// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_FPDFDOC_INCLUDE_FPDF_DOC_H_ #define CORE_FPDFDOC_INCLUDE_FPDF_DOC_H_ #include <map> #include <memory> #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> #include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_dictionary.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/fpdf_parser_decode.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_annot.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_annotlist.h" #include "core/fxge/include/fx_dib.h" class CFDF_Document; class CFieldTree; class CFX_RenderDevice; class CPDF_AAction; class CPDF_Action; class CPDF_ActionFields; class CPDF_ApSettings; class CPDF_Bookmark; class CPDF_BookmarkTree; class CPDF_DefaultAppearance; class CPDF_Dest; class CPDF_DocJSActions; class CPDF_Document; class CPDF_FileSpec; class CPDF_Font; class CPDF_Form; class CPDF_FormControl; class CPDF_FormField; class CPDF_IconFit; class CPDF_Link; class CPDF_Metadata; class CPDF_OCContext; class CPDF_Page; class CPDF_PageObject; class CPDF_RenderContext; class CPDF_RenderOptions; class CXML_Element; class IPDF_FormNotify; enum class BorderStyle { SOLID, DASH, BEVELED, INSET, UNDERLINE }; class CPDF_NameTree { public: explicit CPDF_NameTree(CPDF_Dictionary* pRoot) : m_pRoot(pRoot) {} CPDF_NameTree(CPDF_Document* pDoc, const CFX_ByteString& category); CPDF_Object* LookupValue(int nIndex, CFX_ByteString& csName) const; CPDF_Object* LookupValue(const CFX_ByteString& csName) const; CPDF_Array* LookupNamedDest(CPDF_Document* pDoc, const CFX_ByteString& sName); int GetIndex(const CFX_ByteString& csName) const; size_t GetCount() const; CPDF_Dictionary* GetRoot() const { return m_pRoot; } protected: CPDF_Dictionary* m_pRoot; }; class CPDF_BookmarkTree { public: explicit CPDF_BookmarkTree(CPDF_Document* pDoc) : m_pDocument(pDoc) {} CPDF_Bookmark GetFirstChild(const CPDF_Bookmark& parent) const; CPDF_Bookmark GetNextSibling(const CPDF_Bookmark& bookmark) const; CPDF_Document* GetDocument() const { return m_pDocument; } protected: CPDF_Document* const m_pDocument; }; #define PDFBOOKMARK_ITALIC 1 #define PDFBOOKMARK_BOLD 2 class CPDF_Bookmark { public: CPDF_Bookmark() : m_pDict(nullptr) {} explicit CPDF_Bookmark(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) : m_pDict(pDict) {} CPDF_Dictionary* GetDict() const { return m_pDict; } uint32_t GetColorRef() const; uint32_t GetFontStyle() const; CFX_WideString GetTitle() const; CPDF_Dest GetDest(CPDF_Document* pDocument) const; CPDF_Action GetAction() const; protected: CPDF_Dictionary* m_pDict; }; #define PDFZOOM_XYZ 1 #define PDFZOOM_FITPAGE 2 #define PDFZOOM_FITHORZ 3 #define PDFZOOM_FITVERT 4 #define PDFZOOM_FITRECT 5 #define PDFZOOM_FITBBOX 6 #define PDFZOOM_FITBHORZ 7 #define PDFZOOM_FITBVERT 8 class CPDF_Dest { public: CPDF_Dest() : m_pObj(nullptr) {} explicit CPDF_Dest(CPDF_Object* pObj) : m_pObj(pObj) {} CPDF_Object* GetObject() const { return m_pObj; } CFX_ByteString GetRemoteName(); int GetPageIndex(CPDF_Document* pDoc); uint32_t GetPageObjNum(); int GetZoomMode(); FX_FLOAT GetParam(int index); protected: CPDF_Object* m_pObj; }; class CPDF_OCContext { public: enum UsageType { View = 0, Design, Print, Export }; CPDF_OCContext(CPDF_Document* pDoc, UsageType eUsageType); ~CPDF_OCContext(); bool CheckOCGVisible(const CPDF_Dictionary* pOCGDict); bool CheckObjectVisible(const CPDF_PageObject* pObj); protected: bool LoadOCGStateFromConfig(const CFX_ByteString& csConfig, const CPDF_Dictionary* pOCGDict) const; bool