// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_INCLUDE_FXCRT_FX_BASIC_H_ #define CORE_INCLUDE_FXCRT_FX_BASIC_H_ #include "fx_memory.h" #include "fx_stream.h" #include "fx_string.h" #include "fx_system.h" // The FX_ArraySize(arr) macro returns the # of elements in an array arr. // The expression is a compile-time constant, and therefore can be // used in defining new arrays, for example. If you use FX_ArraySize on // a pointer by mistake, you will get a compile-time error. // // One caveat is that FX_ArraySize() doesn't accept any array of an // anonymous type or a type defined inside a function. #define FX_ArraySize(array) (sizeof(ArraySizeHelper(array))) // This template function declaration is used in defining FX_ArraySize. // Note that the function doesn't need an implementation, as we only // use its type. template char(&ArraySizeHelper(T(&array)[N]))[N]; class CFX_BinaryBuf { public: CFX_BinaryBuf(); CFX_BinaryBuf(FX_STRSIZE size); ~CFX_BinaryBuf(); void Clear(); void EstimateSize(FX_STRSIZE size, FX_STRSIZE alloc_step = 0); void AppendBlock(const void* pBuf, FX_STRSIZE size); void AppendFill(uint8_t byte, FX_STRSIZE count); void AppendString(const CFX_ByteStringC& str) { AppendBlock(str.GetPtr(), str.GetLength()); } inline void AppendByte(uint8_t byte) { if (m_AllocSize <= m_DataSize) { ExpandBuf(1); } m_pBuffer[m_DataSize++] = byte; } void InsertBlock(FX_STRSIZE pos, const void* pBuf, FX_STRSIZE size); void AttachData(void* pBuf, FX_STRSIZE size); void CopyData(const void* pBuf, FX_STRSIZE size); void TakeOver(CFX_BinaryBuf& other); void Delete(int start_index, int count); uint8_t* GetBuffer() const { return m_pBuffer; } FX_STRSIZE GetSize() const { return m_DataSize; } CFX_ByteStringC GetByteString() const; void DetachBuffer(); protected: FX_STRSIZE m_AllocStep; uint8_t* m_pBuffer; FX_STRSIZE m_DataSize; FX_STRSIZE m_AllocSize; void ExpandBuf(FX_STRSIZE size); }; class CFX_ByteTextBuf : public CFX_BinaryBuf { public: void operator=(const CFX_ByteStringC& str); void AppendChar(int ch) { AppendByte((uint8_t)ch); } CFX_ByteTextBuf& operator<<(int i); CFX_ByteTextBuf& operator<<(FX_DWORD i); CFX_ByteTextBuf& operator<<(double f); CFX_ByteTextBuf& operator<<(const CFX_ByteStringC& lpsz); CFX_ByteTextBuf& operator<<(const CFX_ByteTextBuf& buf); FX_STRSIZE GetLength() const { return m_DataSize; } }; class CFX_WideTextBuf : public CFX_BinaryBuf { public: void operator=(const FX_WCHAR* lpsz); void operator=(const CFX_WideStringC& str); void AppendChar(FX_WCHAR wch); CFX_WideTextBuf& operator<<(int i); CFX_WideTextBuf& operator<<(double f); CFX_WideTextBuf& operator<<(const FX_WCHAR* lpsz); CFX_WideTextBuf& operator<<(const CFX_WideStringC& str); CFX_WideTextBuf& operator<<(const CFX_WideString& str); CFX_WideTextBuf& operator<<(const CFX_WideTextBuf& buf); FX_STRSIZE GetLength() const { return m_DataSize / sizeof(FX_WCHAR); } FX_WCHAR* GetBuffer() const { return (FX_WCHAR*)m_pBuffer; } void Delete(int start_index, int count) { CFX_BinaryBuf::Delete(start_index * sizeof(FX_WCHAR), count * sizeof(FX_WCHAR)); } CFX_WideStringC GetWideString() const; }; class IFX_BufferArchive { public: IFX_BufferArchive(FX_STRSIZE size); virtual ~IFX_BufferArchive() {} virtual void Clear(); FX_BOOL Flush(); int32_t AppendBlock(const void* pBuf, size_t size); int32_t AppendByte(uint8_t byte); int32_t AppendDWord(FX_DWORD i); int32_t AppendString(const