// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include #include #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_boolean.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_indirect_object_holder.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_name.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_null.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_reference.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_string.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace { void TestArrayAccessors(const CPDF_Array* arr, size_t index, const char* str_val, const char* const_str_val, int int_val, float float_val, CPDF_Array* arr_val, CPDF_Dictionary* dict_val, CPDF_Stream* stream_val) { EXPECT_STREQ(str_val, arr->GetStringAt(index).c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(int_val, arr->GetIntegerAt(index)); EXPECT_EQ(float_val, arr->GetNumberAt(index)); EXPECT_EQ(float_val, arr->GetFloatAt(index)); EXPECT_EQ(arr_val, arr->GetArrayAt(index)); EXPECT_EQ(dict_val, arr->GetDictAt(index)); EXPECT_EQ(stream_val, arr->GetStreamAt(index)); } } // namespace class PDFObjectsTest : public testing::Test { public: void SetUp() override { // Initialize different kinds of objects. // Boolean objects. CPDF_Boolean* boolean_false_obj = new CPDF_Boolean(false); CPDF_Boolean* boolean_true_obj = new CPDF_Boolean(true); // Number objects. CPDF_Number* number_int_obj = new CPDF_Number(1245); CPDF_Number* number_float_obj = new CPDF_Number(9.00345f); // String objects. CPDF_String* str_reg_obj = new CPDF_String(nullptr, L"A simple test"); CPDF_String* str_spec_obj = new CPDF_String(nullptr, L"\t\n"); // Name object. CPDF_Name* name_obj = new CPDF_Name(nullptr, "space"); // Array object. m_ArrayObj = new CPDF_Array; m_ArrayObj->InsertNewAt(0, 8902); m_ArrayObj->InsertNewAt(1, "address"); // Dictionary object. m_DictObj = new CPDF_Dictionary(); m_DictObj->SetNewFor("bool", false); m_DictObj->SetNewFor("num", 0.23f); // Stream object. const char content[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; size_t buf_len = FX_ArraySize(content); std::unique_ptr buf(FX_Alloc(uint8_t, buf_len)); memcpy(buf.get(), content, buf_len); auto pNewDict = pdfium::MakeUnique(); m_StreamDictObj = pNewDict.get(); m_StreamDictObj->SetNewFor("key1", L" test dict"); m_StreamDictObj->SetNewFor("key2", -1); CPDF_Stream* stream_obj = new CPDF_Stream(std::move(buf), buf_len, std::move(pNewDict)); // Null Object. CPDF_Null* null_obj = new CPDF_Null; // All direct objects. CPDF_Object* objs[] = {boolean_false_obj, boolean_true_obj, number_int_obj, number_float_obj, str_reg_obj, str_spec_obj, name_obj, m_ArrayObj.Get(), m_DictObj.Get(), stream_obj, null_obj}; m_DirectObjTypes = { CPDF_Object::BOOLEAN, CPDF_Object::BOOLEAN, CPDF_Object::NUMBER, CPDF_Object::NUMBER, CPDF_Object::STRING, CPDF_Object::STRING, CPDF_Object::NAME, CPDF_Object::ARRAY, CPDF_Object::DICTIONARY, CPDF_Object::STREAM, CPDF_Object::NULLOBJ}; for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(objs); ++i) m_DirectObjs.emplace_back(objs[i]); // Indirect references to indirect objects. m_ObjHolder = pdfium::MakeUnique(); m_IndirectObjs = {m_ObjHolder->AddIndirectObject(boolean_true_obj->Clone()), m_ObjHolder->AddIndirectObject(number_int_obj->Clone()), m_ObjHolder->AddIndirectObject(str_spec_obj->Clone()), m_ObjHolder->AddIndirectObject(name_obj->Clone()), m_ObjHolder->AddIndirectObject(m_ArrayObj->Clone()), m_ObjHolder->AddIndirectObject(m_DictObj->Clone()), m_ObjHolder->AddIndirectObject(stream_obj->Clone())}; for (CPDF_Object* pObj : m_IndirectObjs) { m_RefObjs.emplace_back( new CPDF_Reference(m_ObjHolder.get(), pObj->GetObjNum())); } } bool Equal(const CPDF_Object* obj1, const CPDF_Object* obj2) { if (obj1 == obj2) return true; if (!obj1 || !obj2 || obj1->GetType() != obj2->GetType()) return false; switch (obj1->GetType()) { case CPDF_Object::BOOLEAN: return obj1->GetInteger() == obj2->GetInteger(); case CPDF_Object::NUMBER: return obj1->AsNumber()->IsInteger() == obj2->AsNumber()->IsInteger() && obj1->GetInteger() == obj2->GetInteger(); case CPDF_Object::STRING: case CPDF_Object::NAME: return obj1->GetString() == obj2->GetString(); case CPDF_Object::ARRAY: { const CPDF_Array* array1 = obj1->AsArray(); const