// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_Image.h" #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> #include <memory> #include "core/fxcrt/fx_coordinates.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_memory.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" #define JBIG2_GETDWORD(buf) \ ((static_cast<uint32_t>((buf)[0]) << 24) | \ (static_cast<uint32_t>((buf)[1]) << 16) | \ (static_cast<uint32_t>((buf)[2]) << 8) | \ (static_cast<uint32_t>((buf)[3]) << 0)) #define JBIG2_PUTDWORD(buf, val) \ ((buf)[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>((val) >> 24), \ (buf)[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>((val) >> 16), \ (buf)[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>((val) >> 8), \ (buf)[3] = static_cast<uint8_t>((val) >> 0)) #define BIT_INDEX_TO_BYTE(x) ((x) >> 3) #define BIT_INDEX_TO_ALIGNED_BYTE(x) (((x) >> 5) << 2) namespace { const int kMaxImagePixels = INT_MAX - 31; const int kMaxImageBytes = kMaxImagePixels / 8; } // namespace CJBig2_Image::CJBig2_Image(int32_t w, int32_t h) { if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || w > kMaxImagePixels) return; int32_t stride_pixels = (w + 31) & ~31; if (h > kMaxImagePixels / stride_pixels) return; m_nWidth = w; m_nHeight = h; m_nStride = stride_pixels / 8; m_pData.Reset(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, FxFreeDeleter>( FX_Alloc2D(uint8_t, m_nStride, m_nHeight))); } CJBig2_Image::CJBig2_Image(int32_t w, int32_t h, int32_t stride, uint8_t* pBuf) { if (w < 0 || h < 0) return; // Stride must be word-aligned. if (stride < 0 || stride > kMaxImageBytes || stride % 4 != 0) return; int32_t stride_pixels = 8 * stride; if (stride_pixels < w || h > kMaxImagePixels / stride_pixels) return; m_nWidth = w; m_nHeight = h; m_nStride = stride; m_pData.Reset(pBuf); } CJBig2_Image::CJBig2_Image(const CJBig2_Image& other) : m_nWidth(other.m_nWidth), m_nHeight(other.m_nHeight), m_nStride(other.m_nStride) { if (other.m_pData) { m_pData.Reset(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, FxFreeDeleter>( FX_Alloc2D(uint8_t, m_nStride, m_nHeight))); memcpy(data(), other.data(), m_nStride * m_nHeight); } } CJBig2_Image::~CJBig2_Image() {} // static bool CJBig2_Image::IsValidImageSize(int32_t w, int32_t h) { return w > 0 && w <= JBIG2_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE && h > 0 && h <= JBIG2_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE; } int CJBig2_Image::GetPixel(int32_t x, int32_t y) const { if (!m_pData) return 0; if (x < 0 || x >= m_nWidth) return 0; const uint8_t* pLine = GetLine(y); if (!pLine) return 0; int32_t m = BIT_INDEX_TO_BYTE(x); int32_t n = x & 7; return ((pLine[m] >> (7 - n)) & 1); } void CJBig2_Image::SetPixel(int32_t x, int32_t y, int v) { if (!m_pData) return; if (x < 0 || x >= m_nWidth) return; uint8_t* pLine = GetLine(y); if (!pLine) return; int32_t m = BIT_INDEX_TO_BYTE(x); int32_t n = 1 << (7 - (x & 7)); if (v) pLine[m] |= n; else pLine[m] &= ~n; } void CJBig2_Image::CopyLine(int32_t hTo, int32_t hFrom) { if (!m_pData) return; uint8_t* pDst = GetLine(hTo); if (!pDst) return; const uint8_t* pSrc = GetLine(hFrom); if (!pSrc) { memset(pDst, 0, m_nStride); return; } memcpy(pDst, pSrc, m_nStride); } void CJBig2_Image::Fill(bool v) { if (!m_pData) return; memset(data(), v ? 0xff : 0, m_nStride * m_nHeight); } bool CJBig2_Image::ComposeTo(CJBig2_Image* pDst, int32_t x, int32_t y, JBig2ComposeOp op) { return m_pData && ComposeToInternal(pDst, x, y, op, FX_RECT(0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight)); } bool CJBig2_Image::ComposeToWithRect(CJBig2_Image* pDst, int32_t x, int32_t y, const FX_RECT& rtSrc, JBig2ComposeOp op) { return m_pData && ComposeToInternal(pDst, x, y, op, rtSrc); } bool CJBig2_Image::ComposeFrom(int32_t x, int32_t y, CJBig2_Image* pSrc, JBig2ComposeOp op) { return m_pData && pSrc->ComposeTo(this, x, y, op); } bool CJBig2_Image::ComposeFromWithRect(int32_t x, int32_t y, CJBig2_Image* pSrc, const FX_RECT& rtSrc, JBig2ComposeOp op) { return m_pData && pSrc->ComposeToWithRect(this, x, y, rtSrc, op); } std::unique_ptr<CJBig2_Image> CJBig2_Image::SubImage(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h) { auto pImage = pdfium::MakeUnique<CJBig2_Image>(w, h); if (!pImage->data() || !m_pData) return pImage; if (x < 0 || x >= m_nWidth || y < 0 || y >= m_nHeight) return pImage; // Fast case when byte-aligned, normal slow case otherwise. if ((x & 7) == 0) SubImageFast(x, y, w, h, pImage.get()); else SubImageSlow(x, y, w, h, pImage.get()); return pImage; } void CJBig2_Image::SubImageFast(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, CJBig2_Image* pImage) { int32_t m = BIT_INDEX_TO_BYTE(x); int32_t bytes_to_copy = std::min(pImage->m_nStride, m_nStride - m); int32_t lines_to_copy = std::min(pImage->m_nHeight, m_nHeight - y); for (int32_t j = 0; j < lines_to_copy; j++) memcpy(pImage->GetLineUnsafe(j), GetLineUnsafe(y + j) + m, bytes_to_copy); } void CJBig2_Image::SubImageSlow(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h, CJBig2_Image* pImage) { int32_t m = BIT_INDEX_TO_ALIGNED_BYTE(x); int32_t n = x & 31; int32_t bytes_to_copy = std::min(pImage->m_nStride, m_nStride - m); int32_t lines_to_copy = std::min(pImage->m_nHeight, m_nHeight - y); for (int32_t j = 0; j < lines_to_copy; j++) { const uint8_t* pLineSrc = GetLineUnsafe(y + j); uint8_t* pLineDst = pImage->GetLineUnsafe(j); const uint8_t* pSrc = pLineSrc + m; const uint8_t* pSrcEnd = pLineSrc + m_nStride; uint8_t* pDstEnd = pLineDst + bytes_to_copy; for (uint8_t *pDst = pLineDst; pDst < pDstEnd; pSrc += 4, pDst += 4) { uint32_t wTmp = JBIG2_GETDWORD(pSrc) << n; if (pSrc + 4 < pSrcEnd) wTmp |= (JBIG2_GETDWORD(pSrc + 4) >> (32 - n)); JBIG2_PUTDWORD(pDst, wTmp); } } } void CJBig2_Image::Expand(int32_t h, bool v) { if (!m_pData || h <= m_nHeight || h > kMaxImageBytes / m_nStride) return; if (m_pData.IsOwned()) { m_pData.Reset(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, FxFreeDeleter>(FX_Realloc( uint8_t, m_pData.ReleaseAndClear().release(), h * m_nStride))); } else { uint8_t* pExternalBuffer = data(); m_pData.Reset(std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, FxFreeDeleter>( FX_Alloc(uint8_t, h * m_nStride))); memcpy(data(), pExternalBuffer, m_nHeight * m_nStride); } memset(data() + m_nHeight * m_nStride, v ? 0xff : 0, (h - m_nHeight) * m_nStride); m_nHeight = h; } bool CJBig2_Image::ComposeToInternal(CJBig2_Image* pDst, int32_t x, int32_t y, JBig2ComposeOp op, const FX_RECT& rtSrc) { ASSERT(m_pData); // TODO(weili): Check whether the range check is correct. Should x>=1048576? if (x < -1048576 || x > 1048576 || y < -1048576 || y > 1048576) return false; int32_t sw = rtSrc.Width(); int32_t sh = rtSrc.Height(); int32_t xs0 = x < 0 ? -x : 0; int32_t xs1; FX_SAFE_INT32 iChecked = pDst->m_nWidth; iChecked -= x; if (iChecked.IsValid() && sw > iChecked.ValueOrDie()) xs1 = iChecked.ValueOrDie(); else xs1 = sw; int32_t ys0 = y < 0 ? -y : 0; int32_t ys1; iChecked = pDst->m_nHeight; iChecked -= y; if (iChecked.IsValid() && sh > iChecked.ValueOrDie()) ys1 = iChecked.ValueOrDie(); else ys1 = sh; if (ys0 >= ys1 || xs0 >= xs1) return false; int32_t xd0 = std::max(x, 0); int32_t yd0 = std::max(y, 0); int32_t w = xs1 - xs0; int32_t h = ys1 - ys0; int32_t xd1 = xd0 + w; int32_t yd1 = yd0 + h; uint32_t d1 = xd0 & 31; uint32_t d2 = xd1 & 31; uint32_t s1 = xs0 & 31; uint32_t maskL = 0xffffffff >> d1; uint32_t maskR = 0xffffffff << ((32 - (xd1 & 31)) % 32); uint32_t maskM = maskL & maskR; const uint8_t* lineSrc = GetLineUnsafe(rtSrc.top + ys0) + BIT_INDEX_TO_ALIGNED_BYTE(xs0 + rtSrc.left); const uint8_t* lineSrcEnd = data() + m_nHeight * m_nStride; int32_t lineLeft = m_nStride - BIT_INDEX_TO_ALIGNED_BYTE(xs0); uint8_t* lineDst = pDst->GetLineUnsafe(yd0) + BIT_INDEX_TO_ALIGNED_BYTE(xd0); if ((xd0 & ~31) == ((xd1 - 1) & ~31)) { if ((xs0 & ~31) == ((xs1 - 1) & ~31)) { if (s1 > d1) { uint32_t shift = s1 - d1; for (int32_t yy = yd0; yy < yd1; yy++) { if (lineSrc >= lineSrcEnd) return false; uint32_t tmp1 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(lineSrc) << shift; uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(lineDst); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | (tmp1 & maskM); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(lineDst, tmp); lineSrc += m_nStride; lineDst += pDst->m_nStride; } } else { uint32_t shift = d1 - s1; for (int32_t yy = yd0; yy < yd1; yy++) { if (lineSrc >= lineSrcEnd) return false; uint32_t tmp1 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(lineSrc) >> shift; uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(lineDst); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | (tmp1 & maskM); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(lineDst, tmp); lineSrc += m_nStride; lineDst += pDst->m_nStride; } } } else { uint32_t shift1 = s1 - d1; uint32_t shift2 = 32 - shift1; for (int32_t yy = yd0; yy < yd1; yy++) { if (lineSrc >= lineSrcEnd) return false; uint32_t tmp1 = (JBIG2_GETDWORD(lineSrc) << shift1) | (JBIG2_GETDWORD(lineSrc + 4) >> shift2); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(lineDst); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskM); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskM) | (tmp1 & maskM); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(lineDst, tmp); lineSrc += m_nStride; lineDst += pDst->m_nStride; } } } else { if (s1 > d1) { uint32_t shift1 = s1 - d1; uint32_t shift2 = 32 - shift1; int32_t middleDwords = (xd1 >> 5) - ((xd0 + 31) >> 5); for (int32_t yy = yd0; yy < yd1; yy++) { if (lineSrc >= lineSrcEnd) return false; const uint8_t* sp = lineSrc; uint8_t* dp = lineDst; if (d1 != 0) { uint32_t tmp1 = (JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp) << shift1) | (JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp + 4) >> shift2); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | (tmp1 & maskL); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); sp += 4; dp += 4; } for (int32_t xx = 0; xx < middleDwords; xx++) { uint32_t tmp1 = (JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp) << shift1) | (JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp + 4) >> shift2); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = tmp1 | tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = tmp1 & tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = tmp1 ^ tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = ~(tmp1 ^ tmp2); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = tmp1; break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); sp += 4; dp += 4; } if (d2 != 0) { uint32_t tmp1 = (JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp) << shift1) | (((sp + 4) < lineSrc + lineLeft ? JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp + 4) : 0) >> shift2); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | (tmp1 & maskR); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); } lineSrc += m_nStride; lineDst += pDst->m_nStride; } } else if (s1 == d1) { int32_t middleDwords = (xd1 >> 5) - ((xd0 + 31) >> 5); for (int32_t yy = yd0; yy < yd1; yy++) { if (lineSrc >= lineSrcEnd) return false; const uint8_t* sp = lineSrc; uint8_t* dp = lineDst; if (d1 != 0) { uint32_t tmp1 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | (tmp1 & maskL); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); sp += 4; dp += 4; } for (int32_t xx = 0; xx < middleDwords; xx++) { uint32_t tmp1 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = tmp1 | tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = tmp1 & tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = tmp1 ^ tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = ~(tmp1 ^ tmp2); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = tmp1; break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); sp += 4; dp += 4; } if (d2 != 0) { uint32_t tmp1 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | (tmp1 & maskR); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); } lineSrc += m_nStride; lineDst += pDst->m_nStride; } } else { uint32_t shift1 = d1 - s1; uint32_t shift2 = 32 - shift1; int32_t middleDwords = (xd1 >> 5) - ((xd0 + 31) >> 5); for (int32_t yy = yd0; yy < yd1; yy++) { if (lineSrc >= lineSrcEnd) return false; const uint8_t* sp = lineSrc; uint8_t* dp = lineDst; if (d1 != 0) { uint32_t tmp1 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp) >> shift1; uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskL); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskL) | (tmp1 & maskL); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); dp += 4; } for (int32_t xx = 0; xx < middleDwords; xx++) { uint32_t tmp1 = (JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp) << shift2) | ((JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp + 4)) >> shift1); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = tmp1 | tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = tmp1 & tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = tmp1 ^ tmp2; break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = ~(tmp1 ^ tmp2); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = tmp1; break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); sp += 4; dp += 4; } if (d2 != 0) { uint32_t tmp1 = (JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp) << shift2) | (((sp + 4) < lineSrc + lineLeft ? JBIG2_GETDWORD(sp + 4) : 0) >> shift1); uint32_t tmp2 = JBIG2_GETDWORD(dp); uint32_t tmp = 0; switch (op) { case JBIG2_COMPOSE_OR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 | tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_AND: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 & tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((tmp1 ^ tmp2) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_XNOR: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | ((~(tmp1 ^ tmp2)) & maskR); break; case JBIG2_COMPOSE_REPLACE: tmp = (tmp2 & ~maskR) | (tmp1 & maskR); break; } JBIG2_PUTDWORD(dp, tmp); } lineSrc += m_nStride; lineDst += pDst->m_nStride; } } } return 1; }