/* * The copyright in this software is being made available under the 2-clauses * BSD License, included below. This software may be subject to other third * party and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights * are granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Parvatha Elangovan * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opj_includes.h" /** @defgroup PI PI - Implementation of a packet iterator */ /*@{*/ /** @name Local static functions */ /*@{*/ /** Get next packet in layer-resolution-component-precinct order. @param pi packet iterator to modify @return returns false if pi pointed to the last packet or else returns true */ static OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_lrcp(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi); /** Get next packet in resolution-layer-component-precinct order. @param pi packet iterator to modify @return returns false if pi pointed to the last packet or else returns true */ static OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_rlcp(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi); /** Get next packet in resolution-precinct-component-layer order. @param pi packet iterator to modify @return returns false if pi pointed to the last packet or else returns true */ static OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_rpcl(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi); /** Get next packet in precinct-component-resolution-layer order. @param pi packet iterator to modify @return returns false if pi pointed to the last packet or else returns true */ static OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_pcrl(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi); /** Get next packet in component-precinct-resolution-layer order. @param pi packet iterator to modify @return returns false if pi pointed to the last packet or else returns true */ static OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_cprl(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi); /** * Updates the coding parameters if the encoding is used with Progression order changes and final (or cinema parameters are used). * * @param p_cp the coding parameters to modify * @param p_tileno the tile index being concerned. * @param p_tx0 X0 parameter for the tile * @param p_tx1 X1 parameter for the tile * @param p_ty0 Y0 parameter for the tile * @param p_ty1 Y1 parameter for the tile * @param p_max_prec the maximum precision for all the bands of the tile * @param p_max_res the maximum number of resolutions for all the poc inside the tile. * @param p_dx_min the minimum dx of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile. * @param p_dy_min the minimum dy of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile. */ static void opj_pi_update_encode_poc_and_final ( opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 p_tileno, OPJ_INT32 p_tx0, OPJ_INT32 p_tx1, OPJ_INT32 p_ty0, OPJ_INT32 p_ty1, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_prec, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_res, OPJ_UINT32 p_dx_min, OPJ_UINT32 p_dy_min); /** * Updates the coding parameters if the encoding is not used with Progression order changes and final (and cinema parameters are used). * * @param p_cp the coding parameters to modify * @param p_num_comps the number of components * @param p_tileno the tile index being concerned. * @param p_tx0 X0 parameter for the tile * @param p_tx1 X1 parameter for the tile * @param p_ty0 Y0 parameter for the tile * @param p_ty1 Y1 parameter for the tile * @param p_max_prec the maximum precision for all the bands of the tile * @param p_max_res the maximum number of resolutions for all the poc inside the tile. * @param p_dx_min the minimum dx of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile. * @param p_dy_min the minimum dy of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile. */ static void opj_pi_update_encode_not_poc ( opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 p_num_comps, OPJ_UINT32 p_tileno, OPJ_INT32 p_tx0, OPJ_INT32 p_tx1, OPJ_INT32 p_ty0, OPJ_INT32 p_ty1, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_prec, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_res, OPJ_UINT32 p_dx_min, OPJ_UINT32 p_dy_min); /** * Gets the encoding parameters needed to update the coding parameters and all the pocs. * * @param p_image the image being encoded. * @param p_cp the coding parameters. * @param tileno the tile index of the tile being encoded. * @param p_tx0 pointer that will hold the X0 parameter for the tile * @param p_tx1 pointer that will hold the X1 parameter for the tile * @param p_ty0 pointer that will hold the Y0 parameter for the tile * @param p_ty1 pointer that will hold the Y1 parameter for the tile * @param p_max_prec pointer that will hold the the maximum precision for all the bands of the tile * @param p_max_res pointer that will hold the the maximum number of resolutions for all the poc inside the tile. * @param p_dx_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dx of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile. * @param p_dy_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dy of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile. */ static void opj_get_encoding_parameters(const opj_image_t *p_image, const opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno, OPJ_INT32 * p_tx0, OPJ_INT32 * p_tx1, OPJ_INT32 * p_ty0, OPJ_INT32 * p_ty1, OPJ_UINT32 * p_dx_min, OPJ_UINT32 * p_dy_min, OPJ_UINT32 * p_max_prec, OPJ_UINT32 * p_max_res ); /** * Gets the encoding parameters needed to update the coding parameters and all the pocs. * The precinct widths, heights, dx and dy for each component at each resolution will be stored as well. * the last parameter of the function should be an array of pointers of size nb components, each pointer leading * to an area of size 4 * max_res. The data is stored inside this area with the following pattern : * dx_compi_res0 , dy_compi_res0 , w_compi_res0, h_compi_res0 , dx_compi_res1 , dy_compi_res1 , w_compi_res1, h_compi_res1 , ... * * @param p_image the image being encoded. * @param p_cp the coding parameters. * @param tileno the tile index of the tile being encoded. * @param p_tx0 pointer that will hold the X0 parameter for the tile * @param p_tx1 pointer that will hold the X1 parameter for the tile * @param p_ty0 pointer that will hold the Y0 parameter for the tile * @param p_ty1 pointer that will hold the Y1 parameter for the tile * @param p_max_prec pointer that will hold the the maximum precision for all the bands of the tile * @param p_max_res pointer that will hold the the maximum number of resolutions for all the poc inside the tile. * @param p_dx_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dx of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile. * @param p_dy_min pointer that will hold the the minimum dy of all the components of all the resolutions for the tile. * @param p_resolutions pointer to an area corresponding to the one described above. */ static void opj_get_all_encoding_parameters(const