// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_hint_tables.h" #include <limits> #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_data_avail.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_linearized_header.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_read_validator.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream_acc.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_syntax_parser.h" #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_bitstream.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h" #include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "third_party/base/span.h" namespace { bool CanReadFromBitStream(const CFX_BitStream* hStream, const FX_SAFE_UINT32& bits) { return bits.IsValid() && hStream->BitsRemaining() >= bits.ValueOrDie(); } // Sanity check values from the page table header. The note in the PDF 1.7 // reference for Table F.3 says the valid range is only 0 through 32. Though 0 // is not useful either. bool IsValidPageOffsetHintTableBitCount(uint32_t bits) { return bits > 0 && bits <= 32; } } // namespace CPDF_HintTables::PageInfo::PageInfo() = default; CPDF_HintTables::PageInfo::~PageInfo() = default; // static std::unique_ptr<CPDF_HintTables> CPDF_HintTables::Parse( CPDF_SyntaxParser* parser, CPDF_LinearizedHeader* pLinearized) { ASSERT(parser); if (!pLinearized || pLinearized->GetPageCount() <= 1 || !pLinearized->HasHintTable()) { return nullptr; } const FX_FILESIZE szHintStart = pLinearized->GetHintStart(); const uint32_t szHintLength = pLinearized->GetHintLength(); if (!parser->GetValidator()->CheckDataRangeAndRequestIfUnavailable( szHintStart, szHintLength)) { return nullptr; } parser->SetPos(szHintStart); std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Stream> hints_stream = ToStream( parser->GetIndirectObject(nullptr, CPDF_SyntaxParser::ParseType::kLoose)); if (!hints_stream) return nullptr; auto pHintTables = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_HintTables>( parser->GetValidator().Get(), pLinearized); if (!pHintTables->LoadHintStream(hints_stream.get())) return nullptr; return pHintTables; } CPDF_HintTables::CPDF_HintTables(CPDF_ReadValidator* pValidator, CPDF_LinearizedHeader* pLinearized) : m_pValidator(pValidator), m_pLinearized(pLinearized), m_nFirstPageSharedObjs(0), m_szFirstPageObjOffset(0) { ASSERT(m_pLinearized); } CPDF_HintTables::~CPDF_HintTables() {} bool CPDF_HintTables::ReadPageHintTable(CFX_BitStream* hStream) { const uint32_t nPages = m_pLinearized->GetPageCount(); if (nPages < 1 || nPages >= CPDF_Document::kPageMaxNum) return false; const uint32_t nFirstPageNum = m_pLinearized->GetFirstPageNo(); if (nFirstPageNum >= nPages) return false; if (!hStream || hStream->IsEOF()) return false; const uint32_t kHeaderSize = 288; if (hStream->BitsRemaining() < kHeaderSize) return false; // Item 1: The least number of objects in a page. const uint32_t dwObjLeastNum = hStream->GetBits(32); if (!dwObjLeastNum) return false; // Item 2: The location of the first page's page object. const FX_FILESIZE szFirstObjLoc = HintsOffsetToFileOffset(hStream->GetBits(32)); if (!szFirstObjLoc) return false; m_szFirstPageObjOffset = szFirstObjLoc; // Item 3: The number of bits needed to represent the difference // between the greatest and least number of objects in a page. const uint32_t dwDeltaObjectsBits = hStream->GetBits(16); if (!IsValidPageOffsetHintTableBitCount(dwDeltaObjectsBits)) return false; // Item 4: The least length of a page in bytes. const uint32_t dwPageLeastLen = hStream->GetBits(32); if (!dwPageLeastLen) return false; // Item 5: The number of bits needed to represent the difference // between the greatest and least length of a page, in bytes. const uint32_t dwDeltaPageLenBits = hStream->GetBits(16); if (!IsValidPageOffsetHintTableBitCount(dwDeltaPageLenBits)) return false; // Skip Item 6, 7, 8, 9 total 96 bits. hStream->SkipBits(96); // Item 10: The number of bits needed to