CPDF_Array* array2 = obj2->AsArray(); if (array1->GetCount() != array2->GetCount()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < array1->GetCount(); ++i) { if (!Equal(array1->GetObjectAt(i), array2->GetObjectAt(i))) return false; } return true; } case CPDF_Object::DICTIONARY: { const CPDF_Dictionary* dict1 = obj1->AsDictionary(); const CPDF_Dictionary* dict2 = obj2->AsDictionary(); if (dict1->GetCount() != dict2->GetCount()) return false; for (CPDF_Dictionary::const_iterator it = dict1->begin(); it != dict1->end(); ++it) { if (!Equal(it->second.get(), dict2->GetObjectFor(it->first))) return false; } return true; } case CPDF_Object::NULLOBJ: return true; case CPDF_Object::STREAM: { const CPDF_Stream* stream1 = obj1->AsStream(); const CPDF_Stream* stream2 = obj2->AsStream(); if (!stream1->GetDict() && !stream2->GetDict()) return true; // Compare dictionaries. if (!Equal(stream1->GetDict(), stream2->GetDict())) return false; // Compare sizes. if (stream1->GetRawSize() != stream2->GetRawSize()) return false; // Compare contents. // Since this function is used for testing Clone(), only memory based // streams need to be handled. if (!stream1->IsMemoryBased() || !stream2->IsMemoryBased()) return false; return memcmp(stream1->GetRawData(), stream2->GetRawData(), stream1->GetRawSize()) == 0; } case CPDF_Object::REFERENCE: return obj1->AsReference()->GetRefObjNum() == obj2->AsReference()->GetRefObjNum(); } return false; } protected: // m_ObjHolder needs to be declared first and destructed last since it also // refers to some objects in m_DirectObjs. std::unique_ptr m_ObjHolder; std::vector> m_DirectObjs; std::vector m_DirectObjTypes; std::vector> m_RefObjs; CFX_UnownedPtr m_DictObj; CFX_UnownedPtr m_StreamDictObj; CFX_UnownedPtr m_ArrayObj; std::vector m_IndirectObjs; }; TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, GetString) { const char* const direct_obj_results[] = { "false", "true", "1245", "9.00345", "A simple test", "\t\n", "space", "", "", "", ""}; // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_STREQ(direct_obj_results[i], m_DirectObjs[i]->GetString().c_str()); // Check indirect references. const char* const indirect_obj_results[] = {"true", "1245", "\t\n", "space", "", "", ""}; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RefObjs.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_STREQ(indirect_obj_results[i], m_RefObjs[i]->GetString().c_str()); } } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, GetUnicodeText) { const wchar_t* const direct_obj_results[] = { L"", L"", L"", L"", L"A simple test", L"\t\n", L"space", L"", L"", L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", L""}; // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_STREQ(direct_obj_results[i], m_DirectObjs[i]->GetUnicodeText().c_str()); } // Check indirect references. for (const auto& it : m_RefObjs) EXPECT_STREQ(L"", it->GetUnicodeText().c_str()); } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, GetNumber) { const float direct_obj_results[] = {0, 0, 1245, 9.00345f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(direct_obj_results[i], m_DirectObjs[i]->GetNumber()); // Check indirect references. const float indirect_obj_results[] = {0, 1245, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RefObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(indirect_obj_results[i], m_RefObjs[i]->GetNumber()); } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, GetInteger) { const int direct_obj_results[] = {0, 1, 1245, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(direct_obj_results[i], m_DirectObjs[i]->GetInteger()); // Check indirect references. const int indirect_obj_results[] = {1, 1245, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RefObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(indirect_obj_results[i], m_RefObjs[i]->GetInteger()); } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, GetDict) { const CPDF_Dictionary* const direct_obj_results[] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, m_DictObj.Get(), m_StreamDictObj.Get(), nullptr}; // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(direct_obj_results[i], m_DirectObjs[i]->GetDict()); // Check indirect references. const CPDF_Dictionary* const