormat2& operator=(const TCoverageFormat2&); }; struct TClassDefFormatBase { TClassDefFormatBase() : ClassFormat(0) {} virtual ~TClassDefFormatBase() {} uint16_t ClassFormat; private: TClassDefFormatBase(const TClassDefFormatBase&); TClassDefFormatBase& operator=(const TClassDefFormatBase&); }; struct TClassDefFormat1 : public TClassDefFormatBase { TClassDefFormat1(); ~TClassDefFormat1() override; uint16_t StartGlyph; uint16_t GlyphCount; uint16_t* ClassValueArray; private: TClassDefFormat1(const TClassDefFormat1&); TClassDefFormat1& operator=(const TClassDefFormat1&); }; struct TClassRangeRecord { TClassRangeRecord() : Start(0), End(0), Class(0) {} uint16_t Start; uint16_t End; uint16_t Class; private: TClassRangeRecord(const TClassRangeRecord&); TClassRangeRecord& operator=(const TClassRangeRecord&); }; struct TClassDefFormat2 : public TClassDefFormatBase { TClassDefFormat2(); ~TClassDefFormat2() override; uint16_t ClassRangeCount; struct TClassRangeRecord* ClassRangeRecord; private: TClassDefFormat2(const TClassDefFormat2&); TClassDefFormat2& operator=(const TClassDefFormat2&); }; struct TDevice { TDevice() : StartSize(0), EndSize(0), DeltaFormat(0) {} uint16_t StartSize; uint16_t EndSize; uint16_t DeltaFormat; private: TDevice(const TDevice&); TDevice& operator=(const TDevice&); }; struct TSubTableBase { TSubTableBase() : SubstFormat(0) {} virtual ~TSubTableBase() {} uint16_t SubstFormat; private: TSubTableBase(const TSubTableBase&); TSubTableBase& operator=(const TSubTableBase&); }; struct TSingleSubstFormat1 : public TSubTableBase { TSingleSubstFormat1(); ~TSingleSubstFormat1() override; TCoverageFormatBase* Coverage; int16_t DeltaGlyphID; private: TSingleSubstFormat1(const TSingleSubstFormat1&); TSingleSubstFormat1& operator=(const TSingleSubstFormat1&); }; struct TSingleSubstFormat2 : public TSubTableBase { TSingleSubstFormat2(); ~TSingleSubstFormat2() override; TCoverageFormatBase* Coverage; uint16_t GlyphCount; uint16_t* Substitute; private: TSingleSubstFormat2(const TSingleSubstFormat2&); TSingleSubstFormat2& operator=(const TSingleSubstFormat2&); }; struct TLookup { TLookup(); ~TLookup(); uint16_t LookupType; uint16_t LookupFlag; uint16_t SubTableCount; struct TSubTableBase** SubTable; private: TLookup(const TLookup&); TLookup& operator=(const TLookup&); }; struct TLookupList { TLookupList() : LookupCount(0), Lookup(nullptr) {} ~TLookupList() { delete[] Lookup; } int LookupCount; struct TLookup* Lookup; private: TLookupList(const TLookupList&); TLookupList& operator=(const TLookupList&); }; bool Parse(FT_Bytes scriptlist, FT_Bytes featurelist, FT_Bytes lookuplist); void ParseScriptList(FT_Bytes raw, TScriptList* rec); void ParseScript(FT_Bytes raw, TScript* rec); void ParseLangSys(FT_Bytes raw, TLangSys* rec); void ParseFeatureList(FT_Bytes raw, TFeatureList* rec); void ParseFeature(FT_Bytes raw, TFeature* rec); void ParseLookupList(FT_Bytes raw, TLookupList* rec); void ParseLookup(FT_Bytes raw, TLookup* rec); void ParseCoverage(FT_Bytes raw, TCoverageFormatBase** rec); void ParseCoverageFormat1(FT_Bytes raw, TCoverageFormat1* rec); void ParseCoverageFormat2(FT_Bytes raw, TCoverageFormat2* rec); void ParseSingleSubst(FT_Bytes raw, TSubTableBase** rec); void ParseSingleSubstFormat1(FT_Bytes raw, TSingleSubstFormat1* rec); void ParseSingleSubstFormat2(FT_Bytes raw, TSingleSubstFormat2* rec); bool GetVerticalGlyphSub(uint32_t glyphnum, uint32_t* vglyphnum, struct TFeature* Feature) const; bool GetVerticalGlyphSub2(uint32_t glyphnum, uint32_t* vglyphnum, struct TLookup* Lookup) const; int GetCoverageIndex(struct TCoverageFormatBase* Coverage, uint32_t g) const; uint8_t GetUInt8(FT_Bytes& p) const; int16_t GetInt16(FT_Bytes& p) const; uint16_t GetUInt16(FT_Bytes& p) const; int32_t GetInt32(FT_Bytes& p) const; uint32_t GetUInt32(FT_Bytes& p) const; std::map m_featureMap; FX_BOOL m_bFeautureMapLoad; bool loaded; struct tt_gsub_header header; struct TScriptList ScriptList; struct TFeatureList FeatureList; struct TLookupList LookupList; }; #endif // CORE_FPDFAPI_FPDF_FONT_TTGSUBTABLE_H_