// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <limits> #include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" TEST(fxstring, FX_atonum) { int i; EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("10", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(10, i); EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("-10", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(-10, i); EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("+10", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(10, i); EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("-2147483648", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), i); EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("2147483647", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, i); // Value overflows. EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("-2147483649", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(0, i); // Value overflows. EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("+2147483648", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(0, i); // Value overflows. EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("4223423494965252", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(0, i); // No explicit sign will allow the number to go negative. This is for things // like the encryption Permissions flag (Table 3.20 PDF 1.7 spec) EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("4294965252", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(-2044, i); EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("-4294965252", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(0, i); EXPECT_TRUE(FX_atonum("+4294965252", &i)); EXPECT_EQ(0, i); float f; EXPECT_FALSE(FX_atonum("3.24", &f)); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(3.24f, f); } TEST(fxstring, FX_UTF8Encode) { EXPECT_EQ("", FX_UTF8Encode(WideStringView())); EXPECT_EQ( "x" "\xc2\x80" "\xc3\xbf" "\xef\xbc\xac" "y", FX_UTF8Encode(L"x" L"\u0080" L"\u00ff" L"\uff2c" L"y")); } TEST(fxstring, FX_UTF8Decode) { EXPECT_EQ(L"", FX_UTF8Decode(ByteStringView())); EXPECT_EQ( L"x" L"\u0080" L"\u00ff" L"\uff2c" L"y", FX_UTF8Decode("x" "\xc2\x80" "\xc3\xbf" "\xef\xbc\xac" "y")); EXPECT_EQ(L"a(A) b() c() d() e().", FX_UTF8Decode("a(\xc2\x41) " // Invalid continuation. "b(\xc2\xc2) " // Invalid continuation. "c(\xc2\xff\x80) " // Invalid continuation. "d(\x80\x80) " // Invalid leading. "e(\xff\x80\x80)" // Invalid leading. ".")); } TEST(fxstring, FX_UTF8EncodeDecodeConsistency) { WideString wstr; wstr.Reserve(0x10000); for (int w = 0; w < 0x10000; ++w) wstr += static_cast<wchar_t>(w); ByteString bstr = FX_UTF8Encode(wstr.AsStringView()); WideString wstr2 = FX_UTF8Decode(bstr.AsStringView()); EXPECT_EQ(0x10000u, wstr2.GetLength()); EXPECT_EQ(wstr, wstr2); }