// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_FPDFDOC_CPDF_FORMFIELD_H_ #define CORE_FPDFDOC_CPDF_FORMFIELD_H_ #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_aaction.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_formfield.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_basic.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" #define FIELDTYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define FIELDTYPE_PUSHBUTTON 1 #define FIELDTYPE_CHECKBOX 2 #define FIELDTYPE_RADIOBUTTON 3 #define FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX 4 #define FIELDTYPE_LISTBOX 5 #define FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD 6 #define FIELDTYPE_SIGNATURE 7 class CPDF_Dictionary; class CPDF_Font; class CPDF_FormControl; class CPDF_InterForm; class CPDF_String; CPDF_Object* FPDF_GetFieldAttr(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, const FX_CHAR* name, int nLevel = 0); CFX_WideString FPDF_GetFullName(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict); class CPDF_FormField { public: enum Type { Unknown, PushButton, RadioButton, CheckBox, Text, RichText, File, ListBox, ComboBox, Sign }; CFX_WideString GetFullName() const; Type GetType() const { return m_Type; } uint32_t GetFlags() const { return m_Flags; } CPDF_Dictionary* GetFieldDict() const { return m_pDict; } void SetFieldDict(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) { m_pDict = pDict; } FX_BOOL ResetField(FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); int CountControls() const { return m_ControlList.GetSize(); } CPDF_FormControl* GetControl(int index) const { return m_ControlList.GetAt(index); } int GetControlIndex(const CPDF_FormControl* pControl) const; int GetFieldType() const; CPDF_AAction GetAdditionalAction() const; CFX_WideString GetAlternateName() const; CFX_WideString GetMappingName() const; uint32_t GetFieldFlags() const; CFX_ByteString GetDefaultStyle() const; CFX_WideString GetRichTextString() const; CFX_WideString GetValue() const; CFX_WideString GetDefaultValue() const; FX_BOOL SetValue(const CFX_WideString& value, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); int GetMaxLen() const; int CountSelectedItems() const; int GetSelectedIndex(int index) const; FX_BOOL ClearSelection(FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); FX_BOOL IsItemSelected(int index) const; FX_BOOL SetItemSelection(int index, FX_BOOL bSelected, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); FX_BOOL IsItemDefaultSelected(int index) const; int GetDefaultSelectedItem() const; int CountOptions() const; CFX_WideString GetOptionLabel(int index) const; CFX_WideString GetOptionValue(int index) const; int FindOption(CFX_WideString csOptLabel) const; int FindOptionValue(const CFX_WideString& csOptValue) const; FX_BOOL CheckControl(int iControlIndex, bool bChecked, bool bNotify = false); int GetTopVisibleIndex() const; int CountSelectedOptions() const; int GetSelectedOptionIndex(int index) const; FX_BOOL IsOptionSelected(int iOptIndex) const; FX_BOOL SelectOption(int iOptIndex, FX_BOOL bSelected, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); FX_BOOL ClearSelectedOptions(FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA FX_BOOL ClearOptions(FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); int InsertOption(CFX_WideString csOptLabel, int index = -1, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA FX_FLOAT GetFontSize() const { return m_FontSize; } CPDF_Font* GetFont() const { return m_pFont; } private: friend class CPDF_InterForm; friend class CPDF_FormControl; CPDF_FormField(CPDF_InterForm* pForm, CPDF_Dictionary* pDict); ~CPDF_FormField(); CFX_WideString GetValue(FX_BOOL bDefault) const; FX_BOOL SetValue(const CFX_WideString& value, FX_BOOL bDefault, FX_BOOL bNotify); void SyncFieldFlags(); int FindListSel(CPDF_String* str); CFX_WideString GetOptionText(int index, int sub_index) const; void LoadDA(); CFX_WideString GetCheckValue(FX_BOOL bDefault) const; FX_BOOL SetCheckValue(const CFX_WideString& value, FX_BOOL bDefault, FX_BOOL bNotify); bool NotifyBeforeSelectionChange(const CFX_WideString& value); void NotifyAfterSelectionChange(); bool NotifyBeforeValueChange(const CFX_WideString& value); void NotifyAfterValueChange(); bool NotifyListOrComboBoxBeforeChange(const CFX_WideString& value); void NotifyListOrComboBoxAfterChange(); CPDF_FormField::Type m_Type; uint32_t m_Flags; CPDF_InterForm* m_pForm; CPDF_Dictionary* m_pDict; CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDF_FormControl*> m_ControlList; FX_FLOAT m_FontSize; CPDF_Font* m_pFont; }; #endif // CORE_FPDFDOC_CPDF_FORMFIELD_H_