// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxcrt/fx_bidi.h" #include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_ucd.h" #include <algorithm> CFX_BidiChar::CFX_BidiChar() : m_CurrentSegment({0, 0, NEUTRAL}), m_LastSegment({0, 0, NEUTRAL}) {} bool CFX_BidiChar::AppendChar(FX_WCHAR wch) { FX_DWORD dwProps = FX_GetUnicodeProperties(wch); int32_t iBidiCls = (dwProps & FX_BIDICLASSBITSMASK) >> FX_BIDICLASSBITS; Direction direction = NEUTRAL; switch (iBidiCls) { case FX_BIDICLASS_L: case FX_BIDICLASS_AN: case FX_BIDICLASS_EN: direction = LEFT; break; case FX_BIDICLASS_R: case FX_BIDICLASS_AL: direction = RIGHT; break; } bool bChangeDirection = (direction != m_CurrentSegment.direction); if (bChangeDirection) StartNewSegment(direction); m_CurrentSegment.count++; return bChangeDirection; } bool CFX_BidiChar::EndChar() { StartNewSegment(NEUTRAL); return m_LastSegment.count > 0; } void CFX_BidiChar::StartNewSegment(CFX_BidiChar::Direction direction) { m_LastSegment = m_CurrentSegment; m_CurrentSegment.start += m_CurrentSegment.count; m_CurrentSegment.count = 0; m_CurrentSegment.direction = direction; } CFX_BidiString::CFX_BidiString(const CFX_WideString& str) : m_Str(str), m_pBidiChar(new CFX_BidiChar), m_eOverallDirection(CFX_BidiChar::LEFT) { for (int i = 0; i < m_Str.GetLength(); ++i) { if (m_pBidiChar->AppendChar(m_Str.GetAt(i))) m_Order.push_back(m_pBidiChar->GetSegmentInfo()); } if (m_pBidiChar->EndChar()) m_Order.push_back(m_pBidiChar->GetSegmentInfo()); size_t nR2L = std::count_if(m_Order.begin(), m_Order.end(), [](const CFX_BidiChar::Segment& seg) { return seg.direction == CFX_BidiChar::RIGHT; }); size_t nL2R = std::count_if(m_Order.begin(), m_Order.end(), [](const CFX_BidiChar::Segment& seg) { return seg.direction == CFX_BidiChar::LEFT; }); if (nR2L > 0 && nR2L >= nL2R) SetOverallDirectionRight(); } void CFX_BidiString::SetOverallDirectionRight() { if (m_eOverallDirection != CFX_BidiChar::RIGHT) { std::reverse(m_Order.begin(), m_Order.end()); m_eOverallDirection = CFX_BidiChar::RIGHT; } }