// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fpdfapi/render/cpdf_pagerendercache.h" #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_image.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/render/cpdf_imagecacheentry.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/render/cpdf_renderstatus.h" namespace { struct CacheInfo { CacheInfo(uint32_t t, CPDF_Stream* stream) : time(t), pStream(stream) {} uint32_t time; CPDF_Stream* pStream; bool operator<(const CacheInfo& other) const { return time < other.time; } }; } // namespace CPDF_PageRenderCache::CPDF_PageRenderCache(CPDF_Page* pPage) : m_pPage(pPage), m_pCurImageCacheEntry(nullptr), m_nTimeCount(0), m_nCacheSize(0), m_bCurFindCache(false) {} CPDF_PageRenderCache::~CPDF_PageRenderCache() { for (const auto& it : m_ImageCache) delete it.second; } void CPDF_PageRenderCache::CacheOptimization(int32_t dwLimitCacheSize) { if (m_nCacheSize <= (uint32_t)dwLimitCacheSize) return; size_t nCount = m_ImageCache.size(); std::vector<CacheInfo> cache_info; cache_info.reserve(nCount); for (const auto& it : m_ImageCache) { cache_info.emplace_back(it.second->GetTimeCount(), it.second->GetImage()->GetStream()); } std::sort(cache_info.begin(), cache_info.end()); // Check if time value is about to roll over and reset all entries. // The comparision is legal because uint32_t is an unsigned type. uint32_t nTimeCount = m_nTimeCount; if (nTimeCount + 1 < nTimeCount) { for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++) m_ImageCache[cache_info[i].pStream]->m_dwTimeCount = i; m_nTimeCount = nCount; } size_t i = 0; while (i + 15 < nCount) ClearImageCacheEntry(cache_info[i++].pStream); while (i < nCount && m_nCacheSize > (uint32_t)dwLimitCacheSize) ClearImageCacheEntry(cache_info[i++].pStream); } void CPDF_PageRenderCache::ClearImageCacheEntry(CPDF_Stream* pStream) { auto it = m_ImageCache.find(pStream); if (it == m_ImageCache.end()) return; m_nCacheSize -= it->second->EstimateSize(); delete it->second; m_ImageCache.erase(it); } bool CPDF_PageRenderCache::StartGetCachedBitmap( const CFX_RetainPtr<CPDF_Image>& pImage, bool bStdCS, uint32_t GroupFamily, bool bLoadMask, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus) { CPDF_Stream* pStream = pImage->GetStream(); const auto it = m_ImageCache.find(pStream); m_bCurFindCache = it != m_ImageCache.end(); if (m_bCurFindCache) { m_pCurImageCacheEntry = it->second; } else { m_pCurImageCacheEntry = new CPDF_ImageCacheEntry(m_pPage->m_pDocument.Get(), pImage); } int ret = m_pCurImageCacheEntry->StartGetCachedBitmap( pRenderStatus->m_pFormResource.Get(), m_pPage->m_pPageResources.Get(), bStdCS, GroupFamily, bLoadMask, pRenderStatus); if (ret == 2) return true; m_nTimeCount++; if (!m_bCurFindCache) m_ImageCache[pStream] = m_pCurImageCacheEntry; if (!ret) m_nCacheSize += m_pCurImageCacheEntry->EstimateSize(); return false; } bool CPDF_PageRenderCache::Continue(IFX_PauseIndicator* pPause, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus) { int ret = m_pCurImageCacheEntry->Continue(pPause, pRenderStatus); if (ret == 2) return true; m_nTimeCount++; if (!m_bCurFindCache) { m_ImageCache[m_pCurImageCacheEntry->GetImage()->GetStream()] = m_pCurImageCacheEntry; } if (!ret) m_nCacheSize += m_pCurImageCacheEntry->EstimateSize(); return false; } void CPDF_PageRenderCache::ResetBitmap( const CFX_RetainPtr<CPDF_Image>& pImage, const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pBitmap) { CPDF_ImageCacheEntry* pEntry; CPDF_Stream* pStream = pImage->GetStream(); const auto it = m_ImageCache.find(pStream); if (it == m_ImageCache.end()) { if (!pBitmap) return; pEntry = new CPDF_ImageCacheEntry(m_pPage->m_pDocument.Get(), pImage); m_ImageCache[pStream] = pEntry; } else { pEntry = it->second; } m_nCacheSize -= pEntry->EstimateSize(); pEntry->Reset(pBitmap); m_nCacheSize += pEntry->EstimateSize(); }