// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_formfield.h" #include #include #include #include "constants/form_flags.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cfdf_document.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_name.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_string.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/fpdf_parser_decode.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_defaultappearance.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_formcontrol.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_interactiveform.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_generateap.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" namespace { // TODO(thestig): Move into constants/form_flags.h. const int kFormListMultiSelect = 0x100; const int kFormComboEdit = 0x100; const int kFormRadioNoToggleOff = 0x100; const int kFormRadioUnison = 0x200; const int kFormTextMultiLine = 0x100; const int kFormTextPassword = 0x200; const int kFormTextNoScroll = 0x400; const int kFormTextComb = 0x800; bool IsUnison(CPDF_FormField* pField) { if (pField->GetType() == CPDF_FormField::kCheckBox) return true; return (pField->GetFieldFlags() & 0x2000000) != 0; } const CPDF_Object* FPDF_GetFieldAttrRecursive(const CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, const char* name, int nLevel) { static constexpr int kGetFieldMaxRecursion = 32; if (!pFieldDict || nLevel > kGetFieldMaxRecursion) return nullptr; const CPDF_Object* pAttr = pFieldDict->GetDirectObjectFor(name); if (pAttr) return pAttr; return FPDF_GetFieldAttrRecursive(pFieldDict->GetDictFor("Parent"), name, nLevel + 1); } } // namespace Optional IntToFormFieldType(int value) { if (value >= static_cast(FormFieldType::kUnknown) && value < static_cast(kFormFieldTypeCount)) { return {static_cast(value)}; } return {}; } const CPDF_Object* FPDF_GetFieldAttr(const CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, const char* name) { return FPDF_GetFieldAttrRecursive(pFieldDict, name, 0); } CPDF_Object* FPDF_GetFieldAttr(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, const char* name) { return const_cast(FPDF_GetFieldAttrRecursive( static_cast(pFieldDict), name, 0)); } WideString FPDF_GetFullName(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict) { WideString full_name; std::set visited; CPDF_Dictionary* pLevel = pFieldDict; while (pLevel) { visited.insert(pLevel); WideString short_name = pLevel->GetUnicodeTextFor("T"); if (!short_name.IsEmpty()) { if (full_name.IsEmpty()) full_name = std::move(short_name); else full_name = short_name + L"." + full_name; } pLevel = pLevel->GetDictFor("Parent"); if (pdfium::ContainsKey(visited, pLevel)) break; } return full_name; } CPDF_FormField::CPDF_FormField(CPDF_InteractiveForm* pForm, CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) : m_pForm(pForm), m_pDict(pDict) { InitFieldFlags(); } CPDF_FormField::~CPDF_FormField() {} void CPDF_FormField::InitFieldFlags() { const CPDF_Object* ft_attr = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "FT"); ByteString type_name = ft_attr ? ft_attr->GetString() : ByteString(); const CPDF_Object* ff_attr = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "Ff"); uint32_t flags = ff_attr ? ff_attr->GetInteger() : 0; if (flags & pdfium::form_flags::kReadOnly) { m_Flags |= pdfium::form_flags::kReadOnly; m_bReadOnly = true; } if (flags & pdfium::form_flags::kRequired) { m_Flags |= pdfium::form_flags::kRequired; m_bRequired = true; } if (flags & pdfium::form_flags::kNoExport) { m_Flags |= pdfium::form_flags::kNoExport; m_bNoExport = true; } if (type_name == "Btn") { if (flags & 0x8000) { m_Type = kRadioButton; if (flags & 0x4000) m_Flags |= kFormRadioNoToggleOff; if (flags & 0x2000000) m_Flags |= kFormRadioUnison; } else if (flags & 0x10000) { m_Type = kPushButton; } else { m_Type = kCheckBox; } } else if (type_name == "Tx") { if (flags & 0x100000) { m_Type = kFile; } else if (flags & 0x2000000) { m_Type = kRichText; } else { m_Type = kText; if (flags & 0x1000) m_Flags |= kFormTextMultiLine; if (flags & 0x2000) m_Flags |= kFormTextPassword; if (flags & 0x800000) m_Flags |= kFormTextNoScroll; if (flags & 0x100000) m_Flags |= kFormTextComb; } LoadDA(); } else if (type_name == "Ch") { if (flags & 0x20000) { m_Type = kComboBox; if (flags & 0x40000) m_Flags |= kFormComboEdit; } else { m_Type = kListBox; if (flags & 0x200000) m_Flags |= kFormListMultiSelect; } LoadDA(); } else if (type_name == "Sig") { m_Type = kSign; } } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetFullName() const { return FPDF_GetFullName(m_pDict.Get()); } bool CPDF_FormField::ResetField(NotificationOption notify) { switch (m_Type) { case kCheckBox: case kRadioButton: { int iCount = CountControls(); // TODO(weili): Check whether anything special needs to be done for // unison field. (When IsUnison(this) returns true/false.) for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { CheckControl(i, GetControl(i)->IsDefaultChecked(), NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); } if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && m_pForm->GetFormNotify()) m_pForm->GetFormNotify()->AfterCheckedStatusChange(this); break; } case kComboBox: case kListBox: { ClearSelection(NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); WideString csValue; int iIndex = GetDefaultSelectedItem(); if (iIndex >= 0) csValue = GetOptionLabel(iIndex); if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && !NotifyListOrComboBoxBeforeChange(csValue)) { return false; } SetItemSelection(iIndex, true, NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify) NotifyListOrComboBoxAfterChange(); break; } case kText: case kRichText: case kFile: default: { const CPDF_Object* pDV = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "DV"); WideString csDValue; if (pDV) csDValue = pDV->GetUnicodeText(); const CPDF_Object* pV = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "V"); WideString csValue; if (pV) csValue = pV->GetUnicodeText(); const CPDF_Object* pRV = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "RV"); if (!pRV && (csDValue == csValue)) return false; if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && !NotifyBeforeValueChange(csDValue)) { return false; } if (pDV) { std::unique_ptr pClone = pDV->Clone(); if (!pClone) return false; m_pDict->SetFor("V", std::move(pClone)); if (pRV) m_pDict->SetFor("RV", pDV->Clone()); } else { m_pDict->RemoveFor("V"); m_pDict->RemoveFor("RV"); } if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify) NotifyAfterValueChange(); break; } } return true; } int CPDF_FormField::CountControls() const { return pdfium::CollectionSize(m_ControlList); } int CPDF_FormField::GetControlIndex(const CPDF_FormControl* pControl) const { if (!pControl) return -1; auto it = std::find(m_ControlList.begin(), m_ControlList.end(), pControl); return it != m_ControlList.end() ? it - m_ControlList.begin() : -1; } FormFieldType CPDF_FormField::GetFieldType() const { switch (m_Type) { case kPushButton: return FormFieldType::kPushButton; case kCheckBox: return FormFieldType::kCheckBox; case kRadioButton: return FormFieldType::kRadioButton; case kComboBox: return FormFieldType::kComboBox; case kListBox: return FormFieldType::kListBox; case kText: case kRichText: case kFile: return FormFieldType::kTextField; case kSign: return FormFieldType::kSignature; default: return FormFieldType::kUnknown; } } CPDF_AAction CPDF_FormField::GetAdditionalAction() const { const CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "AA"); return CPDF_AAction(pObj ? pObj->GetDict() : nullptr); } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetAlternateName() const { const CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "TU"); return pObj ? pObj->GetUnicodeText() : L""; } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetMappingName() const { const CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "TM"); return pObj ? pObj->GetUnicodeText() : L""; } uint32_t CPDF_FormField::GetFieldFlags() const { const CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "Ff"); return pObj ? pObj->GetInteger() : 0; } ByteString