LoadOCGState(const CPDF_Dictionary* pOCGDict) const; bool GetOCGVisible(const CPDF_Dictionary* pOCGDict); bool GetOCGVE(CPDF_Array* pExpression, int nLevel); bool LoadOCMDState(const CPDF_Dictionary* pOCMDDict); CPDF_Document* const m_pDocument; const UsageType m_eUsageType; std::unordered_map<const CPDF_Dictionary*, bool> m_OCGStates; }; class CPDF_ActionFields { public: explicit CPDF_ActionFields(const CPDF_Action* pAction) : m_pAction(pAction) {} size_t GetFieldsCount() const; std::vector<CPDF_Object*> GetAllFields() const; CPDF_Object* GetField(size_t iIndex) const; protected: const CPDF_Action* const m_pAction; }; #define PDFNAMED_NEXTPAGE 1 #define PDFNAMED_PREVPAGE 2 #define PDFNAMED_FIRSTPAGE 3 #define PDFNAMED_LASTPAGE 4 #define PDFJS_MAXLENGTH 64 class CPDF_Action { public: enum ActionType { Unknown = 0, GoTo, GoToR, GoToE, Launch, Thread, URI, Sound, Movie, Hide, Named, SubmitForm, ResetForm, ImportData, JavaScript, SetOCGState, Rendition, Trans, GoTo3DView }; CPDF_Action() : m_pDict(nullptr) {} explicit CPDF_Action(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) : m_pDict(pDict) {} CPDF_Dictionary* GetDict() const { return m_pDict; } ActionType GetType() const; CPDF_Dest GetDest(CPDF_Document* pDoc) const; CFX_WideString GetFilePath() const; CFX_ByteString GetURI(CPDF_Document* pDoc) const; bool GetHideStatus() const { return m_pDict->GetBooleanBy("H", true); } CFX_ByteString GetNamedAction() const { return m_pDict->GetStringBy("N"); } uint32_t GetFlags() const { return m_pDict->GetIntegerBy("Flags"); } CFX_WideString GetJavaScript() const; size_t GetSubActionsCount() const; CPDF_Action GetSubAction(size_t iIndex) const; protected: CPDF_Dictionary* const m_pDict; }; class CPDF_AAction { public: enum AActionType { CursorEnter = 0, CursorExit, ButtonDown, ButtonUp, GetFocus, LoseFocus, PageOpen, PageClose, PageVisible, PageInvisible, OpenPage, ClosePage, KeyStroke, Format, Validate, Calculate, CloseDocument, SaveDocument, DocumentSaved, PrintDocument, DocumentPrinted }; CPDF_AAction() : m_pDict(nullptr) {} explicit CPDF_AAction(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) : m_pDict(pDict) {} FX_BOOL ActionExist(AActionType eType) const; CPDF_Action GetAction(AActionType eType) const; CPDF_Dictionary* GetDict() const { return m_pDict; } protected: CPDF_Dictionary* const m_pDict; }; class CPDF_DocJSActions { public: explicit CPDF_DocJSActions(CPDF_Document* pDoc); int CountJSActions() const; CPDF_Action GetJSAction(int index, CFX_ByteString& csName) const; CPDF_Action GetJSAction(const CFX_ByteString& csName) const; int FindJSAction(const CFX_ByteString& csName) const; CPDF_Document* GetDocument() const { return m_pDocument; } protected: CPDF_Document* const m_pDocument; }; class CPDF_FileSpec { public: CPDF_FileSpec(); explicit CPDF_FileSpec(CPDF_Object* pObj) : m_pObj(pObj) {} // Convert a platform dependent file name into pdf format. static CFX_WideString EncodeFileName(const CFX_WideStringC& filepath); // Convert a pdf file name into platform dependent format. static CFX_WideString DecodeFileName(const CFX_WideStringC& filepath); CPDF_Object* GetObj() const { return m_pObj; } bool GetFileName(CFX_WideString* wsFileName) const; // Set this file spec to refer to a file name (not a url). void SetFileName(const CFX_WideStringC& wsFileName); protected: CPDF_Object* m_pObj; }; class CPDF_LinkList { public: CPDF_LinkList(); ~CPDF_LinkList(); CPDF_Link GetLinkAtPoint(CPDF_Page* pPage, FX_FLOAT pdf_x, FX_FLOAT