opj_image_t *p_image, const opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno, OPJ_INT32 * p_tx0, OPJ_INT32 * p_tx1, OPJ_INT32 * p_ty0, OPJ_INT32 * p_ty1, OPJ_UINT32 * p_dx_min, OPJ_UINT32 * p_dy_min, OPJ_UINT32 * p_max_prec, OPJ_UINT32 * p_max_res, OPJ_UINT32 ** p_resolutions ); /** * Allocates memory for a packet iterator. Data and data sizes are set by this operation. * No other data is set. The include section of the packet iterator is not allocated. * * @param p_image the image used to initialize the packet iterator (in fact only the number of components is relevant. * @param p_cp the coding parameters. * @param tileno the index of the tile from which creating the packet iterator. */ static opj_pi_iterator_t * opj_pi_create( const opj_image_t *p_image, const opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno ); /** * FIXME DOC */ static void opj_pi_update_decode_not_poc (opj_pi_iterator_t * p_pi, opj_tcp_t * p_tcp, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_precision, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_res); /** * FIXME DOC */ static void opj_pi_update_decode_poc ( opj_pi_iterator_t * p_pi, opj_tcp_t * p_tcp, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_precision, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_res); /** * FIXME DOC */ OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_check_next_level( OPJ_INT32 pos, opj_cp_t *cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno, OPJ_UINT32 pino, const OPJ_CHAR *prog); /*@}*/ /*@}*/ /* ========================================================== local functions ========================================================== */ OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_lrcp(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi) { opj_pi_comp_t *comp = NULL; opj_pi_resolution_t *res = NULL; OPJ_UINT32 index = 0; if (!pi->first) { comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; res = &comp->resolutions[pi->resno]; goto LABEL_SKIP; } else { pi->first = 0; } for (pi->layno = pi->poc.layno0; pi->layno < pi->poc.layno1; pi->layno++) { for (pi->resno = pi->poc.resno0; pi->resno < pi->poc.resno1; pi->resno++) { for (pi->compno = pi->poc.compno0; pi->compno < pi->poc.compno1; pi->compno++) { comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; if (pi->resno >= comp->numresolutions) { continue; } res = &comp->resolutions[pi->resno]; if (!pi->tp_on){ pi->poc.precno1 = res->pw * res->ph; } for (pi->precno = pi->poc.precno0; pi->precno < pi->poc.precno1; pi->precno++) { index = pi->layno * pi->step_l + pi->resno * pi->step_r + pi->compno * pi->step_c + pi->precno * pi->step_p; if (!pi->include[index]) { pi->include[index] = 1; return OPJ_TRUE; } LABEL_SKIP:; } } } } return OPJ_FALSE; } OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_rlcp(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi) { opj_pi_comp_t *comp = NULL; opj_pi_resolution_t *res = NULL; OPJ_UINT32 index = 0; if (!pi->first) { comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; res = &comp->resolutions[pi->resno]; goto LABEL_SKIP; } else { pi->first = 0; } for (pi->resno = pi->poc.resno0; pi->resno < pi->poc.resno1; pi->resno++) { for (pi->layno = pi->poc.layno0; pi->layno < pi->poc.layno1; pi->layno++) { for (pi->compno = pi->poc.compno0; pi->compno < pi->poc.compno1; pi->compno++) { comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; if (pi->resno >= comp->numresolutions) { continue; } res = &comp->resolutions[pi->resno]; if(!pi->tp_on){ pi->poc.precno1 = res->pw * res->ph; } for (pi->precno = pi->poc.precno0; pi->precno < pi->poc.precno1; pi->precno++) { index = pi->layno * pi->step_l + pi->resno * pi->step_r + pi->compno * pi->step_c + pi->precno * pi->step_p; if (!pi->include[index]) { pi->include[index] = 1; return OPJ_TRUE; } LABEL_SKIP:; } } } } return OPJ_FALSE; } OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_rpcl(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi) { opj_pi_comp_t *comp = NULL; opj_pi_resolution_t *res = NULL; OPJ_UINT32 index = 0; if (!pi->first) { goto LABEL_SKIP; } else { OPJ_UINT32 compno, resno; pi->first = 0; pi->dx = 0; pi->dy = 0; for (compno = 0; compno < pi->numcomps; compno++) { comp = &pi->comps[compno]; for (resno = 0; resno < comp->numresolutions; resno++) { OPJ_UINT32 dx, dy; res = &comp->resolutions[resno]; dx = comp->dx * (1u << (res->pdx + comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno)); dy = comp->dy * (1u << (res->pdy + comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno)); pi->dx = !pi->dx ? dx : opj_uint_min(pi->dx, dx); pi->dy = !pi->dy ? dy : opj_uint_min(pi->dy, dy); } } } if (!pi->tp_on){ pi->poc.ty0 = pi->ty0; pi->poc.tx0 = pi->tx0; pi->poc.ty1 = pi->ty1; pi->poc.tx1 = pi->tx1; } for (pi->resno = pi->poc.resno0; pi->resno < pi->poc.resno1; pi->resno++) { for (pi->y = pi->poc.ty0; pi->y < pi->poc.ty1; pi->y += (OPJ_INT32)(pi->dy - (OPJ_UINT32)(pi->y % (OPJ_INT32)pi->dy))) { for (pi->x = pi->poc.tx0; pi->x < pi->poc.tx1; pi->x += (OPJ_INT32)(pi->dx - (OPJ_UINT32)(pi->x % (OPJ_INT32)pi->dx))) { for (pi->compno = pi->poc.compno0; pi->compno < pi->poc.compno1; pi->compno++) { OPJ_UINT32 levelno; OPJ_INT32 trx0, try0; OPJ_INT32 trx1, try1; OPJ_UINT32 rpx, rpy; OPJ_INT32 prci, prcj; comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; if (pi->resno >= comp->numresolutions) { continue; } res = &comp->resolutions[pi->resno]; levelno = comp->numresolutions - 1 - pi->resno; trx0 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->tx0, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)); try0 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->ty0, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)); trx1 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->tx1, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)); try1 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->ty1, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)); rpx = res->pdx + levelno; rpy = res->pdy + levelno; if (!((pi->y % (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << rpy) == 0) || ((pi->y == pi->ty0) && ((try0 << levelno) % (1 << rpy))))){ continue; } if (!