// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_scanlinecompositor.h" #include #include "core/fxcodec/fx_codec.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h" #define FX_CCOLOR(val) (255 - (val)) #define FXDIB_ALPHA_UNION(dest, src) ((dest) + (src) - (dest) * (src) / 255) #define FXARGB_COPY(dest, src) \ *(dest) = *(src), *((dest) + 1) = *((src) + 1), \ *((dest) + 2) = *((src) + 2), *((dest) + 3) = *((src) + 3) #define FXARGB_RGBORDERCOPY(dest, src) \ *((dest) + 3) = *((src) + 3), *(dest) = *((src) + 2), \ *((dest) + 1) = *((src) + 1), *((dest) + 2) = *((src)) namespace { const uint8_t color_sqrt[256] = { 0x00, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0B, 0x0F, 0x12, 0x16, 0x19, 0x1D, 0x20, 0x23, 0x26, 0x29, 0x2C, 0x2F, 0x32, 0x35, 0x37, 0x3A, 0x3C, 0x3F, 0x41, 0x43, 0x46, 0x48, 0x4A, 0x4C, 0x4E, 0x50, 0x52, 0x54, 0x56, 0x57, 0x59, 0x5B, 0x5C, 0x5E, 0x60, 0x61, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A, 0x7B, 0x7C, 0x7D, 0x7E, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8A, 0x8B, 0x8C, 0x8D, 0x8E, 0x8F, 0x90, 0x91, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9A, 0x9B, 0x9C, 0x9C, 0x9D, 0x9E, 0x9F, 0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA1, 0xA2, 0xA3, 0xA4, 0xA4, 0xA5, 0xA6, 0xA7, 0xA7, 0xA8, 0xA9, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAB, 0xAC, 0xAD, 0xAD, 0xAE, 0xAF, 0xB0, 0xB0, 0xB1, 0xB2, 0xB3, 0xB3, 0xB4, 0xB5, 0xB5, 0xB6, 0xB7, 0xB7, 0xB8, 0xB9, 0xBA, 0xBA, 0xBB, 0xBC, 0xBC, 0xBD, 0xBE, 0xBE, 0xBF, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC2, 0xC3, 0xC4, 0xC4, 0xC5, 0xC6, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC7, 0xC8, 0xC9, 0xC9, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0xCB, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCD, 0xCE, 0xCE, 0xCF, 0xD0, 0xD0, 0xD1, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0xD6, 0xD6, 0xD7, 0xD7, 0xD8, 0xD9, 0xD9, 0xDA, 0xDA, 0xDB, 0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDE, 0xDE, 0xDF, 0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE2, 0xE2, 0xE3, 0xE4, 0xE4, 0xE5, 0xE5, 0xE6, 0xE6, 0xE7, 0xE7, 0xE8, 0xE9, 0xE9, 0xEA, 0xEA, 0xEB, 0xEB, 0xEC, 0xEC, 0xED, 0xED, 0xEE, 0xEE, 0xEF, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF1, 0xF1, 0xF2, 0xF2, 0xF3, 0xF3, 0xF4, 0xF4, 0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xF9, 0xFA, 0xFA, 0xFB, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFF}; int Blend(int blend_mode, int back_color, int src_color) { switch (blend_mode) { case FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL: return src_color; case FXDIB_BLEND_MULTIPLY: return src_color * back_color / 255; case FXDIB_BLEND_SCREEN: return src_color + back_color - src_color * back_color / 255; case FXDIB_BLEND_OVERLAY: return Blend(FXDIB_BLEND_HARDLIGHT, src_color, back_color); case FXDIB_BLEND_DARKEN: return src_color < back_color ? src_color : back_color; case FXDIB_BLEND_LIGHTEN: return src_color > back_color ? src_color : back_color; case FXDIB_BLEND_COLORDODGE: { if (src_color == 255) return src_color; return std::min(back_color * 255 / (255 - src_color), 255); } case FXDIB_BLEND_COLORBURN: { if (src_color == 0) return src_color; return 255 - std::min((255 - back_color) * 255 / src_color, 255); } case FXDIB_BLEND_HARDLIGHT: if (src_color < 128) return (src_color * back_color * 2) / 255; return Blend(FXDIB_BLEND_SCREEN, back_color, 2 * src_color - 255); case FXDIB_BLEND_SOFTLIGHT: { if (src_color < 128) { return back_color - (255 - 2 * src_color) * back_color * (255 - back_color) / 255 / 255; } return back_color + (2 * src_color - 255) * (color_sqrt[back_color] - back_color) / 255; } case FXDIB_BLEND_DIFFERENCE: return back_color < src_color ? src_color - back_color : back_color - src_color; case FXDIB_BLEND_EXCLUSION: return back_color + src_color - 2 * back_color * src_color / 255; } return src_color; } struct RGB { int red; int green; int blue; }; int Lum(RGB color) { return (color.red * 30 + color.green * 59 + color.blue * 11) / 100; } RGB ClipColor(RGB color) { int l = Lum(color); int n = std::min(color.red, std::min(color.green, color.blue)); int x = std::max(color.red, std::max(color.green, color.blue)); if (n < 0) { color.red = l + ((color.red - l) * l / (l - n)); color.green = l + ((color.green - l) * l / (l - n)); color.blue = l + ((color.blue - l) * l / (l - n)); } if (x > 255) { color.red = l + ((color.red - l) * (255 - l) / (x - l)); color.green = l + ((color.green - l) * (255 - l) / (x - l)); color.blue = l + ((color.blue - l) * (255 - l) / (x - l)); } return color; } RGB SetLum(RGB color, int l) { int d = l - Lum(color); color.red += d; color.green += d; color.blue += d; return ClipColor(color); } int Sat(RGB color) { return std::max(color.red, std::max(color.green, color.blue)) - std::min(color.red, std::min(color.green, color.blue)); } RGB SetSat(RGB color, int s) { int min = std::min(color.red, std::min(color.green, color.blue)); int max = std::max(color.red, std::max(color.green, color.blue)); if (min == max) return {0, 0, 0}; color.red = (color.red - min) * s / (max - min); color.green = (color.green - min) * s / (max - min); color.blue = (color.blue - min) * s / (max - min); return color; } void RGB_Blend(int blend_mode, const uint8_t* src_scan, const uint8_t* dest_scan, int results[3]) { RGB result = {0, 0, 0}; RGB src; src.red = src_scan[2]; src.green = src_scan[1]; src.blue = src_scan[0]; RGB back; back.red = dest_scan[2]; back.green = dest_scan[1]; back.blue = dest_scan[0]; switch (blend_mode) { case FXDIB_BLEND_HUE: result = SetLum(SetSat(src, Sat(back)), Lum(back)); break; case FXDIB_BLEND_SATURATION: result = SetLum(SetSat(back, Sat(src)), Lum(back)); break; case FXDIB_BLEND_COLOR: result = SetLum(src, Lum(back)); break; case FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY: result = SetLum(back, Lum(src)); break; } results[0] = result.blue; results[1] = result.green; results[2] = result.red; } int GetAlpha(uint8_t src_alpha, const uint8_t* clip_scan, int col) { return clip_scan ? clip_scan[col] * src_alpha / 255 : src_alpha; } void CompositeRow_AlphaToMask(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int pixel_count, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t stride) { src_scan += stride - 1; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; ++col) { int src_alpha = GetAlpha(*src_scan, clip_scan, col); uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_scan; if (!back_alpha) *dest_scan = src_alpha; else if (src_alpha) *dest_scan = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; ++dest_scan; src_scan += stride; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Mask(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { if (!clip_scan) { memset(dest_scan, 0xff, width); return; } for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_UNION(*dest_scan, *clip_scan); ++dest_scan; ++clip_scan; } } uint8_t GetGray(const uint8_t* src_scan) { return FXRGB2GRAY(src_scan[2], src_scan[1], *src_scan); } uint8_t GetGrayWithBlend(const uint8_t* src_scan, const uint8_t* dest_scan, int blend_type) { uint8_t gray = GetGray(src_scan); if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) gray = blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY ? gray : *dest_scan; else if (blend_type) gray = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, gray); return gray; } void CompositeRow_Argb2Graya(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan, uint8_t* dst_alpha_scan) { uint8_t offset = src_alpha_scan ? 3 : 4; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; ++col) { const uint8_t* alpha_scan = src_alpha_scan ? src_alpha_scan++ : &src_scan[3]; uint8_t back_alpha = *dst_alpha_scan; if (back_alpha == 0) { int src_alpha = GetAlpha(*alpha_scan, clip_scan, col); if (src_alpha) { *dest_scan = GetGray(src_scan); *dst_alpha_scan = src_alpha; } ++dest_scan; ++dst_alpha_scan; src_scan += offset; continue; } uint8_t src_alpha = GetAlpha(*alpha_scan, clip_scan, col); if (src_alpha == 0) { ++dest_scan; ++dst_alpha_scan; src_scan += offset; continue; } *dst_alpha_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_UNION(back_alpha, src_alpha); int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / (*dst_alpha_scan); uint8_t gray = GetGray(src_scan); // TODO(npm): Does this if really need src_alpha_scan or was that a bug? if (blend_type && src_alpha_scan) { if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) gray = blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY ? gray : *dest_scan; else gray = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, gray); } *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, alpha_ratio); ++dest_scan; ++dst_alpha_scan; src_scan += offset; } } void CompositeRow_Argb2Gray(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan) { uint8_t gray; uint8_t offset = src_alpha_scan ? 3 : 4; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; ++col) { const uint8_t* alpha_scan = src_alpha_scan ? src_alpha_scan++ : &src_scan[3]; int src_alpha = GetAlpha(*alpha_scan, clip_scan, col); if (src_alpha) { gray = GetGrayWithBlend(src_scan, dest_scan, blend_type); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, src_alpha); } ++dest_scan; src_scan += offset; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Gray(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_Bpp, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { uint8_t gray; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; ++col) { gray = GetGrayWithBlend(src_scan, dest_scan, blend_type); if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, clip_scan[col]); else *dest_scan = gray; ++dest_scan; src_scan += src_Bpp; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Graya(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_Bpp, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; ++col) { if (blend_type && *dest_alpha_scan == 0) { *dest_scan = GetGray(src_scan); ++dest_scan; ++dest_alpha_scan; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan ? clip_scan[col] : 255; if (src_alpha == 255) { *dest_scan = GetGrayWithBlend(src_scan, dest_scan, blend_type); ++dest_scan; *dest_alpha_scan = 255; ++dest_alpha_scan; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { ++dest_scan; ++dest_alpha_scan; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } int back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan = dest_alpha; ++dest_alpha_scan; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; uint8_t gray = GetGrayWithBlend(src_scan, dest_scan, blend_type); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, alpha_ratio); ++dest_scan; src_scan += src_Bpp; } } void CompositeRow_Argb2Argb(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t dest_offset = dest_alpha_scan ? 3 : 4; uint8_t src_offset = src_alpha_scan ? 3 : 4; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; bool has_src = !!src_alpha_scan; bool has_dest = !!dest_alpha_scan; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; ++col) { uint8_t back_alpha = has_dest ? *dest_alpha_scan : dest_scan[3]; const uint8_t* alpha_source = has_src ? src_alpha_scan++ : &src_scan[3]; uint8_t src_alpha = GetAlpha(*alpha_source, clip_scan, col); if (back_alpha == 0) { if (!has_dest && !has_src) { if (clip_scan) { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, (FXARGB_GETDIB(src_scan) & 0xffffff) | (src_alpha << 24)); } else { FXARGB_COPY(dest_scan, src_scan); } } else if (has_dest) { *dest_alpha_scan = src_alpha; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { *dest_scan = *src_scan++; ++dest_scan; } ++dest_alpha_scan; if (!has_src) ++src_scan; } else { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE((src_alpha << 24), src_scan[2], src_scan[1], *src_scan)); } if (!has_dest) { dest_scan += dest_offset; src_scan += src_offset; } continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_offset; src_scan += src_offset; if (has_dest) ++dest_alpha_scan; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; if (has_dest) { *dest_alpha_scan = dest_alpha; ++dest_alpha_scan; } else { dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; } int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (bNonseparableBlend) RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); for (int color = 0; color < 3; ++color) { if (blend_type) { int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, *src_scan); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*src_scan, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); } else { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_scan, alpha_ratio); } ++dest_scan; ++src_scan; } if (!has_dest) ++dest_scan; if (!has_src) ++src_scan; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_NoClip(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int src_Bpp, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) { uint8_t* dest_alpha = dest_alpha_scan ? dest_alpha_scan : &dest_scan[3]; uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_alpha; if (back_alpha == 0) { if (dest_alpha_scan) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { *dest_scan = *src_scan++; ++dest_scan; } *dest_alpha_scan = 0xff; ++dest_alpha_scan; } else { if (src_Bpp == 4) { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, 0xff000000 | FXARGB_GETDIB(src_scan)); } else { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(0xff, src_scan[2], src_scan[1], src_scan[0])); } dest_scan += 4; } src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } *dest_alpha = 0xff; if (bNonseparableBlend) RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); for (int color = 0; color < 3; ++color) { int src_color = *src_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_color); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_color, blended, back_alpha); ++dest_scan; ++src_scan; } if (dest_alpha_scan) ++dest_alpha_scan; else ++dest_scan; src_scan += src_gap; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_Clip(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; bool has_dest = !!dest_alpha_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) { int src_alpha = *clip_scan++; uint8_t back_alpha = has_dest ? *dest_alpha_scan : dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { *dest_scan = *src_scan++; ++dest_scan; } src_scan += src_gap; if (has_dest) dest_alpha_scan++; else dest_scan++; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += has_dest ? 3 : 4; if (has_dest) dest_alpha_scan++; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; if (has_dest) *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; else dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (bNonseparableBlend) RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int src_color = *src_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_color); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_color, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; src_scan++; } src_scan += src_gap; if (!has_dest) dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_Clip(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; if (dest_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 255) { *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_alpha_scan++ = 255; src_scan += src_gap; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 3; dest_alpha_scan++; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } int back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_scan, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; src_scan++; } src_scan += src_gap; } } else { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 255) { *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = 255; src_scan += src_gap; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } int back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_scan, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; src_scan++; } dest_scan++; src_scan += src_gap; } } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_NoClip(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int src_Bpp, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { if (dest_alpha_scan) { int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_alpha_scan++ = 0xff; src_scan += src_gap; } } else { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { if (src_Bpp == 4) { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, 0xff000000 | FXARGB_GETDIB(src_scan)); } else { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(0xff, src_scan[2], src_scan[1], src_scan[0])); } dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_Bpp; } } } void CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_Blend(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int dest_gap = dest_Bpp - 3; if (src_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = (*src_alpha_scan++) * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = *src_alpha_scan++; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += 3; continue; } if (bNonseparableBlend) { RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int back_color = *dest_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, back_color, *src_scan); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_gap; } } else { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = src_scan[3] * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = src_scan[3]; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += 4; continue; } if (bNonseparableBlend) { RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int back_color = *dest_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, back_color, *src_scan); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_gap; src_scan++; } } } void CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_NoBlend(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan) { int dest_gap = dest_Bpp - 3; if (src_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = (*src_alpha_scan++) * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = *src_alpha_scan++; } if (src_alpha == 255) { *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; dest_scan += dest_gap; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += 3; continue; } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_scan, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_gap; } } else { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = src_scan[3] * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = src_scan[3]; } if (src_alpha == 255) { *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_scan++; dest_scan += dest_gap; src_scan++; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += 4; continue; } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_scan, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_gap; src_scan++; } } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_NoClip(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int dest_gap = dest_Bpp - 3; int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { if (bNonseparableBlend) { RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int back_color = *dest_scan; int src_color = *src_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, back_color, src_color); *dest_scan = blended; dest_scan++; src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_gap; src_scan += src_gap; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_Clip(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int dest_gap = dest_Bpp - 3; int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha = *clip_scan++; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } if (bNonseparableBlend) { RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int src_color = *src_scan; int back_color = *dest_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, back_color, src_color); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_gap; src_scan += src_gap; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_NoClip(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp) { if (dest_Bpp == src_Bpp) { memcpy(dest_scan, src_scan, width * dest_Bpp); return; } for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { dest_scan[0] = src_scan[0]; dest_scan[1] = src_scan[1]; dest_scan[2] = src_scan[2]; dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_Bpp; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_Clip(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 255) { dest_scan[0] = src_scan[0]; dest_scan[1] = src_scan[1]; dest_scan[2] = src_scan[2]; } else if (src_alpha) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_scan, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_scan, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_scan, src_alpha); dest_scan += dest_Bpp - 2; src_scan += src_Bpp - 2; continue; } dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_Bpp; } } void CompositeRow_Argb2Argb_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; if (src_alpha_scan && !dest_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { dp[3] = *src_alpha_scan++; src_scan += 3; dp += 4; } src_alpha_scan = nullptr; } else { if (dest_alpha_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; if (back_alpha == 0) { if (clip_scan) { int src_alpha = clip_scan[col] * src_scan[3] / 255; *dest_alpha_scan = src_alpha; *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; } else { *dest_alpha_scan = src_scan[3]; *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; } dest_alpha_scan++; src_scan += 4; continue; } uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = clip_scan[col] * src_scan[3] / 255; } else { src_alpha = src_scan[3]; } src_scan += 4; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 3; src_cache_scan += 3; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (bNonseparableBlend) { RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_cache_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { if (blend_type) { int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, *src_cache_scan); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*src_cache_scan, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); } else { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_cache_scan, alpha_ratio); } dest_scan++; src_cache_scan++; } } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { dp[3] = src_scan[3]; src_scan += 4; dp += 4; } } CompositeRow_Argb2Argb(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, pixel_count, blend_type, clip_scan, dest_alpha_scan, src_alpha_scan); } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_NoClip_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int src_Bpp, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (src_Bpp != 3) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { src_scan += 4; dp += 3; } } CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_NoClip(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, blend_type, 3, dest_alpha_scan); } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_Clip_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (src_Bpp != 3) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { src_scan += 4; dp += 3; } } CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_Clip(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, blend_type, 3, clip_scan, dest_alpha_scan); } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_Clip_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (src_Bpp != 3) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { src_scan += 4; dp += 3; } } CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_Clip(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, 3, clip_scan, dest_alpha_scan); } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_NoClip_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int src_Bpp, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (src_Bpp != 3) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { src_scan += 4; dp += 3; } } CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_NoClip(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, 3, dest_alpha_scan); } void CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_Blend_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (!src_alpha_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int dest_gap = dest_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = src_scan[3] * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = src_scan[3]; } src_scan += 4; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_cache_scan += 3; continue; } if (bNonseparableBlend) { RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_cache_scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int back_color = *dest_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, back_color, *src_cache_scan); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_cache_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_gap; } return; } CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_Blend(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, blend_type, dest_Bpp, clip_scan, src_alpha_scan); } void CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_NoBlend_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (!src_alpha_scan) { int dest_gap = dest_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = src_scan[3] * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = src_scan[3]; } src_scan += 4; if (src_alpha == 255) { *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; *dest_scan++ = *src_cache_scan++; dest_scan += dest_gap; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_cache_scan += 3; continue; } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, *src_cache_scan, src_alpha); dest_scan++; src_cache_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_gap; } return; } CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_NoBlend(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, dest_Bpp, clip_scan, src_alpha_scan); } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_NoClip_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (src_Bpp != 3) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { src_scan += 4; dp += 3; } } CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_NoClip(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, blend_type, dest_Bpp, 3); } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_Clip_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (src_Bpp != 3) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { src_scan += 4; dp += 3; } } CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_Clip(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, blend_type, dest_Bpp, 3, clip_scan); } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_NoClip_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (src_Bpp != 3) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { src_scan += 4; dp += 3; } } CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_NoClip(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, dest_Bpp, 3); } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_Clip_Transform(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* src_cache_scan) { if (src_Bpp != 3) { uint8_t* dp = src_cache_scan; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { src_scan += 4; dp += 3; } } CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_Clip(dest_scan, src_cache_scan, width, dest_Bpp, 3, clip_scan); } void CompositeRow_8bppPal2Gray(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, const uint8_t* pPalette, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan) { if (src_alpha_scan) { if (blend_type) { bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = pPalette[*src_scan]; int src_alpha = GetAlpha(*src_alpha_scan++, clip_scan, col); if (bNonseparableBlend) gray = blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY ? gray : *dest_scan; else gray = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, gray); if (src_alpha) *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, src_alpha); else *dest_scan = gray; dest_scan++; src_scan++; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = pPalette[*src_scan]; int src_alpha = GetAlpha(*src_alpha_scan++, clip_scan, col); if (src_alpha) *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, src_alpha); else *dest_scan = gray; dest_scan++; src_scan++; } } else { if (blend_type) { bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = pPalette[*src_scan]; if (bNonseparableBlend) gray = blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY ? gray : *dest_scan; else gray = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, gray); if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, clip_scan[col]); else *dest_scan = gray; dest_scan++; src_scan++; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = pPalette[*src_scan]; if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, clip_scan[col]); else *dest_scan = gray; dest_scan++; src_scan++; } } } void CompositeRow_8bppPal2Graya(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, const uint8_t* pPalette, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan) { if (src_alpha_scan) { if (blend_type) { bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = pPalette[*src_scan]; src_scan++; uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; if (back_alpha == 0) { int src_alpha = GetAlpha(*src_alpha_scan++, clip_scan, col); if (src_alpha) { *dest_scan = gray; *dest_alpha_scan = src_alpha; } dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } uint8_t src_alpha = GetAlpha(*src_alpha_scan++, clip_scan, col); if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } *dest_alpha_scan = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / (*dest_alpha_scan); if (bNonseparableBlend) gray = blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY ? gray : *dest_scan; else gray = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, gray); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, alpha_ratio); dest_alpha_scan++; dest_scan++; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = pPalette[*src_scan]; src_scan++; uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; if (back_alpha == 0) { int src_alpha = GetAlpha(*src_alpha_scan++, clip_scan, col); if (src_alpha) { *dest_scan = gray; *dest_alpha_scan = src_alpha; } dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } uint8_t src_alpha = GetAlpha(*src_alpha_scan++, clip_scan, col); if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } *dest_alpha_scan = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / (*dest_alpha_scan); dest_alpha_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } } else { if (blend_type) { bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = pPalette[*src_scan]; src_scan++; if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { *dest_scan++ = gray; *dest_alpha_scan++ = 255; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } int back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (bNonseparableBlend) gray = blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY ? gray : *dest_scan; else gray = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, gray); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = pPalette[*src_scan]; src_scan++; if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { *dest_scan++ = gray; *dest_alpha_scan++ = 255; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } int back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } } } void CompositeRow_1bppPal2Gray(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, const uint8_t* pPalette, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int reset_gray = pPalette[0]; int set_gray = pPalette[1]; if (blend_type) { bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) ? set_gray : reset_gray; if (bNonseparableBlend) gray = blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY ? gray : *dest_scan; else gray = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, gray); if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, clip_scan[col]); } else { *dest_scan = gray; } dest_scan++; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) ? set_gray : reset_gray; if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, clip_scan[col]); } else { *dest_scan = gray; } dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_1bppPal2Graya(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, const uint8_t* pPalette, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { int reset_gray = pPalette[0]; int set_gray = pPalette[1]; if (blend_type) { bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) ? set_gray : reset_gray; if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { *dest_scan++ = gray; *dest_alpha_scan++ = 255; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } int back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (bNonseparableBlend) gray = blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_LUMINOSITY ? gray : *dest_scan; else gray = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, gray); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t gray = (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) ? set_gray : reset_gray; if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { *dest_scan++ = gray; *dest_alpha_scan++ = 255; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } int back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, uint32_t* pPalette, int pixel_count, int DestBpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan) { if (src_alpha_scan) { int dest_gap = DestBpp - 3; FX_ARGB argb = 0; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { argb = pPalette[*src_scan]; int src_r = FXARGB_R(argb); int src_g = FXARGB_G(argb); int src_b = FXARGB_B(argb); src_scan++; uint8_t src_alpha = 0; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = (*src_alpha_scan++) * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = *src_alpha_scan++; } if (src_alpha == 255) { *dest_scan++ = src_b; *dest_scan++ = src_g; *dest_scan++ = src_r; dest_scan += dest_gap; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += DestBpp; continue; } *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, src_alpha); dest_scan++; dest_scan += dest_gap; } } else { FX_ARGB argb = 0; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { argb = pPalette[*src_scan]; int src_r = FXARGB_R(argb); int src_g = FXARGB_G(argb); int src_b = FXARGB_B(argb); if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan++; } else { *dest_scan++ = src_b; *dest_scan++ = src_g; *dest_scan++ = src_r; } if (DestBpp == 4) { dest_scan++; } src_scan++; } } } void CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, uint32_t* pPalette, int pixel_count, int DestBpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int reset_r, reset_g, reset_b; int set_r, set_g, set_b; reset_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[0]); reset_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[0]); reset_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[0]); set_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[1]); set_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[1]); set_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[1]); for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_r, src_g, src_b; if (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) { src_r = set_r; src_g = set_g; src_b = set_b; } else { src_r = reset_r; src_g = reset_g; src_b = reset_b; } if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan++; } else { *dest_scan++ = src_b; *dest_scan++ = src_g; *dest_scan++ = src_r; } if (DestBpp == 4) { dest_scan++; } } } void CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Argb_NoBlend(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, uint32_t* pPalette, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_alpha_scan) { if (src_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { FX_ARGB argb = pPalette[*src_scan]; src_scan++; int src_r = FXARGB_R(argb); int src_g = FXARGB_G(argb); int src_b = FXARGB_B(argb); uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { if (clip_scan) { int src_alpha = clip_scan[col] * (*src_alpha_scan) / 255; FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, src_r, src_g, src_b)); } else { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(*src_alpha_scan, src_r, src_g, src_b)); } dest_scan += 4; src_alpha_scan++; continue; } uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = clip_scan[col] * (*src_alpha_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = *src_alpha_scan++; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; dest_scan++; } } else { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { FX_ARGB argb = pPalette[*src_scan]; int src_r = FXARGB_R(argb); int src_g = FXARGB_G(argb); int src_b = FXARGB_B(argb); if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { *dest_scan++ = src_b; *dest_scan++ = src_g; *dest_scan++ = src_r; *dest_scan++ = 255; src_scan++; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; src_scan++; continue; } int back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; dest_scan++; src_scan++; } } } void CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Argb_NoBlend(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, int width, uint32_t* pPalette, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int reset_r, reset_g, reset_b; int set_r, set_g, set_b; reset_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[0]); reset_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[0]); reset_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[0]); set_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[1]); set_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[1]); set_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[1]); for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_r, src_g, src_b; if (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) { src_r = set_r; src_g = set_g; src_b = set_b; } else { src_r = reset_r; src_g = reset_g; src_b = reset_b; } if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { *dest_scan++ = src_b; *dest_scan++ = src_g; *dest_scan++ = src_r; *dest_scan++ = 255; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; continue; } int back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Rgba_NoBlend(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, int width, uint32_t* pPalette, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { int reset_r, reset_g, reset_b; int set_r, set_g, set_b; reset_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[0]); reset_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[0]); reset_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[0]); set_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[1]); set_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[1]); set_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[1]); for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_r, src_g, src_b; if (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) { src_r = set_r; src_g = set_g; src_b = set_b; } else { src_r = reset_r; src_g = reset_g; src_b = reset_b; } if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { *dest_scan++ = src_b; *dest_scan++ = src_g; *dest_scan++ = src_r; *dest_alpha_scan++ = 255; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 3; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } int back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_ByteMask2Argb(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] * src_scan[col] / 255 / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha * src_scan[col] / 255; } uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, src_r, src_g, src_b)); dest_scan += 4; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[0], alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[1], alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[2], alpha_ratio); } else if (blend_type) { int blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_b); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_b, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_g); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_g, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_r); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_r, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); } else { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, alpha_ratio); } dest_scan += 2; } } void CompositeRow_ByteMask2Rgba(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] * src_scan[col] / 255 / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha * src_scan[col] / 255; } uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; if (back_alpha == 0) { *dest_scan++ = src_b; *dest_scan++ = src_g; *dest_scan++ = src_r; *dest_alpha_scan++ = src_alpha; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 3; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[0], alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[1], alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[2], alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } else if (blend_type) { int blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_b); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_b, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_g); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_g, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_r); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_r, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } else { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } } } void CompositeRow_ByteMask2Rgb(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int pixel_count, int blend_type, int Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] * src_scan[col] / 255 / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha * src_scan[col] / 255; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += Bpp; continue; } if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[0], src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[1], src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[2], src_alpha); } else if (blend_type) { int blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_b); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, src_alpha); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_g); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, src_alpha); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_r); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, src_alpha); } else { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, src_alpha); } dest_scan += Bpp - 2; } } void CompositeRow_ByteMask2Mask(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int pixel_count, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] * src_scan[col] / 255 / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha * src_scan[col] / 255; } uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_scan; if (!back_alpha) { *dest_scan = src_alpha; } else if (src_alpha) { *dest_scan = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; } dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_ByteMask2Gray(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_gray, int pixel_count, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] * src_scan[col] / 255 / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha * src_scan[col] / 255; } if (src_alpha) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_gray, src_alpha); } dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_ByteMask2Graya(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_gray, int pixel_count, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] * src_scan[col] / 255 / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha * src_scan[col] / 255; } uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; if (back_alpha == 0) { *dest_scan++ = src_gray; *dest_alpha_scan++ = src_alpha; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_gray, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_BitMask2Argb(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int src_left, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { if (blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL && !clip_scan && mask_alpha == 255) { FX_ARGB argb = FXARGB_MAKE(0xff, src_r, src_g, src_b); for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8))) { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, argb); } dest_scan += 4; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (!(src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8)))) { dest_scan += 4; continue; } int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha; } uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, src_r, src_g, src_b)); dest_scan += 4; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[0], alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[1], alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[2], alpha_ratio); } else if (blend_type) { int blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_b); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_b, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_g); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_g, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_r); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_r, blended, back_alpha); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, alpha_ratio); } else { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, alpha_ratio); } dest_scan += 2; } } void CompositeRow_BitMask2Rgb(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int src_left, int pixel_count, int blend_type, int Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { if (blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL && !clip_scan && mask_alpha == 255) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8))) { dest_scan[2] = src_r; dest_scan[1] = src_g; dest_scan[0] = src_b; } dest_scan += Bpp; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (!(src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8)))) { dest_scan += Bpp; continue; } int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += Bpp; continue; } if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan, blended_colors); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[0], src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[1], src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended_colors[2], src_alpha); } else if (blend_type) { int blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_b); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, src_alpha); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_g); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, src_alpha); dest_scan++; blended = Blend(blend_type, *dest_scan, src_r); *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, blended, src_alpha); } else { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_b, src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_g, src_alpha); dest_scan++; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_r, src_alpha); } dest_scan += Bpp - 2; } } void CompositeRow_BitMask2Mask(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_left, int pixel_count, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (!(src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8)))) { dest_scan++; continue; } int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha; } uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_scan; if (!back_alpha) { *dest_scan = src_alpha; } else if (src_alpha) { *dest_scan = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; } dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_BitMask2Gray(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_gray, int src_left, int pixel_count, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (!(src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8)))) { dest_scan++; continue; } int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha; } if (src_alpha) { *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_gray, src_alpha); } dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_BitMask2Graya(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_gray, int src_left, int pixel_count, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (!(src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8)))) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha; } uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_alpha_scan; if (back_alpha == 0) { *dest_scan++ = src_gray; *dest_alpha_scan++ = src_alpha; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan++; dest_alpha_scan++; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; *dest_alpha_scan++ = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; *dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, src_gray, alpha_ratio); dest_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_Argb2Argb_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { if (clip_scan) { int src_alpha = clip_scan[col] * src_scan[3] / 255; dest_scan[3] = src_alpha; dest_scan[0] = src_scan[2]; dest_scan[1] = src_scan[1]; dest_scan[2] = src_scan[0]; } else { FXARGB_RGBORDERCOPY(dest_scan, src_scan); } dest_scan += 4; src_scan += 4; continue; } uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = clip_scan[col] * src_scan[3] / 255; } else { src_alpha = src_scan[3]; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; src_scan += 4; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (bNonseparableBlend) { uint8_t dest_scan_o[3]; dest_scan_o[0] = dest_scan[2]; dest_scan_o[1] = dest_scan[1]; dest_scan_o[2] = dest_scan[0]; RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int index = 2 - color; if (blend_type) { int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[index], *src_scan); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*src_scan, blended, back_alpha); dest_scan[index] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[index], blended, alpha_ratio); } else { dest_scan[index] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[index], *src_scan, alpha_ratio); } src_scan++; } dest_scan += 4; src_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_NoClip_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int src_Bpp) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { if (src_Bpp == 4) { FXARGB_SETRGBORDERDIB(dest_scan, 0xff000000 | FXARGB_GETDIB(src_scan)); } else { FXARGB_SETRGBORDERDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(0xff, src_scan[2], src_scan[1], src_scan[0])); } dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } dest_scan[3] = 0xff; if (bNonseparableBlend) { uint8_t dest_scan_o[3]; dest_scan_o[0] = dest_scan[2]; dest_scan_o[1] = dest_scan[1]; dest_scan_o[2] = dest_scan[0]; RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int index = 2 - color; int src_color = *src_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[index], src_color); dest_scan[index] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_color, blended, back_alpha); src_scan++; } dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_gap; } } void CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_Blend_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = src_scan[3] * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = src_scan[3]; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += 4; continue; } if (bNonseparableBlend) { uint8_t dest_scan_o[3]; dest_scan_o[0] = dest_scan[2]; dest_scan_o[1] = dest_scan[1]; dest_scan_o[2] = dest_scan[0]; RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int index = 2 - color; int back_color = dest_scan[index]; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, back_color, *src_scan); dest_scan[index] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_NoClip_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int src_Bpp) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { if (src_Bpp == 4) { FXARGB_SETRGBORDERDIB(dest_scan, 0xff000000 | FXARGB_GETDIB(src_scan)); } else { FXARGB_SETRGBORDERDIB( dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(0xff, src_scan[2], src_scan[1], src_scan[0])); } dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_Bpp; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_NoClip_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { if (bNonseparableBlend) { uint8_t dest_scan_o[3]; dest_scan_o[0] = dest_scan[2]; dest_scan_o[1] = dest_scan[1]; dest_scan_o[2] = dest_scan[0]; RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int index = 2 - color; int back_color = dest_scan[index]; int src_color = *src_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, back_color, src_color); dest_scan[index] = blended; src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_gap; } } void CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = src_scan[3] * (*clip_scan++) / 255; } else { src_alpha = src_scan[3]; } if (src_alpha == 255) { dest_scan[2] = *src_scan++; dest_scan[1] = *src_scan++; dest_scan[0] = *src_scan++; dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan++; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += 4; continue; } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int index = 2 - color; dest_scan[index] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[index], *src_scan, src_alpha); src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_NoClip_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { dest_scan[2] = src_scan[0]; dest_scan[1] = src_scan[1]; dest_scan[0] = src_scan[2]; dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_Bpp; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_Clip_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_alpha = *clip_scan++; uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { dest_scan[2] = *src_scan++; dest_scan[1] = *src_scan++; dest_scan[0] = *src_scan++; src_scan += src_gap; dest_scan += 4; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (bNonseparableBlend) { uint8_t dest_scan_o[3]; dest_scan_o[0] = dest_scan[2]; dest_scan_o[1] = dest_scan[1]; dest_scan_o[2] = dest_scan[0]; RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int index = 2 - color; int src_color = *src_scan; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[index], src_color); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_color, blended, back_alpha); dest_scan[index] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[index], blended, alpha_ratio); src_scan++; } dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_gap; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_Clip_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int blend_type, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int blended_colors[3]; bool bNonseparableBlend = blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE; int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { uint8_t src_alpha = *clip_scan++; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } if (bNonseparableBlend) { uint8_t dest_scan_o[3]; dest_scan_o[0] = dest_scan[2]; dest_scan_o[1] = dest_scan[1]; dest_scan_o[2] = dest_scan[0]; RGB_Blend(blend_type, src_scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); } for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int index = 2 - color; int src_color = *src_scan; int back_color = dest_scan[index]; int blended = bNonseparableBlend ? blended_colors[color] : Blend(blend_type, back_color, src_color); dest_scan[index] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); src_scan++; } dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_gap; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_Clip_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int src_gap = src_Bpp - 3; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 255) { dest_scan[2] = *src_scan++; dest_scan[1] = *src_scan++; dest_scan[0] = *src_scan++; dest_scan[3] = 255; dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_gap; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_Bpp; continue; } int back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; for (int color = 0; color < 3; color++) { int index = 2 - color; dest_scan[index] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[index], *src_scan, alpha_ratio); src_scan++; } dest_scan += 4; src_scan += src_gap; } } void CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_Clip_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, int dest_Bpp, int src_Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 255) { dest_scan[2] = src_scan[0]; dest_scan[1] = src_scan[1]; dest_scan[0] = src_scan[2]; } else if (src_alpha) { dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], *src_scan, src_alpha); src_scan++; dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], *src_scan, src_alpha); src_scan++; dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], *src_scan, src_alpha); dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_Bpp - 2; continue; } dest_scan += dest_Bpp; src_scan += src_Bpp; } } void CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, FX_ARGB* pPalette, int pixel_count, int DestBpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { FX_ARGB argb = pPalette ? pPalette[*src_scan] : (*src_scan) * 0x010101; int src_r = FXARGB_R(argb); int src_g = FXARGB_G(argb); int src_b = FXARGB_B(argb); if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) { dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], src_b, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], src_g, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], src_r, clip_scan[col]); } else { dest_scan[2] = src_b; dest_scan[1] = src_g; dest_scan[0] = src_r; } dest_scan += DestBpp; src_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, FX_ARGB* pPalette, int pixel_count, int DestBpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int reset_r, reset_g, reset_b; int set_r, set_g, set_b; if (pPalette) { reset_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[0]); reset_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[0]); reset_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[0]); set_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[1]); set_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[1]); set_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[1]); } else { reset_r = reset_g = reset_b = 0; set_r = set_g = set_b = 255; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_r, src_g, src_b; if (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) { src_r = set_r; src_g = set_g; src_b = set_b; } else { src_r = reset_r; src_g = reset_g; src_b = reset_b; } if (clip_scan && clip_scan[col] < 255) { dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], src_b, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], src_g, clip_scan[col]); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], src_r, clip_scan[col]); } else { dest_scan[2] = src_b; dest_scan[1] = src_g; dest_scan[0] = src_r; } dest_scan += DestBpp; } } void CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Argb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, FX_ARGB* pPalette, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_r, src_g, src_b; if (pPalette) { FX_ARGB argb = pPalette[*src_scan]; src_r = FXARGB_R(argb); src_g = FXARGB_G(argb); src_b = FXARGB_B(argb); } else { src_r = src_g = src_b = *src_scan; } if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { dest_scan[2] = src_b; dest_scan[1] = src_g; dest_scan[0] = src_r; dest_scan[3] = 255; src_scan++; dest_scan += 4; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; src_scan++; continue; } int back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], src_r, alpha_ratio); dest_scan += 4; src_scan++; } } void CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Argb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, int width, FX_ARGB* pPalette, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { int reset_r, reset_g, reset_b; int set_r, set_g, set_b; if (pPalette) { reset_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[0]); reset_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[0]); reset_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[0]); set_r = FXARGB_R(pPalette[1]); set_g = FXARGB_G(pPalette[1]); set_b = FXARGB_B(pPalette[1]); } else { reset_r = reset_g = reset_b = 0; set_r = set_g = set_b = 255; } for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int src_r, src_g, src_b; if (src_scan[(col + src_left) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (col + src_left) % 8))) { src_r = set_r; src_g = set_g; src_b = set_b; } else { src_r = reset_r; src_g = reset_g; src_b = reset_b; } if (!clip_scan || clip_scan[col] == 255) { dest_scan[2] = src_b; dest_scan[1] = src_g; dest_scan[0] = src_r; dest_scan[3] = 255; dest_scan += 4; continue; } int src_alpha = clip_scan[col]; if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; continue; } int back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], src_r, alpha_ratio); dest_scan += 4; } } void CompositeRow_ByteMask2Argb_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] * src_scan[col] / 255 / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha * src_scan[col] / 255; } uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { FXARGB_SETRGBORDERDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, src_r, src_g, src_b)); dest_scan += 4; continue; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += 4; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; uint8_t dest_scan_o[3] = {dest_scan[2], dest_scan[1], dest_scan[0]}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], blended_colors[0], alpha_ratio); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], blended_colors[1], alpha_ratio); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], blended_colors[2], alpha_ratio); } else if (blend_type) { int blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[2], src_b); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_b, blended, back_alpha); dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], blended, alpha_ratio); blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[1], src_g); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_g, blended, back_alpha); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], blended, alpha_ratio); blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[0], src_r); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_r, blended, back_alpha); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], blended, alpha_ratio); } else { dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], src_r, alpha_ratio); } dest_scan += 4; } } void CompositeRow_ByteMask2Rgb_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int pixel_count, int blend_type, int Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] * src_scan[col] / 255 / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha * src_scan[col] / 255; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += Bpp; continue; } if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; uint8_t dest_scan_o[3] = {dest_scan[2], dest_scan[1], dest_scan[0]}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], blended_colors[0], src_alpha); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], blended_colors[1], src_alpha); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], blended_colors[2], src_alpha); } else if (blend_type) { int blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[2], src_b); dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], blended, src_alpha); blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[1], src_g); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], blended, src_alpha); blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[0], src_r); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], blended, src_alpha); } else { dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], src_b, src_alpha); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], src_g, src_alpha); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], src_r, src_alpha); } dest_scan += Bpp; } } void CompositeRow_BitMask2Argb_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int src_left, int pixel_count, int blend_type, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { if (blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL && !clip_scan && mask_alpha == 255) { FX_ARGB argb = FXARGB_MAKE(0xff, src_r, src_g, src_b); for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8))) { FXARGB_SETRGBORDERDIB(dest_scan, argb); } dest_scan += 4; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (!(src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8)))) { dest_scan += 4; continue; } int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha; } uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3]; if (back_alpha == 0) { FXARGB_SETRGBORDERDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, src_r, src_g, src_b)); dest_scan += 4; continue; } uint8_t dest_alpha = back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255; dest_scan[3] = dest_alpha; int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha; if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; uint8_t dest_scan_o[3] = {dest_scan[2], dest_scan[1], dest_scan[0]}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], blended_colors[0], alpha_ratio); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], blended_colors[1], alpha_ratio); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], blended_colors[2], alpha_ratio); } else if (blend_type) { int blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[2], src_b); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_b, blended, back_alpha); dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], blended, alpha_ratio); blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[1], src_g); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_g, blended, back_alpha); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], blended, alpha_ratio); blended = Blend(blend_type, dest_scan[0], src_r); blended = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(src_r, blended, back_alpha); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], blended, alpha_ratio); } else { dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], src_b, alpha_ratio); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], src_g, alpha_ratio); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], src_r, alpha_ratio); } dest_scan += 4; } } void CompositeRow_BitMask2Rgb_RgbByteOrder(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int mask_alpha, int src_r, int src_g, int src_b, int src_left, int pixel_count, int blend_type, int Bpp, const uint8_t* clip_scan) { if (blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL && !clip_scan && mask_alpha == 255) { for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8))) { dest_scan[2] = src_b; dest_scan[1] = src_g; dest_scan[0] = src_r; } dest_scan += Bpp; } return; } for (int col = 0; col < pixel_count; col++) { if (!(src_scan[(src_left + col) / 8] & (1 << (7 - (src_left + col) % 8)))) { dest_scan += Bpp; continue; } int src_alpha; if (clip_scan) { src_alpha = mask_alpha * clip_scan[col] / 255; } else { src_alpha = mask_alpha; } if (src_alpha == 0) { dest_scan += Bpp; continue; } if (blend_type >= FXDIB_BLEND_NONSEPARABLE) { int blended_colors[3]; uint8_t scan[3] = {static_cast(src_b), static_cast(src_g), static_cast(src_r)}; uint8_t dest_scan_o[3] = {dest_scan[2], dest_scan[1], dest_scan[0]}; RGB_Blend(blend_type, scan, dest_scan_o, blended_colors); dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], blended_colors[0], src_alpha); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], blended_colors[1], src_alpha); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], blended_colors[2], src_alpha); } else if (blend_type) { int back_color = dest_scan[2]; int blended = Blend(blend_type, back_color, src_b); dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); back_color = dest_scan[1]; blended = Blend(blend_type, back_color, src_g); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); back_color = dest_scan[0]; blended = Blend(blend_type, back_color, src_r); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(back_color, blended, src_alpha); } else { dest_scan[2] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[2], src_b, src_alpha); dest_scan[1] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[1], src_g, src_alpha); dest_scan[0] = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(dest_scan[0], src_r, src_alpha); } dest_scan += Bpp; } } bool ScanlineCompositor_InitSourceMask(FXDIB_Format dest_format, int alpha_flag, uint32_t mask_color, int& mask_alpha, int& mask_red, int& mask_green, int& mask_blue, int& mask_black) { if (alpha_flag >> 8) { mask_alpha = alpha_flag & 0xff; mask_red = FXSYS_GetCValue(mask_color); mask_green = FXSYS_GetMValue(mask_color); mask_blue = FXSYS_GetYValue(mask_color); mask_black = FXSYS_GetKValue(mask_color); } else { mask_alpha = FXARGB_A(mask_color); mask_red = FXARGB_R(mask_color); mask_green = FXARGB_G(mask_color); mask_blue = FXARGB_B(mask_color); } if (dest_format == FXDIB_8bppMask) { return true; } if ((dest_format & 0xff) == 8) { if (alpha_flag >> 8) { uint8_t r, g, b; AdobeCMYK_to_sRGB1(mask_red, mask_green, mask_blue, mask_black, r, g, b); mask_red = FXRGB2GRAY(r, g, b); } else { mask_red = FXRGB2GRAY(mask_red, mask_green, mask_blue); } if (dest_format & 0x0400) mask_red = FX_CCOLOR(mask_red); } else { uint8_t* mask_color_p = (uint8_t*)&mask_color; mask_color = (alpha_flag >> 8) ? FXCMYK_TODIB(mask_color) : FXARGB_TODIB(mask_color); if (alpha_flag >> 8) { AdobeCMYK_to_sRGB1(mask_color_p[0], mask_color_p[1], mask_color_p[2], mask_color_p[3], mask_color_p[2], mask_color_p[1], mask_color_p[0]); mask_red = mask_color_p[2]; mask_green = mask_color_p[1]; mask_blue = mask_color_p[0]; } } return true; } void ScanlineCompositor_InitSourcePalette(FXDIB_Format src_format, FXDIB_Format dest_format, uint32_t*& pDestPalette, uint32_t* pSrcPalette) { bool isSrcCmyk = !!(src_format & 0x0400); bool isDstCmyk = !!(dest_format & 0x0400); pDestPalette = nullptr; if (pSrcPalette) { if ((dest_format & 0xff) == 8) { int pal_count = 1 << (src_format & 0xff); uint8_t* gray_pal = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, pal_count); pDestPalette = (uint32_t*)gray_pal; if (isSrcCmyk) { for (int i = 0; i < pal_count; i++) { FX_CMYK cmyk = pSrcPalette[i]; uint8_t r, g, b; AdobeCMYK_to_sRGB1(FXSYS_GetCValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetMValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetYValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetKValue(cmyk), r, g, b); *gray_pal++ = FXRGB2GRAY(r, g, b); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < pal_count; i++) { FX_ARGB argb = pSrcPalette[i]; *gray_pal++ = FXRGB2GRAY(FXARGB_R(argb), FXARGB_G(argb), FXARGB_B(argb)); } } } else { int palsize = 1 << (src_format & 0xff); pDestPalette = FX_Alloc(uint32_t, palsize); if (isDstCmyk == isSrcCmyk) { memcpy(pDestPalette, pSrcPalette, palsize * sizeof(uint32_t)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < palsize; i++) { FX_CMYK cmyk = pSrcPalette[i]; uint8_t r, g, b; AdobeCMYK_to_sRGB1(FXSYS_GetCValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetMValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetYValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetKValue(cmyk), r, g, b); pDestPalette[i] = FXARGB_MAKE(0xff, r, g, b); } } } } else { if ((dest_format & 0xff) == 8) { int pal_count = 1 << (src_format & 0xff); uint8_t* gray_pal = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, pal_count); if (pal_count == 2) { gray_pal[0] = 0; gray_pal[1] = 255; } else { for (int i = 0; i < pal_count; i++) { gray_pal[i] = i; } } pDestPalette = (uint32_t*)gray_pal; } else { int palsize = 1 << (src_format & 0xff); pDestPalette = FX_Alloc(uint32_t, palsize); if (palsize == 2) { pDestPalette[0] = isSrcCmyk ? 255 : 0xff000000; pDestPalette[1] = isSrcCmyk ? 0 : 0xffffffff; } else { for (int i = 0; i < palsize; i++) { pDestPalette[i] = isSrcCmyk ? FX_CCOLOR(i) : (i * 0x10101); } } if (isSrcCmyk != isDstCmyk) { for (int i = 0; i < palsize; i++) { FX_CMYK cmyk = pDestPalette[i]; uint8_t r, g, b; AdobeCMYK_to_sRGB1(FXSYS_GetCValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetMValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetYValue(cmyk), FXSYS_GetKValue(cmyk), r, g, b); pDestPalette[i] = FXARGB_MAKE(0xff, r, g, b); } } } } } } // namespace CFX_ScanlineCompositor::CFX_ScanlineCompositor() { m_pSrcPalette = nullptr; m_pCacheScanline = nullptr; m_CacheSize = 0; m_bRgbByteOrder = false; m_BlendType = FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL; } CFX_ScanlineCompositor::~CFX_ScanlineCompositor() { FX_Free(m_pSrcPalette); FX_Free(m_pCacheScanline); } bool CFX_ScanlineCompositor::Init(FXDIB_Format dest_format, FXDIB_Format src_format, int32_t width, uint32_t* pSrcPalette, uint32_t mask_color, int blend_type, bool bClip, bool bRgbByteOrder, int alpha_flag) { m_SrcFormat = src_format; m_DestFormat = dest_format; m_BlendType = blend_type; m_bRgbByteOrder = bRgbByteOrder; if ((dest_format & 0xff) == 1) return false; if (m_SrcFormat == FXDIB_1bppMask || m_SrcFormat == FXDIB_8bppMask) { return ScanlineCompositor_InitSourceMask( dest_format, alpha_flag, mask_color, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, m_MaskBlack); } if ((~src_format & 0x0400) && (dest_format & 0x0400)) return false; if ((m_SrcFormat & 0xff) <= 8) { if (dest_format == FXDIB_8bppMask) return true; ScanlineCompositor_InitSourcePalette(src_format, dest_format, m_pSrcPalette, pSrcPalette); m_Transparency = (dest_format == FXDIB_Argb ? 1 : 0) + (dest_format & 0x0200 ? 2 : 0) + (dest_format & 0x0400 ? 4 : 0) + ((src_format & 0xff) == 1 ? 8 : 0); return true; } m_Transparency = (src_format & 0x0200 ? 0 : 1) + (dest_format & 0x0200 ? 0 : 2) + (blend_type == FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL ? 4 : 0) + (bClip ? 8 : 0) + (src_format & 0x0400 ? 16 : 0) + (dest_format & 0x0400 ? 32 : 0); return true; } void CFX_ScanlineCompositor::CompositeRgbBitmapLine( uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_extra_alpha, uint8_t* dst_extra_alpha) { int src_Bpp = (m_SrcFormat & 0xff) >> 3; int dest_Bpp = (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3; if (m_bRgbByteOrder) { switch (m_Transparency) { case 0: case 4: case 8: case 12: CompositeRow_Argb2Argb_RgbByteOrder(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan); break; case 1: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_NoClip_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, src_Bpp); break; case 2: case 10: CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_Blend_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, clip_scan); break; case 3: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_NoClip_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp); break; case 5: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_NoClip_RgbByteOrder(dest_scan, src_scan, width, src_Bpp); break; case 6: case 14: CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder(dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, clip_scan); break; case 7: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_NoClip_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp); break; case 9: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_Clip_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, src_Bpp, clip_scan); break; case 11: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_Clip_RgbByteOrder(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp, clip_scan); break; case 13: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_Clip_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, width, src_Bpp, clip_scan); break; case 15: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_Clip_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp, clip_scan); break; } return; } if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_8bppMask) { if (m_SrcFormat & 0x0200) { if (m_SrcFormat == FXDIB_Argb) { CompositeRow_AlphaToMask(dest_scan, src_scan, width, clip_scan, 4); } else { CompositeRow_AlphaToMask(dest_scan, src_extra_alpha, width, clip_scan, 1); } } else { CompositeRow_Rgb2Mask(dest_scan, src_scan, width, clip_scan); } } else if ((m_DestFormat & 0xff) == 8) { if (m_DestFormat & 0x0400) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { *dest_scan = ~*dest_scan; dest_scan++; } } if (m_SrcFormat & 0x0200) { if (m_DestFormat & 