pdf_y, int* z_order); private: const std::vector<CPDF_Dictionary*>* GetPageLinks(CPDF_Page* pPage); void LoadPageLinks(CPDF_Page* pPage, std::vector<CPDF_Dictionary*>* pList); std::map<uint32_t, std::vector<CPDF_Dictionary*>> m_PageMap; }; class CPDF_Link { public: CPDF_Link() : m_pDict(nullptr) {} explicit CPDF_Link(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) : m_pDict(pDict) {} CPDF_Dictionary* GetDict() const { return m_pDict; } CFX_FloatRect GetRect(); CPDF_Dest GetDest(CPDF_Document* pDoc); CPDF_Action GetAction(); protected: CPDF_Dictionary* m_pDict; }; #define COLORTYPE_TRANSPARENT 0 #define COLORTYPE_GRAY 1 #define COLORTYPE_RGB 2 #define COLORTYPE_CMYK 3 class CPDF_DefaultAppearance { public: CPDF_DefaultAppearance() {} explicit CPDF_DefaultAppearance(const CFX_ByteString& csDA) : m_csDA(csDA) {} CPDF_DefaultAppearance(const CPDF_DefaultAppearance& cDA) { m_csDA = cDA.GetStr(); } CFX_ByteString GetStr() const { return m_csDA; } FX_BOOL HasFont(); CFX_ByteString GetFontString(); void GetFont(CFX_ByteString& csFontNameTag, FX_FLOAT& fFontSize); FX_BOOL HasColor(FX_BOOL bStrokingOperation = FALSE); CFX_ByteString GetColorString(FX_BOOL bStrokingOperation = FALSE); void GetColor(int& iColorType, FX_FLOAT fc[4], FX_BOOL bStrokingOperation = FALSE); void GetColor(FX_ARGB& color, int& iColorType, FX_BOOL bStrokingOperation = FALSE); FX_BOOL HasTextMatrix(); CFX_ByteString GetTextMatrixString(); CFX_Matrix GetTextMatrix(); protected: CFX_ByteString m_csDA; }; #define FIELDTYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define FIELDTYPE_PUSHBUTTON 1 #define FIELDTYPE_CHECKBOX 2 #define FIELDTYPE_RADIOBUTTON 3 #define FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX 4 #define FIELDTYPE_LISTBOX 5 #define FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD 6 #define FIELDTYPE_SIGNATURE 7 class CPDF_InterForm { public: explicit CPDF_InterForm(CPDF_Document* pDocument); ~CPDF_InterForm(); static void SetUpdateAP(FX_BOOL bUpdateAP); static FX_BOOL IsUpdateAPEnabled(); static CFX_ByteString GenerateNewResourceName(const CPDF_Dictionary* pResDict, const FX_CHAR* csType, int iMinLen = 2, const FX_CHAR* csPrefix = ""); static CPDF_Font* AddStandardFont(CPDF_Document* pDocument, CFX_ByteString csFontName); static CFX_ByteString GetNativeFont(uint8_t iCharSet, void* pLogFont = nullptr); static CFX_ByteString GetNativeFont(void* pLogFont = nullptr); static uint8_t GetNativeCharSet(); static CPDF_Font* AddNativeFont(uint8_t iCharSet, CPDF_Document* pDocument); static CPDF_Font* AddNativeFont(CPDF_Document* pDocument); FX_BOOL ValidateFieldName(CFX_WideString& csNewFieldName, int iType); FX_BOOL ValidateFieldName(const CPDF_FormField* pField, CFX_WideString& csNewFieldName); FX_BOOL ValidateFieldName(const CPDF_FormControl* pControl, CFX_WideString& csNewFieldName); uint32_t CountFields(const CFX_WideString& csFieldName = L""); CPDF_FormField* GetField(uint32_t index, const CFX_WideString& csFieldName = L""); CPDF_FormField* GetFieldByDict(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict) const; CPDF_FormControl* GetControlAtPoint(CPDF_Page* pPage, FX_FLOAT pdf_x, FX_FLOAT pdf_y, int* z_order) const; CPDF_FormControl* GetControlByDict(const CPDF_Dictionary* pWidgetDict) const; CPDF_Document* GetDocument() const { return m_pDocument; } CPDF_Dictionary* GetFormDict() const { return m_pFormDict; } FX_BOOL NeedConstructAP() const; int CountFieldsInCalculationOrder(); CPDF_FormField* GetFieldInCalculationOrder(int index); int