// Copyright 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_FXCODEC_JBIG2_JBIG2_TRDPROC_H_ #define CORE_FXCODEC_JBIG2_JBIG2_TRDPROC_H_ #include <memory> #include <vector> #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_Image.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" class CJBig2_ArithDecoder; class CJBig2_ArithIaidDecoder; class CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder; class CJBig2_BitStream; class CJBig2_HuffmanTable; struct JBig2ArithCtx; struct JBig2HuffmanCode; struct JBig2IntDecoderState { CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IADT; CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IAFS; CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IADS; CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IAIT; CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IARI; CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IARDW; CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IARDH; CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IARDX; CJBig2_ArithIntDecoder* IARDY; CJBig2_ArithIaidDecoder* IAID; }; enum JBig2Corner { JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT = 0, JBIG2_CORNER_TOPLEFT = 1, JBIG2_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT = 2, JBIG2_CORNER_TOPRIGHT = 3 }; class CJBig2_TRDProc { public: CJBig2_TRDProc(); ~CJBig2_TRDProc(); std::unique_ptr<CJBig2_Image> DecodeHuffman(CJBig2_BitStream* pStream, JBig2ArithCtx* grContext); std::unique_ptr<CJBig2_Image> DecodeArith(CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder, JBig2ArithCtx* grContext, JBig2IntDecoderState* pIDS); bool SBHUFF; bool SBREFINE; uint32_t SBW; uint32_t SBH; uint32_t SBNUMINSTANCES; uint32_t SBSTRIPS; uint32_t SBNUMSYMS; std::vector<JBig2HuffmanCode> SBSYMCODES; uint8_t SBSYMCODELEN; CJBig2_Image** SBSYMS; bool SBDEFPIXEL; JBig2ComposeOp SBCOMBOP; bool TRANSPOSED; JBig2Corner REFCORNER; int8_t SBDSOFFSET; const CJBig2_HuffmanTable* SBHUFFFS; const CJBig2_HuffmanTable* SBHUFFDS; const CJBig2_HuffmanTable* SBHUFFDT; const CJBig2_HuffmanTable* SBHUFFRDW; const CJBig2_HuffmanTable* SBHUFFRDH; const CJBig2_HuffmanTable* SBHUFFRDX; const CJBig2_HuffmanTable* SBHUFFRDY; const CJBig2_HuffmanTable* SBHUFFRSIZE; bool SBRTEMPLATE; int8_t SBRAT[4]; private: struct ComposeData { int32_t x; int32_t y; uint32_t increment = 0; }; ComposeData GetComposeData(int32_t SI, int32_t TI, uint32_t WI, uint32_t HI) const; }; #endif // CORE_FXCODEC_JBIG2_JBIG2_TRDPROC_H_