// Copyright 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include <limits> #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_HexCharToInt) { EXPECT_EQ(10, FXSYS_HexCharToInt('a')); EXPECT_EQ(10, FXSYS_HexCharToInt('A')); EXPECT_EQ(7, FXSYS_HexCharToInt('7')); EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_HexCharToInt('i')); } TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt) { EXPECT_EQ(7, FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt('7')); EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt('a')); EXPECT_EQ(7, FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(L'7')); EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_DecimalCharToInt(L'a')); } TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_isDecimalDigit) { EXPECT_TRUE(FXSYS_isDecimalDigit('7')); EXPECT_TRUE(FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(L'7')); EXPECT_FALSE(FXSYS_isDecimalDigit('a')); EXPECT_FALSE(FXSYS_isDecimalDigit(L'a')); } TEST(fxcrt, FX_HashCode_Ascii) { EXPECT_EQ(0u, FX_HashCode_GetA("", false)); EXPECT_EQ(65u, FX_HashCode_GetA("A", false)); EXPECT_EQ(97u, FX_HashCode_GetA("A", true)); EXPECT_EQ(31 * 65u + 66u, FX_HashCode_GetA("AB", false)); } TEST(fxcrt, FX_HashCode_Wide) { EXPECT_EQ(0u, FX_HashCode_GetW(L"", false)); EXPECT_EQ(65u, FX_HashCode_GetW(L"A", false)); EXPECT_EQ(97u, FX_HashCode_GetW(L"A", true)); EXPECT_EQ(1313 * 65u + 66u, FX_HashCode_GetW(L"AB", false)); } TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars) { char buf[3] = {0}; FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(0x0, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("00", buf); FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(0x9, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("09", buf); FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(0xA, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("0A", buf); FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(0x8C, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("8C", buf); FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(0xBE, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("BE", buf); FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(0xD0, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("D0", buf); FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(0xFF, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("FF", buf); } TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars) { char buf[5] = {0}; FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars(0x0, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("0000", buf); FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars(0xA23, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("0A23", buf); FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars(0xB701, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("B701", buf); FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars(0xFFFF, buf); EXPECT_STREQ("FFFF", buf); } TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_ToUTF16BE) { char buf[9] = {0}; // Test U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF EXPECT_EQ(4U, FXSYS_ToUTF16BE(0x0, buf)); EXPECT_STREQ("0000", buf); EXPECT_EQ(4U, FXSYS_ToUTF16BE(0xD7FF, buf)); EXPECT_STREQ("D7FF", buf); EXPECT_EQ(4U, FXSYS_ToUTF16BE(0xE000, buf)); EXPECT_STREQ("E000", buf); EXPECT_EQ(4U, FXSYS_ToUTF16BE(0xFFFF, buf)); EXPECT_STREQ("FFFF", buf); // Test U+10000 to U+10FFFF EXPECT_EQ(8U, FXSYS_ToUTF16BE(0x10000, buf)); EXPECT_STREQ("D800DC00", buf); EXPECT_EQ(8U, FXSYS_ToUTF16BE(0x10FFFF, buf)); EXPECT_STREQ("DBFFDFFF", buf); EXPECT_EQ(8U, FXSYS_ToUTF16BE(0x2003E, buf)); EXPECT_STREQ("D840DC3E", buf); } TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_wcstof) { int32_t used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(-12.0f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"-12", 3, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(3, used_len); used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.5362f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"1.5362", 6, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(6, used_len); used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.875f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"0.875", 5, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(5, used_len); used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(5.56e-2f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"5.56e-2", 7, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(7, used_len); used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1.234e10f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"1.234E10", 8, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(8, used_len); used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.0f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"1.234E100000000000000", 21, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(0, used_len); used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.0f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"1.234E-128", 21, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(0, used_len); // TODO(dsinclair): This should round as per IEEE 64-bit values. // EXPECT_EQ(L"123456789.01234567", FXSYS_wcstof(L"123456789.012345678")); used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(123456789.012345678f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"123456789.012345678", 19, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(19, used_len); // TODO(dsinclair): This is spec'd as rounding when > 16 significant digits // prior to the exponent. // EXPECT_EQ(100000000000000000, FXSYS_wcstof(L"99999999999999999")); used_len = 0; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(99999999999999999.0f, FXSYS_wcstof(L"99999999999999999", 17, &used_len)); EXPECT_EQ(17, used_len); } TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_SafeOps) { const float fMin = std::numeric_limits<float>::min(); const float fMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); const float fInf = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); const float fNan = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); const float ascending[] = {fMin, 1.0f, 2.0f, fMax, fInf, fNan}; for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(ascending); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < FX_ArraySize(ascending); ++j) { if (i == j) { EXPECT_TRUE(FXSYS_SafeEQ(ascending[i], ascending[j])) << " at " << i << " " << j; } else { EXPECT_FALSE(FXSYS_SafeEQ(ascending[i], ascending[j])) << " at " << i << " " << j; } if (i < j) { EXPECT_TRUE(FXSYS_SafeLT(ascending[i], ascending[j])) << " at " << i << " " << j; } else { EXPECT_FALSE(FXSYS_SafeLT(ascending[i], ascending[j])) << " at " << i << " " << j; } } } }