// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxcrt/bytestring.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <string> #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_utf8decoder.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h" #include "core/fxcrt/string_pool_template.h" #include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_math.h" #include "third_party/base/span.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" template class fxcrt::StringDataTemplate<char>; template class fxcrt::StringViewTemplate<char>; template class fxcrt::StringPoolTemplate<ByteString>; template struct std::hash<ByteString>; namespace { constexpr char kTrimChars[] = "\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x20"; const char* FX_strstr(const char* haystack, int haystack_len, const char* needle, int needle_len) { if (needle_len > haystack_len || needle_len == 0) { return nullptr; } const char* end_ptr = haystack + haystack_len - needle_len; while (haystack <= end_ptr) { int i = 0; while (1) { if (haystack[i] != needle[i]) { break; } i++; if (i == needle_len) { return haystack; } } haystack++; } return nullptr; } #ifndef NDEBUG bool IsValidCodePage(uint16_t codepage) { switch (codepage) { case FX_CODEPAGE_DefANSI: case FX_CODEPAGE_ShiftJIS: case FX_CODEPAGE_ChineseSimplified: case FX_CODEPAGE_Hangul: case FX_CODEPAGE_ChineseTraditional: return true; default: return false; } } #endif ByteString GetByteString(uint16_t codepage, const WideStringView& wstr) { #ifndef NDEBUG ASSERT(IsValidCodePage(codepage)); #endif int src_len = wstr.GetLength(); int dest_len = FXSYS_WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, wstr.unterminated_c_str(), src_len, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); if (!dest_len) return ByteString(); ByteString bstr; { // Span's lifetime must end before ReleaseBuffer() below. pdfium::span<char> dest_buf = bstr.GetBuffer(dest_len); FXSYS_WideCharToMultiByte(codepage, 0, wstr.unterminated_c_str(), src_len, dest_buf.data(), dest_len, nullptr, nullptr); } bstr.ReleaseBuffer(dest_len); return bstr; } } // namespace namespace fxcrt { static_assert(sizeof(ByteString) <= sizeof(char*), "Strings must not require more space than pointers"); #define FORCE_ANSI 0x10000 #define FORCE_UNICODE 0x20000 #define FORCE_INT64 0x40000 // static ByteString ByteString::FormatInteger(int i) { char buf[32]; FXSYS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i); return ByteString(buf); } // static ByteString ByteString::FormatFloat(float d) { char buf[32]; return ByteString(buf, FX_ftoa(d, buf)); } // static ByteString ByteString::FormatV(const char* pFormat, va_list argList) { va_list argListCopy; va_copy(argListCopy, argList); int nMaxLen = vsnprintf(nullptr, 0, pFormat, argListCopy); va_end(argListCopy); if (nMaxLen <= 0) return ByteString(); ByteString ret; { // Span's lifetime must end before ReleaseBuffer() below. pdfium::span<char> buf = ret.GetBuffer(nMaxLen); // In the following two calls, there's always space in the buffer for // a terminating NUL that's not included in nMaxLen. memset(buf.data(), 0, nMaxLen + 1); va_copy(argListCopy, argList); vsnprintf(buf.data(), nMaxLen + 1, pFormat, argListCopy); va_end(argListCopy); } ret.ReleaseBuffer(ret.GetStringLength()); return ret; } // static ByteString ByteString::Format(const char* pFormat, ...) { va_list argList; va_start(argList, pFormat); ByteString ret = FormatV(pFormat, argList); va_end(argList); return ret; } ByteString::ByteString(const char* pStr, size_t nLen) { if (nLen) m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(pStr, nLen)); } ByteString::ByteString(const uint8_t* pStr, size_t nLen) { if (nLen) m_pData.Reset( StringData::Create(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pStr), nLen)); } ByteString::ByteString() {} ByteString::ByteString(const