((pi->x % (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << rpx) == 0) || ((pi->x == pi->tx0) && ((trx0 << levelno) % (1 << rpx))))){ continue; } if ((res->pw==0)||(res->ph==0)) continue; if ((trx0==trx1)||(try0==try1)) continue; prci = opj_int_floordivpow2(opj_int_ceildiv(pi->x, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)), (OPJ_INT32)res->pdx) - opj_int_floordivpow2(trx0, (OPJ_INT32)res->pdx); prcj = opj_int_floordivpow2(opj_int_ceildiv(pi->y, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)), (OPJ_INT32)res->pdy) - opj_int_floordivpow2(try0, (OPJ_INT32)res->pdy); pi->precno = (OPJ_UINT32)(prci + prcj * (OPJ_INT32)res->pw); for (pi->layno = pi->poc.layno0; pi->layno < pi->poc.layno1; pi->layno++) { index = pi->layno * pi->step_l + pi->resno * pi->step_r + pi->compno * pi->step_c + pi->precno * pi->step_p; if (!pi->include[index]) { pi->include[index] = 1; return OPJ_TRUE; } LABEL_SKIP:; } } } } } return OPJ_FALSE; } OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_pcrl(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi) { opj_pi_comp_t *comp = NULL; opj_pi_resolution_t *res = NULL; OPJ_UINT32 index = 0; if (!pi->first) { comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; goto LABEL_SKIP; } else { OPJ_UINT32 compno, resno; pi->first = 0; pi->dx = 0; pi->dy = 0; for (compno = 0; compno < pi->numcomps; compno++) { comp = &pi->comps[compno]; for (resno = 0; resno < comp->numresolutions; resno++) { OPJ_UINT32 dx, dy; res = &comp->resolutions[resno]; dx = comp->dx * (1u << (res->pdx + comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno)); dy = comp->dy * (1u << (res->pdy + comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno)); pi->dx = !pi->dx ? dx : opj_uint_min(pi->dx, dx); pi->dy = !pi->dy ? dy : opj_uint_min(pi->dy, dy); } } } if (!pi->tp_on){ pi->poc.ty0 = pi->ty0; pi->poc.tx0 = pi->tx0; pi->poc.ty1 = pi->ty1; pi->poc.tx1 = pi->tx1; } for (pi->y = pi->poc.ty0; pi->y < pi->poc.ty1; pi->y += (OPJ_INT32)(pi->dy - (OPJ_UINT32)(pi->y % (OPJ_INT32)pi->dy))) { for (pi->x = pi->poc.tx0; pi->x < pi->poc.tx1; pi->x += (OPJ_INT32)(pi->dx - (OPJ_UINT32)(pi->x % (OPJ_INT32)pi->dx))) { for (pi->compno = pi->poc.compno0; pi->compno < pi->poc.compno1; pi->compno++) { comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; for (pi->resno = pi->poc.resno0; pi->resno < opj_uint_min(pi->poc.resno1, comp->numresolutions); pi->resno++) { OPJ_UINT32 levelno; OPJ_INT32 trx0, try0; OPJ_INT32 trx1, try1; OPJ_UINT32 rpx, rpy; OPJ_INT32 prci, prcj; res = &comp->resolutions[pi->resno]; levelno = comp->numresolutions - 1 - pi->resno; trx0 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->tx0, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)); try0 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->ty0, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)); trx1 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->tx1, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)); try1 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->ty1, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)); rpx = res->pdx + levelno; rpy = res->pdy + levelno; if (!((pi->y % (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << rpy) == 0) || ((pi->y == pi->ty0) && ((try0 << levelno) % (1 << rpy))))){ continue; } if (!((pi->x % (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << rpx) == 0) || ((pi->x == pi->tx0) && ((trx0 << levelno) % (1 << rpx))))){ continue; } if ((res->pw==0)||(res->ph==0)) continue; if ((trx0==trx1)||(try0==try1)) continue; prci = opj_int_floordivpow2(opj_int_ceildiv(pi->x, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)), (OPJ_INT32)res->pdx) - opj_int_floordivpow2(trx0, (OPJ_INT32)res->pdx); prcj = opj_int_floordivpow2(opj_int_ceildiv(pi->y, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)), (OPJ_INT32)res->pdy) - opj_int_floordivpow2(try0, (OPJ_INT32)res->pdy); pi->precno = (OPJ_UINT32)(prci + prcj * (OPJ_INT32)res->pw); for (pi->layno = pi->poc.layno0; pi->layno < pi->poc.layno1; pi->layno++) { index = pi->layno * pi->step_l + pi->resno * pi->step_r + pi->compno * pi->step_c + pi->precno * pi->step_p; if (!pi->include[index]) { pi->include[index] = 1; return OPJ_TRUE; } LABEL_SKIP:; } } } } } return OPJ_FALSE; } OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next_cprl(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi) { opj_pi_comp_t *comp = NULL; opj_pi_resolution_t *res = NULL; OPJ_UINT32 index = 0; if (!pi->first) { comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; goto LABEL_SKIP; } else { pi->first = 0; } for (pi->compno = pi->poc.compno0; pi->compno < pi->poc.compno1; pi->compno++) { OPJ_UINT32 resno; comp = &pi->comps[pi->compno]; pi->dx = 0; pi->dy = 0; for (resno = 0; resno < comp->numresolutions; resno++) { OPJ_UINT32 dx, dy; res = &comp->resolutions[resno]; dx = comp->dx * (1u << (res->pdx + comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno)); dy = comp->dy * (1u << (res->pdy + comp->numresolutions - 1 - resno)); pi->dx = !pi->dx ? dx : opj_uint_min(pi->dx, dx); pi->dy = !pi->dy ? dy : opj_uint_min(pi->dy, dy); } if (!pi->tp_on){ pi->poc.ty0 = pi->ty0; pi->poc.tx0 = pi->tx0; pi->poc.ty1 = pi->ty1; pi->poc.tx1 = pi->tx1; } for (pi->y = pi->poc.ty0; pi->y < pi->poc.ty1; pi->y += (OPJ_INT32)(pi->dy - (OPJ_UINT32)(pi->y % (OPJ_INT32)pi->dy))) { for (pi->x = pi->poc.tx0; pi->x < pi->poc.tx1; pi->x += (OPJ_INT32)(pi->dx - (OPJ_UINT32)(pi->x % (OPJ_INT32)pi->dx))) { for (pi->resno = pi->poc.resno0; pi->resno < opj_uint_min(pi->poc.resno1, comp->numresolutions); pi->resno++) { OPJ_UINT32 levelno; OPJ_INT32 trx0, try0; OPJ_INT32 trx1, try1; OPJ_UINT32 rpx, rpy; OPJ_INT32 prci, prcj; res = &comp->resolutions[pi->resno]; levelno = comp->numresolutions - 1 - pi->resno; trx0 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->tx0, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)); try0 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->ty0, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)); trx1 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->tx1, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)); try1 = opj_int_ceildiv(pi->ty1, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)); rpx = res->pdx + levelno; rpy = res->pdy + levelno; if (!((pi->y % (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << rpy) == 0) || ((pi->y == pi->ty0) && ((try0 << levelno) % (1 << rpy))))){ continue; } if (!((pi->x % (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << rpx) == 0) || ((pi->x == pi->tx0) && ((trx0 << levelno) % (1 << rpx))))){ continue; } if ((res->pw==0)||(res->ph==0)) continue; if ((trx0==trx1)||(try0==try1)) continue; prci = opj_int_floordivpow2(opj_int_ceildiv(pi->x, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dx << levelno)), (OPJ_INT32)res->pdx) - opj_int_floordivpow2(trx0, (OPJ_INT32)res->pdx); prcj = opj_int_floordivpow2(opj_int_ceildiv(pi->y, (OPJ_INT32)(comp->dy << levelno)), (OPJ_INT32)res->pdy) - opj_int_floordivpow2(try0, (OPJ_INT32)res->pdy); pi->precno = (OPJ_UINT32)(prci + prcj * (OPJ_INT32)res->pw); for (pi->layno = pi->poc.layno0; pi->layno < pi->poc.layno1; pi->layno++) { index = pi->layno * pi->step_l + pi->resno * pi->step_r + pi->compno * pi->step_c + pi->precno * pi->step_p; if (!pi->include[index]) { pi->include[index] = 1; return OPJ_TRUE; } LABEL_SKIP:; } } } } } return OPJ_FALSE; } void opj_get_encoding_parameters( const opj_image_t *p_image, const opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 p_tileno, OPJ_INT32 * p_tx0, OPJ_INT32 * p_tx1, OPJ_INT32 * p_ty0, OPJ_INT32 * p_ty1, OPJ_UINT32 * p_dx_min, OPJ_UINT32 * p_dy_min, OPJ_UINT32 * p_max_prec, OPJ_UINT32 * p_max_res ) { /* loop */ OPJ_UINT32 compno, resno; /* pointers */ const opj_tcp_t *l_tcp = 00; const opj_tccp_t * l_tccp = 00; const opj_image_comp_t * l_img_comp = 00; /* position in x and y of tile */ OPJ_UINT32 p, q; /* preconditions */ assert(p_cp != 00); assert(p_image != 00); assert(p_tileno < p_cp->tw * p_cp->th); /* initializations */ l_tcp = &p_cp->tcps [p_tileno]; l_img_comp = p_image->comps; l_tccp = l_tcp->tccps; /* here calculation of tx0, tx1, ty0, ty1, maxprec, dx and dy */ p = p_tileno % p_cp->tw; q = p_tileno / p_cp->tw; /* find extent of tile */ *p_tx0 = opj_int_max((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->tx0 + p * p_cp->tdx), (OPJ_INT32)p_image->x0); *p_tx1 = opj_int_min((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * p_cp->tdx), (OPJ_INT32)p_image->x1); *p_ty0 = opj_int_max((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->ty0 + q * p_cp->tdy), (OPJ_INT32)p_image->y0); *p_ty1 = opj_int_min((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * p_cp->tdy), (OPJ_INT32)p_image->y1); /* max precision is 0 (can only grow) */ *p_max_prec = 0; *p_max_res = 0; /* take the largest value for dx_min and dy_min */ *p_dx_min = 0x7fffffff; *p_dy_min = 0x7fffffff; for (compno = 0; compno < p_image->numcomps; ++compno) { /* arithmetic variables to calculate */ OPJ_UINT32 l_level_no; OPJ_INT32 l_rx0, l_ry0, l_rx1, l_ry1; OPJ_INT32 l_px0, l_py0, l_px1, py1; OPJ_UINT32 l_pdx, l_pdy; OPJ_UINT32 l_pw, l_ph; OPJ_UINT32 l_product; OPJ_INT32 l_tcx0, l_tcy0, l_tcx1, l_tcy1; l_tcx0 = opj_int_ceildiv(*p_tx0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dx); l_tcy0 = opj_int_ceildiv(*p_ty0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dy); l_tcx1 = opj_int_ceildiv(*p_tx1, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dx); l_tcy1 = opj_int_ceildiv(*p_ty1, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dy); if (l_tccp->numresolutions > *p_max_res) { *p_max_res = l_tccp->numresolutions; } /* use custom size for precincts */ for (resno = 0; resno < l_tccp->numresolutions; ++resno) { OPJ_UINT32 l_dx, l_dy; /* precinct width and height */ l_pdx = l_tccp->prcw[resno]; l_pdy = l_tccp->prch[resno]; l_dx = l_img_comp->dx * (1u << (l_pdx + l_tccp->numresolutions - 1 - resno)); l_dy = l_img_comp->dy * (1u << (l_pdy + l_tccp->numresolutions - 1 - resno)); /* take the minimum size for dx for each comp and resolution */ *p_dx_min = opj_uint_min(*p_dx_min, l_dx); *p_dy_min = opj_uint_min(*p_dy_min, l_dy); /* various calculations of extents */ l_level_no = l_tccp->numresolutions - 1 - resno; l_rx0 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tcx0, (OPJ_INT32)l_level_no); l_ry0 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tcy0, (OPJ_INT32)l_level_no); l_rx1 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tcx1, (OPJ_INT32)l_level_no); l_ry1 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tcy1, (OPJ_INT32)l_level_no); l_px0 = opj_int_floordivpow2(l_rx0, (OPJ_INT32)l_pdx) << l_pdx; l_py0 = opj_int_floordivpow2(l_ry0, (OPJ_INT32)l_pdy) << l_pdy; l_px1 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_rx1, (OPJ_INT32)l_pdx) << l_pdx; py1 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_ry1, (OPJ_INT32)l_pdy) << l_pdy; l_pw = (l_rx0==l_rx1)?0:(OPJ_UINT32)((l_px1 - l_px0) >> l_pdx); l_ph = (l_ry0==l_ry1)?0:(OPJ_UINT32)((py1 - l_py0) >> l_pdy); l_product = l_pw * l_ph; /* update precision */ if (l_product > *p_max_prec) { *p_max_prec = l_product; } } ++l_img_comp; ++l_tccp; } } void opj_get_all_encoding_parameters( const opj_image_t *p_image, const opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno, OPJ_INT32 * p_tx0, OPJ_INT32 * p_tx1, OPJ_INT32 * p_ty0, OPJ_INT32 * p_ty1, OPJ_UINT32 * p_dx_min, OPJ_UINT32 * p_dy_min, OPJ_UINT32 * p_max_prec, OPJ_UINT32 * p_max_res, OPJ_UINT32 ** p_resolutions ) { /* loop*/ OPJ_UINT32 compno, resno; /* pointers*/ const opj_tcp_t *tcp = 00; const opj_tccp_t * l_tccp = 00; const opj_image_comp_t * l_img_comp = 00; /* to store l_dx, l_dy, w and h for each resolution and component.*/ OPJ_UINT32 * lResolutionPtr; /* position in x and y of tile*/ OPJ_UINT32 p, q; /* preconditions in debug*/ assert(p_cp != 00); assert(p_image != 00); assert(tileno < p_cp->tw * p_cp->th); /* initializations*/ tcp = &p_cp->tcps [tileno]; l_tccp = tcp->tccps; l_img_comp = p_image->comps; /* position in x and y of tile*/ p = tileno % p_cp->tw; q = tileno / p_cp->tw; /* here calculation of tx0, tx1, ty0, ty1, maxprec, l_dx and l_dy */ *p_tx0 = opj_int_max((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->tx0 + p * p_cp->tdx), (OPJ_INT32)p_image->x0); *p_tx1 = opj_int_min((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->tx0 + (p + 1) * p_cp->tdx), (OPJ_INT32)p_image->x1); *p_ty0 = opj_int_max((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->ty0 + q * p_cp->tdy), (OPJ_INT32)p_image->y0); *p_ty1 = opj_int_min((OPJ_INT32)(p_cp->ty0 + (q + 1) * p_cp->tdy), (OPJ_INT32)p_image->y1); /* max precision and resolution is 0 (can only grow)*/ *p_max_prec = 0; *p_max_res = 0; /* take the largest value for dx_min and dy_min*/ *p_dx_min = 0x7fffffff; *p_dy_min = 0x7fffffff; for (compno = 0; compno < p_image->numcomps; ++compno) { /* aritmetic variables to calculate*/ OPJ_UINT32 l_level_no; OPJ_INT32 l_rx0, l_ry0, l_rx1, l_ry1; OPJ_INT32 l_px0, l_py0, l_px1, py1; OPJ_UINT32 l_product; OPJ_INT32 l_tcx0, l_tcy0, l_tcx1, l_tcy1; OPJ_UINT32 l_pdx, l_pdy , l_pw , l_ph; lResolutionPtr = p_resolutions[compno]; l_tcx0 = opj_int_ceildiv(*p_tx0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dx); l_tcy0 = opj_int_ceildiv(*p_ty0, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dy); l_tcx1 = opj_int_ceildiv(*p_tx1, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dx); l_tcy1 = opj_int_ceildiv(*p_ty1, (OPJ_INT32)l_img_comp->dy); if (l_tccp->numresolutions > *p_max_res) { *p_max_res = l_tccp->numresolutions; } /* use custom size for precincts*/ l_level_no = l_tccp->numresolutions - 1; for (resno = 0; resno < l_tccp->numresolutions; ++resno) { OPJ_UINT32 l_dx, l_dy; /* precinct width and height*/ l_pdx = l_tccp->prcw[resno]; l_pdy = l_tccp->prch[resno]; *lResolutionPtr++ = l_pdx; *lResolutionPtr++ = l_pdy; l_dx = l_img_comp->dx * (1u << (l_pdx + l_level_no)); l_dy = l_img_comp->dy * (1u << (l_pdy + l_level_no)); /* take the minimum size for l_dx for each comp and resolution*/ *p_dx_min = (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min((OPJ_INT32)*p_dx_min, (OPJ_INT32)l_dx); *p_dy_min = (OPJ_UINT32)opj_int_min((OPJ_INT32)*p_dy_min, (OPJ_INT32)l_dy); /* various calculations of extents*/ l_rx0 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tcx0, (OPJ_INT32)l_level_no); l_ry0 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tcy0, (OPJ_INT32)l_level_no); l_rx1 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tcx1, (OPJ_INT32)l_level_no); l_ry1 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_tcy1, (OPJ_INT32)l_level_no); l_px0 = opj_int_floordivpow2(l_rx0, (OPJ_INT32)l_pdx) << l_pdx; l_py0 = opj_int_floordivpow2(l_ry0, (OPJ_INT32)l_pdy) << l_pdy; l_px1 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_rx1, (OPJ_INT32)l_pdx) << l_pdx; py1 = opj_int_ceildivpow2(l_ry1, (OPJ_INT32)l_pdy) << l_pdy; l_pw = (l_rx0==l_rx1)?0:(OPJ_UINT32)((l_px1 - l_px0) >> l_pdx); l_ph = (l_ry0==l_ry1)?0:(OPJ_UINT32)((py1 - l_py0) >> l_pdy); *lResolutionPtr++ = l_pw; *lResolutionPtr++ = l_ph; l_product = l_pw * l_ph; /* update precision*/ if (l_product > *p_max_prec) { *p_max_prec = l_product; } --l_level_no; } ++l_tccp; ++l_img_comp; } } opj_pi_iterator_t * opj_pi_create( const opj_image_t *image, const opj_cp_t *cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno ) { /* loop*/ OPJ_UINT32 pino, compno; /* number of poc in the p_pi*/ OPJ_UINT32 l_poc_bound; /* pointers to tile coding parameters and components.