CPDF_FormField::GetDefaultStyle() const { const CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "DS"); return pObj ? pObj->GetString() : ""; } void CPDF_FormField::SetOpt(std::unique_ptr pOpt) { m_pDict->SetFor("Opt", std::move(pOpt)); } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetValue(bool bDefault) const { if (GetType() == kCheckBox || GetType() == kRadioButton) return GetCheckValue(bDefault); const CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), bDefault ? "DV" : "V"); if (!pValue) { if (!bDefault) { if (m_Type == kRichText) pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "V"); if (!pValue && m_Type != kText) pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "DV"); } if (!pValue) return WideString(); } switch (pValue->GetType()) { case CPDF_Object::STRING: case CPDF_Object::STREAM: return pValue->GetUnicodeText(); case CPDF_Object::ARRAY: pValue = pValue->AsArray()->GetDirectObjectAt(0); if (pValue) return pValue->GetUnicodeText(); break; default: break; } return WideString(); } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetValue() const { return GetValue(false); } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetDefaultValue() const { return GetValue(true); } bool CPDF_FormField::SetValue(const WideString& value, bool bDefault, NotificationOption notify) { switch (m_Type) { case kCheckBox: case kRadioButton: { SetCheckValue(value, bDefault, notify); return true; } case kFile: case kRichText: case kText: case kComboBox: { WideString csValue = value; if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && !NotifyBeforeValueChange(csValue)) { return false; } ByteString key(bDefault ? "DV" : "V"); int iIndex = FindOptionValue(csValue); if (iIndex < 0) { ByteString bsEncodeText = PDF_EncodeText(csValue); m_pDict->SetNewFor(key, bsEncodeText, false); if (m_Type == kRichText && !bDefault) m_pDict->SetNewFor("RV", bsEncodeText, false); m_pDict->RemoveFor("I"); } else { m_pDict->SetNewFor(key, PDF_EncodeText(csValue), false); if (!bDefault) { ClearSelection(NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); SetItemSelection(iIndex, true, NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); } } if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify) NotifyAfterValueChange(); break; } case kListBox: { int iIndex = FindOptionValue(value); if (iIndex < 0) return false; if (bDefault && iIndex == GetDefaultSelectedItem()) return false; if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && !NotifyBeforeSelectionChange(value)) { return false; } if (!bDefault) { ClearSelection(NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); SetItemSelection(iIndex, true, NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); } if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify) NotifyAfterSelectionChange(); break; } default: break; } return true; } bool CPDF_FormField::SetValue(const WideString& value, NotificationOption notify) { return SetValue(value, false, notify); } int CPDF_FormField::GetMaxLen() const { if (const CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "MaxLen")) return pObj->GetInteger(); for (auto& pControl : m_ControlList) { if (!pControl) continue; CPDF_Dictionary* pWidgetDict = pControl->GetWidget(); if (pWidgetDict->KeyExist("MaxLen")) return pWidgetDict->GetIntegerFor("MaxLen"); } return 0; } int CPDF_FormField::CountSelectedItems() const { const CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "V"); if (!pValue) { pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "I"); if (!pValue) return 0; } if (pValue->IsString() || pValue->IsNumber()) return pValue->GetString().IsEmpty() ? 