// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_FPDFAPI_PARSER_CPDF_SECURITY_HANDLER_H_ #define CORE_FPDFAPI_PARSER_CPDF_SECURITY_HANDLER_H_ #include <memory> #include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" #define FXCIPHER_NONE 0 #define FXCIPHER_RC4 1 #define FXCIPHER_AES 2 #define FXCIPHER_AES2 3 class CPDF_Array; class CPDF_CryptoHandler; class CPDF_Dictionary; class CPDF_Parser; class CPDF_SecurityHandler { public: CPDF_SecurityHandler(); ~CPDF_SecurityHandler(); bool OnInit(const CPDF_Dictionary* pEncryptDict, const CPDF_Array* pIdArray, const ByteString& password); void OnCreate(CPDF_Dictionary* pEncryptDict, const CPDF_Array* pIdArray, const ByteString& user_password, const ByteString& owner_password); void OnCreate(CPDF_Dictionary* pEncryptDict, const CPDF_Array* pIdArray, const ByteString& user_password); uint32_t GetPermissions() const; bool IsMetadataEncrypted() const; ByteString GetUserPassword(const ByteString& owner_password, int32_t key_len) const; bool CheckPassword(const ByteString& user_password, bool bOwner, uint8_t* key, int key_len); CPDF_CryptoHandler* GetCryptoHandler() const { return m_pCryptoHandler.get(); } private: bool LoadDict(const CPDF_Dictionary* pEncryptDict); bool LoadDict(const CPDF_Dictionary* pEncryptDict, int& cipher, int& key_len); bool CheckUserPassword(const ByteString& password, bool bIgnoreEncryptMeta, uint8_t* key, int32_t key_len); bool CheckOwnerPassword(const ByteString& password, uint8_t* key, int32_t key_len); bool AES256_CheckPassword(const ByteString& password, bool bOwner, uint8_t* key); void AES256_SetPassword(CPDF_Dictionary* pEncryptDict, const ByteString& password, bool bOwner, const uint8_t* key); void AES256_SetPerms(CPDF_Dictionary* pEncryptDict, uint32_t permission, bool bEncryptMetadata, const uint8_t* key); void OnCreateInternal(CPDF_Dictionary* pEncryptDict, const CPDF_Array* pIdArray, const ByteString& user_password, const ByteString& owner_password, bool bDefault); bool CheckSecurity(const ByteString& password); void InitCryptoHandler(); int m_Version; int m_Revision; ByteString m_FileId; uint32_t m_Permissions; int m_Cipher; int m_KeyLen; bool m_bOwnerUnlocked; UnownedPtr<const CPDF_Dictionary> m_pEncryptDict; std::unique_ptr<CPDF_CryptoHandler> m_pCryptoHandler; uint8_t m_EncryptKey[32]; }; #endif // CORE_FPDFAPI_PARSER_CPDF_SECURITY_HANDLER_H_