*/ opj_pi_iterator_t *l_pi = 00; opj_tcp_t *tcp = 00; const opj_tccp_t *tccp = 00; /* current packet iterator being allocated*/ opj_pi_iterator_t *l_current_pi = 00; /* preconditions in debug*/ assert(cp != 00); assert(image != 00); assert(tileno < cp->tw * cp->th); /* initializations*/ tcp = &cp->tcps[tileno]; l_poc_bound = tcp->numpocs+1; /* memory allocations*/ l_pi = (opj_pi_iterator_t*) opj_calloc((l_poc_bound), sizeof(opj_pi_iterator_t)); if (!l_pi) { return NULL; } l_current_pi = l_pi; for (pino = 0; pino < l_poc_bound ; ++pino) { l_current_pi->comps = (opj_pi_comp_t*) opj_calloc(image->numcomps, sizeof(opj_pi_comp_t)); if (! l_current_pi->comps) { opj_pi_destroy(l_pi, l_poc_bound); return NULL; } l_current_pi->numcomps = image->numcomps; for (compno = 0; compno < image->numcomps; ++compno) { opj_pi_comp_t *comp = &l_current_pi->comps[compno]; tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno]; comp->resolutions = (opj_pi_resolution_t*) opj_calloc(tccp->numresolutions, sizeof(opj_pi_resolution_t)); if (!comp->resolutions) { opj_pi_destroy(l_pi, l_poc_bound); return 00; } comp->numresolutions = tccp->numresolutions; } ++l_current_pi; } return l_pi; } void opj_pi_update_encode_poc_and_final ( opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 p_tileno, OPJ_INT32 p_tx0, OPJ_INT32 p_tx1, OPJ_INT32 p_ty0, OPJ_INT32 p_ty1, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_prec, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_res, OPJ_UINT32 p_dx_min, OPJ_UINT32 p_dy_min) { /* loop*/ OPJ_UINT32 pino; /* tile coding parameter*/ opj_tcp_t *l_tcp = 00; /* current poc being updated*/ opj_poc_t * l_current_poc = 00; /* number of pocs*/ OPJ_UINT32 l_poc_bound; OPJ_ARG_NOT_USED(p_max_res); /* preconditions in debug*/ assert(p_cp != 00); assert(p_tileno < p_cp->tw * p_cp->th); /* initializations*/ l_tcp = &p_cp->tcps [p_tileno]; /* number of iterations in the loop */ l_poc_bound = l_tcp->numpocs+1; /* start at first element, and to make sure the compiler will not make a calculation each time in the loop store a pointer to the current element to modify rather than l_tcp->pocs[i]*/ l_current_poc = l_tcp->pocs; l_current_poc->compS = l_current_poc->compno0; l_current_poc->compE = l_current_poc->compno1; l_current_poc->resS = l_current_poc->resno0; l_current_poc->resE = l_current_poc->resno1; l_current_poc->layE = l_current_poc->layno1; /* special treatment for the first element*/ l_current_poc->layS = 0; l_current_poc->prg = l_current_poc->prg1; l_current_poc->prcS = 0; l_current_poc->prcE = p_max_prec; l_current_poc->txS = (OPJ_UINT32)p_tx0; l_current_poc->txE = (OPJ_UINT32)p_tx1; l_current_poc->tyS = (OPJ_UINT32)p_ty0; l_current_poc->tyE = (OPJ_UINT32)p_ty1; l_current_poc->dx = p_dx_min; l_current_poc->dy = p_dy_min; ++ l_current_poc; for (pino = 1;pino < l_poc_bound ; ++pino) { l_current_poc->compS = l_current_poc->compno0; l_current_poc->compE= l_current_poc->compno1; l_current_poc->resS = l_current_poc->resno0; l_current_poc->resE = l_current_poc->resno1; l_current_poc->layE = l_current_poc->layno1; l_current_poc->prg = l_current_poc->prg1; l_current_poc->prcS = 0; /* special treatment here different from the first element*/ l_current_poc->layS = (l_current_poc->layE > (l_current_poc-1)->layE) ? l_current_poc->layE : 0; l_current_poc->prcE = p_max_prec; l_current_poc->txS = (OPJ_UINT32)p_tx0; l_current_poc->txE = (OPJ_UINT32)p_tx1; l_current_poc->tyS = (OPJ_UINT32)p_ty0; l_current_poc->tyE = (OPJ_UINT32)p_ty1; l_current_poc->dx = p_dx_min; l_current_poc->dy = p_dy_min; ++ l_current_poc; } } void opj_pi_update_encode_not_poc ( opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 p_num_comps, OPJ_UINT32 p_tileno, OPJ_INT32 p_tx0, OPJ_INT32 p_tx1, OPJ_INT32 p_ty0, OPJ_INT32 p_ty1, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_prec, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_res, OPJ_UINT32 p_dx_min, OPJ_UINT32 p_dy_min) { /* loop*/ OPJ_UINT32 pino; /* tile coding parameter*/ opj_tcp_t *l_tcp = 00; /* current poc being updated*/ opj_poc_t * l_current_poc = 00; /* number of pocs*/ OPJ_UINT32 l_poc_bound; /* preconditions in debug*/ assert(p_cp != 00); assert(p_tileno < p_cp->tw * p_cp->th); /* initializations*/ l_tcp = &p_cp->tcps [p_tileno]; /* number of iterations in the loop */ l_poc_bound = l_tcp->numpocs+1; /* start at first element, and to make sure the compiler will not make a calculation each time in the loop store a pointer to the current element to modify rather than l_tcp->pocs[i]*/ l_current_poc = l_tcp->pocs; for (pino = 0; pino < l_poc_bound ; ++pino) { l_current_poc->compS = 0; l_current_poc->compE = p_num_comps;/*p_image->numcomps;*/ l_current_poc->resS = 0; l_current_poc->resE = p_max_res; l_current_poc->layS = 0; l_current_poc->layE = l_tcp->numlayers; l_current_poc->prg = l_tcp->prg; l_current_poc->prcS = 0; l_current_poc->prcE = p_max_prec; l_current_poc->txS = (OPJ_UINT32)p_tx0; l_current_poc->txE = (OPJ_UINT32)p_tx1; l_current_poc->tyS = (OPJ_UINT32)p_ty0; l_current_poc->tyE = (OPJ_UINT32)p_ty1; l_current_poc->dx = p_dx_min; l_current_poc->dy = p_dy_min; ++ l_current_poc; } } void opj_pi_update_decode_poc (opj_pi_iterator_t * p_pi, opj_tcp_t * p_tcp, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_precision, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_res) { /* loop*/ OPJ_UINT32 pino; /* encoding prameters to set*/ OPJ_UINT32 l_bound; opj_pi_iterator_t * l_current_pi = 00; opj_poc_t* l_current_poc = 0; OPJ_ARG_NOT_USED(p_max_res); /* preconditions in debug*/ assert(p_pi != 00); assert(p_tcp != 00); /* initializations*/ l_bound = p_tcp->numpocs+1; l_current_pi = p_pi; l_current_poc = p_tcp->pocs; for (pino = 0;pino<l_bound;++pino) { l_current_pi->poc.prg = l_current_poc->prg; /* Progression Order #0 */ l_current_pi->first = 1; l_current_pi->poc.resno0 = l_current_poc->resno0; /* Resolution Level Index #0 (Start) */ l_current_pi->poc.compno0 = l_current_poc->compno0; /* Component Index #0 (Start) */ l_current_pi->poc.layno0 = 0; l_current_pi->poc.precno0 = 0; l_current_pi->poc.resno1 = l_current_poc->resno1; /* Resolution Level Index #0 (End) */ l_current_pi->poc.compno1 = l_current_poc->compno1; /* Component Index #0 (End) */ l_current_pi->poc.layno1 = l_current_poc->layno1; /* Layer Index #0 (End) */ l_current_pi->poc.precno1 = p_max_precision; ++l_current_pi; ++l_current_poc; } } void opj_pi_update_decode_not_poc (opj_pi_iterator_t * p_pi, opj_tcp_t * p_tcp, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_precision, OPJ_UINT32 p_max_res) { /* loop*/ OPJ_UINT32 pino; /* encoding prameters to set*/ OPJ_UINT32 l_bound; opj_pi_iterator_t * l_current_pi = 00; /* preconditions in debug*/ assert(p_tcp != 00); assert(p_pi != 00); /* initializations*/ l_bound = p_tcp->numpocs+1; l_current_pi = p_pi; for (pino = 0;pino<l_bound;++pino) { l_current_pi->poc.prg = p_tcp->prg; l_current_pi->first = 1; l_current_pi->poc.resno0 = 0; l_current_pi->poc.compno0 = 0; l_current_pi->poc.layno0 = 0; l_current_pi->poc.precno0 = 0; l_current_pi->poc.resno1 = p_max_res; l_current_pi->poc.compno1 = l_current_pi->numcomps; l_current_pi->poc.layno1 = p_tcp->numlayers; l_current_pi->poc.precno1 = p_max_precision; ++l_current_pi; } } OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_check_next_level( OPJ_INT32 pos, opj_cp_t *cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno, OPJ_UINT32 pino, const OPJ_CHAR *prog) { OPJ_INT32 i; opj_tcp_t *tcps =&cp->tcps[tileno]; opj_poc_t *tcp = &tcps->pocs[pino]; if(pos>=0){ for(i=pos;pos>=0;i--){ switch(prog[i]){ case 'R': if(tcp->res_t==tcp->resE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(pos-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ return OPJ_TRUE; }else{ return OPJ_FALSE; } }else{ return OPJ_TRUE; } break; case 'C': if(tcp->comp_t==tcp->compE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(pos-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ return OPJ_TRUE; }else{ return OPJ_FALSE; } }else{ return OPJ_TRUE; } break; case 'L': if(tcp->lay_t==tcp->layE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(pos-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ return OPJ_TRUE; }else{ return OPJ_FALSE; } }else{ return OPJ_TRUE; } break; case 'P': switch(tcp->prg){ case OPJ_LRCP: /* fall through */ case OPJ_RLCP: if(tcp->prc_t == tcp->prcE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(i-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ return OPJ_TRUE; }else{ return OPJ_FALSE; } }else{ return OPJ_TRUE; } break; default: if(tcp->tx0_t == tcp->txE){ /*TY*/ if(tcp->ty0_t == tcp->tyE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(i-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ return OPJ_TRUE; }else{ return OPJ_FALSE; } }else{ return OPJ_TRUE; }/*TY*/ }else{ return OPJ_TRUE; } break; }/*end case P*/ }/*end switch*/ }/*end for*/ }/*end if*/ return OPJ_FALSE; } /* ========================================================== Packet iterator interface ========================================================== */ opj_pi_iterator_t *opj_pi_create_decode(opj_image_t *p_image, opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_no) { /* loop */ OPJ_UINT32 pino; OPJ_UINT32 compno, resno; /* to store w, h, dx and dy fro all components and resolutions */ OPJ_UINT32 * l_tmp_data; OPJ_UINT32 ** l_tmp_ptr; /* encoding prameters to set */ OPJ_UINT32 l_max_res; OPJ_UINT32 l_max_prec; OPJ_INT32 l_tx0,l_tx1,l_ty0,l_ty1; OPJ_UINT32 l_dx_min,l_dy_min; OPJ_UINT32 l_bound; OPJ_UINT32 l_step_p , l_step_c , l_step_r , l_step_l ; OPJ_UINT32 l_data_stride; /* pointers */ opj_pi_iterator_t *l_pi = 00; opj_tcp_t *l_tcp = 00; const opj_tccp_t *l_tccp = 00; opj_pi_comp_t *l_current_comp = 00; opj_image_comp_t * l_img_comp = 00; opj_pi_iterator_t * l_current_pi = 00; OPJ_UINT32 * l_encoding_value_ptr = 00; /* preconditions in debug */ assert(p_cp != 00); assert(p_image != 00); assert(p_tile_no < p_cp->tw * p_cp->th); /* initializations */ l_tcp = &p_cp->tcps[p_tile_no]; l_bound = l_tcp->numpocs+1; l_data_stride = 4 * OPJ_J2K_MAXRLVLS; l_tmp_data = (OPJ_UINT32*)opj_malloc( l_data_stride * p_image->numcomps * sizeof(OPJ_UINT32)); if (! l_tmp_data) { return 00; } l_tmp_ptr = (OPJ_UINT32**)opj_malloc( p_image->numcomps * sizeof(OPJ_UINT32 *)); if (! l_tmp_ptr) { opj_free(l_tmp_data); return 00; } /* memory allocation for pi */ l_pi = opj_pi_create(p_image, p_cp, p_tile_no); if (!l_pi) { opj_free(l_tmp_data); opj_free(l_tmp_ptr); return 00; } l_encoding_value_ptr = l_tmp_data; /* update pointer array */ for (compno = 0; compno < p_image->numcomps; ++compno) { l_tmp_ptr[compno] = l_encoding_value_ptr; l_encoding_value_ptr += l_data_stride; } /* get encoding parameters */ opj_get_all_encoding_parameters(p_image,p_cp,p_tile_no,&l_tx0,&l_tx1,&l_ty0,&l_ty1,&l_dx_min,&l_dy_min,&l_max_prec,&l_max_res,l_tmp_ptr); /* step calculations */ l_step_p = 1; l_step_c = l_max_prec * l_step_p; l_step_r = p_image->numcomps * l_step_c; l_step_l = l_max_res * l_step_r; /* set values for first packet iterator */ l_current_pi = l_pi; /* memory allocation for include */ l_current_pi->include = (OPJ_INT16*) opj_calloc((l_tcp->numlayers +1) * l_step_l, sizeof(OPJ_INT16)); if (!l_current_pi->include) { opj_free(l_tmp_data); opj_free(l_tmp_ptr); opj_pi_destroy(l_pi, l_bound); return 00; } /* special treatment for the first packet iterator */ l_current_comp = l_current_pi->comps; l_img_comp = p_image->comps; l_tccp = l_tcp->tccps; l_current_pi->tx0 = l_tx0; l_current_pi->ty0 = l_ty0; l_current_pi->tx1 = l_tx1; l_current_pi->ty1 = l_ty1; /*l_current_pi->dx = l_img_comp->dx;*/ /*l_current_pi->dy = l_img_comp->dy;*/ l_current_pi->step_p = l_step_p; l_current_pi->step_c = l_step_c; l_current_pi->step_r = l_step_r; l_current_pi->step_l = l_step_l; /* allocation for components and number of components has already been calculated by opj_pi_create */ for (compno = 0; compno < l_current_pi->numcomps; ++compno) { opj_pi_resolution_t *l_res = l_current_comp->resolutions; l_encoding_value_ptr = l_tmp_ptr[compno]; l_current_comp->dx = l_img_comp->dx; l_current_comp->dy = l_img_comp->dy; /* resolutions have already been initialized */ for (resno = 0; resno < l_current_comp->numresolutions; resno++) { l_res->pdx = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->pdy = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->pw = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->ph = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); ++l_res; } ++l_current_comp; ++l_img_comp; ++l_tccp; } ++l_current_pi; for (pino = 1 ; pino<l_bound ; ++pino ) { l_current_comp = l_current_pi->comps; l_img_comp = p_image->comps; l_tccp = l_tcp->tccps; l_current_pi->tx0 = l_tx0; l_current_pi->ty0 = l_ty0; l_current_pi->tx1 = l_tx1; l_current_pi->ty1 = l_ty1; /*l_current_pi->dx = l_dx_min;*/ /*l_current_pi->dy = l_dy_min;*/ l_current_pi->step_p = l_step_p; l_current_pi->step_c = l_step_c; l_current_pi->step_r = l_step_r; l_current_pi->step_l = l_step_l; /* allocation for components and number of components has already been calculated by opj_pi_create */ for (compno = 0; compno < l_current_pi->numcomps; ++compno) { opj_pi_resolution_t *l_res = l_current_comp->resolutions; l_encoding_value_ptr = l_tmp_ptr[compno]; l_current_comp->dx = l_img_comp->dx; l_current_comp->dy = l_img_comp->dy; /* resolutions have already been initialized */ for (resno = 0; resno < l_current_comp->numresolutions; resno++) { l_res->pdx = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->pdy = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->pw = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->ph = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); ++l_res; } ++l_current_comp; ++l_img_comp; ++l_tccp; } /* special