0 : 1; const CPDF_Array* pArray = pValue->AsArray(); return pArray ? pArray->size() : 0; } int CPDF_FormField::GetSelectedIndex(int index) const { const CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "V"); if (!pValue) { pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "I"); if (!pValue) return -1; } if (pValue->IsNumber()) return pValue->GetInteger(); WideString sel_value; if (pValue->IsString()) { if (index != 0) return -1; sel_value = pValue->GetUnicodeText(); } else { const CPDF_Array* pArray = pValue->AsArray(); if (!pArray || index < 0) return -1; const CPDF_Object* elementValue = pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(index); sel_value = elementValue ? elementValue->GetUnicodeText() : WideString(); } if (index < CountSelectedOptions()) { int iOptIndex = GetSelectedOptionIndex(index); WideString csOpt = GetOptionValue(iOptIndex); if (csOpt == sel_value) return iOptIndex; } for (int i = 0; i < CountOptions(); i++) { if (sel_value == GetOptionValue(i)) return i; } return -1; } bool CPDF_FormField::ClearSelection(NotificationOption notify) { if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && m_pForm->GetFormNotify()) { WideString csValue; int iIndex = GetSelectedIndex(0); if (iIndex >= 0) csValue = GetOptionLabel(iIndex); if (!NotifyListOrComboBoxBeforeChange(csValue)) return false; } m_pDict->RemoveFor("V"); m_pDict->RemoveFor("I"); if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify) NotifyListOrComboBoxAfterChange(); return true; } bool CPDF_FormField::IsItemSelected(int index) const { ASSERT(GetType() == kComboBox || GetType() == kListBox); if (index < 0 || index >= CountOptions()) return false; if (IsOptionSelected(index)) return true; WideString opt_value = GetOptionValue(index); const CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "V"); if (!pValue) { pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "I"); if (!pValue) return false; } if (pValue->IsString()) return pValue->GetUnicodeText() == opt_value; if (pValue->IsNumber()) { if (pValue->GetString().IsEmpty()) return false; return (pValue->GetInteger() == index); } const CPDF_Array* pArray = pValue->AsArray(); if (!pArray) return false; int iPos = -1; for (int j = 0; j < CountSelectedOptions(); j++) { if (GetSelectedOptionIndex(j) == index) { iPos = j; break; } } for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(pArray->size()); i++) if (pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(i)->GetUnicodeText() == opt_value && i == iPos) { return true; } return false; } bool CPDF_FormField::SetItemSelection(int index, bool bSelected, NotificationOption notify) { ASSERT(GetType() == kComboBox || GetType() == kListBox); if (index < 0 || index >= CountOptions()) return false; WideString opt_value = GetOptionValue(index); if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && !NotifyListOrComboBoxBeforeChange(opt_value)) { return false; } if (bSelected) { if (GetType() == kListBox) { SelectOption(index, true, NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); if (!(m_Flags & kFormListMultiSelect)) { m_pDict->SetNewFor("V", PDF_EncodeText(opt_value), false); } else { CPDF_Array* pArray = m_pDict->SetNewFor("V"); for (int i = 0; i < CountOptions(); i++) { if (i == index || IsItemSelected(i)) { opt_value = GetOptionValue(i); pArray->AddNew(PDF_EncodeText(opt_value), false); } } } } else { m_pDict->SetNewFor("V", PDF_EncodeText(opt_value), false); CPDF_Array* pI = m_pDict->SetNewFor("I"); pI->AddNew(index); } } else { const CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "V"); if (pValue) { if (GetType() == kListBox) { SelectOption(index, false, NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); if (pValue->IsString()) { if (pValue->GetUnicodeText() == opt_value) m_pDict->RemoveFor("V"); } else if (pValue->IsArray()) { auto pArray = pdfium::MakeUnique(); for (int i = 0; i < CountOptions(); i++) { if (i != index && IsItemSelected(i)) { opt_value = GetOptionValue(i); pArray->AddNew(PDF_EncodeText(opt_value), false); } } if (pArray->size() > 0) m_pDict->SetFor("V", std::move(pArray)); } } else { m_pDict->RemoveFor("V"); m_pDict->RemoveFor("I"); } } } if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify) NotifyListOrComboBoxAfterChange(); return true; } bool CPDF_FormField::IsItemDefaultSelected(int index) const { ASSERT(GetType() == kComboBox || GetType() == kListBox); if (index < 0 || index >= CountOptions()) return false; int iDVIndex = GetDefaultSelectedItem(); return iDVIndex >= 0 && iDVIndex == index; } int