FindFieldInCalculationOrder(const CPDF_FormField* pField); uint32_t CountFormFonts(); CPDF_Font* GetFormFont(uint32_t index, CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); CPDF_Font* GetFormFont(CFX_ByteString csNameTag); CPDF_Font* GetFormFont(CFX_ByteString csFontName, CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); CPDF_Font* GetNativeFormFont(uint8_t iCharSet, CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); CPDF_Font* GetNativeFormFont(CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); FX_BOOL FindFormFont(const CPDF_Font* pFont, CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); FX_BOOL FindFormFont(CFX_ByteString csFontName, CPDF_Font*& pFont, CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); FX_BOOL FindFormFont(CFX_WideString csFontName, CPDF_Font*& pFont, CFX_ByteString& csNameTag) { return FindFormFont(PDF_EncodeText(csFontName), pFont, csNameTag); } void AddFormFont(const CPDF_Font* pFont, CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); CPDF_Font* AddNativeFormFont(uint8_t iCharSet, CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); CPDF_Font* AddNativeFormFont(CFX_ByteString& csNameTag); void RemoveFormFont(const CPDF_Font* pFont); void RemoveFormFont(CFX_ByteString csNameTag); CPDF_DefaultAppearance GetDefaultAppearance(); CPDF_Font* GetDefaultFormFont(); int GetFormAlignment(); CPDF_FormField* CheckRequiredFields( const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>* fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude) const; CFDF_Document* ExportToFDF(const CFX_WideStringC& pdf_path, bool bSimpleFileSpec = false) const; CFDF_Document* ExportToFDF(const CFX_WideStringC& pdf_path, const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude = true, bool bSimpleFileSpec = false) const; FX_BOOL ImportFromFDF(const CFDF_Document* pFDFDoc, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); bool ResetForm(const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, bool bIncludeOrExclude = true, bool bNotify = false); bool ResetForm(bool bNotify = false); void SetFormNotify(IPDF_FormNotify* pNotify); FX_BOOL HasXFAForm() const; void FixPageFields(const CPDF_Page* pPage); protected: static FX_BOOL s_bUpdateAP; void LoadField(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, int nLevel = 0); CPDF_Object* GetFieldAttr(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, const FX_CHAR* name); CPDF_FormField* AddTerminalField(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict); CPDF_FormControl* AddControl(CPDF_FormField* pField, CPDF_Dictionary* pWidgetDict); void FDF_ImportField(CPDF_Dictionary* pField, const CFX_WideString& parent_name, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE, int nLevel = 0); FX_BOOL ValidateFieldName(CFX_WideString& csNewFieldName, int iType, const CPDF_FormField* pExcludedField, const CPDF_FormControl* pExcludedControl); int CompareFieldName(const CFX_WideString& name1, const CFX_WideString& name2); int CompareFieldName(const CFX_ByteString& name1, const CFX_ByteString& name2); CPDF_Document* const m_pDocument; CPDF_Dictionary* m_pFormDict; std::map<const CPDF_Dictionary*, CPDF_FormControl*> m_ControlMap; std::unique_ptr<CFieldTree> m_pFieldTree; CFX_ByteString m_bsEncoding; IPDF_FormNotify* m_pFormNotify; friend class CPDF_FormControl; friend class CPDF_FormField; }; #define FORMFIELD_READONLY 0x01 #define FORMFIELD_REQUIRED 0x02 #define FORMFIELD_NOEXPORT 0x04 #define FORMRADIO_NOTOGGLEOFF 0x100 #define FORMRADIO_UNISON 0x200 #define FORMTEXT_MULTILINE 0x100 #define FORMTEXT_PASSWORD 0x200 #define FORMTEXT_NOSCROLL 0x400 #define FORMTEXT_COMB 0x800 #define FORMCOMBO_EDIT 0x100 #define FORMLIST_MULTISELECT 0x100 class CPDF_FormField { public: enum Type { Unknown, PushButton, RadioButton, CheckBox, Text, RichText, File, ListBox, ComboBox, Sign }; CFX_WideString GetFullName() const; Type GetType() const { return m_Type; } uint32_t GetFlags() const { return m_Flags; } CPDF_Dictionary* GetFieldDict() const { return m_pDict; } void SetFieldDict(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) { m_pDict = pDict; } FX_BOOL ResetField(FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); int CountControls() const { return m_ControlList.GetSize(); } CPDF_FormControl* GetControl(int index) const { return m_ControlList.GetAt(index); } int GetControlIndex(const CPDF_FormControl* pControl) const; int GetFieldType() const; CPDF_AAction GetAdditionalAction() const; CFX_WideString GetAlternateName() const; CFX_WideString GetMappingName() const; uint32_t GetFieldFlags() const; CFX_ByteString GetDefaultStyle() const; CFX_WideString GetRichTextString() const; CFX_WideString GetValue() const; CFX_WideString GetDefaultValue() const; FX_BOOL SetValue(const CFX_WideString& value, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); int GetMaxLen() const; int CountSelectedItems() const; int GetSelectedIndex(int index) const; FX_BOOL ClearSelection(FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); FX_BOOL IsItemSelected(int index) const; FX_BOOL SetItemSelection(int index, FX_BOOL bSelected, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); FX_BOOL IsItemDefaultSelected(int index) const; int GetDefaultSelectedItem() const; int CountOptions() const; CFX_WideString GetOptionLabel(int index) const; CFX_WideString GetOptionValue(int index) const; int FindOption(CFX_WideString csOptLabel) const; int FindOptionValue(const CFX_WideString& csOptValue) const; FX_BOOL CheckControl(int iControlIndex, bool bChecked, bool bNotify = false); int GetTopVisibleIndex() const; int CountSelectedOptions() const; int GetSelectedOptionIndex(int index) const; FX_BOOL IsOptionSelected(int iOptIndex) const; FX_BOOL SelectOption(int iOptIndex, FX_BOOL bSelected, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); FX_BOOL ClearSelectedOptions(FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA FX_BOOL ClearOptions(FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); int InsertOption(CFX_WideString csOptLabel, int index = -1, FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA FX_FLOAT GetFontSize() const { return m_FontSize; } CPDF_Font* GetFont() const { return m_pFont; } protected: CPDF_FormField(CPDF_InterForm* pForm, CPDF_Dictionary* pDict); ~CPDF_FormField(); CFX_WideString GetValue(FX_BOOL bDefault) const; FX_BOOL SetValue(const CFX_WideString& value, FX_BOOL bDefault, FX_BOOL bNotify); void SyncFieldFlags(); int FindListSel(CPDF_String* str); CFX_WideString GetOptionText(int index, int sub_index) const; void LoadDA(); CFX_WideString GetCheckValue(FX_BOOL bDefault) const; FX_BOOL SetCheckValue(const CFX_WideString& value, FX_BOOL bDefault, FX_BOOL bNotify); bool NotifyBeforeSelectionChange(const CFX_WideString& value); void NotifyAfterSelectionChange(); bool NotifyBeforeValueChange(const CFX_WideString& value); void NotifyAfterValueChange(); bool NotifyListOrComboBoxBeforeChange(const CFX_WideString& value); void NotifyListOrComboBoxAfterChange(); CPDF_FormField::Type