treatment*/ l_current_pi->include = (l_current_pi-1)->include; ++l_current_pi; } opj_free(l_tmp_data); l_tmp_data = 00; opj_free(l_tmp_ptr); l_tmp_ptr = 00; if (l_tcp->POC) { opj_pi_update_decode_poc (l_pi,l_tcp,l_max_prec,l_max_res); } else { opj_pi_update_decode_not_poc(l_pi,l_tcp,l_max_prec,l_max_res); } return l_pi; } opj_pi_iterator_t *opj_pi_initialise_encode(const opj_image_t *p_image, opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_no, J2K_T2_MODE p_t2_mode ) { /* loop*/ OPJ_UINT32 pino; OPJ_UINT32 compno, resno; /* to store w, h, dx and dy fro all components and resolutions*/ OPJ_UINT32 * l_tmp_data; OPJ_UINT32 ** l_tmp_ptr; /* encoding prameters to set*/ OPJ_UINT32 l_max_res; OPJ_UINT32 l_max_prec; OPJ_INT32 l_tx0,l_tx1,l_ty0,l_ty1; OPJ_UINT32 l_dx_min,l_dy_min; OPJ_UINT32 l_bound; OPJ_UINT32 l_step_p , l_step_c , l_step_r , l_step_l ; OPJ_UINT32 l_data_stride; /* pointers*/ opj_pi_iterator_t *l_pi = 00; opj_tcp_t *l_tcp = 00; const opj_tccp_t *l_tccp = 00; opj_pi_comp_t *l_current_comp = 00; opj_image_comp_t * l_img_comp = 00; opj_pi_iterator_t * l_current_pi = 00; OPJ_UINT32 * l_encoding_value_ptr = 00; /* preconditions in debug*/ assert(p_cp != 00); assert(p_image != 00); assert(p_tile_no < p_cp->tw * p_cp->th); /* initializations*/ l_tcp = &p_cp->tcps[p_tile_no]; l_bound = l_tcp->numpocs+1; l_data_stride = 4 * OPJ_J2K_MAXRLVLS; l_tmp_data = (OPJ_UINT32*)opj_malloc( l_data_stride * p_image->numcomps * sizeof(OPJ_UINT32)); if (! l_tmp_data) { return 00; } l_tmp_ptr = (OPJ_UINT32**)opj_malloc( p_image->numcomps * sizeof(OPJ_UINT32 *)); if (! l_tmp_ptr) { opj_free(l_tmp_data); return 00; } /* memory allocation for pi*/ l_pi = opj_pi_create(p_image,p_cp,p_tile_no); if (!l_pi) { opj_free(l_tmp_data); opj_free(l_tmp_ptr); return 00; } l_encoding_value_ptr = l_tmp_data; /* update pointer array*/ for (compno = 0; compno < p_image->numcomps; ++compno) { l_tmp_ptr[compno] = l_encoding_value_ptr; l_encoding_value_ptr += l_data_stride; } /* get encoding parameters*/ opj_get_all_encoding_parameters(p_image,p_cp,p_tile_no,&l_tx0,&l_tx1,&l_ty0,&l_ty1,&l_dx_min,&l_dy_min,&l_max_prec,&l_max_res,l_tmp_ptr); /* step calculations*/ l_step_p = 1; l_step_c = l_max_prec * l_step_p; l_step_r = p_image->numcomps * l_step_c; l_step_l = l_max_res * l_step_r; /* set values for first packet iterator*/ l_pi->tp_on = p_cp->m_specific_param.m_enc.m_tp_on; l_current_pi = l_pi; /* memory allocation for include*/ l_current_pi->include = (OPJ_INT16*) opj_calloc(l_tcp->numlayers * l_step_l, sizeof(OPJ_INT16)); if (!l_current_pi->include) { opj_free(l_tmp_data); opj_free(l_tmp_ptr); opj_pi_destroy(l_pi, l_bound); return 00; } /* special treatment for the first packet iterator*/ l_current_comp = l_current_pi->comps; l_img_comp = p_image->comps; l_tccp = l_tcp->tccps; l_current_pi->tx0 = l_tx0; l_current_pi->ty0 = l_ty0; l_current_pi->tx1 = l_tx1; l_current_pi->ty1 = l_ty1; l_current_pi->dx = l_dx_min; l_current_pi->dy = l_dy_min; l_current_pi->step_p = l_step_p; l_current_pi->step_c = l_step_c; l_current_pi->step_r = l_step_r; l_current_pi->step_l = l_step_l; /* allocation for components and number of components has already been calculated by opj_pi_create */ for (compno = 0; compno < l_current_pi->numcomps; ++compno) { opj_pi_resolution_t *l_res = l_current_comp->resolutions; l_encoding_value_ptr = l_tmp_ptr[compno]; l_current_comp->dx = l_img_comp->dx; l_current_comp->dy = l_img_comp->dy; /* resolutions have already been initialized */ for (resno = 0; resno < l_current_comp->numresolutions; resno++) { l_res->pdx = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->pdy = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->pw = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->ph = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); ++l_res; } ++l_current_comp; ++l_img_comp; ++l_tccp; } ++l_current_pi; for (pino = 1 ; pino<l_bound ; ++pino ) { l_current_comp = l_current_pi->comps; l_img_comp = p_image->comps; l_tccp = l_tcp->tccps; l_current_pi->tx0 = l_tx0; l_current_pi->ty0 = l_ty0; l_current_pi->tx1 = l_tx1; l_current_pi->ty1 = l_ty1; l_current_pi->dx = l_dx_min; l_current_pi->dy = l_dy_min; l_current_pi->step_p = l_step_p; l_current_pi->step_c = l_step_c; l_current_pi->step_r = l_step_r; l_current_pi->step_l = l_step_l; /* allocation for components and number of components has already been calculated by opj_pi_create */ for (compno = 0; compno < l_current_pi->numcomps; ++compno) { opj_pi_resolution_t *l_res = l_current_comp->resolutions; l_encoding_value_ptr = l_tmp_ptr[compno]; l_current_comp->dx = l_img_comp->dx; l_current_comp->dy = l_img_comp->dy; /* resolutions have already been initialized */ for (resno = 0; resno < l_current_comp->numresolutions; resno++) { l_res->pdx = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->pdy = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->pw = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); l_res->ph = *(l_encoding_value_ptr++); ++l_res; } ++l_current_comp; ++l_img_comp; ++l_tccp; } /* special treatment*/ l_current_pi->include = (l_current_pi-1)->include; ++l_current_pi; } opj_free(l_tmp_data); l_tmp_data = 00; opj_free(l_tmp_ptr); l_tmp_ptr = 00; if (l_tcp->POC && (OPJ_IS_CINEMA(p_cp->rsiz) || p_t2_mode == FINAL_PASS)) { opj_pi_update_encode_poc_and_final(p_cp,p_tile_no,l_tx0,l_tx1,l_ty0,l_ty1,l_max_prec,l_max_res,l_dx_min,l_dy_min); } else { opj_pi_update_encode_not_poc(p_cp,p_image->numcomps,p_tile_no,l_tx0,l_tx1,l_ty0,l_ty1,l_max_prec,l_max_res,l_dx_min,l_dy_min); } return l_pi; } void opj_pi_create_encode( opj_pi_iterator_t *pi, opj_cp_t *cp, OPJ_UINT32 tileno, OPJ_UINT32 pino, OPJ_UINT32 tpnum, OPJ_INT32 tppos, J2K_T2_MODE t2_mode) { const OPJ_CHAR *prog; OPJ_INT32 i; OPJ_UINT32 incr_top=1,resetX=0; opj_tcp_t *tcps =&cp->tcps[tileno]; opj_poc_t *tcp= &tcps->pocs[pino]; prog = opj_j2k_convert_progression_order(tcp->prg); pi[pino].first = 1; pi[pino].poc.prg = tcp->prg; if(!(cp->m_specific_param.m_enc.m_tp_on && ((!OPJ_IS_CINEMA(cp->rsiz) && (t2_mode == FINAL_PASS)) || OPJ_IS_CINEMA(cp->rsiz)))){ pi[pino].poc.resno0 = tcp->resS; pi[pino].poc.resno1 = tcp->resE; pi[pino].poc.compno0 = tcp->compS; pi[pino].poc.compno1 = tcp->compE; pi[pino].poc.layno0 = tcp->layS; pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->layE; pi[pino].poc.precno0 = tcp->prcS; pi[pino].poc.precno1 = tcp->prcE; pi[pino].poc.tx0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->txS; pi[pino].poc.ty0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->tyS; pi[pino].poc.tx1 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->txE; pi[pino].poc.ty1 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->tyE; }else { for(i=tppos+1;i<4;i++){ switch(prog[i]){ case 'R': pi[pino].poc.resno0 = tcp->resS; pi[pino].poc.resno1 = tcp->resE; break; case 'C': pi[pino].poc.compno0 = tcp->compS; pi[pino].poc.compno1 = tcp->compE; break; case 'L': pi[pino].poc.layno0 = tcp->layS; pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->layE; break; case 'P': switch(tcp->prg){ case OPJ_LRCP: case