CFX_ByteStringC& lpsz); protected: virtual FX_BOOL DoWork(const void* pBuf, size_t size) = 0; FX_STRSIZE m_BufSize; uint8_t* m_pBuffer; FX_STRSIZE m_Length; }; class CFX_FileBufferArchive : public IFX_BufferArchive { public: CFX_FileBufferArchive(FX_STRSIZE size = 32768); ~CFX_FileBufferArchive() override; void Clear() override; FX_BOOL AttachFile(IFX_StreamWrite* pFile, FX_BOOL bTakeover = FALSE); private: FX_BOOL DoWork(const void* pBuf, size_t size) override; IFX_StreamWrite* m_pFile; FX_BOOL m_bTakeover; }; struct CFX_CharMap { static CFX_CharMap* GetDefaultMapper(int32_t codepage = 0); CFX_WideString (*m_GetWideString)(CFX_CharMap* pMap, const CFX_ByteString& bstr); CFX_ByteString (*m_GetByteString)(CFX_CharMap* pMap, const CFX_WideString& wstr); int32_t (*m_GetCodePage)(); }; class CFX_UTF8Decoder { public: CFX_UTF8Decoder() { m_PendingBytes = 0; } void Clear(); void Input(uint8_t byte); void AppendChar(FX_DWORD ch); void ClearStatus() { m_PendingBytes = 0; } CFX_WideStringC GetResult() const { return m_Buffer.GetWideString(); } protected: int m_PendingBytes; FX_DWORD m_PendingChar; CFX_WideTextBuf m_Buffer; }; class CFX_UTF8Encoder { public: CFX_UTF8Encoder() { m_UTF16First = 0; } void Input(FX_WCHAR unicode); void AppendStr(const CFX_ByteStringC& str) { m_UTF16First = 0; m_Buffer << str; } CFX_ByteStringC GetResult() const { return m_Buffer.GetByteString(); } protected: CFX_ByteTextBuf m_Buffer; FX_DWORD m_UTF16First; }; CFX_ByteString FX_UrlEncode(const CFX_WideString& wsUrl); CFX_WideString FX_UrlDecode(const CFX_ByteString& bsUrl); CFX_ByteString FX_EncodeURI(const CFX_WideString& wsURI); CFX_WideString FX_DecodeURI(const CFX_ByteString& bsURI); class CFX_BasicArray { protected: CFX_BasicArray(int unit_size); ~CFX_BasicArray(); FX_BOOL SetSize(int nNewSize); FX_BOOL Append(const CFX_BasicArray& src); FX_BOOL Copy(const CFX_BasicArray& src); uint8_t* InsertSpaceAt(int nIndex, int nCount); FX_BOOL RemoveAt(int nIndex, int nCount); FX_BOOL InsertAt(int nStartIndex, const CFX_BasicArray* pNewArray); const void* GetDataPtr(int index) const; protected: uint8_t* m_pData; int m_nSize; int m_nMaxSize; int m_nUnitSize; }; template class CFX_ArrayTemplate : public CFX_BasicArray { public: CFX_ArrayTemplate() : CFX_BasicArray(sizeof(TYPE)) {} int GetSize() const { return m_nSize; } int GetUpperBound() const { return m_nSize - 1; } FX_BOOL SetSize(int nNewSize) { return CFX_BasicArray::SetSize(nNewSize); } void RemoveAll() { SetSize(0); } const TYPE GetAt(int nIndex) const { if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_nSize) { return (const TYPE&)(*(volatile const TYPE*)NULL); } return ((const TYPE*)m_pData)[nIndex]; } FX_BOOL SetAt(int nIndex, TYPE newElement) { if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_nSize) { return FALSE; } ((TYPE*)m_pData)[nIndex] = newElement; return TRUE; } TYPE& ElementAt(int nIndex) { if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_nSize) { return *(TYPE*)NULL; } return ((TYPE*)m_pData)[nIndex]; } const TYPE* GetData() const { return (const TYPE*)m_pData; } TYPE* GetData() { return (TYPE*)m_pData; } FX_BOOL SetAtGrow(int nIndex, TYPE newElement) { if (nIndex < 0) { return FALSE; } if (nIndex >= m_nSize) if (!SetSize(nIndex + 1)) { return FALSE; } ((TYPE*)m_pData)[nIndex] = newElement; return TRUE; } FX_BOOL Add(TYPE newElement) { if (m_nSize < m_nMaxSize) { m_nSize++; } else if (!SetSize(m_nSize + 1)) { return FALSE; } ((TYPE*)m_pData)[m_nSize - 1] = newElement; return TRUE; } FX_BOOL Append(const CFX_ArrayTemplate& src) { return CFX_BasicArray::Append(src); } FX_BOOL Copy(const CFX_ArrayTemplate& src) { return CFX_BasicArray::Copy(src); } TYPE* GetDataPtr(int index) { return (TYPE*)CFX_BasicArray::GetDataPtr(index); } TYPE* AddSpace() { return (TYPE*)CFX_BasicArray::InsertSpaceAt(m_nSize, 1); } TYPE* InsertSpaceAt(int nIndex, int nCount) { return (TYPE*)CFX_BasicArray::InsertSpaceAt(nIndex, nCount); } const TYPE operator[](int nIndex) const { if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_nSize) { *(volatile char*)0 = '\0'; } return ((const TYPE*)m_pData)[nIndex]; } TYPE& operator[](int nIndex) { if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_nSize) { *(volatile char*)0 = '\0'; } return ((TYPE*)m_pData)[nIndex]; } FX_BOOL InsertAt(int nIndex, TYPE newElement, int nCount = 1) { if (!InsertSpaceAt(nIndex, nCount)) { return FALSE; } while (nCount--) { ((TYPE*)m_pData)[nIndex++] = newElement; } return TRUE; } FX_BOOL RemoveAt(int nIndex, int nCount = 1) { return CFX_BasicArray::RemoveAt(nIndex, nCount); } FX_BOOL InsertAt(int nStartIndex, const CFX_BasicArray* pNewArray) { return CFX_BasicArray::InsertAt(nStartIndex, pNewArray); } int Find(TYPE data, int iStart = 0) const { if (iStart < 0) { return -1; } for (; iStart < (int)m_nSize; iStart++) if (((TYPE*)m_pData)[iStart] == data) { return iStart; } return -1; } }; typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate CFX_ByteArray; typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate CFX_WordArray; typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate CFX_DWordArray; typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate CFX_PtrArray; typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate CFX_FileSizeArray; typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate CFX_FloatArray; typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate CFX_Int32Array; template class CFX_ObjectArray : public CFX_BasicArray { public: CFX_ObjectArray() : CFX_BasicArray(sizeof(ObjectClass)) {} ~CFX_ObjectArray() { RemoveAll(); } void Add(const ObjectClass& data) { new ((void*)InsertSpaceAt(m_nSize, 1)) ObjectClass(data); } ObjectClass& Add() { return *(ObjectClass*)new ((void*)InsertSpaceAt(m_nSize, 1)) ObjectClass(); } void* AddSpace() { return InsertSpaceAt(m_nSize, 1); } int32_t Append(const CFX_ObjectArray& src, int32_t nStart = 0, int32_t nCount = -1) { if (nCount == 0) { return 0; } int32_t nSize = src.GetSize(); if (!nSize) { return 0; } FXSYS_assert(nStart > -1 && nStart < nSize); if (nCount < 0) { nCount = nSize; } if (nStart + nCount > nSize) { nCount = nSize - nStart; } if (nCount < 1) { return 0; } nSize = m_nSize; InsertSpaceAt(m_nSize, nCount); ObjectClass* pStartObj = (ObjectClass*)GetDataPtr(nSize); nSize = nStart + nCount; for (int32_t i = nStart; i < nSize; i++, pStartObj++) { new ((void*)pStartObj) ObjectClass(src[i]); } return nCount; } int32_t Copy(const CFX_ObjectArray& src, int32_t nStart = 0, int32_t nCount = -1) { if (nCount == 0) { return 0; } int32_t nSize = src.GetSize(); if (!nSize) { return 0; } FXSYS_assert(nStart > -1 && nStart < nSize); if (nCount < 0) { nCount = nSize; } if (nStart + nCount > nSize) { nCount = nSize - nStart; } if (nCount < 1) { return 0; } RemoveAll(); SetSize(nCount); ObjectClass* pStartObj = (ObjectClass*)m_pData; nSize = nStart + nCount; for (int32_t i = nStart; i < nSize; i++, pStartObj++) { new ((void*)pStartObj) ObjectClass(src[i]); } return nCount; } int GetSize() const { return m_nSize; } ObjectClass& operator[](int index) const { FXSYS_assert(index < m_nSize); return *(ObjectClass*)CFX_BasicArray::GetDataPtr(index); } ObjectClass* GetDataPtr(int index) { return (ObjectClass*)CFX_BasicArray::GetDataPtr(index); } void RemoveAt(int index) { FXSYS_assert(index < m_nSize); ((ObjectClass*)GetDataPtr(index))->~ObjectClass(); CFX_BasicArray::RemoveAt(index, 1); } void RemoveAll() { for (int i = 0; i < m_nSize; i++) { ((ObjectClass*)GetDataPtr(i))->~ObjectClass(); } CFX_BasicArray::SetSize(0); } }; typedef CFX_ObjectArray CFX_ByteStringArray; typedef CFX_ObjectArray CFX_WideStringArray; class CFX_BaseSegmentedArray { public: CFX_BaseSegmentedArray(int unit_size = 1, int segment_units = 512, int index_size = 8); ~CFX_BaseSegmentedArray(); void SetUnitSize(int unit_size, int segment_units, int index_size = 8); void* Add(); void* GetAt(int index) const; void RemoveAll(); void Delete(int index, int count = 1); int GetSize() const { return m_DataSize; } int GetSegmentSize() const { return m_SegmentSize; } int GetUnitSize() const { return m_UnitSize; } void* Iterate(FX_BOOL (*callback)(void* param, void* pData), void* param) const; private: int m_UnitSize; short m_SegmentSize; uint8_t m_IndexSize; uint8_t m_IndexDepth; int m_DataSize; void* m_pIndex; void** GetIndex(int seg_index) const; void* IterateIndex(int level, int& start, void** pIndex, FX_BOOL (*callback)(void* param, void* pData), void* param) const; void* IterateSegment(const uint8_t* pSegment, int count, FX_BOOL (*callback)(void* param, void* pData), void* param) const; }; template class CFX_SegmentedArray : public CFX_BaseSegmentedArray { public: CFX_SegmentedArray(int segment_units, int index_size = 8) : CFX_BaseSegmentedArray(sizeof(ElementType), segment_units, index_size) { } void Add(ElementType data) { *(ElementType*)CFX_BaseSegmentedArray::Add() = data; } ElementType& operator[](int index) { return *(ElementType*)CFX_BaseSegmentedArray::GetAt(index); } }; template class CFX_FixedBufGrow { public: CFX_FixedBufGrow() : m_pData(NULL) {} CFX_FixedBufGrow(int data_size) : m_pData(NULL) { if (data_size > FixedSize) { m_pData = FX_Alloc(DataType, data_size); } else { FXSYS_memset(m_Data, 0, sizeof(DataType) * FixedSize); } } void SetDataSize(int data_size) { FX_Free(m_pData); m_pData = NULL; if (data_size > FixedSize) { m_pData = FX_Alloc(DataType, data_size); } else { FXSYS_memset(m_Data, 0, sizeof(DataType) * FixedSize); } } ~CFX_FixedBufGrow() { FX_Free(m_pData); } operator DataType*() { return m_pData ? m_pData : m_Data; } private: DataType m_Data[FixedSize]; DataType* m_pData; }; class CFX_MapPtrToPtr { protected: struct CAssoc { CAssoc* pNext; void* key; void* value; }; public: CFX_MapPtrToPtr(int nBlockSize = 10); ~CFX_MapPtrToPtr(); int GetCount() const { return m_nCount; } FX_BOOL IsEmpty() const { return m_nCount == 0; } FX_BOOL Lookup(void* key, void*& rValue) const; void* GetValueAt(void* key) const; void*& operator[](void* key); void SetAt(void* key, void* newValue) { (*this)[key] = newValue; } FX_BOOL RemoveKey(void* key); void RemoveAll(); FX_POSITION GetStartPosition() const { return (m_nCount == 0) ? NULL : (FX_POSITION)-1; } void GetNextAssoc(FX_POSITION& rNextPosition, void*& rKey, void*& rValue) const; FX_DWORD GetHashTableSize() const { return m_nHashTableSize; } void InitHashTable(FX_DWORD hashSize, FX_BOOL bAllocNow = TRUE); protected: CAssoc** m_pHashTable; FX_DWORD m_nHashTableSize; int m_nCount; CAssoc* m_pFreeList; struct CFX_Plex* m_pBlocks; int m_nBlockSize; FX_DWORD HashKey(void* key) const; CAssoc* NewAssoc(); void FreeAssoc(CAssoc* pAssoc); CAssoc* GetAssocAt(void* key, FX_DWORD& hash) const; }; class CFX_CMapDWordToDWord { public: FX_BOOL Lookup(FX_DWORD key, FX_DWORD& value) const; void SetAt(FX_DWORD key, FX_DWORD value); void EstimateSize(FX_DWORD size, FX_DWORD grow_by); FX_POSITION GetStartPosition() const; void GetNextAssoc(FX_POSITION& pos, FX_DWORD& key, FX_DWORD& value) const; protected: CFX_BinaryBuf m_Buffer; }; class CFX_CMapByteStringToPtr { public: CFX_CMapByteStringToPtr(); ~CFX_CMapByteStringToPtr(); void RemoveAll(); FX_POSITION GetStartPosition() const; void GetNextAssoc(FX_POSITION& rNextPosition, CFX_ByteString& rKey, void*& rValue) const; void* GetNextValue(FX_POSITION& rNextPosition) const; FX_BOOL Lookup(const CFX_ByteStringC& key, void*& rValue) const; void SetAt(const CFX_ByteStringC& key, void* value); void RemoveKey(const CFX_ByteStringC& key); int GetCount() const; void AddValue(const CFX_ByteStringC& key, void* pValue); private: CFX_BaseSegmentedArray m_Buffer; }; class CFX_PtrList { protected: struct CNode { CNode* pNext; CNode* pPrev; void* data; }; public: CFX_PtrList(int nBlockSize = 10); FX_POSITION GetHeadPosition() const { return (FX_POSITION)m_pNodeHead; } FX_POSITION GetTailPosition() const { return (FX_POSITION)m_pNodeTail; } void* GetNext(FX_POSITION& rPosition) const { CNode* pNode = (CNode*)rPosition; rPosition = (FX_POSITION)pNode->pNext; return pNode->data; } void* GetPrev(FX_POSITION& rPosition) const { CNode* pNode = (CNode*)rPosition; rPosition = (FX_POSITION)pNode->pPrev; return pNode->data; } FX_POSITION GetNextPosition(FX_POSITION pos) const { return ((CNode*)pos)->pNext; } FX_POSITION GetPrevPosition(FX_POSITION pos) const { return ((CNode*)pos)->pPrev; } void* GetAt(FX_POSITION rPosition) const { CNode* pNode = (CNode*)rPosition; return pNode->data; } int GetCount() const { return m_nCount; } FX_POSITION AddTail(void* newElement); FX_POSITION AddHead(void* newElement); void SetAt(FX_POSITION pos, void* newElement) { CNode* pNode = (CNode*)pos; pNode->data = newElement; } FX_POSITION InsertAfter(FX_POSITION pos, void* newElement); FX_POSITION Find(void* searchValue, FX_POSITION startAfter = NULL) const; FX_POSITION FindIndex(int index) const; void RemoveAt(FX_POSITION pos); void RemoveAll(); protected: CNode* m_pNodeHead; CNode* m_pNodeTail; int m_nCount; CNode* m_pNodeFree; struct CFX_Plex* m_pBlocks; int m_nBlockSize; CNode* NewNode(CNode* pPrev, CNode* pNext); void FreeNode(CNode* pNode); public: ~CFX_PtrList(); }; typedef void (*PD_CALLBACK_FREEDATA)(void* pData); struct FX_PRIVATEDATA { void FreeData(); void* m_pModuleId; void* m_pData; PD_CALLBACK_FREEDATA m_pCallback; FX_BOOL m_bSelfDestruct; }; class CFX_PrivateData { public: ~CFX_PrivateData(); void ClearAll(); void SetPrivateData(void* module_id, void* pData, PD_CALLBACK_FREEDATA callback); void SetPrivateObj(void* module_id, CFX_DestructObject* pObj); void* GetPrivateData(void* module_id); FX_BOOL LookupPrivateData(void* module_id, void*& pData) const { if (!module_id) { return FALSE; } FX_DWORD nCount = m_DataList.GetSize(); for (FX_DWORD n = 0; n < nCount; n++) { if (m_DataList[n].m_pModuleId == module_id) { pData = m_DataList[n].m_pData; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL RemovePrivateData(void* module_id); protected: CFX_ArrayTemplate m_DataList; void AddData(void* module_id, void* pData, PD_CALLBACK_FREEDATA callback, FX_BOOL bSelfDestruct); }; class CFX_BitStream { public: void Init(const uint8_t* pData, FX_DWORD dwSize); FX_DWORD GetBits(FX_DWORD nBits); void ByteAlign(); FX_BOOL IsEOF() { return m_BitPos >= m_BitSize; } void SkipBits(FX_DWORD nBits) { m_BitPos += nBits; } void Rewind() { m_BitPos = 0; } protected: FX_DWORD m_BitPos; FX_DWORD m_BitSize; const uint8_t* m_pData; }; template class CFX_CountRef { public: typedef CFX_CountRef Ref; class CountedObj : public ObjClass { public: CountedObj() {} CountedObj(const CountedObj& src) : ObjClass(src) {} int m_RefCount; }; CFX_CountRef() { m_pObject = NULL; } CFX_CountRef(const Ref& ref) { m_pObject = ref.m_pObject; if (m_pObject) { m_pObject->m_RefCount++; } } ~CFX_CountRef() { if (!m_pObject) { return; } m_pObject->m_RefCount--; if (m_pObject->m_RefCount <= 0) { delete m_pObject; } } ObjClass* New() { if (m_pObject) { m_pObject->m_RefCount--; if (m_pObject->m_RefCount <= 0) { delete m_pObject; } } m_pObject = new CountedObj; m_pObject->m_RefCount = 1; return m_pObject; } void operator=(const Ref& ref) { if (ref.m_pObject) { ref.m_pObject->m_RefCount++; } if (m_pObject) { m_pObject->m_RefCount--; if (m_pObject->m_RefCount <= 0) { delete m_pObject; } } m_pObject = ref.m_pObject; } void operator=(void* p) { FXSYS_assert(p == 0); if (m_pObject == NULL) { return; } m_pObject->m_RefCount--; if (m_pObject->m_RefCount <= 0) { delete m_pObject; } m_pObject = NULL; } const ObjClass* GetObject() const { return m_pObject; } operator const ObjClass*() const { return m_pObject; } FX_BOOL IsNull() const { return m_pObject == NULL; } FX_BOOL NotNull() const { return m_pObject != NULL; } ObjClass* GetModify() { if (m_pObject == NULL) { m_pObject = new CountedObj; m_pObject->m_RefCount = 1; } else if (m_pObject->m_RefCount > 1) { m_pObject->m_RefCount--; CountedObj* pOldObject = m_pObject; m_pObject = new CountedObj(*pOldObject); m_pObject->m_RefCount = 1; } return m_pObject; } void SetNull() { if (m_pObject == NULL) { return; } m_pObject->m_RefCount--; if (m_pObject->m_RefCount <= 0) { delete m_pObject; } m_pObject = NULL; } FX_BOOL operator==(const Ref& ref) const { return m_pObject == ref.m_pObject; } protected: CountedObj* m_pObject; }; class IFX_Pause { public: virtual ~IFX_Pause() {} virtual FX_BOOL NeedToPauseNow() = 0; }; template class CFX_AutoRestorer { public: explicit CFX_AutoRestorer(T* location) { m_Location = location; m_OldValue = *location; } ~CFX_AutoRestorer() { *m_Location = m_OldValue; } private: T* m_Location; T m_OldValue; }; template class CFX_SmartPointer { public: CFX_SmartPointer(T* pObj) : m_pObj(pObj) {} ~CFX_SmartPointer() { m_pObj->Release(); } T* Get(void) { return m_pObj; } T& operator*(void) { return *m_pObj; } T* operator->(void) { return m_pObj; } protected: T* m_pObj; }; #define FX_DATALIST_LENGTH 1024 template class CFX_SortListArray { protected: struct DataList { int32_t start; int32_t count; uint8_t* data; }; public: CFX_SortListArray() : m_CurList(0) {} ~CFX_SortListArray() { Clear(); } void