m_Type; uint32_t m_Flags; CPDF_InterForm* m_pForm; CPDF_Dictionary* m_pDict; CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDF_FormControl*> m_ControlList; FX_FLOAT m_FontSize; CPDF_Font* m_pFont; friend class CPDF_InterForm; friend class CPDF_FormControl; }; CPDF_Object* FPDF_GetFieldAttr(CPDF_Dictionary* pFieldDict, const FX_CHAR* name, int nLevel = 0); class CPDF_IconFit { public: enum ScaleMethod { Always = 0, Bigger, Smaller, Never }; explicit CPDF_IconFit(const CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) : m_pDict(pDict) {} ScaleMethod GetScaleMethod(); FX_BOOL IsProportionalScale(); void GetIconPosition(FX_FLOAT& fLeft, FX_FLOAT& fBottom); bool GetFittingBounds(); const CPDF_Dictionary* GetDict() const { return m_pDict; } protected: const CPDF_Dictionary* const m_pDict; }; #define TEXTPOS_CAPTION 0 #define TEXTPOS_ICON 1 #define TEXTPOS_BELOW 2 #define TEXTPOS_ABOVE 3 #define TEXTPOS_RIGHT 4 #define TEXTPOS_LEFT 5 #define TEXTPOS_OVERLAID 6 class CPDF_FormControl { public: enum HighlightingMode { None = 0, Invert, Outline, Push, Toggle }; CPDF_FormField::Type GetType() const { return m_pField->GetType(); } CPDF_InterForm* GetInterForm() const { return m_pForm; } CPDF_FormField* GetField() const { return m_pField; } CPDF_Dictionary* GetWidget() const { return m_pWidgetDict; } CFX_FloatRect GetRect() const { return m_pWidgetDict->GetRectBy("Rect"); } void DrawControl(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CFX_Matrix* pMatrix, CPDF_Page* pPage, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode mode, const CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions = nullptr); CFX_ByteString GetCheckedAPState(); CFX_WideString GetExportValue() const; bool IsChecked() const; bool IsDefaultChecked() const; HighlightingMode GetHighlightingMode(); bool HasMKEntry(const CFX_ByteString& csEntry) const; int GetRotation(); FX_ARGB GetBorderColor(int& iColorType) { return GetColor(iColorType, "BC"); } FX_FLOAT GetOriginalBorderColor(int index) { return GetOriginalColor(index, "BC"); } void GetOriginalBorderColor(int& iColorType, FX_FLOAT fc[4]) { GetOriginalColor(iColorType, fc, "BC"); } FX_ARGB GetBackgroundColor(int& iColorType) { return GetColor(iColorType, "BG"); } FX_FLOAT GetOriginalBackgroundColor(int index) { return GetOriginalColor(index, "BG"); } void GetOriginalBackgroundColor(int& iColorType, FX_FLOAT fc[4]) { GetOriginalColor(iColorType, fc, "BG"); } CFX_WideString GetNormalCaption() { return GetCaption("CA"); } CFX_WideString GetRolloverCaption() { return GetCaption("RC"); } CFX_WideString GetDownCaption() { return GetCaption("AC"); } CPDF_Stream* GetNormalIcon() { return GetIcon("I"); } CPDF_Stream* GetRolloverIcon() { return GetIcon("RI"); } CPDF_Stream* GetDownIcon() { return GetIcon("IX"); } CPDF_IconFit GetIconFit(); int GetTextPosition(); CPDF_Action GetAction(); CPDF_AAction GetAdditionalAction(); CPDF_DefaultAppearance GetDefaultAppearance(); CPDF_Font* GetDefaultControlFont(); int GetControlAlignment(); protected: CPDF_FormControl(CPDF_FormField* pField, CPDF_Dictionary* pWidgetDict); CFX_ByteString GetOnStateName() const; void SetOnStateName(const CFX_ByteString& csOn); void CheckControl(FX_BOOL bChecked); FX_ARGB GetColor(int& iColorType, const CFX_ByteString& csEntry); FX_FLOAT GetOriginalColor(int index, const CFX_ByteString& csEntry); void GetOriginalColor(int& iColorType, FX_FLOAT fc[4], const CFX_ByteString& csEntry); CFX_WideString GetCaption(const CFX_ByteString& csEntry); CPDF_Stream* GetIcon(const