// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fpdfdoc/csection.h" #include <algorithm> #include "core/fpdfdoc/cline.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_wordinfo.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" CSection::CSection(CPDF_VariableText* pVT) : m_pVT(pVT) {} CSection::~CSection() { ResetAll(); } void CSection::ResetAll() { ResetWordArray(); ResetLineArray(); } void CSection::ResetLineArray() { m_LineArray.clear(); } void CSection::ResetWordArray() { for (int32_t i = 0, sz = m_WordArray.GetSize(); i < sz; i++) delete m_WordArray.GetAt(i); m_WordArray.RemoveAll(); } void CSection::ResetLinePlace() { int32_t i = 0; for (auto& pLine : m_LineArray) { pLine->LinePlace = CPVT_WordPlace(SecPlace.nSecIndex, i, -1); ++i; } } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::AddWord(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, const CPVT_WordInfo& wordinfo) { CPVT_WordInfo* pWord = new CPVT_WordInfo(wordinfo); int32_t nWordIndex = pdfium::clamp(place.nWordIndex, 0, m_WordArray.GetSize()); if (nWordIndex == m_WordArray.GetSize()) m_WordArray.Add(pWord); else m_WordArray.InsertAt(nWordIndex, pWord); return place; } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::AddLine(const CPVT_LineInfo& lineinfo) { m_LineArray.push_back(pdfium::MakeUnique<CLine>(lineinfo)); return CPVT_WordPlace(SecPlace.nSecIndex, m_LineArray.size() - 1, -1); } CPVT_FloatRect CSection::Rearrange() { if (m_pVT->m_nCharArray > 0) return CTypeset(this).CharArray(); return CTypeset(this).Typeset(); } CFX_SizeF CSection::GetSectionSize(float fFontSize) { return CTypeset(this).GetEditSize(fFontSize); } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::GetBeginWordPlace() const { if (m_LineArray.empty()) return SecPlace; return m_LineArray.front()->GetBeginWordPlace(); } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::GetEndWordPlace() const { if (m_LineArray.empty()) return SecPlace; return m_LineArray.back()->GetEndWordPlace(); } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::GetPrevWordPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const { if (place.nLineIndex < 0) return GetBeginWordPlace(); if (place.nLineIndex >= pdfium::CollectionSize<int32_t>(m_LineArray)) return GetEndWordPlace(); CLine* pLine = m_LineArray[place.nLineIndex].get(); if (place.nWordIndex == pLine->m_LineInfo.nBeginWordIndex) return CPVT_WordPlace(place.nSecIndex, place.nLineIndex, -1); if (place.nWordIndex >= pLine->m_LineInfo.nBeginWordIndex) return pLine->GetPrevWordPlace(place); if (!pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_LineArray, place.nLineIndex - 1)) return place; return m_LineArray[place.nLineIndex - 1]->GetEndWordPlace(); } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::GetNextWordPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const { if (place.nLineIndex < 0) return GetBeginWordPlace(); if (place.nLineIndex >= pdfium::CollectionSize<int32_t>(m_LineArray)) return GetEndWordPlace(); CLine* pLine = m_LineArray[place.nLineIndex].get(); if (place.nWordIndex < pLine->m_LineInfo.nEndWordIndex) return pLine->GetNextWordPlace(place); if (!pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_LineArray, place.nLineIndex + 1)) return place; return m_LineArray[place.nLineIndex + 1]->GetBeginWordPlace(); } void CSection::UpdateWordPlace(CPVT_WordPlace& place) const { int32_t nLeft = 0; int32_t nRight = pdfium::CollectionSize<int32_t>(m_LineArray) - 1; int32_t nMid = (nLeft + nRight) / 2; while (nLeft <= nRight) { CLine* pLine = m_LineArray[nMid].get(); if (place.nWordIndex < pLine->m_LineInfo.nBeginWordIndex) { nRight = nMid - 1; nMid = (nLeft + nRight) / 2; } else if (place.nWordIndex > pLine->m_LineInfo.nEndWordIndex) { nLeft = nMid + 1; nMid = (nLeft + nRight) / 2; } else { place.nLineIndex = nMid; return; } } } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::SearchWordPlace(const CFX_PointF& point) const { ASSERT(m_pVT); CPVT_WordPlace place = GetBeginWordPlace(); bool bUp = true; bool bDown = true; int32_t nLeft = 0; int32_t nRight = pdfium::CollectionSize<int32_t>(m_LineArray) - 1; int32_t nMid = pdfium::CollectionSize<int32_t>(m_LineArray) / 2; while (nLeft <= nRight) { CLine* pLine = m_LineArray[nMid].get(); float fTop = pLine->m_LineInfo.fLineY - pLine->m_LineInfo.fLineAscent - m_pVT->GetLineLeading(m_SecInfo); float fBottom = pLine->m_LineInfo.fLineY - pLine->m_LineInfo.fLineDescent; if (IsFloatBigger(point.y, fTop)) bUp = false; if (IsFloatSmaller(point.y, fBottom)) bDown = false; if (IsFloatSmaller(point.y, fTop)) { nRight = nMid - 1; nMid = (nLeft + nRight) / 2; continue; } if (IsFloatBigger(point.y, fBottom)) { nLeft = nMid + 1; nMid = (nLeft + nRight) / 2; continue; } place = SearchWordPlace( point.x, CPVT_WordRange(pLine->GetNextWordPlace(pLine->GetBeginWordPlace()), pLine->GetEndWordPlace())); place.nLineIndex = nMid; return place; } if (bUp) place = GetBeginWordPlace(); if (bDown) place = GetEndWordPlace(); return place; } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::SearchWordPlace( float fx, const CPVT_WordPlace& lineplace) const { if (!pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_LineArray, lineplace.nLineIndex)) return GetBeginWordPlace(); CLine* pLine = m_LineArray[lineplace.nLineIndex].get(); return SearchWordPlace( fx - m_SecInfo.rcSection.left, CPVT_WordRange(pLine->GetNextWordPlace(pLine->GetBeginWordPlace()), pLine->GetEndWordPlace())); } CPVT_WordPlace CSection::SearchWordPlace(float fx, const CPVT_WordRange& range) const { CPVT_WordPlace wordplace = range.BeginPos; wordplace.nWordIndex = -1; if (!m_pVT) { return wordplace; } int32_t nLeft = range.BeginPos.nWordIndex; int32_t nRight = range.EndPos.nWordIndex + 1; int32_t nMid = (nLeft + nRight) / 2; while (nLeft < nRight) { if (nMid == nLeft) { break; } if (nMid == nRight) { nMid--; break; } if (CPVT_WordInfo* pWord = m_WordArray.GetAt(nMid)) { if (fx > pWord->fWordX + m_pVT->GetWordWidth(*pWord) * VARIABLETEXT_HALF) { nLeft = nMid; nMid = (nLeft + nRight) / 2; continue; } else { nRight = nMid; nMid = (nLeft + nRight) / 2; continue; } } else { break; } } if (CPVT_WordInfo* pWord = m_WordArray.GetAt(nMid)) { if (fx > pWord->fWordX + m_pVT->GetWordWidth(*pWord) * VARIABLETEXT_HALF) { wordplace.nWordIndex = nMid; } } return wordplace; } void CSection::ClearLeftWords(int32_t nWordIndex) { for (int32_t i = nWordIndex; i >= 0; i--) { delete m_WordArray.GetAt(i); m_WordArray.RemoveAt(i); } } void CSection::ClearRightWords(int32_t nWordIndex) { for (int32_t i = m_WordArray.GetSize() - 1; i > nWordIndex; i--) { delete m_WordArray.GetAt(i); m_WordArray.RemoveAt(i); } } void CSection::ClearMidWords(int32_t nBeginIndex, int32_t nEndIndex) { for (int32_t i = nEndIndex; i > nBeginIndex; i--) { delete m_WordArray.GetAt(i); m_WordArray.RemoveAt(i); } } void CSection::ClearWords(const CPVT_WordRange& PlaceRange) { CPVT_WordPlace SecBeginPos = GetBeginWordPlace(); CPVT_WordPlace SecEndPos = GetEndWordPlace(); if (PlaceRange.BeginPos.WordCmp(SecBeginPos) >= 0) { if (PlaceRange.EndPos.WordCmp(SecEndPos) <= 0) { ClearMidWords(PlaceRange.BeginPos.nWordIndex, PlaceRange.EndPos.nWordIndex); } else { ClearRightWords(PlaceRange.BeginPos.nWordIndex); } } else if (PlaceRange.EndPos.WordCmp(SecEndPos) <= 0) { ClearLeftWords(PlaceRange.EndPos.nWordIndex); } else { ResetWordArray(); } } void CSection::ClearWord(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) { delete m_WordArray.GetAt(place.nWordIndex); m_WordArray.RemoveAt(place.nWordIndex); }