// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" #include <set> #include <utility> #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_boolean.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_crypto_handler.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_name.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_reference.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_string.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/fpdf_parser_utility.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_stream.h" #include "third_party/base/logging.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" CPDF_Dictionary::CPDF_Dictionary() : CPDF_Dictionary(WeakPtr<ByteStringPool>()) {} CPDF_Dictionary::CPDF_Dictionary(const WeakPtr<ByteStringPool>& pPool) : m_pPool(pPool) {} CPDF_Dictionary::~CPDF_Dictionary() { // Mark the object as deleted so that it will not be deleted again, // and break cyclic references. m_ObjNum = kInvalidObjNum; for (auto& it : m_Map) { if (it.second && it.second->GetObjNum() == kInvalidObjNum) it.second.release(); } } CPDF_Object::Type CPDF_Dictionary::GetType() const { return DICTIONARY; } CPDF_Dictionary* CPDF_Dictionary::GetDict() { return this; } const CPDF_Dictionary* CPDF_Dictionary::GetDict() const { return this; } bool CPDF_Dictionary::IsDictionary() const { return true; } CPDF_Dictionary* CPDF_Dictionary::AsDictionary() { return this; } const CPDF_Dictionary* CPDF_Dictionary::AsDictionary() const { return this; } std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Object> CPDF_Dictionary::Clone() const { return CloneObjectNonCyclic(false); } std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Object> CPDF_Dictionary::CloneNonCyclic( bool bDirect, std::set<const CPDF_Object*>* pVisited) const { pVisited->insert(this); auto pCopy = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>(m_pPool); for (const auto& it : *this) { if (!pdfium::ContainsKey(*pVisited, it.second.get())) { std::set<const CPDF_Object*> visited(*pVisited); if (auto obj = it.second->CloneNonCyclic(bDirect, &visited)) pCopy->m_Map.insert(std::make_pair(it.first, std::move(obj))); } } return std::move(pCopy); } CPDF_Object* CPDF_Dictionary::GetObjectFor(const ByteString& key) const { auto it = m_Map.find(key); return it != m_Map.end() ? it->second.get() : nullptr; } CPDF_Object* CPDF_Dictionary::GetDirectObjectFor(const ByteString& key) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetObjectFor(key); return p ? p->GetDirect() : nullptr; } ByteString CPDF_Dictionary::GetStringFor(const ByteString& key) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetObjectFor(key); return p ? p->GetString() : ByteString(); } WideString CPDF_Dictionary::GetUnicodeTextFor(const ByteString& key) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetObjectFor(key); if (CPDF_Reference* pRef = ToReference(p)) p = pRef->GetDirect(); return p ? p->GetUnicodeText() : WideString(); } ByteString CPDF_Dictionary::GetStringFor(const ByteString& key, const ByteString& def) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetObjectFor(key); return p ? p->GetString() : ByteString(def); } int CPDF_Dictionary::GetIntegerFor(const ByteString& key) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetObjectFor(key); return p ? p->GetInteger() : 0; } int CPDF_Dictionary::GetIntegerFor(const ByteString& key, int def) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetObjectFor(key); return p ? p->GetInteger() : def; } float CPDF_Dictionary::GetNumberFor(const ByteString& key) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetObjectFor(key); return p ? p->GetNumber() : 0; } bool CPDF_Dictionary::GetBooleanFor(const ByteString& key, bool bDefault) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetObjectFor(key); return ToBoolean(p) ? p->GetInteger() != 0 : bDefault; } CPDF_Dictionary* CPDF_Dictionary::GetDictFor(const ByteString& key) const { CPDF_Object* p = GetDirectObjectFor(key); if (!p) return nullptr; if (CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = p->AsDictionary()) return pDict; if (CPDF_Stream* pStream = p->AsStream()) return pStream->GetDict(); return nullptr; } CPDF_Array* CPDF_Dictionary::GetArrayFor(const ByteString& key) const { return ToArray(GetDirectObjectFor(key)); } CPDF_Stream* CPDF_Dictionary::GetStreamFor(const ByteString& key) const { return ToStream(GetDirectObjectFor(key)); } CFX_FloatRect CPDF_Dictionary::GetRectFor(const ByteString& key) const { CFX_FloatRect rect; CPDF_Array* pArray = GetArrayFor(key); if (pArray) rect = pArray->GetRect(); return rect; } CFX_Matrix CPDF_Dictionary::GetMatrixFor(const ByteString& key) const { CFX_Matrix matrix; CPDF_Array* pArray = GetArrayFor(key); if (pArray) matrix = pArray->GetMatrix(); return matrix; } bool CPDF_Dictionary::KeyExist(const ByteString& key) const { return pdfium::ContainsKey(m_Map, key); } bool CPDF_Dictionary::IsSignatureDict() const { return CPDF_CryptoHandler::IsSignatureDictionary(this); } CPDF_Object* CPDF_Dictionary::SetFor(const ByteString& key, std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Object> pObj) { if (!pObj) { m_Map.erase(key); return nullptr; } ASSERT(pObj->IsInline()); CPDF_Object* pRet = pObj.get(); m_Map[MaybeIntern(key)] = std::move(pObj); return pRet; } void CPDF_Dictionary::ConvertToIndirectObjectFor( const ByteString& key, CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder* pHolder) { auto it = m_Map.find(key); if (it == m_Map.end() || it->second->IsReference()) return; CPDF_Object* pObj = pHolder->AddIndirectObject(std::move(it->second)); it->second = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Reference>(pHolder, pObj->GetObjNum()); } std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Object> CPDF_Dictionary::RemoveFor(const ByteString& key) { std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Object> result; auto it = m_Map.find(key); if (it != m_Map.end()) { result = std::move(it->second); m_Map.erase(it); } return result; } void CPDF_Dictionary::ReplaceKey(const ByteString& oldkey, const ByteString& newkey) { auto old_it = m_Map.find(oldkey); if (old_it == m_Map.end()) return; auto new_it = m_Map.find(newkey); if (new_it == old_it) return; m_Map[MaybeIntern(newkey)] = std::move(old_it->second); m_Map.erase(old_it); } void CPDF_Dictionary::SetRectFor(const ByteString& key, const CFX_FloatRect& rect) { CPDF_Array* pArray = SetNewFor<CPDF_Array>(key); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(rect.left); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(rect.bottom); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(rect.right); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(rect.top); } void CPDF_Dictionary::SetMatrixFor(const ByteString& key, const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { CPDF_Array* pArray = SetNewFor<CPDF_Array>(key); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(matrix.a); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(matrix.b); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(matrix.c); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(matrix.d); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(matrix.e); pArray->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(matrix.f); } ByteString CPDF_Dictionary::MaybeIntern(const ByteString& str) { return m_pPool ? m_pPool->Intern(str) : str; } bool CPDF_Dictionary::WriteTo(IFX_ArchiveStream* archive) const { if (!archive->WriteString("<<")) return false; for (const auto& it : *this) { const ByteString& key = it.first; CPDF_Object* pValue = it.second.get(); if (!archive->WriteString("/") || !archive->WriteString(PDF_NameEncode(key).AsStringView())) { return false; } if (!pValue->IsInline()) { if (!archive->WriteString(" ") || !archive->WriteDWord(pValue->GetObjNum()) || !archive->WriteString(" 0 R")) { return false; } } else if (!pValue->WriteTo(archive)) { return false; } } return archive->WriteString(">>"); }