// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "../../../include/fxge/fx_ge.h" #include "../../../include/fxge/fx_freetype.h" #include "ttgsubtable.h" CFX_GlyphMap::CFX_GlyphMap() { } CFX_GlyphMap::~CFX_GlyphMap() { } extern "C" { static int _CompareInt(const void* p1, const void* p2) { return (*(FX_DWORD*)p1) - (*(FX_DWORD*)p2); } }; struct _IntPair { FX_INT32 key; FX_INT32 value; }; void CFX_GlyphMap::SetAt(int key, int value) { FX_DWORD count = m_Buffer.GetSize() / sizeof(_IntPair); _IntPair* buf = (_IntPair*)m_Buffer.GetBuffer(); _IntPair pair = {key, value}; if (count == 0 || key > buf[count - 1].key) { m_Buffer.AppendBlock(&pair, sizeof(_IntPair)); return; } int low = 0, high = count - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) / 2; if (buf[mid].key < key) { low = mid + 1; } else if (buf[mid].key > key) { high = mid - 1; } else { buf[mid].value = value; return; } } m_Buffer.InsertBlock(low * sizeof(_IntPair), &pair, sizeof(_IntPair)); } FX_BOOL CFX_GlyphMap::Lookup(int key, int &value) { FX_LPVOID pResult = FXSYS_bsearch(&key, m_Buffer.GetBuffer(), m_Buffer.GetSize() / sizeof(_IntPair), sizeof(_IntPair), _CompareInt); if (pResult == NULL) { return FALSE; } value = ((FX_DWORD*)pResult)[1]; return TRUE; } bool CFX_CTTGSUBTable::LoadGSUBTable(FT_Bytes gsub) { header.Version = gsub[0] << 24 | gsub[1] << 16 | gsub[2] << 8 | gsub[3]; if(header.Version != 0x00010000) { return false; } header.ScriptList = gsub[4] << 8 | gsub[5]; header.FeatureList = gsub[6] << 8 | gsub[7]; header.LookupList = gsub[8] << 8 | gsub[9]; return Parse( &gsub[header.ScriptList], &gsub[header.FeatureList], &gsub[header.LookupList]); } bool CFX_CTTGSUBTable::GetVerticalGlyph(TT_uint32_t glyphnum, TT_uint32_t *vglyphnum) { TT_uint32_t tag[] = { (TT_uint8_t)'v' << 24 | (TT_uint8_t)'r' << 16 | (TT_uint8_t)'t' << 8 | (TT_uint8_t)'2', (TT_uint8_t)'v' << 24 | (TT_uint8_t)'e' << 16 | (TT_uint8_t)'r' << 8 | (TT_uint8_t)'t', }; if (!m_bFeautureMapLoad) { for (int i = 0; i < ScriptList.ScriptCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < (ScriptList.ScriptRecord + i)->Script.LangSysCount; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < ((ScriptList.ScriptRecord + i)->Script.LangSysRecord + j)->LangSys.FeatureCount; ++k) { FX_DWORD index = *(((ScriptList.ScriptRecord + i)->Script.LangSysRecord + j)->LangSys.FeatureIndex + k); if (FeatureList.FeatureRecord[index].FeatureTag == tag[0] || FeatureList.FeatureRecord[index].FeatureTag == tag[1]) { FX_DWORD value; if (!m_featureMap.Lookup(index, value)) { m_featureMap.SetAt(index, index); } } } } } if (!m_featureMap.GetStartPosition()) { for (int i = 0; i < FeatureList.FeatureCount; i ++) { if (FeatureList.FeatureRecord[i].FeatureTag == tag[0] || FeatureList.FeatureRecord[i].FeatureTag == tag[1]) { FX_DWORD value; if (!m_featureMap.Lookup(i, value)) { m_featureMap.SetAt(i, i); } } } } m_bFeautureMapLoad = TRUE; } FX_POSITION pos = m_featureMap.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { FX_DWORD index, value; m_featureMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, index, value); if(GetVerticalGlyphSub(glyphnum, vglyphnum, &FeatureList.FeatureRecord[value].Feature)) { return true; } } return false; } bool CFX_CTTGSUBTable::GetVerticalGlyphSub( TT_uint32_t glyphnum, TT_uint32_t *vglyphnum, struct TFeature *Feature) { for(int i = 0; i < Feature->LookupCount; i++) { int index = Feature->LookupListIndex[i]; if(index < 0 || LookupList.LookupCount < index) { continue; } if(LookupList.Lookup[index].LookupType == 1) { if(GetVerticalGlyphSub2( glyphnum, vglyphnum, &LookupList.Lookup[index])) { return true; } } } return false; } bool CFX_CTTGSUBTable::GetVerticalGlyphSub2( TT_uint32_t glyphnum, TT_uint32_t *vglyphnum, struct TLookup *Lookup) { for(int i = 0; i < Lookup->SubTableCount; i++) { switch(Lookup->SubTable[i]->SubstFormat) { case 1: { TSingleSubstFormat1 *tbl1 = (TSingleSubstFormat1*)Lookup->SubTable[i]; if(GetCoverageIndex(tbl1->Coverage, glyphnum) >= 0) { *vglyphnum = glyphnum + tbl1->DeltaGlyphID; return