indirect_obj_results[] = {nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, m_DictObj.Get(), m_StreamDictObj.Get()}; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RefObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_TRUE(Equal(indirect_obj_results[i], m_RefObjs[i]->GetDict())); } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, GetArray) { const CPDF_Array* const direct_obj_results[] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, m_ArrayObj.Get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}; // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(direct_obj_results[i], m_DirectObjs[i]->AsArray()); // Check indirect references. for (const auto& it : m_RefObjs) EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, it->AsArray()); } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, Clone) { // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) { std::unique_ptr obj = m_DirectObjs[i]->Clone(); EXPECT_TRUE(Equal(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), obj.get())); } // Check indirect references. for (const auto& it : m_RefObjs) { std::unique_ptr obj = it->Clone(); EXPECT_TRUE(Equal(it.get(), obj.get())); } } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, GetType) { // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjTypes[i], m_DirectObjs[i]->GetType()); // Check indirect references. for (const auto& it : m_RefObjs) EXPECT_EQ(CPDF_Object::REFERENCE, it->GetType()); } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, GetDirect) { // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), m_DirectObjs[i]->GetDirect()); // Check indirect references. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RefObjs.size(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(m_IndirectObjs[i], m_RefObjs[i]->GetDirect()); } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, SetString) { // Check for direct objects. const char* const set_values[] = {"true", "fake", "3.125f", "097", "changed", "", "NewName"}; const char* const expected[] = {"true", "false", "3.125", "97", "changed", "", "NewName"}; for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(set_values); ++i) { m_DirectObjs[i]->SetString(set_values[i]); EXPECT_STREQ(expected[i], m_DirectObjs[i]->GetString().c_str()); } } TEST_F(PDFObjectsTest, IsTypeAndAsType) { // Check for direct objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DirectObjs.size(); ++i) { if (m_DirectObjTypes[i] == CPDF_Object::ARRAY) { EXPECT_TRUE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsArray()); EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), m_DirectObjs[i]->AsArray()); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsArray()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, m_DirectObjs[i]->AsArray()); } if (m_DirectObjTypes[i] == CPDF_Object::BOOLEAN) { EXPECT_TRUE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsBoolean()); EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), m_DirectObjs[i]->AsBoolean()); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsBoolean()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, m_DirectObjs[i]->AsBoolean()); } if (m_DirectObjTypes[i] == CPDF_Object::NAME) { EXPECT_TRUE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsName()); EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), m_DirectObjs[i]->AsName()); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsName()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, m_DirectObjs[i]->AsName()); } if (m_DirectObjTypes[i] == CPDF_Object::NUMBER) { EXPECT_TRUE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsNumber()); EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), m_DirectObjs[i]->AsNumber()); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsNumber()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, m_DirectObjs[i]->AsNumber()); } if (m_DirectObjTypes[i] == CPDF_Object::STRING) { EXPECT_TRUE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), m_DirectObjs[i]->AsString()); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsString()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, m_DirectObjs[i]->AsString()); } if (m_DirectObjTypes[i] == CPDF_Object::DICTIONARY) { EXPECT_TRUE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsDictionary()); EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), m_DirectObjs[i]->AsDictionary()); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsDictionary()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, m_DirectObjs[i]->AsDictionary()); } if (m_DirectObjTypes[i] == CPDF_Object::STREAM) { EXPECT_TRUE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsStream()); EXPECT_EQ(m_DirectObjs[i].get(), m_DirectObjs[i]->AsStream()); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsStream()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, m_DirectObjs[i]->AsStream()); } EXPECT_FALSE(m_DirectObjs[i]->IsReference()); EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, m_DirectObjs[i]->AsReference()); } // Check indirect references. for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RefObjs.size(); ++i) { EXPECT_TRUE(m_RefObjs[i]->IsReference()); EXPECT_EQ(m_RefObjs[i].get(), m_RefObjs[i]->AsReference()); } } TEST(PDFArrayTest, GetMatrix) { float elems[][6] = {{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {2.3f, 4.05f, 3, -2, -3, 0.0f}, {0.05f, 0.1f, 0.56f, 0.67f, 1.34f, 99.9f}}; for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(elems); ++i) { auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CFX_Matrix matrix(elems[i][0], elems[i][1], elems[i][2], elems[i][3], elems[i][4], elems[i][5]); for (size_t j = 0; j < 6; ++j) arr->AddNew(elems[i][j]); CFX_Matrix arr_matrix = arr->GetMatrix(); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.a, arr_matrix.a); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.b, arr_matrix.b); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.c, arr_matrix.c); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.d, arr_matrix.d); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.e, arr_matrix.e); EXPECT_EQ(matrix.f, arr_matrix.f); } } TEST(PDFArrayTest, GetRect) { float elems[][4] = {{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {1, 2, 5, 6}, {2.3f, 4.05f, -3, 0.0f}, {0.05f, 0.1f, 1.34f, 99.9f}}; for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(elems); ++i) { auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CFX_FloatRect rect(elems[i]); for (size_t j = 0; j < 4; ++j) arr->AddNew(elems[i][j]); CFX_FloatRect arr_rect = arr->GetRect(); EXPECT_EQ(rect.left, arr_rect.left); EXPECT_EQ(rect.right, arr_rect.right); EXPECT_EQ(rect.bottom, arr_rect.bottom); EXPECT_EQ(rect.top, arr_rect.top); } } TEST(PDFArrayTest, GetTypeAt) { { // Boolean array. const bool vals[] = {true, false, false, true, true}; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) arr->InsertNewAt(i, vals[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { TestArrayAccessors(arr.get(), i, // Array and index. vals[i] ? "true" : "false", // String value. nullptr, // Const string value. vals[i] ? 1 : 0, // Integer value. 0, // Float value. nullptr, // Array value. nullptr, // Dictionary value. nullptr); // Stream value. } } { // Integer array. const int vals[] = {10, 0, -345, 2089345456, -1000000000, 567, 93658767}; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) arr->InsertNewAt(i, vals[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { char buf[33]; TestArrayAccessors(arr.get(), i, // Array and index. FXSYS_itoa(vals[i], buf, 10), // String value. nullptr, // Const string value. vals[i], // Integer value. vals[i], // Float value. nullptr, // Array value. nullptr, // Dictionary value. nullptr); // Stream value. } } { // Float array. const float vals[] = {0.0f, 0, 10, 10.0f, 0.0345f, 897.34f, -2.5f, -1.0f, -345.0f, -0.0f}; const char* const expected_str[] = { "0", "0", "10", "10", "0.0345", "897.34", "-2.5", "-1", "-345", "0"}; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) arr->InsertNewAt(i, vals[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { TestArrayAccessors(arr.get(), i, // Array and index. expected_str[i], // String value. nullptr, // Const string value. vals[i], // Integer value. vals[i], // Float value. nullptr, // Array value. nullptr, // Dictionary value. nullptr); // Stream value. } } { // String and name array const char* const vals[] = {"this", "adsde$%^", "\r\t", "\"012", ".", "EYREW", "It is a joke :)"}; auto string_array = pdfium::MakeUnique(); auto name_array = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { string_array->InsertNewAt(i, vals[i], false); name_array->InsertNewAt(i, vals[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { TestArrayAccessors(string_array.get(), i, // Array and index. vals[i], // String value. vals[i], // Const string value. 