CFX_ByteString& csEntry); CPDF_ApSettings GetMK() const; CPDF_FormField* const m_pField; CPDF_Dictionary* const m_pWidgetDict; CPDF_InterForm* const m_pForm; friend class CPDF_InterForm; friend class CPDF_FormField; }; class IPDF_FormNotify { public: virtual ~IPDF_FormNotify(); virtual int BeforeValueChange(CPDF_FormField* pField, const CFX_WideString& csValue); virtual void AfterValueChange(CPDF_FormField* pField); virtual int BeforeSelectionChange(CPDF_FormField* pField, const CFX_WideString& csValue); virtual void AfterSelectionChange(CPDF_FormField* pField); virtual void AfterCheckedStatusChange(CPDF_FormField* pField); virtual int BeforeFormReset(CPDF_InterForm* pForm); virtual void AfterFormReset(CPDF_InterForm* pForm); virtual int BeforeFormImportData(CPDF_InterForm* pForm); virtual void AfterFormImportData(CPDF_InterForm* pForm); }; class CPDF_PageLabel { public: explicit CPDF_PageLabel(CPDF_Document* pDocument); CFX_WideString GetLabel(int nPage) const; int32_t GetPageByLabel(const CFX_ByteStringC& bsLabel) const; int32_t GetPageByLabel(const CFX_WideStringC& wsLabel) const; protected: CPDF_Document* const m_pDocument; }; class CPDF_Metadata { public: explicit CPDF_Metadata(CPDF_Document* pDoc); ~CPDF_Metadata(); const CXML_Element* GetRoot() const; private: std::unique_ptr<CXML_Element> m_pXmlElement; }; class CPDF_ViewerPreferences { public: explicit CPDF_ViewerPreferences(CPDF_Document* pDoc); ~CPDF_ViewerPreferences(); FX_BOOL IsDirectionR2L() const; FX_BOOL PrintScaling() const; int32_t NumCopies() const; CPDF_Array* PrintPageRange() const; CFX_ByteString Duplex() const; protected: CPDF_Dictionary* GetViewerPreferences() const; CPDF_Document* const m_pDoc; }; class CPDF_ApSettings { public: explicit CPDF_ApSettings(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict); bool HasMKEntry(const CFX_ByteString& csEntry) const; int GetRotation() const; FX_ARGB GetBorderColor(int& iColorType) const { return GetColor(iColorType, "BC"); } FX_FLOAT GetOriginalBorderColor(int index) const { return GetOriginalColor(index, "BC"); } void GetOriginalBorderColor(int& iColorType, FX_FLOAT fc[4]) const { GetOriginalColor(iColorType, fc, "BC"); } FX_ARGB GetBackgroundColor(int& iColorType) const { return GetColor(iColorType, "BG"); } FX_FLOAT GetOriginalBackgroundColor(int index) const { return GetOriginalColor(index, "BG"); } void GetOriginalBackgroundColor(int& iColorType, FX_FLOAT fc[4]) const { GetOriginalColor(iColorType, fc, "BG"); } CFX_WideString GetNormalCaption() const { return GetCaption("CA"); } CFX_WideString GetRolloverCaption() const { return GetCaption("RC"); } CFX_WideString GetDownCaption() const { return GetCaption("AC"); } CPDF_Stream* GetNormalIcon() const { return GetIcon("I"); } CPDF_Stream* GetRolloverIcon() const { return GetIcon("RI"); } CPDF_Stream* GetDownIcon() const { return GetIcon("IX"); } CPDF_IconFit GetIconFit() const; int GetTextPosition() const; protected: friend class CPDF_FormControl; FX_ARGB GetColor(int& iColorType, const CFX_ByteString& csEntry) const; FX_FLOAT GetOriginalColor(int index, const CFX_ByteString& csEntry) const; void GetOriginalColor(int& iColorType, FX_FLOAT fc[4], const CFX_ByteString& csEntry) const; CFX_WideString GetCaption(const CFX_ByteString& csEntry) const; CPDF_Stream* GetIcon(const CFX_ByteString& csEntry) const; CPDF_Dictionary* const m_pDict; }; CPDF_Stream* FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode mode); #endif // CORE_FPDFDOC_INCLUDE_FPDF_DOC_H_