true; } break; } case 2: { TSingleSubstFormat2 *tbl2 = (TSingleSubstFormat2*)Lookup->SubTable[i]; int index = -1; index = GetCoverageIndex(tbl2->Coverage, glyphnum); if(0 <= index && index < tbl2->GlyphCount) { *vglyphnum = tbl2->Substitute[index]; return true; } break; } } } return false; } int CFX_CTTGSUBTable::GetCoverageIndex(struct TCoverageFormatBase *Coverage, TT_uint32_t g) { int i = 0; if(Coverage == NULL) { return -1; } switch(Coverage->CoverageFormat) { case 1: { TCoverageFormat1 *c1 = (TCoverageFormat1*)Coverage; for(i = 0; i < c1->GlyphCount; i++) { if((TT_uint32_t)c1->GlyphArray[i] == g) { return i; } } return -1; } case 2: { TCoverageFormat2 *c2 = (TCoverageFormat2*)Coverage; for(i = 0; i < c2->RangeCount; i++) { TT_uint32_t s = c2->RangeRecord[i].Start; TT_uint32_t e = c2->RangeRecord[i].End; TT_uint32_t si = c2->RangeRecord[i].StartCoverageIndex; if (s <= g && g <= e) { return si + g - s; } } return -1; } } return -1; } bool CFX_CTTGSUBTable::Parse( FT_Bytes scriptlist, FT_Bytes featurelist, FT_Bytes lookuplist) { ParseScriptList(scriptlist, &ScriptList); ParseFeatureList(featurelist, &FeatureList); ParseLookupList(lookuplist, &LookupList); return true; } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseScriptList(FT_Bytes raw, struct TScriptList *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; rec->ScriptCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->ScriptCount <= 0) { return; } rec->ScriptRecord = new struct TScriptRecord[rec->ScriptCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->ScriptCount; i++) { rec->ScriptRecord[i].ScriptTag = GetUInt32(sp); TT_uint16_t offset = GetUInt16(sp); ParseScript( &raw[offset], &rec->ScriptRecord[i].Script); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseScript(FT_Bytes raw, struct TScript *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; rec->DefaultLangSys = GetUInt16(sp); rec->LangSysCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->LangSysCount <= 0) { return; } rec->LangSysRecord = new struct TLangSysRecord[rec->LangSysCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->LangSysCount; i++) { rec->LangSysRecord[i].LangSysTag = GetUInt32(sp); TT_uint16_t offset = GetUInt16(sp); ParseLangSys( &raw[offset], &rec->LangSysRecord[i].LangSys); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseLangSys(FT_Bytes raw, struct TLangSys *rec) { FT_Bytes sp = raw; rec->LookupOrder = GetUInt16(sp); rec->ReqFeatureIndex = GetUInt16(sp); rec->FeatureCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->FeatureCount <= 0) { return; } rec->FeatureIndex = new TT_uint16_t[rec->FeatureCount]; FXSYS_memset32(rec->FeatureIndex, 0, sizeof(TT_uint16_t) * rec->FeatureCount); for (int i = 0; i < rec->FeatureCount; ++i) { rec->FeatureIndex[i] = GetUInt16(sp); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseFeatureList(FT_Bytes raw, TFeatureList *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; rec->FeatureCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->FeatureCount <= 0) { return; } rec->FeatureRecord = new struct TFeatureRecord[rec->FeatureCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->FeatureCount; i++) { rec->FeatureRecord[i].FeatureTag = GetUInt32(sp); TT_uint16_t offset = GetUInt16(sp); ParseFeature( &raw[offset], &rec->FeatureRecord[i].Feature); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseFeature(FT_Bytes raw, TFeature *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; rec->FeatureParams = GetUInt16(sp); rec->LookupCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->LookupCount <= 0) { return; } rec->LookupListIndex = new TT_uint16_t[rec->LookupCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->LookupCount; i++) { rec->LookupListIndex[i] = GetUInt16(sp); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseLookupList(FT_Bytes raw, TLookupList *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; rec->LookupCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->LookupCount <= 0) { return; } rec->Lookup = new struct