0, // Integer value. 0, // Float value. nullptr, // Array value. nullptr, // Dictionary value. nullptr); // Stream value. TestArrayAccessors(name_array.get(), i, // Array and index. vals[i], // String value. vals[i], // Const string value. 0, // Integer value. 0, // Float value. nullptr, // Array value. nullptr, // Dictionary value. nullptr); // Stream value. } } { // Null element array. auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) arr->InsertNewAt(i); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { TestArrayAccessors(arr.get(), i, // Array and index. "", // String value. nullptr, // Const string value. 0, // Integer value. 0, // Float value. nullptr, // Array value. nullptr, // Dictionary value. nullptr); // Stream value. } } { // Array of array. CPDF_Array* vals[3]; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { vals[i] = arr->AddNew(); for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { int value = j + 100; vals[i]->InsertNewAt(i, value); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { TestArrayAccessors(arr.get(), i, // Array and index. "", // String value. nullptr, // Const string value. 0, // Integer value. 0, // Float value. vals[i], // Array value. nullptr, // Dictionary value. nullptr); // Stream value. } } { // Dictionary array. CPDF_Dictionary* vals[3]; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { vals[i] = arr->AddNew(); for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { std::string key("key"); char buf[33]; key.append(FXSYS_itoa(j, buf, 10)); int value = j + 200; vals[i]->SetNewFor(key.c_str(), value); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { TestArrayAccessors(arr.get(), i, // Array and index. "", // String value. nullptr, // Const string value. 0, // Integer value. 0, // Float value. nullptr, // Array value. vals[i], // Dictionary value. nullptr); // Stream value. } } { // Stream array. CPDF_Dictionary* vals[3]; CPDF_Stream* stream_vals[3]; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { vals[i] = new CPDF_Dictionary(); for (size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { std::string key("key"); char buf[33]; key.append(FXSYS_itoa(j, buf, 10)); int value = j + 200; vals[i]->SetNewFor(key.c_str(), value); } uint8_t content[] = "content: this is a stream"; size_t data_size = FX_ArraySize(content); std::unique_ptr data( FX_Alloc(uint8_t, data_size)); memcpy(data.get(), content, data_size); stream_vals[i] = arr->AddNew(std::move(data), data_size, pdfium::WrapUnique(vals[i])); } for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { TestArrayAccessors(arr.get(), i, // Array and index. "", // String value. nullptr, // Const string value. 0, // Integer value. 0, // Float value. nullptr, // Array value. vals[i], // Dictionary value. stream_vals[i]); // Stream value. } } { // Mixed array. auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); arr->InsertNewAt(0, true); arr->InsertNewAt(1, false); arr->InsertNewAt(2, 0); arr->InsertNewAt(3, -1234); arr->InsertNewAt(4, 2345.0f); arr->InsertNewAt(5, 0.05f); arr->InsertNewAt(6, "", false); arr->InsertNewAt(7, "It is a test!", false); arr->InsertNewAt(8, "NAME"); arr->InsertNewAt(9, "test"); arr->InsertNewAt(10); CPDF_Array* arr_val = arr->InsertNewAt(11); arr_val->AddNew(1); arr_val->AddNew(2); CPDF_Dictionary* dict_val = arr->InsertNewAt(12); dict_val->SetNewFor("key1", "Linda", false); dict_val->SetNewFor("key2", "Zoe", false); CPDF_Dictionary* stream_dict = new CPDF_Dictionary(); stream_dict->SetNewFor("key1", "John", false); stream_dict->SetNewFor("key2", "King", false); uint8_t data[] = "A stream for test"; // The data buffer will be owned by stream object, so it needs to be // dynamically allocated. size_t buf_size = sizeof(data); std::unique_ptr buf(FX_Alloc(uint8_t, buf_size)); memcpy(buf.get(), data, buf_size); CPDF_Stream* stream_val = arr->InsertNewAt( 13, std::move(buf), buf_size, pdfium::WrapUnique(stream_dict)); const char* const expected_str[] = { "true", "false", "0", "-1234", "2345", "0.05", "", "It