CPDF_FormField::GetDefaultSelectedItem() const { ASSERT(GetType() == kComboBox || GetType() == kListBox); const CPDF_Object* pValue = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "DV"); if (!pValue) return -1; WideString csDV = pValue->GetUnicodeText(); if (csDV.IsEmpty()) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < CountOptions(); i++) { if (csDV == GetOptionValue(i)) return i; } return -1; } int CPDF_FormField::CountOptions() const { const CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "Opt")); return pArray ? pArray->size() : 0; } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetOptionText(int index, int sub_index) const { const CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "Opt")); if (!pArray) return WideString(); const CPDF_Object* pOption = pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(index); if (!pOption) return WideString(); if (const CPDF_Array* pOptionArray = pOption->AsArray()) pOption = pOptionArray->GetDirectObjectAt(sub_index); const CPDF_String* pString = ToString(pOption); return pString ? pString->GetUnicodeText() : WideString(); } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetOptionLabel(int index) const { return GetOptionText(index, 1); } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetOptionValue(int index) const { return GetOptionText(index, 0); } int CPDF_FormField::FindOption(WideString csOptLabel) const { for (int i = 0; i < CountOptions(); i++) { if (GetOptionValue(i) == csOptLabel) return i; } return -1; } int CPDF_FormField::FindOptionValue(const WideString& csOptValue) const { for (int i = 0; i < CountOptions(); i++) { if (GetOptionValue(i) == csOptValue) return i; } return -1; } bool CPDF_FormField::CheckControl(int iControlIndex, bool bChecked, NotificationOption notify) { ASSERT(GetType() == kCheckBox || GetType() == kRadioButton); CPDF_FormControl* pControl = GetControl(iControlIndex); if (!pControl) return false; if (!bChecked && pControl->IsChecked() == bChecked) return false; WideString csWExport = pControl->GetExportValue(); ByteString csBExport = PDF_EncodeText(csWExport); int iCount = CountControls(); bool bUnison = IsUnison(this); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { CPDF_FormControl* pCtrl = GetControl(i); if (bUnison) { WideString csEValue = pCtrl->GetExportValue(); if (csEValue == csWExport) { if (pCtrl->GetOnStateName() == pControl->GetOnStateName()) pCtrl->CheckControl(bChecked); else if (bChecked) pCtrl->CheckControl(false); } else if (bChecked) { pCtrl->CheckControl(false); } } else { if (i == iControlIndex) pCtrl->CheckControl(bChecked); else if (bChecked) pCtrl->CheckControl(false); } } const CPDF_Object* pOpt = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "Opt"); if (!ToArray(pOpt)) { if (bChecked) { m_pDict->SetNewFor("V", csBExport); } else { ByteString csV; const CPDF_Object* pV = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "V"); if (pV) csV = pV->GetString(); if (csV == csBExport) m_pDict->SetNewFor("V", "Off"); } } else if (bChecked) { m_pDict->SetNewFor("V", ByteString::Format("%d", iControlIndex)); } if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && m_pForm->GetFormNotify()) m_pForm->GetFormNotify()->AfterCheckedStatusChange(this); return true; } WideString CPDF_FormField::GetCheckValue(bool bDefault) const { ASSERT(GetType() == kCheckBox || GetType() == kRadioButton); WideString csExport = L"Off"; int iCount = CountControls(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { CPDF_FormControl* pControl = GetControl(i); bool bChecked = bDefault ? pControl->IsDefaultChecked() : pControl->IsChecked(); if (bChecked) { csExport = pControl->GetExportValue(); break; } } return csExport; } bool CPDF_FormField::SetCheckValue(const WideString& value, bool bDefault, NotificationOption notify) { ASSERT(GetType() == kCheckBox || GetType() == kRadioButton); int iCount = CountControls(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { CPDF_FormControl* pControl = GetControl(i); WideString csExport = pControl->GetExportValue(); bool val = csExport == value; if (!bDefault) { CheckControl(GetControlIndex(pControl), val, NotificationOption::kDoNotNotify); } if (val) break; } if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && m_pForm->GetFormNotify()) m_pForm->GetFormNotify()->AfterCheckedStatusChange(this); return true; } int CPDF_FormField::GetTopVisibleIndex() const { const CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "TI"); return pObj ? pObj->GetInteger() : 0; } int CPDF_FormField::CountSelectedOptions() const { const CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "I")); return pArray ? pArray->size() : 0; } int CPDF_FormField::GetSelectedOptionIndex(int index) const { const CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "I")); if (!pArray) return -1; int iCount = pArray->size(); if (iCount < 0 || index >= iCount) return -1; return pArray->GetIntegerAt(index); } bool CPDF_FormField::IsOptionSelected(int iOptIndex) const { const CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "I")); if (!pArray) return false; for (const auto& pObj : *pArray) { if (pObj->GetInteger() == iOptIndex) return true; } return false; } bool CPDF_FormField::SelectOption(int iOptIndex, bool bSelected, NotificationOption notify) { CPDF_Array* pArray = m_pDict->GetArrayFor("I"); if (!pArray) { if (!bSelected) return true; pArray = m_pDict->SetNewFor("I"); } bool bReturn = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < pArray->size(); i++) { int iFind = pArray->GetIntegerAt(i); if (iFind == iOptIndex) { if (bSelected) return true; if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && m_pForm->GetFormNotify()) { WideString csValue = GetOptionLabel(iOptIndex); if (!NotifyListOrComboBoxBeforeChange(csValue)) return false; } pArray->RemoveAt(i); bReturn = true; break; } if (iFind > iOptIndex) { if (!bSelected) continue; if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify && m_pForm->GetFormNotify()) { WideString csValue = GetOptionLabel(iOptIndex); if (!NotifyListOrComboBoxBeforeChange(csValue)) return false; } pArray->InsertNewAt(i, iOptIndex); bReturn = true; break; } } if (!bReturn) { if (bSelected) pArray->AddNew(iOptIndex); if (pArray->IsEmpty()) m_pDict->RemoveFor("I"); } if (notify == NotificationOption::kNotify) NotifyListOrComboBoxAfterChange(); return true; } void CPDF_FormField::LoadDA() { CPDF_Dictionary* pFormDict = m_pForm->GetFormDict(); if (!pFormDict) return; ByteString DA; if (const CPDF_Object* pObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(m_pDict.Get(), "DA")) DA = pObj->GetString(); if (DA.IsEmpty()) DA = pFormDict->GetStringFor("DA"); if (DA.IsEmpty()) return; CPDF_Dictionary* pDR = pFormDict->GetDictFor("DR"); if (!pDR) return; CPDF_Dictionary* pFont = pDR->GetDictFor("Font"); if (!pFont) return; CPDF_DefaultAppearance appearance(DA); Optional font_name = appearance.GetFont(&m_FontSize); if (!font_name) return; CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict = pFont->GetDictFor(*font_name); if (!pFontDict) return; m_pFont = m_pForm->GetDocument()->LoadFont(pFontDict); } bool CPDF_FormField::NotifyBeforeSelectionChange(const WideString& value) { auto* pNotify = m_pForm->GetFormNotify(); return !pNotify || pNotify->BeforeSelectionChange(this, value); } void CPDF_FormField::NotifyAfterSelectionChange() { auto* pNotify = m_pForm->GetFormNotify(); if (pNotify) pNotify->AfterSelectionChange(this); } bool CPDF_FormField::NotifyBeforeValueChange(const WideString& value) { auto* pNotify = m_pForm->GetFormNotify(); return !pNotify || pNotify->BeforeValueChange(this, value); } void CPDF_FormField::NotifyAfterValueChange() { auto* pNotify = m_pForm->GetFormNotify(); if (pNotify) pNotify->AfterValueChange(this); } bool CPDF_FormField::NotifyListOrComboBoxBeforeChange(const WideString& value) { switch (GetType()) { case kListBox: return NotifyBeforeSelectionChange(value); case kComboBox: return NotifyBeforeValueChange(value); default: return true; } } void CPDF_FormField::NotifyListOrComboBoxAfterChange() { switch (GetType()) { case kListBox: NotifyAfterSelectionChange(); break; case kComboBox: NotifyAfterValueChange(); break; default: break; } }