ByteString& other) : m_pData(other.m_pData) {} ByteString::ByteString(ByteString&& other) noexcept { m_pData.Swap(other.m_pData); } ByteString::ByteString(char ch) { m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(1)); m_pData->m_String[0] = ch; } ByteString::ByteString(const char* ptr) : ByteString(ptr, ptr ? strlen(ptr) : 0) {} ByteString::ByteString(const ByteStringView& stringSrc) { if (!stringSrc.IsEmpty()) m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(stringSrc.unterminated_c_str(), stringSrc.GetLength())); } ByteString::ByteString(const ByteStringView& str1, const ByteStringView& str2) { FX_SAFE_SIZE_T nSafeLen = str1.GetLength(); nSafeLen += str2.GetLength(); size_t nNewLen = nSafeLen.ValueOrDie(); if (nNewLen == 0) return; m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(nNewLen)); m_pData->CopyContents(str1.unterminated_c_str(), str1.GetLength()); m_pData->CopyContentsAt(str1.GetLength(), str2.unterminated_c_str(), str2.GetLength()); } ByteString::ByteString(const std::initializer_list<ByteStringView>& list) { FX_SAFE_SIZE_T nSafeLen = 0; for (const auto& item : list) nSafeLen += item.GetLength(); size_t nNewLen = nSafeLen.ValueOrDie(); if (nNewLen == 0) return; m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(nNewLen)); size_t nOffset = 0; for (const auto& item : list) { m_pData->CopyContentsAt(nOffset, item.unterminated_c_str(), item.GetLength()); nOffset += item.GetLength(); } } ByteString::ByteString(const std::ostringstream& outStream) { std::string str = outStream.str(); if (str.length() > 0) m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(str.c_str(), str.length())); } ByteString::~ByteString() {} const ByteString& ByteString::operator=(const char* pStr) { if (!pStr || !pStr[0]) clear(); else AssignCopy(pStr, strlen(pStr)); return *this; } const ByteString& ByteString::operator=(const ByteStringView& stringSrc) { if (stringSrc.IsEmpty()) clear(); else AssignCopy(stringSrc.unterminated_c_str(), stringSrc.GetLength()); return *this; } const ByteString& ByteString::operator=(const ByteString& stringSrc) { if (m_pData != stringSrc.m_pData) m_pData = stringSrc.m_pData; return *this; } const ByteString& ByteString::operator+=(const char* pStr) { if (pStr) Concat(pStr, strlen(pStr)); return *this; } const ByteString& ByteString::operator+=(char ch) { Concat(&ch, 1); return *this; } const ByteString& ByteString::operator+=(const ByteString& str) { if (str.m_pData) Concat(str.m_pData->m_String, str.m_pData->m_nDataLength); return *this; } const ByteString& ByteString::operator+=(const ByteStringView& str) { if (!str.IsEmpty()) Concat(str.unterminated_c_str(), str.GetLength()); return *this; } bool ByteString::operator==(const char* ptr) const { if (!m_pData) return !ptr || !ptr[0]; if (!ptr) return m_pData->m_nDataLength == 0; return strlen(ptr) == m_pData->m_nDataLength && memcmp(ptr, m_pData->m_String, m_pData->m_nDataLength) == 0; } bool ByteString::operator==(const ByteStringView& str) const { if (!m_pData) return str.IsEmpty(); return m_pData->m_nDataLength == str.GetLength() && memcmp(m_pData->m_String, str.unterminated_c_str(), str.GetLength()) == 0; } bool ByteString::operator==(const ByteString& other) const { if (m_pData == other.m_pData) return true; if (IsEmpty()) return other.IsEmpty(); if (other.IsEmpty()) return false; return other.m_pData->m_nDataLength == m_pData->m_nDataLength && memcmp(other.m_pData->m_String, m_pData->m_String, m_pData->m_nDataLength) == 0; } bool ByteString::operator<(const char* ptr) const { if (!m_pData && !ptr) return false; if (c_str() == ptr) return false; size_t len = GetLength(); size_t other_len = ptr ? strlen(ptr) : 0; int result = memcmp(c_str(), ptr, std::min(len, other_len)); return result < 0 || (result == 0 && len < other_len); } bool ByteString::operator<(const ByteStringView& str) const { return Compare(str) < 0; } bool