// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_ucd.h" uint32_t FX_GetUnicodeProperties(FX_WCHAR wch) { size_t idx = static_cast<size_t>(wch); if (idx < kTextLayoutCodePropertiesSize) return kTextLayoutCodeProperties[(uint16_t)wch]; return 0; } #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA FX_BOOL FX_IsCtrlCode(FX_WCHAR ch) { uint32_t dwRet = (FX_GetUnicodeProperties(ch) & FX_CHARTYPEBITSMASK); return dwRet == FX_CHARTYPE_Tab || dwRet == FX_CHARTYPE_Control; } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA FX_WCHAR FX_GetMirrorChar(FX_WCHAR wch, FX_BOOL bRTL, FX_BOOL bVertical) { uint32_t dwProps = FX_GetUnicodeProperties(wch); uint32_t dwTemp = (dwProps & 0xFF800000); if (bRTL && dwTemp < 0xFF800000) { size_t idx = dwTemp >> 23; if (idx < kFXTextLayoutBidiMirrorSize) { wch = kFXTextLayoutBidiMirror[idx]; dwProps = FX_GetUnicodeProperties(wch); } } if (bVertical) { dwTemp = (dwProps & 0x007E0000); if (dwTemp < 0x007E0000) { size_t idx = dwTemp >> 17; if (idx < kFXTextLayoutVerticalMirrorSize) wch = kFXTextLayoutVerticalMirror[idx]; } } return wch; } #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA FX_WCHAR FX_GetMirrorChar(FX_WCHAR wch, uint32_t dwProps, FX_BOOL bRTL, FX_BOOL bVertical) { uint32_t dwTemp = (dwProps & 0xFF800000); if (bRTL && dwTemp < 0xFF800000) { size_t idx = dwTemp >> 23; if (idx < kFXTextLayoutBidiMirrorSize) { wch = kFXTextLayoutBidiMirror[idx]; dwProps = FX_GetUnicodeProperties(wch); } } if (bVertical) { dwTemp = (dwProps & 0x007E0000); if (dwTemp < 0x007E0000) { size_t idx = dwTemp >> 17; if (idx < kFXTextLayoutVerticalMirrorSize) wch = kFXTextLayoutVerticalMirror[idx]; } } return wch; } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA