// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com

#ifndef _FPDF_VT_H_
#define _FPDF_VT_H_
#include "../fxcrt/fx_basic.h"
#include "../fpdfapi/fpdf_parser.h"
struct CPVT_WordPlace;
struct CPVT_WordRange;
struct CPVT_Word;
struct CPVT_Line;
struct CPVT_Section;
class IPDF_VariableText_Provider;
class IPDF_VariableText_Iterator;
class IPDF_VariableText;
struct CPVT_WordPlace {

    CPVT_WordPlace() : nSecIndex(-1), nLineIndex(-1), nWordIndex(-1)

    CPVT_WordPlace(FX_INT32 nSecIndex, FX_INT32 nLineIndex, FX_INT32 nWordIndex)
        this->nSecIndex = nSecIndex;
        this->nLineIndex = nLineIndex;
        this->nWordIndex = nWordIndex;

    void Default()
        nSecIndex = nLineIndex = nWordIndex = -1;

    FX_BOOL operator == (const CPVT_WordPlace & wp) const
        return wp.nSecIndex == this->nSecIndex && wp.nLineIndex == this->nLineIndex && wp.nWordIndex == this->nWordIndex;

    FX_BOOL operator != (const CPVT_WordPlace & wp) const
        return wp.nSecIndex != this->nSecIndex || wp.nLineIndex != this->nLineIndex || wp.nWordIndex != this->nWordIndex;

    inline FX_INT32 WordCmp(const CPVT_WordPlace & wp) const
        if (this->nSecIndex > wp.nSecIndex) {
            return 1;
        if (this->nSecIndex < wp.nSecIndex) {
            return -1;
        if (this->nLineIndex > wp.nLineIndex) {
            return 1;
        if (this->nLineIndex < wp.nLineIndex) {
            return -1;
        if (this->nWordIndex > wp.nWordIndex) {
            return 1;
        if (this->nWordIndex < wp.nWordIndex) {
            return -1;
        return 0;

    inline FX_INT32 LineCmp(const CPVT_WordPlace & wp) const
        if (this->nSecIndex > wp.nSecIndex) {
            return 1;
        if (this->nSecIndex < wp.nSecIndex) {
            return -1;
        if (this->nLineIndex > wp.nLineIndex) {
            return 1;
        if (this->nLineIndex < wp.nLineIndex) {
            return -1;
        return 0;

    inline FX_INT32 SecCmp(const CPVT_WordPlace & wp) const
        if (this->nSecIndex > wp.nSecIndex) {
            return 1;
        if (this->nSecIndex < wp.nSecIndex) {
            return -1;
        return 0;

    FX_INT32							nSecIndex;

    FX_INT32							nLineIndex;

    FX_INT32							nWordIndex;
struct CPVT_WordRange {


    CPVT_WordRange(const CPVT_WordPlace & begin, const CPVT_WordPlace & end)
        Set(begin, end);

    void Default()

    void Set(const CPVT_WordPlace & begin, const CPVT_WordPlace & end)
        this->BeginPos = begin;
        this->EndPos = end;

    void SetBeginPos(const CPVT_WordPlace & begin)
        this->BeginPos = begin;

    void SetEndPos(const CPVT_WordPlace & end)
        this->EndPos = end;

    FX_BOOL IsExist() const
        return this->BeginPos != this->EndPos;

    FX_BOOL operator != (const CPVT_WordRange & wr) const
        return wr.BeginPos != this->BeginPos || wr.EndPos != this->EndPos;

    void SwapWordPlace()
        if (BeginPos.WordCmp(EndPos) > 0) {
            CPVT_WordPlace place = EndPos;
            EndPos = BeginPos;
            BeginPos = place;

    CPVT_WordPlace BeginPos;

    CPVT_WordPlace EndPos;
struct CPVT_SecProps : public CFX_Object {

    CPVT_SecProps() : fLineLeading(0.0f), fLineIndent(0.0f), nAlignment(0)

    CPVT_SecProps(FX_FLOAT lineLeading, FX_FLOAT lineIndent, FX_INT32 alignment) :
        fLineLeading(lineLeading), fLineIndent(lineIndent), nAlignment(alignment)

    CPVT_SecProps(const CPVT_SecProps & other) :
        fLineLeading(other.fLineLeading), fLineIndent(other.fLineIndent), nAlignment(other.nAlignment)

    FX_FLOAT			fLineLeading;

    FX_FLOAT			fLineIndent;

    FX_INT32			nAlignment;
struct CPVT_WordProps : public CFX_Object {

    CPVT_WordProps() : nFontIndex(-1), fFontSize(0.0f), dwWordColor(0), nScriptType(0), nWordStyle(0),
        fCharSpace(0.0f), nHorzScale(0)

    CPVT_WordProps(FX_INT32	fontIndex, FX_FLOAT fontSize, FX_COLORREF wordColor = 0, FX_INT32 scriptType = 0, FX_INT32 wordStyle = 0,
                   FX_FLOAT charSpace = 0, FX_INT32 horzScale = 100) :
        nFontIndex(fontIndex), fFontSize(fontSize), dwWordColor(wordColor), nScriptType(scriptType),
        nWordStyle(wordStyle), fCharSpace(charSpace), nHorzScale(horzScale)

    CPVT_WordProps(const CPVT_WordProps & other) :
        nFontIndex(other.nFontIndex), fFontSize(other.fFontSize), dwWordColor(other.dwWordColor),
        nScriptType(other.nScriptType), nWordStyle(other.nWordStyle), fCharSpace(other.fCharSpace),

    FX_INT32					nFontIndex;

    FX_FLOAT					fFontSize;

    FX_COLORREF					dwWordColor;

    FX_INT32					nScriptType;

    FX_INT32					nWordStyle;

    FX_FLOAT					fCharSpace;

    FX_INT32					nHorzScale;
struct CPVT_Word {

    CPVT_Word() : Word(0), nCharset(0), ptWord(0, 0), fAscent(0.0f), fDescent(0.0f), fWidth(0.0f),
        fFontSize(0), WordProps()

    FX_WORD						Word;

    FX_INT32					nCharset;

    CPVT_WordPlace				WordPlace;

    CPDF_Point					ptWord;

    FX_FLOAT					fAscent;

    FX_FLOAT					fDescent;

    FX_FLOAT					fWidth;

    FX_INT32					nFontIndex;

    FX_FLOAT					fFontSize;

    CPVT_WordProps				WordProps;
struct CPVT_Line {

    CPVT_Line() : ptLine(0, 0), fLineWidth(0.0f), fLineAscent(0.0f), fLineDescent(0.0f)

    CPVT_WordPlace				lineplace;

    CPVT_WordPlace				lineEnd;

    CPDF_Point					ptLine;

    FX_FLOAT					fLineWidth;

    FX_FLOAT					fLineAscent;

    FX_FLOAT					fLineDescent;
struct CPVT_Section {

    CPVT_WordPlace				secplace;

    CPDF_Rect					rcSection;

    CPVT_SecProps				SecProps;

    CPVT_WordProps				WordProps;
class IPDF_VariableText_Provider

    virtual FX_INT32						GetCharWidth(FX_INT32 nFontIndex, FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 nWordStyle) = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetTypeAscent(FX_INT32 nFontIndex) = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetTypeDescent(FX_INT32 nFontIndex) = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetWordFontIndex(FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset, FX_INT32 nFontIndex) = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							IsLatinWord(FX_WORD word) = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetDefaultFontIndex() = 0;
class IPDF_VariableText_Iterator

    virtual FX_BOOL							NextWord() = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							PrevWord() = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							NextLine() = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							PrevLine() = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							NextSection() = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							PrevSection() = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							GetWord(CPVT_Word & word) const = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							SetWord(const CPVT_Word & word) = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							GetLine(CPVT_Line & line) const = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							GetSection(CPVT_Section & section) const = 0;

    virtual	FX_BOOL							SetSection(const CPVT_Section & section) = 0;

    virtual void							SetAt(FX_INT32 nWordIndex) = 0;

    virtual void							SetAt(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) = 0;

    virtual const CPVT_WordPlace &			GetAt() const = 0;
class IPDF_VariableText

    static IPDF_VariableText*			NewVariableText();

    static void							DelVariableText(IPDF_VariableText* pVT);

    virtual IPDF_VariableText_Provider*		SetProvider(IPDF_VariableText_Provider * pProvider) = 0;

    virtual IPDF_VariableText_Iterator*		GetIterator() = 0;

    virtual void							SetPlateRect(const CPDF_Rect & rect) = 0;

    virtual void							SetAlignment(FX_INT32 nFormat = 0) = 0;

    virtual void							SetPasswordChar(FX_WORD wSubWord = '*') = 0;

    virtual void							SetLimitChar(FX_INT32 nLimitChar = 0) = 0;

    virtual void							SetCharArray(FX_INT32 nCharArray = 0) = 0;

    virtual void							SetCharSpace(FX_FLOAT fCharSpace = 0.0f) = 0;

    virtual void							SetHorzScale(FX_INT32 nHorzScale = 100) = 0;

    virtual void							SetMultiLine(FX_BOOL bMultiLine = TRUE) = 0;

    virtual void							SetAutoReturn(FX_BOOL bAuto = TRUE) = 0;

    virtual void							SetAutoFontSize(FX_BOOL bAuto = TRUE) = 0;

    virtual void							SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize) = 0;

    virtual void							SetLineLeading(FX_FLOAT fLineLeading) = 0;

    virtual void							SetRichText(FX_BOOL bRichText) = 0;

    virtual void							Initialize() = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							IsValid() const = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							IsRichText() const = 0;

    virtual void							RearrangeAll() = 0;

    virtual void							RearrangePart(const CPVT_WordRange & PlaceRange) = 0;

    virtual void							ResetAll() = 0;

    virtual void							SetText(FX_LPCWSTR text, FX_INT32 charset = 1, const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,
            const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL) = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					InsertWord(const CPVT_WordPlace & place, FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset = 1,
            const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL) = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					InsertSection(const CPVT_WordPlace & place, const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,
            const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL) = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					InsertText(const CPVT_WordPlace & place, FX_LPCWSTR text, FX_INT32 charset = 1,
            const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,	const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL) = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					DeleteWords(const CPVT_WordRange & PlaceRange) = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					DeleteWord(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					BackSpaceWord(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) = 0;

    virtual const CPDF_Rect &				GetPlateRect() const = 0;

    virtual CPDF_Rect						GetContentRect() const = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetTotalWords() const = 0;

    virtual FX_FLOAT						GetFontSize() const = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetAlignment() const = 0;

    virtual FX_WORD							GetPasswordChar() const = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetCharArray() const = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetLimitChar() const = 0;

    virtual FX_BOOL							IsMultiLine() const = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						GetHorzScale() const = 0;

    virtual FX_FLOAT						GetCharSpace() const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetBeginWordPlace() const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetEndWordPlace() const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetPrevWordPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetNextWordPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					SearchWordPlace(const CPDF_Point & point) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetUpWordPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place, const CPDF_Point & point) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetDownWordPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place, const CPDF_Point & point) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetLineBeginPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetLineEndPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetSectionBeginPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					GetSectionEndPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const = 0;

    virtual void							UpdateWordPlace(CPVT_WordPlace & place) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					AjustLineHeader(const CPVT_WordPlace & place, FX_BOOL bPrevOrNext) const = 0;

    virtual FX_INT32						WordPlaceToWordIndex(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const = 0;

    virtual CPVT_WordPlace					WordIndexToWordPlace(FX_INT32 index) const = 0;