// Copyright 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_TrdProc.h" #include #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_ArithDecoder.h" #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_ArithIntDecoder.h" #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_GrrdProc.h" #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_HuffmanDecoder.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h" #include "core/fxcrt/maybe_owned.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" CJBig2_TRDProc::CJBig2_TRDProc() {} CJBig2_TRDProc::~CJBig2_TRDProc() {} std::unique_ptr CJBig2_TRDProc::DecodeHuffman( CJBig2_BitStream* pStream, JBig2ArithCtx* grContext) { auto SBREG = pdfium::MakeUnique(SBW, SBH); if (!SBREG->data()) return nullptr; SBREG->fill(SBDEFPIXEL); int32_t INITIAL_STRIPT; auto pHuffmanDecoder = pdfium::MakeUnique(pStream); if (pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFDT, &INITIAL_STRIPT) != 0) return nullptr; FX_SAFE_INT32 STRIPT = INITIAL_STRIPT; STRIPT *= SBSTRIPS; STRIPT = -STRIPT; FX_SAFE_INT32 FIRSTS = 0; uint32_t NINSTANCES = 0; while (NINSTANCES < SBNUMINSTANCES) { int32_t INITIAL_DT; if (pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFDT, &INITIAL_DT) != 0) return nullptr; FX_SAFE_INT32 DT = INITIAL_DT; DT *= SBSTRIPS; STRIPT += DT; bool bFirst = true; FX_SAFE_INT32 CURS = 0; for (;;) { if (bFirst) { int32_t DFS; if (pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFFS, &DFS) != 0) return nullptr; FIRSTS += DFS; CURS = FIRSTS; bFirst = false; } else { int32_t IDS; int32_t nVal = pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFDS, &IDS); if (nVal == JBIG2_OOB) break; if (nVal != 0) return nullptr; CURS += IDS; CURS += SBDSOFFSET; } uint8_t CURT = 0; if (SBSTRIPS != 1) { uint32_t nTmp = 1; while (static_cast(1 << nTmp) < SBSTRIPS) ++nTmp; int32_t nVal; if (pStream->readNBits(nTmp, &nVal) != 0) return nullptr; CURT = nVal; } FX_SAFE_INT32 SAFE_TI = STRIPT + CURT; if (!SAFE_TI.IsValid()) return nullptr; int32_t TI = SAFE_TI.ValueOrDie(); FX_SAFE_INT32 nSafeVal = 0; int32_t nBits = 0; uint32_t IDI; for (;;) { uint32_t nTmp; if (pStream->read1Bit(&nTmp) != 0) return nullptr; nSafeVal <<= 1; if (!nSafeVal.IsValid()) return nullptr; nSafeVal |= nTmp; ++nBits; const int32_t nVal = nSafeVal.ValueOrDie(); for (IDI = 0; IDI < SBNUMSYMS; ++IDI) { if (nBits == SBSYMCODES[IDI].codelen && nVal == SBSYMCODES[IDI].code) break; } if (IDI < SBNUMSYMS) break; } bool RI = 0; if (SBREFINE != 0 && pStream->read1Bit(&RI) != 0) return nullptr; MaybeOwned IBI; if (RI == 0) { IBI = SBSYMS[IDI]; } else { int32_t RDWI; int32_t RDHI; int32_t RDXI; int32_t RDYI; int32_t HUFFRSIZE; if ((pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFRDW, &RDWI) != 0) || (pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFRDH, &RDHI) != 0) || (pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFRDX, &RDXI) != 0) || (pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFRDY, &RDYI) != 0) || (pHuffmanDecoder->DecodeAValue(SBHUFFRSIZE, &HUFFRSIZE) != 0)) { return nullptr; } pStream->alignByte(); uint32_t nTmp = pStream->getOffset(); CJBig2_Image* IBOI = SBSYMS[IDI]; if (!IBOI) return nullptr; uint32_t WOI = IBOI->width(); uint32_t HOI = IBOI->height(); if (static_cast(WOI + RDWI) < 0 || static_cast(HOI + RDHI) < 0) { return nullptr; } auto pGRRD = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pGRRD->GRW = WOI + RDWI; pGRRD->GRH = HOI + RDHI; pGRRD->GRTEMPLATE = SBRTEMPLATE; pGRRD->GRREFERENCE = IBOI; pGRRD->GRREFERENCEDX = (RDWI >> 2) + RDXI; pGRRD->GRREFERENCEDY = (RDHI >> 2) + RDYI; pGRRD->TPGRON = 0; pGRRD->GRAT[0] = SBRAT[0]; pGRRD->GRAT[1] = SBRAT[1]; pGRRD->GRAT[2] = SBRAT[2]; pGRRD->GRAT[3] = SBRAT[3]; auto pArithDecoder = pdfium::MakeUnique(pStream); IBI = pGRRD->Decode(pArithDecoder.get(), grContext); if (!IBI) return nullptr; pStream->alignByte(); pStream->offset(2); if (static_cast(HUFFRSIZE) != (pStream->getOffset() - nTmp)) return nullptr; } if (!IBI) continue; uint32_t WI = IBI->width(); uint32_t HI = IBI->height(); if (TRANSPOSED == 0 && ((REFCORNER == JBIG2_CORNER_TOPRIGHT) || (REFCORNER == JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT))) { CURS += WI - 1; } else if (TRANSPOSED == 1 && ((REFCORNER == JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT) || (REFCORNER == JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT))) { CURS += HI - 1; } if (!CURS.IsValid()) return nullptr; int32_t SI = CURS.ValueOrDie(); ComposeData compose = GetComposeData(SI, TI, WI, HI); IBI.Get()->ComposeTo(SBREG.get(), compose.x, compose.y, SBCOMBOP); if (compose.increment) CURS += compose.increment; ++NINSTANCES; } } return SBREG; } std::unique_ptr CJBig2_TRDProc::DecodeArith( CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder, JBig2ArithCtx* grContext, JBig2IntDecoderState* pIDS) { auto SBREG = pdfium::MakeUnique(SBW, SBH); if (!SBREG->data()) return nullptr; MaybeOwned pIADT; if (pIDS) pIADT = pIDS->IADT; else pIADT = pdfium::MakeUnique(); int32_t INITIAL_STRIPT; if (!pIADT->Decode(pArithDecoder, &INITIAL_STRIPT)) return nullptr; MaybeOwned pIAFS; MaybeOwned pIADS; MaybeOwned pIAIT; MaybeOwned pIARI; MaybeOwned pIARDW; MaybeOwned pIARDH; MaybeOwned pIARDX; MaybeOwned pIARDY; MaybeOwned pIAID; if (pIDS) { pIAFS = pIDS->IAFS; pIADS = pIDS->IADS; pIAIT = pIDS->IAIT; pIARI = pIDS->IARI; pIARDW = pIDS->IARDW; pIARDH = pIDS->IARDH; pIARDX = pIDS->IARDX; pIARDY = pIDS->IARDY; pIAID = pIDS->IAID; } else { pIAFS = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pIADS = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pIAIT = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pIARI = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pIARDW = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pIARDH = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pIARDX = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pIARDY = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pIAID = pdfium::MakeUnique(SBSYMCODELEN); } SBREG->fill(SBDEFPIXEL); FX_SAFE_INT32 STRIPT = INITIAL_STRIPT; STRIPT *= SBSTRIPS; STRIPT = -STRIPT; FX_SAFE_INT32 FIRSTS = 0; uint32_t NINSTANCES = 0; while (NINSTANCES < SBNUMINSTANCES) { FX_SAFE_INT32 CURS = 0; int32_t INITIAL_DT; if (!pIADT->Decode(pArithDecoder, &INITIAL_DT)) return nullptr; FX_SAFE_INT32 DT = INITIAL_DT; DT *= SBSTRIPS; STRIPT += DT; bool bFirst = true; for (;;) { if (bFirst) { int32_t DFS; pIAFS->Decode(pArithDecoder, &DFS); FIRSTS += DFS; CURS = FIRSTS; bFirst = false; } else { int32_t IDS; if (!pIADS->Decode(pArithDecoder, &IDS)) break; CURS += IDS; CURS += SBDSOFFSET; } if (NINSTANCES >= SBNUMINSTANCES) break; int CURT = 0; if (SBSTRIPS != 1) pIAIT->Decode(pArithDecoder, &CURT); FX_SAFE_INT32 SAFE_TI = STRIPT + CURT; if (!SAFE_TI.IsValid()) return nullptr; int32_t TI = SAFE_TI.ValueOrDie(); uint32_t IDI; pIAID->Decode(pArithDecoder, &IDI); if (IDI >= SBNUMSYMS) return nullptr; int RI; if (SBREFINE == 0) RI = 0; else pIARI->Decode(pArithDecoder, &RI); MaybeOwned pIBI; if (RI == 0) { pIBI = SBSYMS[IDI]; } else { int32_t RDWI; int32_t RDHI; int32_t RDXI; int32_t RDYI; pIARDW->Decode(pArithDecoder, &RDWI); pIARDH->Decode(pArithDecoder, &RDHI); pIARDX->Decode(pArithDecoder, &RDXI); pIARDY->Decode(pArithDecoder, &RDYI); CJBig2_Image* IBOI = SBSYMS[IDI]; if (!IBOI) return nullptr; uint32_t WOI = IBOI->width(); uint32_t HOI = IBOI->height(); if (static_cast(WOI + RDWI) < 0 || static_cast(HOI + RDHI) < 0) { return nullptr; } auto pGRRD = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pGRRD->GRW = WOI + RDWI; pGRRD->GRH = HOI + RDHI; pGRRD->GRTEMPLATE = SBRTEMPLATE; pGRRD->GRREFERENCE = IBOI; pGRRD->GRREFERENCEDX = (RDWI >> 1) + RDXI; pGRRD->GRREFERENCEDY = (RDHI >> 1) + RDYI; pGRRD->TPGRON = 0; pGRRD->GRAT[0] = SBRAT[0]; pGRRD->GRAT[1] = SBRAT[1]; pGRRD->GRAT[2] = SBRAT[2]; pGRRD->GRAT[3] = SBRAT[3]; pIBI = pGRRD->Decode(pArithDecoder, grContext); } if (!pIBI) return nullptr; uint32_t WI = pIBI->width(); uint32_t HI = pIBI->height(); if (TRANSPOSED == 0 && ((REFCORNER == JBIG2_CORNER_TOPRIGHT) || (REFCORNER == JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT))) { CURS += WI - 1; } else if (TRANSPOSED == 1 && ((REFCORNER == JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT) || (REFCORNER == JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT))) { CURS += HI - 1; } if (!CURS.IsValid()) return nullptr; int32_t SI = CURS.ValueOrDie(); ComposeData compose = GetComposeData(SI, TI, WI, HI); pIBI.Get()->ComposeTo(SBREG.get(), compose.x, compose.y, SBCOMBOP); if (compose.increment) CURS += compose.increment; ++NINSTANCES; } } return SBREG; } CJBig2_TRDProc::ComposeData CJBig2_TRDProc::GetComposeData(int32_t SI, int32_t TI, uint32_t WI, uint32_t HI) const { ComposeData results; if (TRANSPOSED == 0) { switch (REFCORNER) { case JBIG2_CORNER_TOPLEFT: results.x = SI; results.y = TI; results.increment = WI - 1; break; case JBIG2_CORNER_TOPRIGHT: results.x = SI - WI + 1; results.y = TI; break; case JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT: results.x = SI; results.y = TI - HI + 1; results.increment = WI - 1; break; case JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT: results.x = SI - WI + 1; results.y = TI - HI + 1; break; } } else { switch (REFCORNER) { case JBIG2_CORNER_TOPLEFT: results.x = TI; results.y = SI; results.increment = HI - 1; break; case JBIG2_CORNER_TOPRIGHT: results.x = TI - WI + 1; results.y = SI; results.increment = HI - 1; break; case JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT: results.x = TI; results.y = SI - HI + 1; break; case JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT: results.x = TI - WI + 1; results.y = SI - HI + 1; break; } } return results; }