is a test!", "NAME", "test", "", "", "", ""}; const int expected_int[] = {1, 0, 0, -1234, 2345, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; const float expected_float[] = {0, 0, 0, -1234, 2345, 0.05f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < arr->GetCount(); ++i) { EXPECT_STREQ(expected_str[i], arr->GetStringAt(i).c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(expected_int[i], arr->GetIntegerAt(i)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_float[i], arr->GetNumberAt(i)); EXPECT_EQ(expected_float[i], arr->GetFloatAt(i)); if (i == 11) EXPECT_EQ(arr_val, arr->GetArrayAt(i)); else EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, arr->GetArrayAt(i)); if (i == 13) { EXPECT_EQ(stream_dict, arr->GetDictAt(i)); EXPECT_EQ(stream_val, arr->GetStreamAt(i)); } else { EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, arr->GetStreamAt(i)); if (i == 12) EXPECT_EQ(dict_val, arr->GetDictAt(i)); else EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, arr->GetDictAt(i)); } } } } TEST(PDFArrayTest, AddNumber) { float vals[] = {1.0f, -1.0f, 0, 0.456734f, 12345.54321f, 0.5f, 1000, 0.000045f}; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) arr->AddNew(vals[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(CPDF_Object::NUMBER, arr->GetObjectAt(i)->GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(vals[i], arr->GetObjectAt(i)->GetNumber()); } } TEST(PDFArrayTest, AddInteger) { int vals[] = {0, 1, 934435456, 876, 10000, -1, -24354656, -100}; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) arr->AddNew(vals[i]); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(CPDF_Object::NUMBER, arr->GetObjectAt(i)->GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(vals[i], arr->GetObjectAt(i)->GetNumber()); } } TEST(PDFArrayTest, AddStringAndName) { static constexpr const char* vals[] = { "", "a", "ehjhRIOYTTFdfcdnv", "122323", "$#%^&**", " ", "This is a test.\r\n"}; auto string_array = pdfium::MakeUnique(); auto name_array = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { string_array->AddNew(vals[i], false); name_array->AddNew(vals[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(vals); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(CPDF_Object::STRING, string_array->GetObjectAt(i)->GetType()); EXPECT_STREQ(vals[i], string_array->GetObjectAt(i)->GetString().c_str()); EXPECT_EQ(CPDF_Object::NAME, name_array->GetObjectAt(i)->GetType()); EXPECT_STREQ(vals[i], name_array->GetObjectAt(i)->GetString().c_str()); } } TEST(PDFArrayTest, AddReferenceAndGetObjectAt) { auto holder = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CPDF_Boolean* boolean_obj = new CPDF_Boolean(true); CPDF_Number* int_obj = new CPDF_Number(-1234); CPDF_Number* float_obj = new CPDF_Number(2345.089f); CPDF_String* str_obj = new CPDF_String(nullptr, "Adsfdsf 343434 %&&*\n", false); CPDF_Name* name_obj = new CPDF_Name(nullptr, "Title:"); CPDF_Null* null_obj = new CPDF_Null(); CPDF_Object* indirect_objs[] = {boolean_obj, int_obj, float_obj, str_obj, name_obj, null_obj}; unsigned int obj_nums[] = {2, 4, 7, 2345, 799887, 1}; auto arr = pdfium::MakeUnique(); auto arr1 = pdfium::MakeUnique(); // Create two arrays of references by different AddReference() APIs. for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(indirect_objs); ++i) { holder->ReplaceIndirectObjectIfHigherGeneration( obj_nums[i], pdfium::WrapUnique(indirect_objs[i])); arr->AddNew(holder.get(), obj_nums[i]); arr1->AddNew(holder.get(), indirect_objs[i]->GetObjNum()); } // Check indirect objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(obj_nums); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(indirect_objs[i], holder->GetOrParseIndirectObject(obj_nums[i])); // Check arrays. EXPECT_EQ(arr->GetCount(), arr1->GetCount()); for (size_t i = 0; i < arr->GetCount(); ++i) { EXPECT_EQ(CPDF_Object::REFERENCE, arr->GetObjectAt(i)->GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(indirect_objs[i], arr->GetObjectAt(i)->GetDirect()); EXPECT_EQ(indirect_objs[i], arr->GetDirectObjectAt(i)); EXPECT_EQ(CPDF_Object::REFERENCE, arr1->GetObjectAt(i)->GetType()); EXPECT_EQ(indirect_objs[i], arr1->GetObjectAt(i)->GetDirect()); EXPECT_EQ(indirect_objs[i], arr1->GetDirectObjectAt(i)); } } TEST(PDFArrayTest, CloneDirectObject) { CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder objects_holder; auto array = pdfium::MakeUnique(); array->AddNew(&objects_holder, 1234); ASSERT_EQ(1U, array->GetCount()); CPDF_Object* obj = array->GetObjectAt(0); ASSERT_TRUE(obj); EXPECT_TRUE(obj->IsReference()); std::unique_ptr cloned_array_object = array->CloneDirectObject(); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_array_object); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_array_object->IsArray()); std::unique_ptr cloned_array = ToArray(std::move(cloned_array_object)); ASSERT_EQ(0U, cloned_array->GetCount()); CPDF_Object* cloned_obj = cloned_array->GetObjectAt(0); EXPECT_FALSE(cloned_obj); } TEST(PDFArrayTest, ConvertIndirect) { CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder objects_holder; auto array = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CPDF_Object* pObj = array->AddNew(42); array->ConvertToIndirectObjectAt(0, &objects_holder); CPDF_Object* pRef = array->GetObjectAt(0); CPDF_Object* pNum = array->GetDirectObjectAt(0); EXPECT_TRUE(pRef->IsReference()); EXPECT_TRUE(pNum->IsNumber()); EXPECT_NE(pObj, pRef); EXPECT_EQ(pObj, pNum); EXPECT_EQ(42, array->GetIntegerAt(0)); } TEST(PDFStreamTest, SetData) { std::vector data(100); auto stream = pdfium::MakeUnique(); stream->InitStream(data.data(), data.size(), pdfium::MakeUnique()); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(data.size()), stream->GetDict()->GetIntegerFor("Length")); stream->GetDict()->SetNewFor("Filter", L"SomeFilter"); stream->GetDict()->SetNewFor("DecodeParms", L"SomeParams"); std::vector new_data(data.size() * 2); stream->SetData(new_data.data(), new_data.size()); // The "Length" field should be updated for new data size. EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(new_data.size()), stream->GetDict()->GetIntegerFor("Length")); // The "Filter" and "DecodeParms" fields should not be changed. EXPECT_EQ(stream->GetDict()->GetUnicodeTextFor("Filter"), L"SomeFilter"); EXPECT_EQ(stream->GetDict()->GetUnicodeTextFor("DecodeParms"), L"SomeParams"); } TEST(PDFStreamTest, SetDataAndRemoveFilter) { std::vector data(100); auto stream = pdfium::MakeUnique(); stream->InitStream(data.data(), data.size(), pdfium::MakeUnique()); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(data.size()), stream->GetDict()->GetIntegerFor("Length")); stream->GetDict()->SetNewFor("Filter", L"SomeFilter"); stream->GetDict()->SetNewFor("DecodeParms", L"SomeParams"); std::vector new_data(data.size() * 2); stream->SetDataAndRemoveFilter(new_data.data(), new_data.size()); // The "Length" field should be updated for new data size. EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(new_data.size()), stream->GetDict()->GetIntegerFor("Length")); // The "Filter" and "DecodeParms" should be removed. EXPECT_FALSE(stream->GetDict()->KeyExist("Filter")); EXPECT_FALSE(stream->GetDict()->KeyExist("DecodeParms")); } TEST(PDFStreamTest, LengthInDictionaryOnCreate) { static constexpr uint32_t kBufSize = 100; // The length field should be created on stream create. { std::unique_ptr data; data.reset(FX_Alloc(uint8_t, kBufSize)); auto stream = pdfium::MakeUnique( std::move(data), kBufSize, pdfium::MakeUnique()); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(kBufSize), stream->GetDict()->GetIntegerFor("Length")); } // The length field should be corrected on stream create. { std::unique_ptr data; data.reset(FX_Alloc(uint8_t, kBufSize)); auto dict = pdfium::MakeUnique(); dict->SetNewFor("Length", 30000); auto stream = pdfium::MakeUnique(std::move(data), kBufSize, std::move(dict)); EXPECT_EQ(static_cast(kBufSize), stream->GetDict()->GetIntegerFor("Length")); } } TEST(PDFDictionaryTest, CloneDirectObject) { CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder objects_holder; auto dict = pdfium::MakeUnique(); dict->SetNewFor("foo", &objects_holder, 1234); ASSERT_EQ(1U, dict->GetCount()); CPDF_Object* obj = dict->GetObjectFor("foo"); ASSERT_TRUE(obj); EXPECT_TRUE(obj->IsReference()); std::unique_ptr cloned_dict_object = dict->CloneDirectObject(); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_dict_object); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_dict_object->IsDictionary()); std::unique_ptr