represent the greatest // number of shared object references. const uint32_t dwSharedObjBits = hStream->GetBits(16); if (!IsValidPageOffsetHintTableBitCount(dwSharedObjBits)) return false; // Item 11: The number of bits needed to represent the numerically // greatest shared object identifier used by the pages. const uint32_t dwSharedIdBits = hStream->GetBits(16); if (!IsValidPageOffsetHintTableBitCount(dwSharedIdBits)) return false; // Item 12: The number of bits needed to represent the numerator of // the fractional position for each shared object reference. For each // shared object referenced from a page, there is an indication of // where in the page's content stream the object is first referenced. const uint32_t dwSharedNumeratorBits = hStream->GetBits(16); if (dwSharedNumeratorBits > 32) return false; // Item 13: Skip Item 13 which has 16 bits. hStream->SkipBits(16); FX_SAFE_UINT32 required_bits = dwDeltaObjectsBits; required_bits *= nPages; if (!CanReadFromBitStream(hStream, required_bits)) return false; m_PageInfos = std::vector<PageInfo>(nPages); m_PageInfos[nFirstPageNum].set_start_obj_num( m_pLinearized->GetFirstPageObjNum()); // The object number of remaining pages starts from 1. uint32_t dwStartObjNum = 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nPages; ++i) { FX_SAFE_UINT32 safeDeltaObj = hStream->GetBits(dwDeltaObjectsBits); safeDeltaObj += dwObjLeastNum; if (!safeDeltaObj.IsValid()) return false; m_PageInfos[i].set_objects_count(safeDeltaObj.ValueOrDie()); if (i == nFirstPageNum) continue; m_PageInfos[i].set_start_obj_num(dwStartObjNum); dwStartObjNum += m_PageInfos[i].objects_count(); } hStream->ByteAlign(); required_bits = dwDeltaPageLenBits; required_bits *= nPages; if (!CanReadFromBitStream(hStream, required_bits)) return false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nPages; ++i) { FX_SAFE_UINT32 safePageLen = hStream->GetBits(dwDeltaPageLenBits); safePageLen += dwPageLeastLen; if (!safePageLen.IsValid()) return false; m_PageInfos[i].set_page_length(safePageLen.ValueOrDie()); } ASSERT(m_szFirstPageObjOffset); m_PageInfos[nFirstPageNum].set_page_offset(m_szFirstPageObjOffset); FX_FILESIZE prev_page_end = m_pLinearized->GetFirstPageEndOffset(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nPages; ++i) { if (i == nFirstPageNum) continue; m_PageInfos[i].set_page_offset(prev_page_end); prev_page_end += m_PageInfos[i].page_length(); } hStream->ByteAlign(); // Number of shared objects. required_bits = dwSharedObjBits; required_bits *= nPages; if (!CanReadFromBitStream(hStream, required_bits)) return false; std::vector<uint32_t> dwNSharedObjsArray(nPages); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nPages; i++) dwNSharedObjsArray[i] = hStream->GetBits(dwSharedObjBits); hStream->ByteAlign(); // Array of identifiers, size = nshared_objects. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nPages; i++) { required_bits = dwSharedIdBits; required_bits *= dwNSharedObjsArray[i]; if (!CanReadFromBitStream(hStream, required_bits)) return false; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < dwNSharedObjsArray[i]; j++) m_PageInfos[i].AddIdentifier(hStream->GetBits(dwSharedIdBits)); } hStream->ByteAlign(); if (dwSharedNumeratorBits) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nPages; i++) { FX_SAFE_UINT32 safeSize = dwNSharedObjsArray[i]; safeSize *= dwSharedNumeratorBits; if (!CanReadFromBitStream(hStream, safeSize)) return false; hStream->SkipBits(safeSize.ValueOrDie()); } hStream->ByteAlign(); } FX_SAFE_UINT32 safeTotalPageLen = nPages; safeTotalPageLen *= dwDeltaPageLenBits; if (!CanReadFromBitStream(hStream, safeTotalPageLen)) return false; hStream->SkipBits(safeTotalPageLen.ValueOrDie()); hStream->ByteAlign(); return true; } bool CPDF_HintTables::ReadSharedObjHintTable(CFX_BitStream* hStream, uint32_t offset) { if (!hStream || hStream->IsEOF()) return false; FX_SAFE_UINT32 bit_offset = offset; bit_offset *= 8; if (!bit_offset.IsValid() || hStream->GetPos() > bit_offset.ValueOrDie()) return false; hStream->SkipBits((bit_offset - hStream->GetPos()).ValueOrDie()); const uint32_t kHeaderSize = 192; if (hStream->BitsRemaining() < kHeaderSize) return false; // Item 1: The object number of the first object in the shared objects // section. uint32_t dwFirstSharedObjNum = hStream->GetBits(32); if (!dwFirstSharedObjNum) return false; // Item 2: The location of the first object in the shared objects section. const FX_FILESIZE szFirstSharedObjLoc = HintsOffsetToFileOffset(hStream->GetBits(32)); if (!szFirstSharedObjLoc) return false; // Item 3: The number of shared object entries for the first page. m_nFirstPageSharedObjs = hStream->GetBits(32); // Item 4: The number of shared object entries for the shared objects // section, including the number of shared object entries for the first page. uint32_t dwSharedObjTotal = hStream->GetBits(32); // Item 5: The number of bits needed to represent the greatest number of // objects in a shared object group. uint32_t dwSharedObjNumBits = hStream->GetBits(16); if (dwSharedObjNumBits > 32) return false; // Item 6: The least length of a shared object group in bytes. uint32_t dwGroupLeastLen = hStream->GetBits(32); // Item 7: The number of bits needed to represent the difference between the // greatest and least length of a shared object group, in bytes. uint32_t dwDeltaGroupLen = hStream->GetBits(16); // Trying to decode more than 32 bits isn't going to work when we write into // a uint32_t. Decoding 0 bits also makes no sense. if (!IsValidPageOffsetHintTableBitCount(dwDeltaGroupLen)) return false; if (dwFirstSharedObjNum >= CPDF_Parser::kMaxObjectNumber || m_nFirstPageSharedObjs >= CPDF_Parser::kMaxObjectNumber || dwSharedObjTotal >= CPDF_Parser::kMaxObjectNumber) { return false; } FX_SAFE_UINT32 required_bits = dwSharedObjTotal; required_bits *= dwDeltaGroupLen; if (!CanReadFromBitStream(hStream, required_bits)) return false; if (dwSharedObjTotal > 0) { uint32_t dwLastSharedObj = dwSharedObjTotal - 1; if (dwLastSharedObj > m_nFirstPageSharedObjs) { FX_SAFE_UINT32 safeObjNum = dwFirstSharedObjNum; safeObjNum += dwLastSharedObj - m_nFirstPageSharedObjs; if (!safeObjNum.IsValid()) return false; } } m_SharedObjGroupInfos.resize(dwSharedObjTotal); // Table F.6 – Shared object hint table, shared object group entries: // Item 1: A number that, when added to the least shared object // group length. FX_SAFE_FILESIZE prev_shared_group_end_offset = m_szFirstPageObjOffset; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dwSharedObjTotal; ++i) { if (i == m_nFirstPageSharedObjs) prev_shared_group_end_offset = szFirstSharedObjLoc; FX_SAFE_UINT32 safeObjLen = hStream->GetBits(dwDeltaGroupLen); safeObjLen += dwGroupLeastLen; if (!safeObjLen.IsValid()) return false; m_SharedObjGroupInfos[i].m_dwLength = safeObjLen.ValueOrDie(); m_SharedObjGroupInfos[i].m_szOffset = prev_shared_group_end_offset.ValueOrDie(); prev_shared_group_end_offset += m_SharedObjGroupInfos[i].m_dwLength; if (!prev_shared_group_end_offset.IsValid()) return false; } hStream->ByteAlign(); { // Item 2: A flag indicating whether the shared object signature (item 3) is // present. uint32_t signature_count = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dwSharedObjTotal; ++i) { signature_count += hStream->GetBits(1); } hStream->ByteAlign(); // Item 3: (Only if item 2 is 1) The shared object signature, a 16-byte MD5 // hash that uniquely identifies the resource that the group of objects // represents. if (signature_count) { required_bits = signature_count; required_bits *= 128; if (!CanReadFromBitStream(hStream, required_bits)) return false; hStream->SkipBits(required_bits.ValueOrDie()); hStream->ByteAlign(); } } // Item 4: A number equal to 1 less than the number of objects in the group. FX_SAFE_UINT32 cur_obj_num = m_pLinearized->GetFirstPageObjNum(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dwSharedObjTotal; ++i) { if (i == m_nFirstPageSharedObjs) cur_obj_num = dwFirstSharedObjNum; FX_SAFE_UINT32 obj_count = dwSharedObjNumBits ? hStream->GetBits(dwSharedObjNumBits) : 0; obj_count += 1; if (!obj_count.IsValid()) return false; uint32_t obj_num = cur_obj_num.ValueOrDie(); cur_obj_num += obj_count.ValueOrDie(); if (!cur_obj_num.IsValid()) return false; m_SharedObjGroupInfos[i].m_dwStartObjNum = obj_num; m_SharedObjGroupInfos[i].m_dwObjectsCount = obj_count.ValueOrDie(); } hStream->ByteAlign(); return true; } bool CPDF_HintTables::GetPagePos(uint32_t index, FX_FILESIZE* szPageStartPos, FX_FILESIZE* szPageLength, uint32_t* dwObjNum) const { if (index >= m_pLinearized->GetPageCount()) return false; *szPageStartPos = m_PageInfos[index].page_offset(); *szPageLength = m_PageInfos[index].page_length(); *dwObjNum = m_PageInfos[index].start_obj_num(); return true; } CPDF_DataAvail::DocAvailStatus CPDF_HintTables::CheckPage(uint32_t index) { if (index == m_pLinearized->GetFirstPageNo()) return CPDF_DataAvail::DataAvailable; if (index >= m_pLinearized->GetPageCount()) return CPDF_DataAvail::DataError; const uint32_t dwLength = m_PageInfos[index].page_length(); if (!dwLength) return CPDF_DataAvail::DataError; if (!m_pValidator->CheckDataRangeAndRequestIfUnavailable( m_PageInfos[index].page_offset(), dwLength)) { return CPDF_DataAvail::DataNotAvailable; } // Download data of shared objects in the page. for (const uint32_t dwIndex : m_PageInfos[index].Identifiers()) { if (dwIndex >= m_SharedObjGroupInfos.size()) continue; const SharedObjGroupInfo& shared_group_info = m_SharedObjGroupInfos[dwIndex]; if (!shared_group_info.m_szOffset || !shared_group_info.m_dwLength) return CPDF_DataAvail::DataError; if (!m_pValidator->CheckDataRangeAndRequestIfUnavailable( shared_group_info.m_szOffset, shared_group_info.m_dwLength)) { return CPDF_DataAvail::DataNotAvailable; } } return CPDF_DataAvail::DataAvailable; } bool CPDF_HintTables::LoadHintStream(CPDF_Stream* pHintStream) { if (!pHintStream || !m_pLinearized->HasHintTable()) return false; CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pHintStream->GetDict(); CPDF_Object* pOffset = pDict ? pDict->GetObjectFor("S") : nullptr; if (!pOffset || !pOffset->IsNumber()) return false; int shared_hint_table_offset = pOffset->GetInteger(); if (shared_hint_table_offset <= 0) return false; auto pAcc = pdfium::MakeRetain<CPDF_StreamAcc>(pHintStream); pAcc->LoadAllDataFiltered(); uint32_t size = pAcc->GetSize(); // The header section of page offset hint table is 36 bytes. // The header section of shared object hint table is 24 bytes. // Hint table has at least 60 bytes. const uint32_t kMinStreamLength = 60; if (size < kMinStreamLength) return false; FX_SAFE_UINT32 safe_shared_hint_table_offset = shared_hint_table_offset; if (!safe_shared_hint_table_offset.IsValid() || size < safe_shared_hint_table_offset.ValueOrDie()) { return false; } CFX_BitStream bs(pdfium::make_span(pAcc->GetData(), size)); return ReadPageHintTable(&bs) && ReadSharedObjHintTable(&bs, shared_hint_table_offset); } FX_FILESIZE CPDF_HintTables::HintsOffsetToFileOffset( uint32_t hints_offset) const { FX_SAFE_FILESIZE file_offset = hints_offset; if (!file_offset.IsValid()) return 0; // The resulting positions shall be interpreted as if the primary hint stream // itself were not present. That is, a position greater than the hint stream // offset shall have the hint stream length added to it to determine the // actual offset relative to the beginning of the file. // See specification PDF 32000-1:2008 Annex F.4 (Hint tables). // Note: The PDF spec does not mention this, but positions equal to the hint // stream offset also need to have the hint stream length added to it. e.g. // There exists linearized PDFs generated by Adobe software that have this // property. if (file_offset.ValueOrDie() >= m_pLinearized->GetHintStart()) file_offset += m_pLinearized->GetHintLength(); return file_offset.ValueOrDefault(0); }