0x0200) { CompositeRow_Argb2Graya(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha, dst_extra_alpha); } else { CompositeRow_Argb2Gray(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha); } } else { if (m_DestFormat & 0x0200) { CompositeRow_Rgb2Graya(dest_scan, src_scan, src_Bpp, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha); } else { CompositeRow_Rgb2Gray(dest_scan, src_scan, src_Bpp, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan); } } if (m_DestFormat & 0x0400) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { *dest_scan = ~*dest_scan; dest_scan++; } } } else { int dest_Size = width * dest_Bpp + 4; if (dest_Size > m_CacheSize) { m_pCacheScanline = FX_Realloc(uint8_t, m_pCacheScanline, dest_Size); if (!m_pCacheScanline) { return; } m_CacheSize = dest_Size; } switch (m_Transparency) { case 0: case 4: case 8: case 4 + 8: { CompositeRow_Argb2Argb(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha, src_extra_alpha); } break; case 64: case 4 + 64: case 8 + 64: case 4 + 8 + 64: { CompositeRow_Argb2Argb_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha, src_extra_alpha, m_pCacheScanline); } break; case 1: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_NoClip( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, src_Bpp, dst_extra_alpha); break; case 1 + 64: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_NoClip_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, src_Bpp, dst_extra_alpha, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 1 + 8: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_Clip(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, src_Bpp, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha); break; case 1 + 8 + 64: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_Blend_Clip_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, src_Bpp, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 1 + 4: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_NoClip(dest_scan, src_scan, width, src_Bpp, dst_extra_alpha); break; case 1 + 4 + 64: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_NoClip_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, src_Bpp, dst_extra_alpha, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 1 + 4 + 8: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_Clip(dest_scan, src_scan, width, src_Bpp, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha); break; case 1 + 4 + 8 + 64: CompositeRow_Rgb2Argb_NoBlend_Clip_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, src_Bpp, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 2: case 2 + 8: CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_Blend(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha); break; case 2 + 64: case 2 + 8 + 64: CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_Blend_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 2 + 4: case 2 + 4 + 8: CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_NoBlend(dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha); break; case 2 + 4 + 64: case 2 + 4 + 8 + 64: CompositeRow_Argb2Rgb_NoBlend_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 1 + 2: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_NoClip(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp); break; case 1 + 2 + 64: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_NoClip_Transform(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 1 + 2 + 8: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_Clip(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp, clip_scan); break; case 1 + 2 + 8 + 64: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_Blend_Clip_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_BlendType, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp, clip_scan, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 1 + 2 + 4: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_NoClip(dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp); break; case 1 + 2 + 4 + 64: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_NoClip_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp, m_pCacheScanline); break; case 1 + 2 + 4 + 8: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_Clip(dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp, clip_scan); break; case 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 64: CompositeRow_Rgb2Rgb_NoBlend_Clip_Transform( dest_scan, src_scan, width, dest_Bpp, src_Bpp, clip_scan, m_pCacheScanline); break; } } } void CFX_ScanlineCompositor::CompositePalBitmapLine( uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, int width, const uint8_t* clip_scan, const uint8_t* src_extra_alpha, uint8_t* dst_extra_alpha) { if (m_bRgbByteOrder) { if (m_SrcFormat == FXDIB_1bppRgb) { if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_8bppRgb) { return; } if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Argb) { CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Argb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, width, m_pSrcPalette, clip_scan); } else { CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, m_pSrcPalette, width, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan); } } else { if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_8bppRgb) { return; } if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Argb) { CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Argb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_pSrcPalette, clip_scan); } else { CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, m_pSrcPalette, width, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan); } } return; } if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_8bppMask) { CompositeRow_Rgb2Mask(dest_scan, src_scan, width, clip_scan); return; } if ((m_DestFormat & 0xff) == 8) { if (m_Transparency & 8) { if (m_DestFormat & 0x0200) { CompositeRow_1bppPal2Graya(dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, (const uint8_t*)m_pSrcPalette, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha); } else { CompositeRow_1bppPal2Gray(dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, (const uint8_t*)m_pSrcPalette, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan); } } else { if (m_DestFormat & 0x0200) CompositeRow_8bppPal2Graya( dest_scan, src_scan, (const uint8_t*)m_pSrcPalette, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha, src_extra_alpha); else CompositeRow_8bppPal2Gray(dest_scan, src_scan, (const uint8_t*)m_pSrcPalette, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha); } } else { switch (m_Transparency) { case 1 + 2: CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Argb_NoBlend(dest_scan, src_scan, width, m_pSrcPalette, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha); break; case 1 + 2 + 8: CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Argb_NoBlend(dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, width, m_pSrcPalette, clip_scan); break; case 0: CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend(dest_scan, src_scan, m_pSrcPalette, width, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha); break; case 0 + 8: CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend(dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, m_pSrcPalette, width, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan); break; case 0 + 2: CompositeRow_8bppRgb2Rgb_NoBlend(dest_scan, src_scan, m_pSrcPalette, width, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan, src_extra_alpha); break; case 0 + 2 + 8: CompositeRow_1bppRgb2Rgba_NoBlend(dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, width, m_pSrcPalette, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha); break; break; } } } void CFX_ScanlineCompositor::CompositeByteMaskLine(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int width, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dst_extra_alpha) { if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_8bppMask) { CompositeRow_ByteMask2Mask(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, width, clip_scan); } else if ((m_DestFormat & 0xff) == 8) { if (m_DestFormat & 0x0200) { CompositeRow_ByteMask2Graya(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, width, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha); } else { CompositeRow_ByteMask2Gray(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, width, clip_scan); } } else if (m_bRgbByteOrder) { if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Argb) { CompositeRow_ByteMask2Argb_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan); } else { CompositeRow_ByteMask2Rgb_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, width, m_BlendType, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan); } return; } else if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Argb) { CompositeRow_ByteMask2Argb(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan); } else if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Rgb || m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Rgb32) { CompositeRow_ByteMask2Rgb(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, width, m_BlendType, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan); } else if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Rgba) { CompositeRow_ByteMask2Rgba(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha); } } void CFX_ScanlineCompositor::CompositeBitMaskLine(uint8_t* dest_scan, const uint8_t* src_scan, int src_left, int width, const uint8_t* clip_scan, uint8_t* dst_extra_alpha) { if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_8bppMask) { CompositeRow_BitMask2Mask(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, src_left, width, clip_scan); } else if ((m_DestFormat & 0xff) == 8) { if (m_DestFormat & 0x0200) { CompositeRow_BitMask2Graya(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, src_left, width, clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha); } else { CompositeRow_BitMask2Gray(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, src_left, width, clip_scan); } } else if (m_bRgbByteOrder) { if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Argb) { CompositeRow_BitMask2Argb_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, src_left, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan); } else { CompositeRow_BitMask2Rgb_RgbByteOrder( dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, src_left, width, m_BlendType, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan); } return; } else if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Argb) { CompositeRow_BitMask2Argb(dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, src_left, width, m_BlendType, clip_scan); } else if (m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Rgb || m_DestFormat == FXDIB_Rgb32) { CompositeRow_BitMask2Rgb( dest_scan, src_scan, m_MaskAlpha, m_MaskRed, m_MaskGreen, m_MaskBlue, src_left, width, m_BlendType, (m_DestFormat & 0xff) >> 3, clip_scan); } }