TLookup[rec->LookupCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->LookupCount; i++) { TT_uint16_t offset = GetUInt16(sp); ParseLookup( &raw[offset], &rec->Lookup[i]); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseLookup(FT_Bytes raw, TLookup *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; rec->LookupType = GetUInt16(sp); rec->LookupFlag = GetUInt16(sp); rec->SubTableCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->SubTableCount <= 0) { return; } rec->SubTable = new struct TSubTableBase*[rec->SubTableCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->SubTableCount; i++) { rec->SubTable[i] = NULL; } if(rec->LookupType != 1) { return; } for(i = 0; i < rec->SubTableCount; i++) { TT_uint16_t offset = GetUInt16(sp); ParseSingleSubst( &raw[offset], &rec->SubTable[i]); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseCoverage(FT_Bytes raw, TCoverageFormatBase **rec) { FT_Bytes sp = raw; TT_uint16_t Format = GetUInt16(sp); switch(Format) { case 1: *rec = new TCoverageFormat1(); ParseCoverageFormat1(raw, (TCoverageFormat1*)*rec); break; case 2: *rec = new TCoverageFormat2(); ParseCoverageFormat2(raw, (TCoverageFormat2*)*rec); break; } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseCoverageFormat1(FT_Bytes raw, TCoverageFormat1 *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; GetUInt16(sp); rec->GlyphCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->GlyphCount <= 0) { return; } rec->GlyphArray = new TT_uint16_t[rec->GlyphCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->GlyphCount; i++) { rec->GlyphArray[i] = GetUInt16(sp); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseCoverageFormat2(FT_Bytes raw, TCoverageFormat2 *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; GetUInt16(sp); rec->RangeCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->RangeCount <= 0) { return; } rec->RangeRecord = new TRangeRecord[rec->RangeCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->RangeCount; i++) { rec->RangeRecord[i].Start = GetUInt16(sp); rec->RangeRecord[i].End = GetUInt16(sp); rec->RangeRecord[i].StartCoverageIndex = GetUInt16(sp); } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseSingleSubst(FT_Bytes raw, TSubTableBase **rec) { FT_Bytes sp = raw; TT_uint16_t Format = GetUInt16(sp); switch(Format) { case 1: *rec = new TSingleSubstFormat1(); ParseSingleSubstFormat1(raw, (TSingleSubstFormat1*)*rec); break; case 2: *rec = new TSingleSubstFormat2(); ParseSingleSubstFormat2(raw, (TSingleSubstFormat2*)*rec); break; } } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseSingleSubstFormat1(FT_Bytes raw, TSingleSubstFormat1 *rec) { FT_Bytes sp = raw; GetUInt16(sp); TT_uint16_t offset = GetUInt16(sp); ParseCoverage( &raw[offset], &rec->Coverage); rec->DeltaGlyphID = GetInt16(sp); } void CFX_CTTGSUBTable::ParseSingleSubstFormat2(FT_Bytes raw, TSingleSubstFormat2 *rec) { int i; FT_Bytes sp = raw; GetUInt16(sp); TT_uint16_t offset = GetUInt16(sp); ParseCoverage( &raw[offset], &rec->Coverage); rec->GlyphCount = GetUInt16(sp); if(rec->GlyphCount <= 0) { return; } rec->Substitute = new TT_uint16_t[rec->GlyphCount]; for(i = 0; i < rec->GlyphCount; i++) { rec->Substitute[i] = GetUInt16(sp); } } FX_BOOL CFX_GSUBTable::GetVerticalGlyph(FX_DWORD glyphnum, FX_DWORD* vglyphnum) { return m_GsubImp.GetVerticalGlyph(glyphnum, vglyphnum); } IFX_GSUBTable* FXGE_CreateGSUBTable(CFX_Font* pFont) { if (!pFont) { return NULL; } if (NULL == pFont->m_pGsubData) { unsigned long length = 0; int error = FXFT_Load_Sfnt_Table(pFont->m_Face, FT_MAKE_TAG('G', 'S', 'U', 'B'), 0, NULL, &length); if (!error) { pFont->m_pGsubData = (unsigned char*)FX_Alloc(FX_BYTE, length); } if (!pFont->m_pGsubData) { return NULL; } } int error = FXFT_Load_Sfnt_Table(pFont->m_Face, FT_MAKE_TAG('G', 'S', 'U', 'B'), 0, pFont->m_pGsubData, NULL); if (!error && pFont->m_pGsubData) { CFX_GSUBTable* pGsubTable = new CFX_GSUBTable; if (pGsubTable->m_GsubImp.LoadGSUBTable((FT_Bytes)pFont->m_pGsubData)) { return pGsubTable; } pGsubTable->Release(); } return NULL; }