// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_FPDFDOC_CPDF_ANNOT_H_ #define CORE_FPDFDOC_CPDF_ANNOT_H_ #include <map> #include <memory> #include "core/fxcrt/fx_coordinates.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" #include "core/fxcrt/maybe_owned.h" class CFX_RenderDevice; class CPDF_Array; class CPDF_Dictionary; class CPDF_Document; class CPDF_Form; class CPDF_Page; class CPDF_RenderContext; class CPDF_RenderOptions; class CPDF_Stream; #define ANNOTFLAG_INVISIBLE 0x0001 #define ANNOTFLAG_HIDDEN 0x0002 #define ANNOTFLAG_PRINT 0x0004 #define ANNOTFLAG_NOVIEW 0x0020 class CPDF_Annot { public: enum AppearanceMode { Normal, Rollover, Down }; enum class Subtype { UNKNOWN = 0, TEXT, LINK, FREETEXT, LINE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, POLYGON, POLYLINE, HIGHLIGHT, UNDERLINE, SQUIGGLY, STRIKEOUT, STAMP, CARET, INK, POPUP, FILEATTACHMENT, SOUND, MOVIE, WIDGET, SCREEN, PRINTERMARK, TRAPNET, WATERMARK, THREED, RICHMEDIA, XFAWIDGET }; static bool IsAnnotationHidden(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict); static CPDF_Annot::Subtype StringToAnnotSubtype(const ByteString& sSubtype); static ByteString AnnotSubtypeToString(CPDF_Annot::Subtype nSubtype); static CFX_FloatRect RectFromQuadPointsArray(const CPDF_Array* pArray, size_t nIndex); static CFX_FloatRect BoundingRectFromQuadPoints(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict); static CFX_FloatRect RectFromQuadPoints(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict, size_t nIndex); static size_t QuadPointCount(const CPDF_Array* pArray); // The second constructor does not take ownership of the dictionary. CPDF_Annot(std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Dictionary> pDict, CPDF_Document* pDocument); CPDF_Annot(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict, CPDF_Document* pDocument); ~CPDF_Annot(); CPDF_Annot::Subtype GetSubtype() const; uint32_t GetFlags() const; CFX_FloatRect GetRect() const; CPDF_Document* GetDocument() const { return m_pDocument.Get(); } CPDF_Dictionary* GetAnnotDict() const { return m_pAnnotDict.Get(); } bool DrawAppearance(CPDF_Page* pPage, CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, const CFX_Matrix& mtUser2Device, AppearanceMode mode, const CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions); bool DrawInContext(const CPDF_Page* pPage, CPDF_RenderContext* pContext, const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, AppearanceMode mode); void ClearCachedAP(); void DrawBorder(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, const CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions); CPDF_Form* GetAPForm(const CPDF_Page* pPage, AppearanceMode mode); void SetOpenState(bool bOpenState) { m_bOpenState = bOpenState; } CPDF_Annot* GetPopupAnnot() const { return m_pPopupAnnot; } void SetPopupAnnot(CPDF_Annot* pAnnot) { m_pPopupAnnot = pAnnot; } private: void Init(); void GenerateAPIfNeeded(); bool ShouldDrawAnnotation(); CFX_FloatRect RectForDrawing() const; MaybeOwned<CPDF_Dictionary> m_pAnnotDict; UnownedPtr<CPDF_Document> const m_pDocument; CPDF_Annot::Subtype m_nSubtype; std::map<CPDF_Stream*, std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Form>> m_APMap; // |m_bOpenState| is only set for popup annotations. bool m_bOpenState = false; bool m_bHasGeneratedAP; bool m_bIsTextMarkupAnnotation; // Not owned. If there is a valid pointer in |m_pPopupAnnot|, // then this annot is never a popup. CPDF_Annot* m_pPopupAnnot = nullptr; }; // Get the AP in an annotation dict for a given appearance mode. // If |eMode| is not Normal and there is not AP for that mode, falls back to // the Normal AP. CPDF_Stream* FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(const CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode eMode); // Get the AP in an annotation dict for a given appearance mode. // No fallbacks to Normal like in FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP. CPDF_Stream* FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAPNoFallback(const CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode eMode); #endif // CORE_FPDFDOC_CPDF_ANNOT_H_