// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "../../include/fxcrt/fx_xml.h" #include "xml_int.h" CXML_Parser::~CXML_Parser() { if (m_bOwnedStream) { m_pDataAcc->Release(); } } FX_BOOL CXML_Parser::Init(FX_LPBYTE pBuffer, size_t size) { if (m_pAllocator) { m_pDataAcc = FX_NewAtAllocator(m_pAllocator)CXML_DataBufAcc(pBuffer, size, m_pAllocator); } else { m_pDataAcc = FX_NEW CXML_DataBufAcc(pBuffer, size, NULL); } if (!m_pDataAcc) { return FALSE; } return Init(TRUE); } FX_BOOL CXML_Parser::Init(IFX_FileRead *pFileRead) { if (m_pAllocator) { m_pDataAcc = FX_NewAtAllocator(m_pAllocator)CXML_DataStmAcc(pFileRead, m_pAllocator); } else { m_pDataAcc = FX_NEW CXML_DataStmAcc(pFileRead, NULL); } if (!m_pDataAcc) { return FALSE; } return Init(TRUE); } FX_BOOL CXML_Parser::Init(IFX_BufferRead *pBuffer) { if (!pBuffer) { return FALSE; } m_pDataAcc = pBuffer; return Init(FALSE); } FX_BOOL CXML_Parser::Init(FX_BOOL bOwndedStream) { m_bOwnedStream = bOwndedStream; m_nOffset = 0; return ReadNextBlock(); } FX_BOOL CXML_Parser::ReadNextBlock() { if (!m_pDataAcc->ReadNextBlock()) { return FALSE; } m_pBuffer = m_pDataAcc->GetBlockBuffer(); m_dwBufferSize = m_pDataAcc->GetBlockSize(); m_nBufferOffset = m_pDataAcc->GetBlockOffset(); m_dwIndex = 0; return m_dwBufferSize > 0; } FX_BOOL CXML_Parser::IsEOF() { if (!m_pDataAcc->IsEOF()) { return FALSE; } return m_dwIndex >= m_dwBufferSize; } #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_Normal 0x00 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_SpaceChar 0x01 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_Letter 0x02 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_Digital 0x04 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_NameIntro 0x08 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_NameChar 0x10 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_HexDigital 0x20 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_HexLowerLetter 0x40 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_HexUpperLetter 0x60 #define FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_HexChar 0x60 FX_BYTE g_FXCRT_XML_ByteTypes[256] = { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x10, 0x00, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x34, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x7A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x5A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x1A, 0x01, 0x01, }; FX_BOOL g_FXCRT_XML_IsWhiteSpace(FX_BYTE ch) { return (g_FXCRT_XML_ByteTypes[ch] & FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_SpaceChar) != 0; } FX_BOOL g_FXCRT_XML_IsLetter(FX_BYTE ch) { return (g_FXCRT_XML_ByteTypes[ch] & FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_Letter) != 0; } FX_BOOL g_FXCRT_XML_IsDigital(FX_BYTE ch) { return (g_FXCRT_XML_ByteTypes[ch] & FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_Digital) != 0; } FX_BOOL g_FXCRT_XML_IsNameIntro(FX_BYTE ch) { return (g_FXCRT_XML_ByteTypes[ch] & FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_NameIntro) != 0; } FX_BOOL g_FXCRT_XML_IsNameChar(FX_BYTE ch) { return (g_FXCRT_XML_ByteTypes[ch] & FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_NameChar) != 0; } FX_BOOL g_FXCRT_XML_IsHexChar(FX_BYTE ch) { return (g_FXCRT_XML_ByteTypes[ch] & FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_HexChar) != 0; } void CXML_Parser::SkipWhiteSpaces() { m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (IsEOF()) { return; } do { while (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize && g_FXCRT_XML_IsWhiteSpace(m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex])) { m_dwIndex ++; } m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize || IsEOF()) { break; } } while (ReadNextBlock()); } void CXML_Parser::GetName(CFX_ByteStringL &space, CFX_ByteStringL &name) { m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (IsEOF()) { return; } CFX_ByteTextBuf buf(m_pAllocator); FX_BYTE ch; do { while (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize) { ch = m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex]; if (ch == ':') { buf.GetByteStringL(space); buf.Clear(); } else if (g_FXCRT_XML_IsNameChar(ch)) { buf.AppendChar(ch); } else { break; } m_dwIndex ++; } m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize || IsEOF()) { break; } } while (ReadNextBlock()); buf.GetByteStringL(name); } void CXML_Parser::SkipLiterals(FX_BSTR str) { m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (IsEOF()) { return; } FX_INT32 i = 0, iLen = str.GetLength(); do { while (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize) { if (str.GetAt(i) != m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex ++]) { i = 0; } else { i ++; if (i == iLen) { break; } } } m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (i == iLen) { return; } if (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize || IsEOF()) { break; } } while (ReadNextBlock()); while (!m_pDataAcc->IsEOF()) { ReadNextBlock(); m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwBufferSize; } m_dwIndex = m_dwBufferSize; } FX_DWORD CXML_Parser::GetCharRef() { m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (IsEOF()) { return 0; } FX_BYTE ch; FX_INT32 iState = 0; CFX_ByteTextBuf buf(m_pAllocator); FX_DWORD code = 0; do { while (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize) { ch = m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex]; switch (iState) { case 0: if (ch == '#') { m_dwIndex ++; iState = 2; break; } iState = 1; case 1: m_dwIndex ++; if (ch == ';') { CFX_ByteStringC ref = buf.GetByteString(); if (ref == FX_BSTRC("gt")) { code = '>'; } else if (ref == FX_BSTRC("lt")) { code = '<'; } else if (ref == FX_BSTRC("amp")) { code = '&'; } else if (ref == FX_BSTRC("apos")) { code = '\''; } else if (ref == FX_BSTRC("quot")) { code = '"'; } iState = 10; break; } buf.AppendByte(ch); break; case 2: if (ch == 'x') { m_dwIndex ++; iState = 4; break; } iState = 3; case 3: m_dwIndex ++; if (ch == ';') { iState = 10; break; } if (g_FXCRT_XML_IsDigital(ch)) { code = code * 10 + ch - '0'; } break; case 4: m_dwIndex ++; if (ch == ';') { iState = 10; break; } FX_BYTE nHex = g_FXCRT_XML_ByteTypes[ch] & FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_HexChar; if (nHex) { if (nHex == FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_HexDigital) { code = (code << 4) + ch - '0'; } else if (nHex == FXCRTM_XML_CHARTYPE_HexLowerLetter) { code = (code << 4) + ch - 87; } else { code = (code << 4) + ch - 55; } } break; } if (iState == 10) { break; } } m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (iState == 10 || m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize || IsEOF()) { break; } } while (ReadNextBlock()); return code; } void CXML_Parser::GetAttrValue(CFX_WideStringL &value) { m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (IsEOF()) { return; } CFX_UTF8Decoder decoder(m_pAllocator); FX_BYTE mark = 0, ch; do { while (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize) { ch = m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex]; if (mark == 0) { if (ch != '\'' && ch != '"') { return; } mark = ch; m_dwIndex ++; ch = 0; continue; } m_dwIndex ++; if (ch == mark) { break; } if (ch == '&') { decoder.AppendChar(GetCharRef()); if (IsEOF()) { decoder.GetResult(value); return; } } else { decoder.Input(ch); } } m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (ch == mark || m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize || IsEOF()) { break; } } while (ReadNextBlock()); decoder.GetResult(value); } void CXML_Parser::GetTagName(CFX_ByteStringL &space, CFX_ByteStringL &name, FX_BOOL &bEndTag, FX_BOOL bStartTag) { m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (IsEOF()) { return; } bEndTag = FALSE; FX_BYTE ch; FX_INT32 iState = bStartTag ? 