// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_shadingpattern.h" #include <algorithm> #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_docpagedata.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_function.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_object.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h" namespace { ShadingType ToShadingType(int type) { return (type > kInvalidShading && type < kMaxShading) ? static_cast<ShadingType>(type) : kInvalidShading; } } // namespace CPDF_ShadingPattern::CPDF_ShadingPattern(CPDF_Document* pDoc, CPDF_Object* pPatternObj, bool bShading, const CFX_Matrix& parentMatrix) : CPDF_Pattern(pDoc, bShading ? nullptr : pPatternObj, parentMatrix), m_bShadingObj(bShading), m_pShadingObj(pPatternObj) { assert(document()); if (!bShading) { m_pShadingObj = pattern_obj()->GetDict()->GetDirectObjectFor("Shading"); SetPatternToFormMatrix(); } } CPDF_ShadingPattern::~CPDF_ShadingPattern() { CPDF_ColorSpace* pCountedCS = m_pCountedCS ? m_pCountedCS->get() : nullptr; if (pCountedCS) { auto* pPageData = document()->GetPageData(); if (pPageData) { m_pCS.Release(); // Give up unowned reference first. pPageData->ReleaseColorSpace(pCountedCS->GetArray()); } } } CPDF_TilingPattern* CPDF_ShadingPattern::AsTilingPattern() { return nullptr; } CPDF_ShadingPattern* CPDF_ShadingPattern::AsShadingPattern() { return this; } bool CPDF_ShadingPattern::Load() { if (m_ShadingType != kInvalidShading) return true; const CPDF_Dictionary* pShadingDict = m_pShadingObj ? m_pShadingObj->GetDict() : nullptr; if (!pShadingDict) return false; m_pFunctions.clear(); const CPDF_Object* pFunc = pShadingDict->GetDirectObjectFor("Function"); if (pFunc) { if (const CPDF_Array* pArray = pFunc->AsArray()) { m_pFunctions.resize(std::min<size_t>(pArray->GetCount(), 4)); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pFunctions.size(); ++i) m_pFunctions[i] = CPDF_Function::Load(pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(i)); } else { m_pFunctions.push_back(CPDF_Function::Load(pFunc)); } } const CPDF_Object* pCSObj = pShadingDict->GetDirectObjectFor("ColorSpace"); if (!pCSObj) return false; CPDF_DocPageData* pDocPageData = document()->GetPageData(); m_pCS = pDocPageData->GetColorSpace(pCSObj, nullptr); // The color space is required and cannot be a Pattern space, according to the // PDF 1.7 spec, page 305. if (!m_pCS || m_pCS->GetFamily() == PDFCS_PATTERN) return false; m_pCountedCS = pDocPageData->FindColorSpacePtr(m_pCS->GetArray()); m_ShadingType = ToShadingType(pShadingDict->GetIntegerFor("ShadingType")); return Validate(); } bool CPDF_ShadingPattern::Validate() const { if (m_ShadingType == kInvalidShading) return false; // We expect to have a stream if our shading type is a mesh. if (IsMeshShading() && !ToStream(m_pShadingObj.Get())) return false; // Validate color space switch (m_ShadingType) { case kFunctionBasedShading: case kAxialShading: case kRadialShading: { if (m_pCS->GetFamily() == PDFCS_INDEXED) return false; break; } case kFreeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: case kLatticeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: case kCoonsPatchMeshShading: case kTensorProductPatchMeshShading: { if (!m_pFunctions.empty() && m_pCS->GetFamily() == PDFCS_INDEXED) return false; break; } default: { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } uint32_t nNumColorSpaceComponents = m_pCS->CountComponents(); switch (m_ShadingType) { case kFunctionBasedShading: { // Either one 2-to-N function or N 2-to-1 functions. return ValidateFunctions(1, 2, nNumColorSpaceComponents) || ValidateFunctions(nNumColorSpaceComponents, 2, 1); } case kAxialShading: case kRadialShading: { // Either one 1-to-N function or N 1-to-1 functions. return ValidateFunctions(1, 1, nNumColorSpaceComponents) || ValidateFunctions(nNumColorSpaceComponents, 1, 1); } case kFreeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: case kLatticeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: case kCoonsPatchMeshShading: case kTensorProductPatchMeshShading: { // Either no function, one 1-to-N function, or N 1-to-1 functions. return m_pFunctions.empty() || ValidateFunctions(1, 1, nNumColorSpaceComponents) || ValidateFunctions(nNumColorSpaceComponents, 1, 1); } default: break; } NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool CPDF_ShadingPattern::ValidateFunctions( uint32_t nExpectedNumFunctions, uint32_t nExpectedNumInputs, uint32_t nExpectedNumOutputs) const { if (m_pFunctions.size() != nExpectedNumFunctions) return false; pdfium::base::CheckedNumeric<uint32_t> nTotalOutputs = 0; for (const auto& function : m_pFunctions) { if (!function) return false; if (function->CountInputs() != nExpectedNumInputs || function->CountOutputs() != nExpectedNumOutputs) { return false; } nTotalOutputs += function->CountOutputs(); } return nTotalOutputs.IsValid(); }