// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_FXCRT_FX_EXT_H_ #define CORE_FXCRT_FX_EXT_H_ #include <cctype> #include <cwctype> #include "core/fxcrt/fx_basic.h" #define FX_INVALID_OFFSET static_cast<uint32_t>(-1) // TODO(thestig) Using unique_ptr with ReleaseDeleter is still not ideal. // Come up or wait for something better. This appears in this file rather // than fx_stream.h due to include ordering restrictions. using ScopedFileStream = std::unique_ptr<IFX_SeekableStream, ReleaseDeleter<IFX_SeekableStream>>; FX_FLOAT FXSYS_tan(FX_FLOAT a); FX_FLOAT FXSYS_logb(FX_FLOAT b, FX_FLOAT x); FX_FLOAT FXSYS_strtof(const FX_CHAR* pcsStr, int32_t iLength = -1, int32_t* pUsedLen = nullptr); FX_FLOAT FXSYS_wcstof(const FX_WCHAR* pwsStr, int32_t iLength = -1, int32_t* pUsedLen = nullptr); FX_WCHAR* FXSYS_wcsncpy(FX_WCHAR* dstStr, const FX_WCHAR* srcStr, size_t count); int32_t FXSYS_wcsnicmp(const FX_WCHAR* s1, const FX_WCHAR* s2, size_t count); int32_t FXSYS_strnicmp(const FX_CHAR* s1, const FX_CHAR* s2, size_t count); inline bool FXSYS_islower(int32_t ch) { return ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z'; } inline bool FXSYS_isupper(int32_t ch) { return ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z'; } inline int32_t FXSYS_tolower(int32_t ch) { return ch < 'A' || ch > 'Z' ? ch : (ch + 0x20); } inline int32_t FXSYS_toupper(int32_t ch) { return ch < 'a' || ch > 'z' ? ch : (ch - 0x20); } inline bool FXSYS_iswalpha(wchar_t wch) { return (wch >= L'A' && wch <= L'Z') || (wch >= L'a' && wch <= L'z'); } inline bool FXSYS_iswdigit(wchar_t wch) { return wch >= L'0' && wch <= L'9'; } inline bool FXSYS_iswalnum(wchar_t wch) { return FXSYS_iswalpha(wch) || FXSYS_iswdigit(wch); } inline bool FXSYS_iswspace(FX_WCHAR c) { return (c == 0x20) || (c == 0x0d) || (c == 0x0a) || (c == 0x09); } inline int FXSYS_toHexDigit(const FX_CHAR c) { if (!std::isxdigit(c)) return 0; char upchar = std::toupper(c); return upchar > '9' ? upchar - 'A' + 10 : upchar - '0'; } inline bool FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(const FX_CHAR c) { return !!std::isdigit(c); } inline bool FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(const FX_WCHAR c) { return !!std::iswdigit(c); } inline int FXSYS_toDecimalDigit(const FX_CHAR c) { return std::isdigit(c) ? c - '0' : 0; } inline int FXSYS_toDecimalDigit(const FX_WCHAR c) { return std::iswdigit(c) ? c - L'0' : 0; } FX_FLOAT FXSYS_FractionalScale(size_t scale_factor, int value); int FXSYS_FractionalScaleCount(); void* FX_Random_MT_Start(uint32_t dwSeed); void FX_Random_MT_Close(void* pContext); uint32_t FX_Random_MT_Generate(void* pContext); void FX_Random_GenerateBase(uint32_t* pBuffer, int32_t iCount); void FX_Random_GenerateMT(uint32_t* pBuffer, int32_t iCount); void FX_Random_GenerateCrypto(uint32_t* pBuffer, int32_t iCount); #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA typedef struct FX_GUID { uint32_t data1; uint16_t data2; uint16_t data3; uint8_t data4[8]; } FX_GUID, *FX_LPGUID; typedef FX_GUID const* FX_LPCGUID; void FX_GUID_CreateV4(FX_LPGUID pGUID); void FX_GUID_ToString(FX_LPCGUID pGUID, CFX_ByteString& bsStr, FX_BOOL bSeparator = TRUE); #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA template <class baseType> class CFX_SSortTemplate { public: void ShellSort(baseType* pArray, int32_t iCount) { ASSERT(pArray && iCount > 0); int32_t i, j, gap; baseType v1, v2; gap = iCount >> 1; while (gap > 0) { for (i = gap; i < iCount; i++) { j = i - gap; v1 = pArray[i]; while (j > -1 && (v2 = pArray[j]) > v1) { pArray[j + gap] = v2; j -= gap; } pArray[j + gap] = v1; } gap >>= 1; } } }; #endif // CORE_FXCRT_FX_EXT_H_