OPJ_RLCP: pi[pino].poc.precno0 = tcp->prcS; pi[pino].poc.precno1 = tcp->prcE; break; default: pi[pino].poc.tx0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->txS; pi[pino].poc.ty0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->tyS; pi[pino].poc.tx1 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->txE; pi[pino].poc.ty1 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->tyE; break; } break; } } if(tpnum==0){ for(i=tppos;i>=0;i--){ switch(prog[i]){ case 'C': tcp->comp_t = tcp->compS; pi[pino].poc.compno0 = tcp->comp_t; pi[pino].poc.compno1 = tcp->comp_t+1; tcp->comp_t+=1; break; case 'R': tcp->res_t = tcp->resS; pi[pino].poc.resno0 = tcp->res_t; pi[pino].poc.resno1 = tcp->res_t+1; tcp->res_t+=1; break; case 'L': tcp->lay_t = tcp->layS; pi[pino].poc.layno0 = tcp->lay_t; pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->lay_t+1; tcp->lay_t+=1; break; case 'P': switch(tcp->prg){ case OPJ_LRCP: case OPJ_RLCP: tcp->prc_t = tcp->prcS; pi[pino].poc.precno0 = tcp->prc_t; pi[pino].poc.precno1 = tcp->prc_t+1; tcp->prc_t+=1; break; default: tcp->tx0_t = tcp->txS; tcp->ty0_t = tcp->tyS; pi[pino].poc.tx0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->tx0_t; pi[pino].poc.tx1 = (OPJ_INT32)(tcp->tx0_t + tcp->dx - (tcp->tx0_t % tcp->dx)); pi[pino].poc.ty0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->ty0_t; pi[pino].poc.ty1 = (OPJ_INT32)(tcp->ty0_t + tcp->dy - (tcp->ty0_t % tcp->dy)); tcp->tx0_t = (OPJ_UINT32)pi[pino].poc.tx1; tcp->ty0_t = (OPJ_UINT32)pi[pino].poc.ty1; break; } break; } } incr_top=1; }else{ for(i=tppos;i>=0;i--){ switch(prog[i]){ case 'C': pi[pino].poc.compno0 = tcp->comp_t-1; pi[pino].poc.compno1 = tcp->comp_t; break; case 'R': pi[pino].poc.resno0 = tcp->res_t-1; pi[pino].poc.resno1 = tcp->res_t; break; case 'L': pi[pino].poc.layno0 = tcp->lay_t-1; pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->lay_t; break; case 'P': switch(tcp->prg){ case OPJ_LRCP: case OPJ_RLCP: pi[pino].poc.precno0 = tcp->prc_t-1; pi[pino].poc.precno1 = tcp->prc_t; break; default: pi[pino].poc.tx0 = (OPJ_INT32)(tcp->tx0_t - tcp->dx - (tcp->tx0_t % tcp->dx)); pi[pino].poc.tx1 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->tx0_t ; pi[pino].poc.ty0 = (OPJ_INT32)(tcp->ty0_t - tcp->dy - (tcp->ty0_t % tcp->dy)); pi[pino].poc.ty1 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->ty0_t ; break; } break; } if(incr_top==1){ switch(prog[i]){ case 'R': if(tcp->res_t==tcp->resE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(i-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ tcp->res_t = tcp->resS; pi[pino].poc.resno0 = tcp->res_t; pi[pino].poc.resno1 = tcp->res_t+1; tcp->res_t+=1; incr_top=1; }else{ incr_top=0; } }else{ pi[pino].poc.resno0 = tcp->res_t; pi[pino].poc.resno1 = tcp->res_t+1; tcp->res_t+=1; incr_top=0; } break; case 'C': if(tcp->comp_t ==tcp->compE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(i-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ tcp->comp_t = tcp->compS; pi[pino].poc.compno0 = tcp->comp_t; pi[pino].poc.compno1 = tcp->comp_t+1; tcp->comp_t+=1; incr_top=1; }else{ incr_top=0; } }else{ pi[pino].poc.compno0 = tcp->comp_t; pi[pino].poc.compno1 = tcp->comp_t+1; tcp->comp_t+=1; incr_top=0; } break; case 'L': if(tcp->lay_t == tcp->layE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(i-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ tcp->lay_t = tcp->layS; pi[pino].poc.layno0 = tcp->lay_t; pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->lay_t+1; tcp->lay_t+=1; incr_top=1; }else{ incr_top=0; } }else{ pi[pino].poc.layno0 = tcp->lay_t; pi[pino].poc.layno1 = tcp->lay_t+1; tcp->lay_t+=1; incr_top=0; } break; case 'P': switch(tcp->prg){ case OPJ_LRCP: case OPJ_RLCP: if(tcp->prc_t == tcp->prcE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(i-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ tcp->prc_t = tcp->prcS; pi[pino].poc.precno0 = tcp->prc_t; pi[pino].poc.precno1 = tcp->prc_t+1; tcp->prc_t+=1; incr_top=1; }else{ incr_top=0; } }else{ pi[pino].poc.precno0 = tcp->prc_t; pi[pino].poc.precno1 = tcp->prc_t+1; tcp->prc_t+=1; incr_top=0; } break; default: if(tcp->tx0_t >= tcp->txE){ if(tcp->ty0_t >= tcp->tyE){ if(opj_pi_check_next_level(i-1,cp,tileno,pino,prog)){ tcp->ty0_t = tcp->tyS; pi[pino].poc.ty0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->ty0_t; pi[pino].poc.ty1 = (OPJ_INT32)(tcp->ty0_t + tcp->dy - (tcp->ty0_t % tcp->dy)); tcp->ty0_t = (OPJ_UINT32)pi[pino].poc.ty1; incr_top=1;resetX=1; }else{ incr_top=0;resetX=0; } }else{ pi[pino].poc.ty0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->ty0_t; pi[pino].poc.ty1 = (OPJ_INT32)(tcp->ty0_t + tcp->dy - (tcp->ty0_t % tcp->dy)); tcp->ty0_t = (OPJ_UINT32)pi[pino].poc.ty1; incr_top=0;resetX=1; } if(resetX==1){ tcp->tx0_t = tcp->txS; pi[pino].poc.tx0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->tx0_t; pi[pino].poc.tx1 = (OPJ_INT32)(tcp->tx0_t + tcp->dx- (tcp->tx0_t % tcp->dx)); tcp->tx0_t = (OPJ_UINT32)pi[pino].poc.tx1; } }else{ pi[pino].poc.tx0 = (OPJ_INT32)tcp->tx0_t; pi[pino].poc.tx1 = (OPJ_INT32)(tcp->tx0_t + tcp->dx- (tcp->tx0_t % tcp->dx)); tcp->tx0_t = (OPJ_UINT32)pi[pino].poc.tx1; incr_top=0; } break; } break; } } } } } } void opj_pi_destroy(opj_pi_iterator_t *p_pi, OPJ_UINT32 p_nb_elements) { OPJ_UINT32 compno, pino; opj_pi_iterator_t *l_current_pi = p_pi; if (p_pi) { if (p_pi->include) { opj_free(p_pi->include); p_pi->include = 00; } for (pino = 0; pino < p_nb_elements; ++pino){ if(l_current_pi->comps) { opj_pi_comp_t *l_current_component = l_current_pi->comps; for (compno = 0; compno < l_current_pi->numcomps; compno++){ if(l_current_component->resolutions) { opj_free(l_current_component->resolutions); l_current_component->resolutions = 00; } ++l_current_component; } opj_free(l_current_pi->comps); l_current_pi->comps = 0; } ++l_current_pi; } opj_free(p_pi); } } void opj_pi_update_encoding_parameters( const opj_image_t *p_image, opj_cp_t *p_cp, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_no ) { /* encoding parameters to set */ OPJ_UINT32 l_max_res; OPJ_UINT32 l_max_prec; OPJ_INT32 l_tx0,l_tx1,l_ty0,l_ty1; OPJ_UINT32 l_dx_min,l_dy_min; /* pointers */ opj_tcp_t *l_tcp = 00; /* preconditions */ assert(p_cp != 00); assert(p_image != 00); assert(p_tile_no < p_cp->tw * p_cp->th); l_tcp = &(p_cp->tcps[p_tile_no]); /* get encoding parameters */ opj_get_encoding_parameters(p_image,p_cp,p_tile_no,&l_tx0,&l_tx1,&l_ty0,&l_ty1,&l_dx_min,&l_dy_min,&l_max_prec,&l_max_res); if (l_tcp->POC) { opj_pi_update_encode_poc_and_final(p_cp,p_tile_no,l_tx0,l_tx1,l_ty0,l_ty1,l_max_prec,l_max_res,l_dx_min,l_dy_min); } else { opj_pi_update_encode_not_poc(p_cp,p_image->numcomps,p_tile_no,l_tx0,l_tx1,l_ty0,l_ty1,l_max_prec,l_max_res,l_dx_min,l_dy_min); } } OPJ_BOOL opj_pi_next(opj_pi_iterator_t * pi) { switch (pi->poc.prg) { case OPJ_LRCP: return opj_pi_next_lrcp(pi); case OPJ_RLCP: return opj_pi_next_rlcp(pi); case OPJ_RPCL: return opj_pi_next_rpcl(pi); case OPJ_PCRL: return opj_pi_next_pcrl(pi); case OPJ_CPRL: return opj_pi_next_cprl(pi); case OPJ_PROG_UNKNOWN: return OPJ_FALSE; } return OPJ_FALSE; }