1 : 0; do { while (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize) { ch = m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex]; switch (iState) { case 0: m_dwIndex ++; if (ch != '<') { break; } iState = 1; break; case 1: if (ch == '?') { m_dwIndex ++; SkipLiterals(FX_BSTRC("?>")); iState = 0; break; } else if (ch == '!') { m_dwIndex ++; SkipLiterals(FX_BSTRC("-->")); iState = 0; break; } if (ch == '/') { m_dwIndex ++; GetName(space, name); bEndTag = TRUE; } else { GetName(space, name); bEndTag = FALSE; } return; } } m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize || IsEOF()) { break; } } while (ReadNextBlock()); } CXML_Element* CXML_Parser::ParseElement(CXML_Element* pParent, FX_BOOL bStartTag) { m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (IsEOF()) { return NULL; } CFX_ByteStringL tag_name, tag_space; FX_BOOL bEndTag; GetTagName(tag_space, tag_name, bEndTag, bStartTag); if (tag_name.IsEmpty() || bEndTag) { tag_space.Empty(m_pAllocator); return NULL; } CXML_Element* pElement; if (m_pAllocator) { pElement = FX_NewAtAllocator(m_pAllocator)CXML_Element(m_pAllocator); } else { pElement = FX_NEW CXML_Element; } if (pElement) { pElement->m_pParent = pParent; pElement->SetTag(tag_space, tag_name); } tag_space.Empty(m_pAllocator); tag_name.Empty(m_pAllocator); if (!pElement) { return NULL; } do { CFX_ByteStringL attr_space, attr_name; while (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize) { SkipWhiteSpaces(); if (IsEOF()) { break; } if (!g_FXCRT_XML_IsNameIntro(m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex])) { break; } attr_space.Empty(m_pAllocator); attr_name.Empty(m_pAllocator); GetName(attr_space, attr_name); SkipWhiteSpaces(); if (IsEOF()) { break; } if (m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex] != '=') { break; } m_dwIndex ++; SkipWhiteSpaces(); if (IsEOF()) { break; } CFX_WideStringL attr_value; GetAttrValue(attr_value); pElement->m_AttrMap.SetAt(attr_space, attr_name, attr_value, m_pAllocator); attr_value.Empty(m_pAllocator); } attr_space.Empty(m_pAllocator); attr_name.Empty(m_pAllocator); m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize || IsEOF()) { break; } } while (ReadNextBlock()); SkipWhiteSpaces(); if (IsEOF()) { return pElement; } FX_BYTE ch = m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex ++]; if (ch == '/') { m_dwIndex ++; m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; return pElement; } if (ch != '>') { m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (m_pAllocator) { FX_DeleteAtAllocator(pElement, m_pAllocator, CXML_Element); } else { delete pElement; } return NULL; } SkipWhiteSpaces(); if (IsEOF()) { return pElement; } CFX_UTF8Decoder decoder(m_pAllocator); CFX_WideTextBuf content(m_pAllocator); FX_BOOL bCDATA = FALSE; FX_INT32 iState = 0; do { while (m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize) { ch = m_pBuffer[m_dwIndex ++]; switch (iState) { case 0: if (ch == '<') { iState = 1; } else if (ch == '&') { decoder.ClearStatus(); decoder.AppendChar(GetCharRef()); } else { decoder.Input(ch); } break; case 1: if (ch == '!') { iState = 2; } else if (ch == '?') { SkipLiterals(FX_BSTRC("?