ByteString::operator<(const ByteString& other) const { if (m_pData == other.m_pData) return false; size_t len = GetLength(); size_t other_len = other.GetLength(); int result = memcmp(c_str(), other.c_str(), std::min(len, other_len)); return result < 0 || (result == 0 && len < other_len); } bool ByteString::EqualNoCase(const ByteStringView& str) const { if (!m_pData) return str.IsEmpty(); size_t len = str.GetLength(); if (m_pData->m_nDataLength != len) return false; const uint8_t* pThis = (const uint8_t*)m_pData->m_String; const uint8_t* pThat = str.raw_str(); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ((*pThis) != (*pThat)) { uint8_t bThis = tolower(*pThis); uint8_t bThat = tolower(*pThat); if (bThis != bThat) return false; } pThis++; pThat++; } return true; } void ByteString::AssignCopy(const char* pSrcData, size_t nSrcLen) { AllocBeforeWrite(nSrcLen); m_pData->CopyContents(pSrcData, nSrcLen); m_pData->m_nDataLength = nSrcLen; } void ByteString::ReallocBeforeWrite(size_t nNewLength) { if (m_pData && m_pData->CanOperateInPlace(nNewLength)) return; if (nNewLength == 0) { clear(); return; } RetainPtr<StringData> pNewData(StringData::Create(nNewLength)); if (m_pData) { size_t nCopyLength = std::min(m_pData->m_nDataLength, nNewLength); pNewData->CopyContents(m_pData->m_String, nCopyLength); pNewData->m_nDataLength = nCopyLength; } else { pNewData->m_nDataLength = 0; } pNewData->m_String[pNewData->m_nDataLength] = 0; m_pData.Swap(pNewData); } void ByteString::AllocBeforeWrite(size_t nNewLength) { if (m_pData && m_pData->CanOperateInPlace(nNewLength)) return; if (nNewLength == 0) { clear(); return; } m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(nNewLength)); } void ByteString::ReleaseBuffer(size_t nNewLength) { if (!m_pData) return; nNewLength = std::min(nNewLength, m_pData->m_nAllocLength); if (nNewLength == 0) { clear(); return; } ASSERT(m_pData->m_nRefs == 1); m_pData->m_nDataLength = nNewLength; m_pData->m_String[nNewLength] = 0; if (m_pData->m_nAllocLength - nNewLength >= 32) { // Over arbitrary threshold, so pay the price to relocate. Force copy to // always occur by holding a second reference to the string. ByteString preserve(*this); ReallocBeforeWrite(nNewLength); } } void ByteString::Reserve(size_t len) { GetBuffer(len); } pdfium::span<char> ByteString::GetBuffer(size_t nMinBufLength) { if (!m_pData) { if (nMinBufLength == 0) return pdfium::span<char>(); m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(nMinBufLength)); m_pData->m_nDataLength = 0; m_pData->m_String[0] = 0; return pdfium::span<char>(m_pData->m_String, m_pData->m_nAllocLength); } if (m_pData->CanOperateInPlace(nMinBufLength)) return pdfium::span<char>(m_pData->m_String, m_pData->m_nAllocLength); nMinBufLength = std::max(nMinBufLength, m_pData->m_nDataLength); if (nMinBufLength == 0) return pdfium::span<char>(); RetainPtr<StringData> pNewData(StringData::Create(nMinBufLength)); pNewData->CopyContents(*m_pData); pNewData->m_nDataLength = m_pData->m_nDataLength; m_pData.Swap(pNewData); return pdfium::span<char>(m_pData->m_String, m_pData->m_nAllocLength); } size_t ByteString::Delete(size_t index, size_t count) { if (!m_pData) return 0; size_t old_length = m_pData->m_nDataLength; if (count == 0 || index != pdfium::clamp(index, static_cast<size_t>(0), old_length)) return old_length; size_t removal_length = index + count; if (removal_length > old_length) return old_length; ReallocBeforeWrite(old_length); size_t chars_to_copy = old_length - removal_length + 1; memmove(m_pData->m_String + index, m_pData->m_String + removal_length, chars_to_copy); m_pData->m_nDataLength = old_length - count; return m_pData->m_nDataLength; } void ByteString::Concat(const char* pSrcData, size_t nSrcLen) { if (!pSrcData || nSrcLen == 0) return; if (!m_pData) { m_pData.Reset(StringData::Create(pSrcData, nSrcLen)); return; } if (m_pData->CanOperateInPlace(m_pData->m_nDataLength + nSrcLen)) { m_pData->CopyContentsAt(m_pData->m_nDataLength, pSrcData, nSrcLen); m_pData->m_nDataLength += nSrcLen; return; } RetainPtr<StringData> pNewData( StringData::Create(m_pData->m_nDataLength + nSrcLen)); pNewData->CopyContents(*m_pData); pNewData->CopyContentsAt(m_pData->m_nDataLength, pSrcData, nSrcLen); m_pData.Swap(pNewData); } ByteString ByteString::Mid(size_t first, size_t count) const { if (!m_pData) return ByteString(); if (!IsValidIndex(first)) return ByteString(); if (count == 0 || !IsValidLength(count)) return ByteString(); if (!IsValidIndex(first + count - 1)) return ByteString(); if (first == 0 && count == m_pData->m_nDataLength) return *this; ByteString dest; AllocCopy(dest, count, first); return dest; } ByteString ByteString::Left(size_t count) const { if (count == 0 || !IsValidLength(count)) return ByteString(); return Mid(0, count); } ByteString ByteString::Right(size_t count) const { if (count == 0 || !IsValidLength(count)) return ByteString(); return Mid(GetLength() - count, count); } void ByteString::AllocCopy(ByteString& dest, size_t nCopyLen, size_t nCopyIndex) const { if (nCopyLen == 0) return; RetainPtr<StringData> pNewData( StringData::Create(m_pData->m_String + nCopyIndex, nCopyLen)); dest.m_pData.Swap(pNewData); } void ByteString::SetAt(size_t index, char c) { ASSERT(IsValidIndex(index)); ReallocBeforeWrite(m_pData->m_nDataLength); m_pData->m_String[index] = c; } size_t ByteString::Insert(size_t location, char ch) { const size_t cur_length = m_pData ? m_pData->m_nDataLength : 0; if (!IsValidLength(location)) return cur_length; const size_t new_length = cur_length + 1; ReallocBeforeWrite(new_length); memmove(m_pData->m_String + location + 1, m_pData->m_String + location, new_length - location); m_pData->m_String[location] = ch; m_pData->m_nDataLength = new_length; return new_length; } Optional<size_t> ByteString::Find(char ch, size_t start) const { if (!m_pData) return Optional<size_t>(); if (!IsValidIndex(start)) return Optional<size_t>(); const char* pStr = static_cast<const char*>( memchr(m_pData->m_String + start, ch, m_pData->m_nDataLength - start)); return pStr ? Optional<size_t>(static_cast<size_t>(pStr - m_pData->m_String)) : Optional<size_t>(); } Optional<size_t> ByteString::Find(const ByteStringView& subStr, size_t start) const { if (!m_pData) return Optional<size_t>(); if (!IsValidIndex(start)) return Optional<size_t>(); const char* pStr = FX_strstr(m_pData->m_String + start, m_pData->m_nDataLength - start, subStr.unterminated_c_str(), subStr.GetLength()); return pStr ? Optional<size_t>(static_cast<size_t>(pStr - m_pData->m_String)) : Optional<size_t>(); } Optional<size_t> ByteString::ReverseFind(char ch) const { if (!m_pData) return Optional<size_t>(); size_t nLength = m_pData->m_nDataLength; while (nLength--) { if (m_pData->m_String[nLength] == ch) return Optional<size_t>(nLength); } return Optional<size_t>(); } void ByteString::MakeLower() { if (!m_pData) return; ReallocBeforeWrite(m_pData->m_nDataLength); FXSYS_strlwr(m_pData->m_String); } void ByteString::MakeUpper() { if (!m_pData) return; ReallocBeforeWrite(m_pData->m_nDataLength); FXSYS_strupr(m_pData->m_String); } size_t ByteString::Remove(char chRemove) { if (!m_pData || m_pData->m_nDataLength < 1) return 0; char* pstrSource = m_pData->m_String; char* pstrEnd = m_pData->m_String + m_pData->m_nDataLength; while (pstrSource < pstrEnd) { if (*pstrSource == chRemove) break; pstrSource++; } if (pstrSource == pstrEnd) return 0; ptrdiff_t copied = pstrSource - m_pData->m_String; ReallocBeforeWrite(m_pData->m_nDataLength); pstrSource = m_pData->m_String + copied; pstrEnd = m_pData->m_String + m_pData->m_nDataLength; char* pstrDest = pstrSource; while (pstrSource < pstrEnd) { if (*pstrSource != chRemove) { *pstrDest = *pstrSource; pstrDest++; } pstrSource++; } *pstrDest = 0; size_t