// Copyright 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "core/fpdftext/fpdf_text_int.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" // Class to help test functions in CPDF_LinkExtract class. class CPDF_TestLinkExtract : public CPDF_LinkExtract { private: // Add test cases as friends to access protected member functions. // Access CheckMailLink. FRIEND_TEST(fpdf_text_int, CheckMailLink); }; TEST(fpdf_text_int, CheckMailLink) { CPDF_TestLinkExtract extractor; // Check cases that fail to extract valid mail link. const wchar_t* invalid_strs[] = { L"", L"peter.pan", // '@' is required. L"abc@server", // Domain name needs at least one '.'. L"abc.@gmail.com", // '.' can not immediately precede '@'. L"abc@xyz&q.org", // Domain name should not contain '&'. L"abc@.xyz.org", // Domain name should not start with '.'. L"fan@g..com" // Domain name should not have consecutive '.' }; for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(invalid_strs); ++i) { CFX_WideString text_str(invalid_strs[i]); EXPECT_FALSE(extractor.CheckMailLink(text_str)); } // Check cases that can extract valid mail link. // An array of {input_string, expected_extracted_email_address}. const wchar_t* valid_strs[][2] = { {L"peter@abc.d", L"peter@abc.d"}, {L"red.teddy.b@abc.com", L"red.teddy.b@abc.com"}, {L"abc_@gmail.com", L"abc_@gmail.com"}, // '_' is ok before '@'. {L"dummy-hi@gmail.com", L"dummy-hi@gmail.com"}, // '-' is ok in user name. {L"a..df@gmail.com", L"df@gmail.com"}, // Stop at consecutive '.'. {L".john@yahoo.com", L"john@yahoo.com"}, // Remove heading '.'. {L"abc@xyz.org?/", L"abc@xyz.org"}, // Trim ending invalid chars. {L"fan{abc@xyz.org", L"abc@xyz.org"}, // Trim beginning invalid chars. {L"fan@g.com..", L"fan@g.com"}, // Trim the ending periods. {L"CAP.cap@Gmail.Com", L"CAP.cap@Gmail.Com"}, // Keep the original case. }; for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(valid_strs); ++i) { CFX_WideString text_str(valid_strs[i][0]); CFX_WideString expected_str(L"mailto:"); expected_str += valid_strs[i][1]; EXPECT_TRUE(extractor.CheckMailLink(text_str)); EXPECT_STREQ(text_str.c_str(), expected_str.c_str()); } }