>")); SkipWhiteSpaces(); iState = 0; } else if (ch == '/') { CFX_ByteStringL space, name; GetName(space, name); space.Empty(m_pAllocator); name.Empty(m_pAllocator); SkipWhiteSpaces(); m_dwIndex ++; iState = 10; } else { content << decoder.GetResult(); CFX_WideStringL dataStr; content.GetWideStringL(dataStr); if (!bCDATA && !m_bSaveSpaceChars) { dataStr.TrimRight((FX_LPCWSTR)L" \t\r\n"); } InsertContentSegment(bCDATA, dataStr, pElement); dataStr.Empty(m_pAllocator); content.Clear(); decoder.Clear(); bCDATA = FALSE; iState = 0; m_dwIndex --; CXML_Element* pSubElement = ParseElement(pElement, TRUE); if (pSubElement == NULL) { break; } pSubElement->m_pParent = pElement; pElement->m_Children.Add((FX_LPVOID)CXML_Element::Element); pElement->m_Children.Add(pSubElement); SkipWhiteSpaces(); } break; case 2: if (ch == '[') { SkipLiterals(FX_BSTRC("]]>")); } else if (ch == '-') { m_dwIndex ++; SkipLiterals(FX_BSTRC("-->")); } else { SkipLiterals(FX_BSTRC(">")); } decoder.Clear(); SkipWhiteSpaces(); iState = 0; break; } if (iState == 10) { break; } } m_nOffset = m_nBufferOffset + (FX_FILESIZE)m_dwIndex; if (iState == 10 || m_dwIndex < m_dwBufferSize || IsEOF()) { break; } } while (ReadNextBlock()); content << decoder.GetResult(); CFX_WideStringL dataStr; content.GetWideStringL(dataStr); if (!m_bSaveSpaceChars) { dataStr.TrimRight((FX_LPCWSTR)L" \t\r\n"); } InsertContentSegment(bCDATA, dataStr, pElement); dataStr.Empty(m_pAllocator); content.Clear(); decoder.Clear(); bCDATA = FALSE; return pElement; } void CXML_Parser::InsertContentSegment(FX_BOOL bCDATA, FX_WSTR content, CXML_Element* pElement) { if (content.IsEmpty()) { return; } CXML_Content* pContent; if (m_pAllocator) { pContent = FX_NewAtAllocator(m_pAllocator)CXML_Content; } else { pContent = FX_NEW CXML_Content; } if (!pContent) { return; } pContent->Set(bCDATA, content, m_pAllocator); pElement->m_Children.Add((FX_LPVOID)CXML_Element::Content); pElement->m_Children.Add(pContent); } static CXML_Element* XML_ContinueParse(CXML_Parser &parser, FX_BOOL bSaveSpaceChars, FX_FILESIZE* pParsedSize) { parser.m_bSaveSpaceChars = bSaveSpaceChars; CXML_Element* pElement = parser.ParseElement(NULL, FALSE); if (pParsedSize) { *pParsedSize = parser.m_nOffset; } return pElement; } CXML_Element* CXML_Element::Parse(const void* pBuffer, size_t size, FX_BOOL bSaveSpaceChars, FX_FILESIZE* pParsedSize, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) { CXML_Parser parser(pAllocator); if (!parser.Init((FX_LPBYTE)pBuffer, size)) { return NULL; } return XML_ContinueParse(parser, bSaveSpaceChars, pParsedSize); } CXML_Element* CXML_Element::Parse(IFX_FileRead *pFile, FX_BOOL bSaveSpaceChars, FX_FILESIZE* pParsedSize, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) { CXML_Parser parser(pAllocator); if (!parser.Init(pFile)) { return NULL; } return XML_ContinueParse(parser, bSaveSpaceChars, pParsedSize); } CXML_Element* CXML_Element::Parse(IFX_BufferRead *pBuffer, FX_BOOL bSaveSpaceChars, FX_FILESIZE* pParsedSize, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) { CXML_Parser parser(pAllocator); if (!parser.Init(pBuffer)) { return NULL; } return XML_ContinueParse(parser, bSaveSpaceChars, pParsedSize); } CXML_Element::CXML_Element(IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) : m_pParent(NULL) , m_QSpaceName() , m_TagName() , m_AttrMap() , m_Children(pAllocator) { } CXML_Element::CXML_Element(FX_BSTR qSpace, FX_BSTR tagName, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) : m_pParent(NULL) , m_QSpaceName() , m_TagName() , m_AttrMap() , m_Children(pAllocator) { m_QSpaceName.Set(qSpace, pAllocator); m_TagName.Set(tagName, pAllocator); } CXML_Element::CXML_Element(FX_BSTR