cloned_dict = ToDictionary(std::move(cloned_dict_object)); ASSERT_EQ(0U, cloned_dict->GetCount()); CPDF_Object* cloned_obj = cloned_dict->GetObjectFor("foo"); EXPECT_FALSE(cloned_obj); } TEST(PDFObjectTest, CloneCheckLoop) { { // Create a dictionary/array pair with a reference loop. It takes // some work to do this nowadays, in particular we need the // anti-pattern pdfium::WrapUnique(arr.get()). auto arr_obj = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CPDF_Dictionary* dict_obj = arr_obj->InsertNewAt(0); dict_obj->SetFor("arr", pdfium::WrapUnique(arr_obj.get())); // Clone this object to see whether stack overflow will be triggered. std::unique_ptr cloned_array = ToArray(arr_obj->Clone()); // Cloned object should be the same as the original. ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_array); EXPECT_EQ(1u, cloned_array->GetCount()); CPDF_Object* cloned_dict = cloned_array->GetObjectAt(0); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_dict); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_dict->IsDictionary()); // Recursively referenced object is not cloned. EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, cloned_dict->AsDictionary()->GetObjectFor("arr")); } { // Create a dictionary/stream pair with a reference loop. It takes // some work to do this nowadays, in particular we need the // anti-pattern pdfium::WrapUnique(dict.get()). auto dict_obj = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CPDF_Stream* stream_obj = dict_obj->SetNewFor( "stream", nullptr, 0, pdfium::WrapUnique(dict_obj.get())); // Clone this object to see whether stack overflow will be triggered. std::unique_ptr cloned_stream = ToStream(stream_obj->Clone()); // Cloned object should be the same as the original. ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_stream); CPDF_Object* cloned_dict = cloned_stream->GetDict(); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_dict); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_dict->IsDictionary()); // Recursively referenced object is not cloned. EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, cloned_dict->AsDictionary()->GetObjectFor("stream")); } { CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder objects_holder; // Create an object with a reference loop. CPDF_Dictionary* dict_obj = objects_holder.NewIndirect(); std::unique_ptr arr_obj = pdfium::MakeUnique(); arr_obj->InsertNewAt(0, &objects_holder, dict_obj->GetObjNum()); CPDF_Object* elem0 = arr_obj->GetObjectAt(0); dict_obj->SetFor("arr", std::move(arr_obj)); EXPECT_EQ(1u, dict_obj->GetObjNum()); ASSERT_TRUE(elem0); ASSERT_TRUE(elem0->IsReference()); EXPECT_EQ(1u, elem0->AsReference()->GetRefObjNum()); EXPECT_EQ(dict_obj, elem0->AsReference()->GetDirect()); // Clone this object to see whether stack overflow will be triggered. std::unique_ptr cloned_dict = ToDictionary(dict_obj->CloneDirectObject()); // Cloned object should be the same as the original. ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_dict); CPDF_Object* cloned_arr = cloned_dict->GetObjectFor("arr"); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_arr); ASSERT_TRUE(cloned_arr->IsArray()); EXPECT_EQ(0U, cloned_arr->AsArray()->GetCount()); // Recursively referenced object is not cloned. EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, cloned_arr->AsArray()->GetObjectAt(0)); } } TEST(PDFDictionaryTest, ConvertIndirect) { CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder objects_holder; auto dict = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CPDF_Object* pObj = dict->SetNewFor("clams", 42); dict->ConvertToIndirectObjectFor("clams", &objects_holder); CPDF_Object* pRef = dict->GetObjectFor("clams"); CPDF_Object* pNum = dict->GetDirectObjectFor("clams"); EXPECT_TRUE(pRef->IsReference()); EXPECT_TRUE(pNum->IsNumber()); EXPECT_NE(pObj, pRef); EXPECT_EQ(pObj, pNum); EXPECT_EQ(42, dict->GetIntegerFor("clams")); } TEST(PDFDictionaryTest, ExtractObjectOnRemove) { auto dict = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CPDF_Object* pObj = dict->SetNewFor("child", 42); auto extracted_object = dict->RemoveFor("child"); EXPECT_EQ(pObj, extracted_object.get()); extracted_object = dict->RemoveFor("non_exists_object"); EXPECT_FALSE(extracted_object); }