// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_dest.h" #include <algorithm> #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_name.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h" namespace { // These arrays are indexed by the PDFDEST_VIEW_* constants. // Last element is a sentinel. const char* const g_sZoomModes[] = {"Unknown", "XYZ", "Fit", "FitH", "FitV", "FitR", "FitB", "FitBH", "FitBV", nullptr}; const uint8_t g_sZoomModeMaxParamCount[] = {0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 4, 0, 1, 1, 0}; static_assert(FX_ArraySize(g_sZoomModes) == FX_ArraySize(g_sZoomModeMaxParamCount), "Zoom mode count Mismatch"); } // namespace CPDF_Dest::CPDF_Dest() {} CPDF_Dest::CPDF_Dest(const CPDF_Dest& that) = default; CPDF_Dest::CPDF_Dest(CPDF_Array* pObj) : m_pObj(pObj) {} CPDF_Dest::~CPDF_Dest() {} int CPDF_Dest::GetPageIndexDeprecated(CPDF_Document* pDoc) const { CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj.Get()); if (!pArray) return 0; CPDF_Object* pPage = pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(0); if (!pPage) return 0; if (pPage->IsNumber()) return pPage->GetInteger(); if (!pPage->IsDictionary()) return 0; return pDoc->GetPageIndex(pPage->GetObjNum()); } int CPDF_Dest::GetDestPageIndex(CPDF_Document* pDoc) const { CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj.Get()); if (!pArray) return -1; CPDF_Object* pPage = pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(0); if (!pPage) return -1; if (pPage->IsNumber()) return pPage->GetInteger(); if (!pPage->IsDictionary()) return -1; return pDoc->GetPageIndex(pPage->GetObjNum()); } uint32_t CPDF_Dest::GetPageObjNum() const { CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj.Get()); if (!pArray) return 0; CPDF_Object* pPage = pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(0); if (!pPage) return 0; if (pPage->IsNumber()) return pPage->GetInteger(); if (pPage->IsDictionary()) return pPage->GetObjNum(); return 0; } int CPDF_Dest::GetZoomMode() const { CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj.Get()); if (!pArray) return 0; CPDF_Object* pObj = pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(1); if (!pObj) return 0; ByteString mode = pObj->GetString(); for (int i = 1; g_sZoomModes[i]; ++i) { if (mode == g_sZoomModes[i]) return i; } return 0; } bool CPDF_Dest::GetXYZ(bool* pHasX, bool* pHasY, bool* pHasZoom, float* pX, float* pY, float* pZoom) const { *pHasX = false; *pHasY = false; *pHasZoom = false; CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj.Get()); if (!pArray) return false; if (pArray->GetCount() < 5) return false; const CPDF_Name* xyz = ToName(pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(1)); if (!xyz || xyz->GetString() != "XYZ") return false; const CPDF_Number* numX = ToNumber(pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(2)); const CPDF_Number* numY = ToNumber(pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(3)); const CPDF_Number* numZoom = ToNumber(pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(4)); // If the value is a CPDF_Null then ToNumber will return nullptr. *pHasX = !!numX; *pHasY = !!numY; *pHasZoom = !!numZoom; if (numX) *pX = numX->GetNumber(); if (numY) *pY = numY->GetNumber(); // A zoom value of 0 is equivalent to a null value, so treat it as a null. if (numZoom) { float num = numZoom->GetNumber(); if (num == 0.0) *pHasZoom = false; else *pZoom = num; } return true; } unsigned long CPDF_Dest::GetNumParams() const { CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj.Get()); if (!pArray || pArray->GetCount() < 2) return 0; unsigned long maxParamsForFitType = g_sZoomModeMaxParamCount[GetZoomMode()]; unsigned long numParamsInArray = pArray->GetCount() - 2; return std::min(maxParamsForFitType, numParamsInArray); } float CPDF_Dest::GetParam(int index) const { CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(m_pObj.Get()); return pArray ? pArray->GetNumberAt(2 + index) : 0; } ByteString CPDF_Dest::GetRemoteName() const { return m_pObj ? m_pObj->GetString() : ByteString(); }