qTagName, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) : m_pParent(NULL) , m_QSpaceName() , m_TagName() , m_AttrMap() , m_Children(pAllocator) { SetTag(qTagName); } CXML_Element::~CXML_Element() { Empty(); } void CXML_Element::Empty() { IFX_Allocator* pAllocator = m_Children.m_pAllocator; m_QSpaceName.Empty(pAllocator); m_TagName.Empty(pAllocator); m_AttrMap.RemoveAll(pAllocator); RemoveChildren(); } void CXML_Element::RemoveChildren() { IFX_Allocator* pAllocator = m_Children.m_pAllocator; for (int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i += 2) { ChildType type = (ChildType)(FX_UINTPTR)m_Children.GetAt(i); if (type == Content) { CXML_Content* content = (CXML_Content*)m_Children.GetAt(i + 1); if (pAllocator) { FX_DeleteAtAllocator(content, pAllocator, CXML_Content); } else { delete content; } } else if (type == Element) { CXML_Element* child = (CXML_Element*)m_Children.GetAt(i + 1); child->RemoveChildren(); if (pAllocator) { FX_DeleteAtAllocator(child, pAllocator, CXML_Element); } else { delete child; } } } m_Children.RemoveAll(); } CFX_ByteString CXML_Element::GetTagName(FX_BOOL bQualified) const { if (!bQualified || m_QSpaceName.IsEmpty()) { return m_TagName; } CFX_ByteString bsTag = m_QSpaceName; bsTag += ":"; bsTag += m_TagName; return bsTag; } void CXML_Element::GetTagName(CFX_ByteStringL &tagName, FX_BOOL bQualified) const { IFX_Allocator* pAllocator = m_Children.m_pAllocator; if (!bQualified || m_QSpaceName.IsEmpty()) { tagName.Set(m_TagName, pAllocator); return; } FX_LPSTR str = tagName.AllocBuffer(m_QSpaceName.GetLength() + m_TagName.GetLength() + 2, pAllocator); if (!str) { return; } FXSYS_memcpy32(str, m_QSpaceName.GetCStr(), m_QSpaceName.GetLength()); str += m_QSpaceName.GetLength(); *str = ':'; str ++; FXSYS_memcpy32(str, m_TagName.GetCStr(), m_TagName.GetLength()); str += m_TagName.GetLength(); *str = '\0'; } CFX_ByteString CXML_Element::GetNamespace(FX_BOOL bQualified) const { if (bQualified) { return m_QSpaceName; } return GetNamespaceURI(m_QSpaceName); } void CXML_Element::GetNamespace(CFX_ByteStringL &nameSpace, FX_BOOL bQualified) const { IFX_Allocator* pAllocator = m_Children.m_pAllocator; if (bQualified) { nameSpace.Set(m_QSpaceName, pAllocator); return; } GetNamespaceURI(m_QSpaceName, nameSpace); } CFX_ByteString CXML_Element::GetNamespaceURI(FX_BSTR qName) const { const CFX_WideStringL* pwsSpace; const CXML_Element *pElement = this; do { if (qName.IsEmpty()) { pwsSpace = pElement->m_AttrMap.Lookup(FX_BSTRC(""), FX_BSTRC("xmlns")); } else { pwsSpace = pElement->m_AttrMap.Lookup(FX_BSTRC("xmlns"), qName); } if (pwsSpace) { break; } pElement = pElement->GetParent(); } while(pElement); return pwsSpace ? FX_UTF8Encode(*pwsSpace) : CFX_ByteString(); } void CXML_Element::GetNamespaceURI(FX_BSTR qName, CFX_ByteStringL &uri) const { IFX_Allocator* pAllocator = m_Children.m_pAllocator; const CFX_WideStringL* pwsSpace; const CXML_Element *pElement = this; do { if (qName.IsEmpty()) { pwsSpace = pElement->m_AttrMap.Lookup(FX_BSTRC(""), FX_BSTRC("xmlns")); } else { pwsSpace = pElement->m_AttrMap.Lookup(FX_BSTRC("xmlns"), qName); } if (pwsSpace) { break; } pElement = pElement->GetParent(); } while(pElement); if (pwsSpace) { FX_UTF8Encode(pwsSpace->GetPtr(), pwsSpace->GetLength(), uri, pAllocator); } } void CXML_Element::GetAttrByIndex(int index, CFX_ByteString& space, CFX_ByteString& name, CFX_WideString& value) const { if (index < 0 || index >= m_AttrMap.GetSize()) { return; } CXML_AttrItem& item = m_AttrMap.GetAt(index); space = item.m_QSpaceName; name = item.m_AttrName; value = item.m_Value; } void CXML_Element::GetAttrByIndex(int index, CFX_ByteStringL &space, CFX_ByteStringL &name, CFX_WideStringL &value) const { if (index < 0 || index >= m_AttrMap.GetSize()) { return; } IFX_Allocator* pAllocator = m_Children.m_pAllocator; CXML_AttrItem& item = m_AttrMap.GetAt(index); space.Set(item.m_QSpaceName, pAllocator); name.Set(item.m_AttrName, pAllocator); value.Set(item.m_Value, pAllocator); } FX_BOOL CXML_Element::HasAttr(FX_BSTR name) const { CFX_ByteStringC bsSpace, bsName; FX_XML_SplitQualifiedName(name, bsSpace, bsName); return m_AttrMap.Lookup(bsSpace, bsName) != NULL; } FX_BOOL CXML_Element::GetAttrValue(FX_BSTR name, CFX_WideString& attribute) const { CFX_ByteStringC bsSpace, bsName; FX_XML_SplitQualifiedName(name, bsSpace, bsName); const CFX_WideStringL* pValue = m_AttrMap.Lookup(bsSpace, bsName); if (pValue) { attribute = CFX_WideString(pValue->GetPtr(), pValue->GetLength()); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } const CFX_WideStringL* CXML_Element::GetAttrValuePtr(FX_BSTR name) const { CFX_ByteStringC bsSpace, bsName; FX_XML_SplitQualifiedName(name, bsSpace, bsName); return m_AttrMap.Lookup(bsSpace, bsName); } FX_BOOL CXML_Element::GetAttrValue(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR name, CFX_WideString& attribute) const { const CFX_WideStringL* pValue = m_AttrMap.Lookup(space, name); if (pValue) { attribute = CFX_WideString(pValue->GetPtr(), pValue->GetLength()); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } const CFX_WideStringL* CXML_Element::GetAttrValuePtr(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR name) const { return m_AttrMap.Lookup(space, name); } FX_BOOL CXML_Element::GetAttrInteger(FX_BSTR name, int& attribute) const { CFX_ByteStringC bsSpace, bsName; FX_XML_SplitQualifiedName(name, bsSpace, bsName); const CFX_WideStringL* pwsValue = m_AttrMap.Lookup(bsSpace, bsName); if (pwsValue) { attribute = pwsValue->GetInteger(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CXML_Element::GetAttrInteger(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR name, int& attribute) const { const CFX_WideStringL* pwsValue = m_AttrMap.Lookup(space, name); if (pwsValue) { attribute = pwsValue->GetInteger(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CXML_Element::GetAttrFloat(FX_BSTR name, FX_FLOAT& attribute) const { CFX_ByteStringC bsSpace, bsName; FX_XML_SplitQualifiedName(name, bsSpace, bsName); return GetAttrFloat(bsSpace, bsName, attribute); } FX_BOOL CXML_Element::GetAttrFloat(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR name, FX_FLOAT& attribute) const { CFX_WideString value; const CFX_WideStringL* pValue = m_AttrMap.Lookup(space, name); if (pValue) { attribute = pValue->GetFloat(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } FX_DWORD CXML_Element::CountChildren() const { return m_Children.GetSize() / 2; } CXML_Element::ChildType CXML_Element::GetChildType(FX_DWORD index) const { index <<= 1; if (index >= (FX_DWORD)m_Children.GetSize()) { return Invalid; } return (ChildType)(FX_UINTPTR)m_Children.GetAt(index); } CFX_WideString CXML_Element::GetContent(FX_DWORD index) const { index <<= 1; if (index >= (FX_DWORD)m_Children.GetSize() || (ChildType)(FX_UINTPTR)m_Children.GetAt(index) != Content) { return CFX_WideString(); } CXML_Content* pContent = (CXML_Content*)m_Children.GetAt(index + 1); if (pContent) { return pContent->m_Content; } return CFX_WideString(); } const CFX_WideStringL* CXML_Element::GetContentPtr(FX_DWORD index) const { index <<= 1; if (index >= (FX_DWORD)m_Children.GetSize() || (ChildType)(FX_UINTPTR)m_Children.GetAt(index) != Content) { return NULL; } CXML_Content* pContent = (CXML_Content*)m_Children.GetAt(index + 1); if (pContent) { return &pContent->m_Content; } return NULL; } CXML_Element* CXML_Element::GetElement(FX_DWORD index) const { index <<= 1; if (index >= (FX_DWORD)m_Children.GetSize() || (ChildType)(FX_UINTPTR)m_Children.GetAt(index) != Element) { return NULL; } return (CXML_Element*)m_Children.GetAt(index + 1); } FX_DWORD CXML_Element::CountElements(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR tag) const { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i += 2) { ChildType type = (ChildType)(FX_UINTPTR)m_Children.GetAt(i); if (type != Element) { continue; } CXML_Element* pKid = (CXML_Element*)m_Children.GetAt(i + 1); if ((space.IsEmpty() || pKid->m_QSpaceName == space) && pKid->m_TagName == tag) { count ++; } } return count; } CXML_Element* CXML_Element::GetElement(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR tag, int index) const { if (index < 0) { return NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i += 2) { ChildType type = (ChildType)(FX_UINTPTR)m_Children.GetAt(i); if (type != Element) { continue; } CXML_Element* pKid = (CXML_Element*)m_Children.GetAt(i + 1); if ((!space.IsEmpty() && pKid->m_QSpaceName != space) || pKid->m_TagName != tag) { continue; } if (index -- == 0) { return pKid; } } return NULL; } FX_DWORD CXML_Element::FindElement(CXML_Element *pChild) const { for (int i = 0; i < m_Children.GetSize(); i += 2) { if ((ChildType)(FX_UINTPTR)m_Children.GetAt(i) == Element && (CXML_Element*)m_Children.GetAt(i + 1) == pChild) { return (FX_DWORD)(i >> 1); } } return (FX_DWORD) - 1; } const CFX_WideStringL* CXML_AttrMap::Lookup(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR name) const { if (m_pMap == NULL) { return NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < m_pMap->GetSize(); i ++) { CXML_AttrItem& item = GetAt(i); if ((space.IsEmpty() || item.m_QSpaceName == space) && item.m_AttrName == name) { return &item.m_Value; } } return NULL; } void CXML_AttrMap::SetAt(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR name, FX_WSTR value, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) { for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(); i ++) { CXML_AttrItem& item = GetAt(i); if ((space.IsEmpty() || item.m_QSpaceName == space) && item.m_AttrName == name) { item.m_Value.Set(value, pAllocator); return; } } if (!m_pMap) { if (pAllocator) { m_pMap = FX_NewAtAllocator(pAllocator)CFX_ObjectArray<CXML_AttrItem>(pAllocator); } else { m_pMap = FX_NEW CFX_ObjectArray<CXML_AttrItem>; } } if (!m_pMap) { return; } CXML_AttrItem* pItem = (CXML_AttrItem*)m_pMap->AddSpace(); if (!pItem) { return; } pItem->m_QSpaceName.Set(space, pAllocator); pItem->m_AttrName.Set(name, pAllocator); pItem->m_Value.Set(value, pAllocator); } void CXML_AttrMap::RemoveAt(FX_BSTR space, FX_BSTR name, IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) { if (m_pMap == NULL) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < m_pMap->GetSize(); i ++) { CXML_AttrItem& item = GetAt(i); if ((space.IsEmpty() || item.m_QSpaceName == space) && item.m_AttrName == name) { item.Empty(pAllocator); m_pMap->RemoveAt(i); return; } } } int CXML_AttrMap::GetSize() const { return m_pMap == NULL ? 0 : m_pMap->GetSize(); } CXML_AttrItem& CXML_AttrMap::GetAt(int index) const { ASSERT(m_pMap != NULL); return (*m_pMap)[index]; } void CXML_AttrMap::RemoveAll(IFX_Allocator* pAllocator) { if (!m_pMap) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < m_pMap->GetSize(); i ++) { CXML_AttrItem& item = (*m_pMap)[i]; item.Empty(pAllocator); } m_pMap->RemoveAll(); if (pAllocator) { FX_DeleteAtAllocator(m_pMap, pAllocator, CFX_ObjectArray<CXML_AttrItem>); } else { delete m_pMap; } m_pMap = NULL; }