Clear() { for (int32_t i = m_DataLists.GetUpperBound(); i >= 0; i--) { DataList list = m_DataLists.ElementAt(i); FX_Free(list.data); } m_DataLists.RemoveAll(); m_CurList = 0; } void Append(int32_t nStart, int32_t nCount) { if (nStart < 0) { return; } while (nCount > 0) { int32_t temp_count = FX_MIN(nCount, FX_DATALIST_LENGTH); DataList list; list.data = FX_Alloc2D(uint8_t, temp_count, unit); list.start = nStart; list.count = temp_count; Append(list); nCount -= temp_count; nStart += temp_count; } } uint8_t* GetAt(int32_t nIndex) { if (nIndex < 0) { return NULL; } if (m_CurList < 0 || m_CurList >= m_DataLists.GetSize()) { return NULL; } DataList* pCurList = m_DataLists.GetDataPtr(m_CurList); if (!pCurList || nIndex < pCurList->start || nIndex >= pCurList->start + pCurList->count) { pCurList = NULL; int32_t iStart = 0; int32_t iEnd = m_DataLists.GetUpperBound(); int32_t iMid = 0; while (iStart <= iEnd) { iMid = (iStart + iEnd) / 2; DataList* list = m_DataLists.GetDataPtr(iMid); if (nIndex < list->start) { iEnd = iMid - 1; } else if (nIndex >= list->start + list->count) { iStart = iMid + 1; } else { pCurList = list; m_CurList = iMid; break; } } } return pCurList ? pCurList->data + (nIndex - pCurList->start) * unit : NULL; } protected: void Append(const DataList& list) { int32_t iStart = 0; int32_t iEnd = m_DataLists.GetUpperBound(); int32_t iFind = 0; while (iStart <= iEnd) { int32_t iMid = (iStart + iEnd) / 2; DataList* cur_list = m_DataLists.GetDataPtr(iMid); if (list.start < cur_list->start + cur_list->count) { iEnd = iMid - 1; } else { if (iMid == iEnd) { iFind = iMid + 1; break; } DataList* next_list = m_DataLists.GetDataPtr(iMid + 1); if (list.start < next_list->start) { iFind = iMid + 1; break; } else { iStart = iMid + 1; } } } m_DataLists.InsertAt(iFind, list); } int32_t m_CurList; CFX_ArrayTemplate m_DataLists; }; template class CFX_ListArrayTemplate { public: void Clear() { m_Data.Clear(); } void Add(int32_t nStart, int32_t nCount) { m_Data.Append(nStart, nCount); } T2& operator[](int32_t nIndex) { uint8_t* data = m_Data.GetAt(nIndex); FXSYS_assert(data != NULL); return (T2&)(*(volatile T2*)data); } T2* GetPtrAt(int32_t nIndex) { return (T2*)m_Data.GetAt(nIndex); } protected: T1 m_Data; }; typedef CFX_ListArrayTemplate, FX_FILESIZE> CFX_FileSizeListArray; typedef CFX_ListArrayTemplate, FX_DWORD> CFX_DWordListArray; typedef enum { Ready, ToBeContinued, Found, NotFound, Failed, Done } FX_ProgressiveStatus; #define ProgressiveStatus FX_ProgressiveStatus #define FX_NAMESPACE_DECLARE(namespace, type) namespace ::type class CFX_Vector_3by1 { public: CFX_Vector_3by1() : a(0.0f), b(0.0f), c(0.0f) {} CFX_Vector_3by1(FX_FLOAT a1, FX_FLOAT b1, FX_FLOAT c1) : a(a1), b(b1), c(c1) {} FX_FLOAT a; FX_FLOAT b; FX_FLOAT c; }; class CFX_Matrix_3by3 { public: CFX_Matrix_3by3() : a(0.0f), b(0.0f), c(0.0f), d(0.0f), e(0.0f), f(0.0f), g(0.0f), h(0.0f), i(0.0f) {} CFX_Matrix_3by3(FX_FLOAT a1, FX_FLOAT b1, FX_FLOAT c1, FX_FLOAT d1, FX_FLOAT e1, FX_FLOAT f1, FX_FLOAT g1, FX_FLOAT h1, FX_FLOAT i1) : a(a1), b(b1), c(c1), d(d1), e(e1), f(f1), g(g1), h(h1), i(i1) {} CFX_Matrix_3by3 Inverse(); CFX_Matrix_3by3 Multiply(const CFX_Matrix_3by3& m); CFX_Vector_3by1 TransformVector(const CFX_Vector_3by1& v); FX_FLOAT a; FX_FLOAT b; FX_FLOAT c; FX_FLOAT d; FX_FLOAT e; FX_FLOAT f; FX_FLOAT g; FX_FLOAT h; FX_FLOAT i; }; #endif // CORE_INCLUDE_FXCRT_FX_BASIC_H_