// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/src/fpdfapi/fpdf_page/pageint.h" #include "core/include/fpdfapi/fpdf_page.h" #include "core/include/fpdfapi/fpdf_pageobj.h" CPDF_ImageObject::CPDF_ImageObject() : m_pImage(nullptr) {} CPDF_ImageObject::~CPDF_ImageObject() { if (!m_pImage) { return; } if (m_pImage->IsInline() || (m_pImage->GetStream() && m_pImage->GetStream()->GetObjNum() == 0)) { delete m_pImage; } else { m_pImage->GetDocument()->GetPageData()->ReleaseImage(m_pImage->GetStream()); } } void CPDF_ImageObject::CopyData(const CPDF_PageObject* pSrc) { const CPDF_ImageObject* pSrcObj = (const CPDF_ImageObject*)pSrc; if (m_pImage) { m_pImage->Release(); } m_pImage = pSrcObj->m_pImage->Clone(); m_Matrix = pSrcObj->m_Matrix; } void CPDF_ImageObject::Transform(const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { m_Matrix.Concat(matrix); CalcBoundingBox(); } void CPDF_ImageObject::CalcBoundingBox() { m_Left = m_Bottom = 0; m_Right = m_Top = 1.0f; m_Matrix.TransformRect(m_Left, m_Right, m_Top, m_Bottom); } void CPDF_Image::Release() { if (m_bInline || (m_pStream && m_pStream->GetObjNum() == 0)) { delete this; } } CPDF_Image* CPDF_Image::Clone() { if (m_pStream->GetObjNum()) return m_pDocument->GetPageData()->GetImage(m_pStream); CPDF_Image* pImage = new CPDF_Image(m_pDocument); pImage->LoadImageF(ToStream(m_pStream->Clone()), m_bInline); if (m_bInline) pImage->SetInlineDict(ToDictionary(m_pInlineDict->Clone(TRUE))); return pImage; } CPDF_Image::CPDF_Image(CPDF_Document* pDoc) { m_pDocument = pDoc; m_pStream = NULL; m_pOC = NULL; m_bInline = FALSE; m_pInlineDict = NULL; m_pDIBSource = NULL; m_pMask = NULL; m_MatteColor = 0; } CPDF_Image::~CPDF_Image() { if (m_bInline) { if (m_pStream) { m_pStream->Release(); } if (m_pInlineDict) { m_pInlineDict->Release(); } } } FX_BOOL CPDF_Image::LoadImageF(CPDF_Stream* pStream, FX_BOOL bInline) { m_pStream = pStream; if (m_bInline && m_pInlineDict) { m_pInlineDict->Release(); m_pInlineDict = NULL; } m_bInline = bInline; CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pStream->GetDict(); if (m_bInline) { m_pInlineDict = ToDictionary(pDict->Clone()); } m_pOC = pDict->GetDictBy("OC"); m_bIsMask = !pDict->KeyExist("ColorSpace") || pDict->GetIntegerBy("ImageMask"); m_bInterpolate = pDict->GetIntegerBy("Interpolate"); m_Height = pDict->GetIntegerBy("Height"); m_Width = pDict->GetIntegerBy("Width"); return TRUE; }