nCount = static_cast<size_t>(pstrSource - pstrDest); m_pData->m_nDataLength -= nCount; return nCount; } size_t ByteString::Replace(const ByteStringView& pOld, const ByteStringView& pNew) { if (!m_pData || pOld.IsEmpty()) return 0; size_t nSourceLen = pOld.GetLength(); size_t nReplacementLen = pNew.GetLength(); size_t nCount = 0; const char* pStart = m_pData->m_String; char* pEnd = m_pData->m_String + m_pData->m_nDataLength; while (1) { const char* pTarget = FX_strstr(pStart, static_cast<int>(pEnd - pStart), pOld.unterminated_c_str(), nSourceLen); if (!pTarget) break; nCount++; pStart = pTarget + nSourceLen; } if (nCount == 0) return 0; size_t nNewLength = m_pData->m_nDataLength + (nReplacementLen - nSourceLen) * nCount; if (nNewLength == 0) { clear(); return nCount; } RetainPtr<StringData> pNewData(StringData::Create(nNewLength)); pStart = m_pData->m_String; char* pDest = pNewData->m_String; for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { const char* pTarget = FX_strstr(pStart, static_cast<int>(pEnd - pStart), pOld.unterminated_c_str(), nSourceLen); memcpy(pDest, pStart, pTarget - pStart); pDest += pTarget - pStart; memcpy(pDest, pNew.unterminated_c_str(), pNew.GetLength()); pDest += pNew.GetLength(); pStart = pTarget + nSourceLen; } memcpy(pDest, pStart, pEnd - pStart); m_pData.Swap(pNewData); return nCount; } WideString ByteString::UTF8Decode() const { CFX_UTF8Decoder decoder; for (size_t i = 0; i < GetLength(); i++) { decoder.Input(static_cast<uint8_t>(m_pData->m_String[i])); } return WideString(decoder.GetResult()); } // static ByteString ByteString::FromUnicode(const WideString& str) { return GetByteString(0, str.AsStringView()); } int ByteString::Compare(const ByteStringView& str) const { if (!m_pData) return str.IsEmpty() ? 0 : -1; size_t this_len = m_pData->m_nDataLength; size_t that_len = str.GetLength(); size_t min_len = std::min(this_len, that_len); int result = memcmp(m_pData->m_String, str.unterminated_c_str(), min_len); if (result != 0) return result; if (this_len == that_len) return 0; return this_len < that_len ? -1 : 1; } void ByteString::Trim() { TrimRight(kTrimChars); TrimLeft(kTrimChars); } void ByteString::Trim(char target) { ByteStringView targets(target); TrimRight(targets); TrimLeft(targets); } void ByteString::Trim(const ByteStringView& targets) { TrimRight(targets); TrimLeft(targets); } void ByteString::TrimLeft() { TrimLeft(kTrimChars); } void ByteString::TrimLeft(char target) { TrimLeft(ByteStringView(target)); } void ByteString::TrimLeft(const ByteStringView& targets) { if (!m_pData || targets.IsEmpty()) return; size_t len = GetLength(); if (len == 0) return; size_t pos = 0; while (pos < len) { size_t i = 0; while (i < targets.GetLength() && targets[i] != m_pData->m_String[pos]) i++; if (i == targets.GetLength()) break; pos++; } if (pos) { ReallocBeforeWrite(len); size_t nDataLength = len - pos; memmove(m_pData->m_String, m_pData->m_String + pos, (nDataLength + 1) * sizeof(char)); m_pData->m_nDataLength = nDataLength; } } void ByteString::TrimRight() { TrimRight(kTrimChars); } void ByteString::TrimRight(char target) { TrimRight(ByteStringView(target)); } void ByteString::TrimRight(const ByteStringView& targets) { if (!m_pData || targets.IsEmpty()) return; size_t pos = GetLength(); if (pos == 0) return; while (pos) { size_t i = 0; while (i < targets.GetLength() && targets[i] != m_pData->m_String[pos - 1]) i++; if (i == targets.GetLength()) break; pos--; } if (pos < m_pData->m_nDataLength) { ReallocBeforeWrite(m_pData->m_nDataLength); m_pData->m_String[pos] = 0; m_pData->m_nDataLength = pos; } } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ByteString& str) { return os.write(str.c_str(), str.GetLength()); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ByteStringView& str) { return os.write(str.unterminated_c_str(), str.GetLength()); } } // namespace fxcrt