// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "../../include/reflow/reflowengine.h" #include "reflowedpage.h" #include "layoutprovider_taggedpdf.h" IPDF_LayoutProcessor* IPDF_LayoutProcessor::Create_LayoutProcessor_Reflow(FX_FLOAT TopIndent, FX_FLOAT fWidth, FX_FLOAT fHeight, void* pReflowedPage, int flags, FX_FLOAT lineSpace ) { if(pReflowedPage == NULL || fWidth <= 20) { return NULL; } CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow* pReflowEngine = new CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow(); pReflowEngine->Init(TopIndent, fWidth, fHeight, (CPDF_ReflowedPage*)pReflowedPage, flags, lineSpace); return pReflowEngine; } CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow() { m_pPause = NULL; m_pLayoutElement = NULL; m_fRefWidth = 0; m_fRefWidth = 0; m_fCurrLineWidth = 0; m_fCurrLineHeight = 0; m_bIllustration = FALSE; m_pPreObj = NULL; m_pCurrLine = new CRF_DataPtrArray(50); m_pTempLine = new CRF_DataPtrArray(50); m_StartIndent = 0; m_PausePosition = 0; } CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::~CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow() { if (m_pCurrLine) { m_pCurrLine->RemoveAll(); delete m_pCurrLine; } m_pCurrLine = NULL; if (m_pTempLine) { m_pTempLine->RemoveAll(); delete m_pTempLine; } m_pTempLine = NULL; } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::Init(FX_FLOAT TopIndent, FX_FLOAT fWidth, FX_FLOAT fHeight, CPDF_ReflowedPage* pReflowedPage, int flags, FX_FLOAT lineSpace) { m_pLayoutElement = NULL; m_TopIndent = TopIndent; m_Status = LayoutReady; m_flags = flags; m_pReflowedPage = pReflowedPage; m_fScreenHeight = fHeight; m_fRefWidth = fWidth; m_fCurrLineHeight = 0; m_fCurrLineWidth = 0; m_fLineSpace = lineSpace; pReflowedPage->m_PageWidth = fWidth; pReflowedPage->m_PageHeight = TopIndent; } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::FitPageMode() { if(m_flags & RF_PARSER_PAGEMODE && m_fScreenHeight > 20) { float fitPageHeight = m_fScreenHeight; CPDF_ReflowedPage* pRFPage = m_pReflowedPage; int count = pRFPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); CFX_WordArray dy; dy.Add(0); int pos = 0; int screenCount = 1; FX_FLOAT h = pRFPage->GetPageHeight(); while (h > screenCount * fitPageHeight) { FX_FLOAT tempPageHeight = screenCount * fitPageHeight; int j = 0; FX_FLOAT tempDy = 0; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CRF_Data* pData = (*pRFPage->m_pReflowed)[i]; FX_FLOAT posY; posY = pData->m_PosY; if(FXSYS_fabs(posY) > tempPageHeight && FXSYS_fabs(posY + pData->m_Height) < tempPageHeight) { if(j == 0) { j = i; } if(pData->m_Height > fitPageHeight) { FX_FLOAT zoom; FX_FLOAT spaceh = screenCount * fitPageHeight + posY + pData->m_Height; if(spaceh < fitPageHeight / 3 * 2) { spaceh = fitPageHeight; } zoom = spaceh / pData->m_Height; tempDy = spaceh - pData->m_Height; pData->m_Height = spaceh; pData->m_Width *= zoom; break; } FX_FLOAT dy = pData->m_PosY + pData->m_Height + tempPageHeight; if(dy > tempDy) { tempDy = dy; } } else if(FXSYS_fabs(posY + pData->m_Height) > tempPageHeight) { break; } } for(; j < count; j++) { CRF_Data* pData = (*pRFPage->m_pReflowed)[j]; FX_FLOAT posY; posY = pData->m_PosY; if(FXSYS_fabs(posY) > tempPageHeight ) { pData->m_PosY -= tempDy; } if(pData->m_Height >= fitPageHeight) { pData->m_Height = fitPageHeight - 1; if(pData->GetType() == CRF_Data::Text) { CRF_CharData* pCharData = (CRF_CharData*)pData; pCharData->m_pCharState->m_fFontSize = pData->m_Height; } } } pRFPage->m_PageHeight += tempDy; h += tempDy; screenCount++; } } } LayoutStatus CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::StartProcess(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement, IFX_Pause* pPause, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pPDFMatrix) { if(!pElement) { return LayoutError; } m_pPause = pPause; m_PDFMatrix = *pPDFMatrix; m_pRootElement = pElement; ProcessElement(m_pRootElement, m_fRefWidth); if(m_Status == LayoutToBeContinued) { return LayoutToBeContinued; } m_Status = LayoutFinished; FitPageMode(); return LayoutFinished; } LayoutStatus CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::Continue() { int size = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); ProcessElement(m_pRootElement, m_CurrRefWidth); size = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); if(m_Status == LayoutReady) { m_Status = LayoutFinished; FitPageMode(); } return m_Status; } int CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::GetPosition() { return m_PausePosition; } FX_BOOL CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::IsCanBreakAfter(FX_DWORD unicode) { if(unicode == -1) { return FALSE; } switch(unicode) { case 40: case 91: case 123: return FALSE; } if(unicode >= 256) { return TRUE; } else if(unicode >= 48 && unicode <= 57) { return FALSE; } else if(unicode >= 64 && unicode <= 90) { return FALSE; } else if(unicode >= 97 && unicode <= 122) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::IsCanBreakBefore(FX_DWORD unicode) { if(unicode == -1) { return FALSE; } switch(unicode) { case 33: case 41: case 44: case 46: case 59: case 63: case 93: case 125: return FALSE; } if(unicode >= 256) { return TRUE; } else if(unicode >= 48 && unicode <= 57) { return FALSE; } else if(unicode >= 64 && unicode <= 90) { return FALSE; } else if(unicode >= 97 && unicode <= 122) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ProcessTable(FX_FLOAT dx) { if(m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize() == 0) { return; } CRF_Table* pTable = m_TableArray.GetAt(m_TableArray.GetSize() - 1); int rowCount = pTable->m_nCell.GetSize(); int n = 0; FX_FLOAT* dyRow = FX_Alloc(FX_FLOAT, rowCount + 1); FXSYS_memset32(dyRow, 0, sizeof(FX_FLOAT) * (rowCount + 1)); dyRow[0] = 0 ; dyRow[0] = - pTable->m_ReflowPageHeight; int tableColCount = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { int colCount = pTable->m_nCell.GetAt(i); if(colCount > tableColCount) { tableColCount = colCount; } } int cellCount = tableColCount * rowCount; RF_TableCell** pVirtualTable = FX_Alloc(RF_TableCell*, cellCount); FXSYS_memset32(pVirtualTable, 0, sizeof(RF_TableCell*) * cellCount); for(i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { int colCount = pTable->m_nCell.GetAt(i); FX_FLOAT rowWidth = 0; int j = 0; int s = pTable->m_pCellArray.GetSize(); for(j = 0; j < colCount; j++) { RF_TableCell* pCell = (RF_TableCell*)pTable->m_pCellArray.GetAt(n++); if(pCell->m_EndPos < pCell->m_BeginPos) { continue; } int pos = i * tableColCount; while(pos < cellCount && pVirtualTable[pos] != NULL) { pos++; } if(pos >= (i + 1) * tableColCount) { pos = i * tableColCount + j; } int RowSpan = pCell->m_RowSpan; int ColSpan = pCell->m_ColSpan; if(RowSpan + i > rowCount) { RowSpan = rowCount - i; } if(ColSpan + j > colCount) { ColSpan = colCount - j; } for(int m = 0; m < RowSpan; m++) { for(int nn = 0; nn < ColSpan; nn++) { if(pos + nn >= cellCount) { break; } pVirtualTable[pos + nn] = pCell; } pos += tableColCount; } FX_FLOAT dxCell = dx; for(pos = i * tableColCount; pVirtualTable[pos] != pCell && pos < cellCount; pos++) { dxCell += (pVirtualTable[pos])->m_MaxWidth; } CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed)[pCell->m_BeginPos]; FX_FLOAT dy = dyRow[i] - pData->m_Height - pData->m_PosY; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, dxCell, dy); Transform(&matrix, m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed, pCell->m_BeginPos, pCell->m_EndPos - pCell->m_BeginPos + 1); if(pCell->m_RowSpan + i <= rowCount) { if(FXSYS_fabs(dyRow[pCell->m_RowSpan + i]) < FXSYS_fabs(dyRow[i] - pCell->m_CellHeight)) { dyRow[pCell->m_RowSpan + i] = dyRow[i] - pCell->m_CellHeight; } } } } n = 0; for(i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { int colCount = pTable->m_nCell.GetAt(i); for(int j = 0; j < colCount; j++) { RF_TableCell* pCell = (RF_TableCell*)pTable->m_pCellArray.GetAt(n++); switch(pCell->m_BlockAlign) { case LayoutAfter: { FX_FLOAT dy = dyRow[i + pCell->m_RowSpan] - pCell->m_CellHeight - dyRow[i]; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, dy); Transform(&matrix, m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed, pCell->m_BeginPos, pCell->m_EndPos - pCell->m_BeginPos + 1); } break; case LayoutMiddle: case LayoutJustify: { FX_FLOAT dy = (dyRow[i + pCell->m_RowSpan] + pCell->m_CellHeight - dyRow[i]) / 2; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, dy); Transform(&matrix, m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed, pCell->m_BeginPos, pCell->m_EndPos - pCell->m_BeginPos + 1); break; } default: break; } } } CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed)[m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize() - 1]; m_pReflowedPage->m_PageHeight = - dyRow[rowCount] + pData->m_Height; FX_Free(pVirtualTable); FX_Free(dyRow); int size = pTable->m_pCellArray.GetSize(); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { RF_TableCell* pCell = pTable->m_pCellArray.GetAt(i); FX_Free(pCell); } pTable->m_pCellArray.RemoveAll(); pTable->m_nCell.RemoveAll(); int s = sizeof(CRF_Table); delete pTable; m_TableArray.RemoveAt(m_TableArray.GetSize() - 1); } CFX_FloatRect CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::GetElmBBox(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement) { CFX_FloatRect rect; int objCount = pElement->CountObjects(); int count = pElement->CountChildren(); if(objCount == 0 && count == 0) { return rect; } CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; int i; for(i = 0; i < objCount; i++) { CPDF_PageObject* pObj = pElement->GetObject(0); if(!pObj) { continue; } if( rect.Height() == 0 ) { rect = pObj->GetBBox(&matrix); } else { rect.Union(pObj->GetBBox(&matrix)); } } for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { IPDF_LayoutElement* pChildElement = pElement->GetChild(i); if( rect.Height() == 0 ) { rect = GetElmBBox(pChildElement); } else { rect.Union(GetElmBBox(pChildElement)); } } return rect; } FX_FLOAT CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::GetElmWidth(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement) { if(!pElement) { return 0; } LayoutType layoutType = pElement->GetType(); FX_FLOAT width = 0; if(layoutType == LayoutTable || layoutType == LayoutTableDataCell || layoutType == LayoutTableHeaderCell) { width = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutWidth); if(width > 0) { return width; } } else if( layoutType == LayoutTableRow) { int count = pElement->CountChildren(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IPDF_LayoutElement* pElm = pElement->GetChild(i); width += pElm->GetNumberAttr(LayoutWidth); } if(width > 0) { return width; } } CFX_FloatRect rect = GetElmBBox(pElement); return rect.Width(); } FX_BOOL GetIntersection(FX_FLOAT low1, FX_FLOAT high1, FX_FLOAT low2, FX_FLOAT high2, FX_FLOAT& interlow, FX_FLOAT& interhigh); FX_BOOL IsSameLine(FX_BOOL bHorizontal, CFX_FloatRect Rect1, CFX_FloatRect Rect2) { if(bHorizontal) { FX_FLOAT inter_top, inter_bottom; if (!GetIntersection(Rect1.bottom, Rect1.top, Rect2.bottom, Rect2.top, inter_bottom, inter_top)) { return FALSE; } FX_FLOAT lineHeight = Rect1.top - Rect1.bottom; if(lineHeight > 20 && lineHeight > Rect2.Height() * 2) { return FALSE; } if(lineHeight > 5 && Rect2.Height() / 2 > lineHeight) { return FALSE; } FX_FLOAT inter_h = inter_top - inter_bottom; if (inter_h < (lineHeight) / 2 && inter_h < Rect2.Height() / 2) { return FALSE; } } else { FX_FLOAT inter_left, inter_right; if(!GetIntersection(Rect1.left, Rect1.right, Rect2.left, Rect2.right, inter_left, inter_right)) { return FALSE; } FX_FLOAT inter_w = inter_right - inter_left; if (inter_w < (Rect1.right - Rect1.left) / 2 && inter_w < (Rect2.right - Rect2.left) / 2) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } FX_INT32 IsCanMergeParagraph(IPDF_LayoutElement* pPrevElement, IPDF_LayoutElement* pNextElement) { FX_INT32 analogial = 100; FX_INT32 nPrevObj = pPrevElement->CountObjects(), i; CPDF_PageObject* pPrevObj = NULL; CFX_FloatRect prevRect, rect; CFX_PtrArray prevLine, line; FX_BOOL bParagraphStart = FALSE; for(i = 0; i < nPrevObj; i++) { CPDF_PageObject* pObj = pPrevElement->GetObject(i); if(!pPrevObj) { pPrevObj = pObj; rect = CFX_FloatRect(pObj->m_Left, pObj->m_Bottom, pObj->m_Right, pObj->m_Top); line.Add(pObj); continue; } CFX_FloatRect objRect = CFX_FloatRect(pObj->m_Left, pObj->m_Bottom, pObj->m_Right, pObj->m_Top); if(IsSameLine(TRUE, rect, objRect)) { line.Add(pObj); rect.Union(objRect); } else { prevLine.RemoveAll(); prevLine.Append(line); prevRect = rect; line.RemoveAll(); line.Add(pObj); rect = objRect; if(!bParagraphStart) { if (prevRect.left > rect.left + rect.Height() * 1.5) { bParagraphStart = TRUE; } } } } if(prevLine.GetSize()) { if(FXSYS_fabs(rect.right - prevRect.right) > rect.Height()) { analogial -= 50; } } CPDF_PageObject* pObj = pPrevElement->GetObject(nPrevObj - 1); if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_TEXT) { CPDF_TextObject* pText = (CPDF_TextObject*)pObj; FX_INT32 nItem = pText->CountItems(); CPDF_TextObjectItem item; pText->GetItemInfo(nItem - 1, &item); CFX_WideString wStr = pText->GetFont()->UnicodeFromCharCode(item.m_CharCode); if(wStr.IsEmpty()) { wStr = (FX_WCHAR)item.m_CharCode; } FX_WCHAR wch = wStr.GetAt(wStr.GetLength() - 1); switch(wch) { case '.': case 12290: case 65311: case 63: case 33: case 65281: analogial -= 50; break; } } prevLine.RemoveAll(); prevLine.Append(line); line.RemoveAll(); FX_INT32 nNextObj = pNextElement->CountObjects(); pPrevObj = NULL; FX_BOOL bFirst = TRUE; for(i = 0; i < nNextObj; i++) { CPDF_PageObject* pObj = pNextElement->GetObject(i); if(!pPrevObj) { pPrevObj = pObj; rect = CFX_FloatRect(pObj->m_Left, pObj->m_Bottom, pObj->m_Right, pObj->m_Top); line.Add(pObj); continue; } CFX_FloatRect objRect = CFX_FloatRect(pObj->m_Left, pObj->m_Bottom, pObj->m_Right, pObj->m_Top); if(IsSameLine(TRUE, rect, objRect)) { line.Add(pObj); rect.Union(objRect); } else { if(FXSYS_fabs(rect.right - prevRect.right) < rect.Height() && FXSYS_fabs(rect.left - prevRect.left) < rect.Height()) { analogial += 50; } prevLine.RemoveAll(); prevLine.Append(line); prevRect = rect; line.RemoveAll(); line.Add(pObj); rect = objRect; if(!bFirst) { break; } bFirst = FALSE; } } if(prevLine.GetSize()) { if(bParagraphStart) { if(prevRect.left - rect.left > rect.Height() && prevRect.left - rect.left < rect.Height() * 3) { analogial -= 50; } } else { if(FXSYS_fabs(prevRect.left - rect.left) < rect.Height()) { analogial -= 50; } } } return analogial; } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ProcessElement(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth) { if(pElement == NULL) { return; } if(m_Status == LayoutReady) { LayoutType layoutType = pElement->GetType(); FX_INT32 ElementType = GetElementTypes(layoutType); switch(ElementType) { case SST_IE: m_bIllustration = TRUE; break; case SST_BLSE: FinishedCurrLine(); FX_FLOAT StartIndent = 0; if(IPDF_LayoutElement* pParent = pElement->GetParent()) { StartIndent = pParent->GetNumberAttr(LayoutStartIndent); } FX_FLOAT currStartIndent = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutStartIndent); m_StartIndent = ConverWidth(currStartIndent); FX_FLOAT width = reflowWidth; if(StartIndent != currStartIndent) { reflowWidth -= m_StartIndent; } FX_FLOAT spaceBefore = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutSpaceBefore); m_pReflowedPage->m_PageHeight += spaceBefore; m_TextAlign = pElement->GetEnumAttr(LayoutTextAlign); if(IPDF_LayoutElement* pParent = pElement->GetParent()) { StartIndent = pParent->GetNumberAttr(LayoutEndIndent); FX_FLOAT currEndIndent = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutEndIndent); if(StartIndent != currStartIndent) { reflowWidth -= ConverWidth(currEndIndent); } } if(reflowWidth * 2 < width) { reflowWidth = width; m_StartIndent = 0; } break; } switch(layoutType) { case LayoutTable: { CRF_Table* pTable = new CRF_Table; m_TableArray.Add(pTable); pTable->m_ReflowPageHeight = m_pReflowedPage->m_PageHeight; pTable->m_TableWidth = GetElmWidth(pElement); break; } case LayoutTableRow: { if(!m_TableArray.GetSize()) { break; } int count = pElement->CountChildren(); CRF_Table* pTable = m_TableArray.GetAt(m_TableArray.GetSize() - 1); int f = 0; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IPDF_LayoutElement* pChildElement = pElement->GetChild(i); LayoutType type = pChildElement->GetType(); if(type == LayoutTableDataCell || type == LayoutTableHeaderCell) { f++; } } pTable->m_nCell.Add(f); break; } case LayoutTableDataCell: case LayoutTableHeaderCell: { if(!m_TableArray.GetSize()) { break; } RF_TableCell* pCell = FX_Alloc(RF_TableCell, 1); FXSYS_memset32(pCell, 0 , sizeof(RF_TableCell)); CRF_Table* pTable = m_TableArray.GetAt(m_TableArray.GetSize() - 1); int pos = pTable->m_nCell.GetSize() - 1; pCell->m_BeginPos = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); FX_FLOAT cellWidth = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutWidth); if(cellWidth == 0 || pCell->m_MaxWidth > pTable->m_TableWidth) { CRF_Table* pTable = m_TableArray.GetAt(m_TableArray.GetSize() - 1); pCell->m_MaxWidth = reflowWidth / pTable->m_nCell.GetAt(pTable->m_nCell.GetSize() - 1); } else { pCell->m_MaxWidth = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutWidth) * reflowWidth / pTable->m_TableWidth; } pCell->m_ColSpan = (int)(pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutColSpan)); pCell->m_RowSpan = (int)(pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutRowSpan)); if(!pCell->m_ColSpan) { pCell->m_ColSpan = 1; } if(!pCell->m_RowSpan ) { pCell->m_RowSpan = 1; } pCell->m_BlockAlign = pElement->GetEnumAttr(LayoutBlockAlign); m_TextAlign = pElement->GetEnumAttr(LayoutInlineAlign); pCell->m_PosX = 0; pCell->m_PosY = 0; reflowWidth = pCell->m_MaxWidth; pTable->m_pCellArray.Add(pCell); break; } default: break; } m_fLineHeight = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutLineHeight); int ReflowedSize = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); if(pElement->CountObjects()) { ProcessObjs(pElement, reflowWidth); } } int count = pElement->CountChildren(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IPDF_LayoutElement* pChildElement = pElement->GetChild(i); ProcessElement(pChildElement, reflowWidth); if(m_pPause && m_pRootElement == pElement && m_Status != LayoutToBeContinued ) { if(m_pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_pLayoutElement = pChildElement; m_Status = LayoutToBeContinued; m_CurrRefWidth = reflowWidth; m_PausePosition = (i + 1) * 100 / (count + 1); return ; } } if(m_Status == LayoutToBeContinued && m_pLayoutElement == pChildElement) { m_Status = LayoutReady; } } if(m_Status == LayoutReady) { FX_FLOAT dx = 0; LayoutType layoutType = pElement->GetType(); FX_INT32 ElementType = GetElementTypes(layoutType); switch(ElementType) { case SST_IE: m_bIllustration = FALSE; FinishedCurrLine(); break; case SST_BLSE: FinishedCurrLine(); FX_FLOAT StartIndent = 0; if(IPDF_LayoutElement* pParent = pElement->GetParent()) { StartIndent = pParent->GetNumberAttr(LayoutStartIndent); } FX_FLOAT currStartIndent = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutStartIndent); if(StartIndent != currStartIndent) { reflowWidth += ConverWidth(currStartIndent); dx += ConverWidth(currStartIndent); } FX_FLOAT spaceAfter = pElement->GetNumberAttr(LayoutSpaceAfter); m_pReflowedPage->m_PageHeight += spaceAfter; break; } switch(layoutType) { case LayoutTableDataCell: case LayoutTableHeaderCell: { if(!m_TableArray.GetSize()) { break; } CRF_Table* pTable = m_TableArray.GetAt(m_TableArray.GetSize() - 1); RF_TableCell* pCell = pTable->m_pCellArray.GetAt(pTable->m_pCellArray.GetSize() - 1); pCell->m_EndPos = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize() - 1; if(pCell->m_EndPos < pCell->m_BeginPos) { pCell->m_CellHeight = 0; } else { CRF_Data* pBeginData = (*m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed)[pCell->m_BeginPos]; CRF_Data* pEndData = (*m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed)[pCell->m_EndPos]; pCell->m_CellHeight = pBeginData->m_Height > pEndData->m_Height ? pBeginData->m_Height : pEndData->m_Height; pCell->m_CellHeight -= pEndData->m_PosY - pBeginData->m_PosY; } break; } case LayoutTableRow: { if(!m_TableArray.GetSize()) { break; } CRF_Table* pTable = m_TableArray.GetAt(m_TableArray.GetSize() - 1); if(pTable->m_nCol == 0) { pTable->m_nCol = pTable->m_pCellArray.GetSize(); } break; } case LayoutTable: { ProcessTable(dx); break; } default: if(dx) { CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, dx, 0); int ReflowedSize = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); Transform(&matrix, m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed, ReflowedSize, m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize() - ReflowedSize); } } } if(m_pRootElement == pElement) { m_PausePosition = 100; } } FX_INT32 CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::GetElementTypes(LayoutType layoutType) { switch(layoutType) { case LayoutParagraph: case LayoutHeading: case LayoutHeading1: case LayoutHeading2: case LayoutHeading3: case LayoutHeading4: case LayoutHeading5: case LayoutHeading6: case LayoutList: case LayoutListItem: case LayoutListLabel: case LayoutListBody: case LayoutTable: case LayoutTableHeaderCell: case LayoutTableDataCell: case LayoutTableRow: case LayoutTableHeaderGroup: case LayoutTableBodyGroup: case LayoutTableFootGroup: case LayoutTOCI: case LayoutCaption: return SST_BLSE; case LayoutFigure: case LayoutFormula: case LayoutForm: return SST_IE; case LayoutSpan: case LayoutQuote: case LayoutNote: case LayoutReference: case LayoutBibEntry: case LayoutCode: case LayoutLink: case LayoutAnnot: case LayoutRuby: case LayoutWarichu: return SST_ILSE; default: return SST_GE; } return FALSE; } FX_FLOAT CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ConverWidth(FX_FLOAT width) { return width; } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ProcessObject(CPDF_PageObject* pObj, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth, CFX_AffineMatrix objMatrix) { if(!pObj) { return; } if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_TEXT) { ProcessTextObject( (CPDF_TextObject *)pObj, reflowWidth, objMatrix); } else if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_IMAGE) { if(!(m_flags & RF_PARSER_IMAGE)) { return; } CPDF_PageObjects* pObjs = new CPDF_PageObjects(FALSE); FX_POSITION pos = pObjs->GetLastObjectPosition(); pos = pObjs->InsertObject(pos, pObj); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; FX_RECT rect = pObj->GetBBox(&matrix); CPDF_ImageObject* ImageObj = (CPDF_ImageObject*)pObj; ProcessUnitaryObjs(pObjs, reflowWidth, objMatrix); delete pObjs; } else if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_PATH) { } else if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_FORM) { CPDF_FormObject* pForm = (CPDF_FormObject*)pObj; FX_POSITION pos = pForm->m_pForm->GetFirstObjectPosition(); objMatrix.Concat(pForm->m_FormMatrix); while (pos) { CPDF_PageObject* pObj1 = pForm->m_pForm->GetNextObject(pos); ProcessObject(pObj1, reflowWidth, objMatrix); } } } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ProcessObjs(IPDF_LayoutElement* pElement, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth) { m_fCurrMaxWidth = reflowWidth; int ObjCount = pElement->CountObjects(); for(int i = 0; i < ObjCount; i++) { CPDF_PageObject* pObj = pElement->GetObject(i); ProcessObject(pObj, reflowWidth, m_PDFMatrix); continue; } } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::AddTemp2CurrLine(int begin, int count) { if(begin < 0 || count <= 0 || !m_pReflowedPage || !m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed || !m_pTempLine) { return; } else { count += begin; } int size = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); int temps = m_pTempLine->GetSize(); for(int i = begin; i < count; i++) { CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pTempLine)[i]; AddData2CurrLine(pData); } } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::AddData2CurrLine(CRF_Data* pData) { if(pData == NULL || m_pCurrLine == NULL) { return; } m_pCurrLine->Add(pData); m_fCurrLineWidth = pData->m_PosX + pData->m_Width; if(pData->m_Height > m_fCurrLineHeight) { m_fCurrLineHeight = pData->m_Height; } } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::UpdateCurrLine() { } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::Transform(const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, CRF_DataPtrArray* pDataArray, int beginPos, int count) { if (!pDataArray) { return; } if(count == 0) { count = pDataArray->GetSize(); } else { count += beginPos; } for(int i = beginPos; i < count; i++) { CRF_Data* pData = (*pDataArray)[i]; Transform(pMatrix, pData); } } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::Transform(const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, CRF_Data* pData) { if(pData->GetType() == CRF_Data::Path) { CRF_PathData* pPathData = (CRF_PathData*)pData; pPathData->m_pPath2Device.Concat(*pMatrix); } pMatrix->Transform(pData->m_PosX, pData->m_PosY, pData->m_PosX, pData->m_PosY); } FX_BOOL CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::FinishedCurrLine() { if (NULL == m_pCurrLine) { return FALSE; } int count = m_pCurrLine->GetSize(); if(count == 0) { return FALSE; } if(m_fLineHeight > m_fCurrLineHeight) { m_fCurrLineHeight = m_fLineHeight; } else { m_fCurrLineHeight += 2; } if(m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize() > 0) { m_fCurrLineHeight += m_fLineSpace; } FX_FLOAT height = m_pReflowedPage->m_PageHeight + m_fCurrLineHeight; FX_FLOAT lineHeight = m_fLineHeight; if(lineHeight == 0) { lineHeight = m_fCurrLineHeight; } FX_FLOAT dx = 0; switch(m_TextAlign) { case LayoutCenter: dx = (m_fCurrMaxWidth - m_fCurrLineWidth) / 2; break; case LayoutEnd: dx = m_fCurrMaxWidth - m_fCurrLineWidth; break; case LayoutJustify: break; default: break; } FX_FLOAT dy = - height; int refedSize = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); if(count == 13) { int a = 0; } for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pCurrLine)[i]; m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->Add(pData); FX_FLOAT x = m_StartIndent + dx * (m_TextAlign == LayoutJustify ? i + 1 : 1); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, x, dy); Transform(&matrix, pData); } m_pCurrLine->RemoveAll(); m_fCurrLineWidth = 0; m_pReflowedPage->m_PageHeight += m_fCurrLineHeight; m_fCurrLineHeight = 0; return TRUE; } CRF_CharState* CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::GetCharState(CPDF_TextObject* pObj, CPDF_Font* pFont, FX_FLOAT fHeight, FX_ARGB color) { if (NULL == m_pReflowedPage->m_pCharState) { return NULL; } int count = m_pReflowedPage->m_pCharState->GetSize(); for(int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CRF_CharState* pState = (CRF_CharState*)m_pReflowedPage->m_pCharState->GetAt(i); if(pState->m_Color == color && pState->m_fFontSize == fHeight && pState->m_pFont == pFont && pState->m_pTextObj == pObj) { return pState; } } CRF_CharState pState; pState.m_pTextObj = pObj; pState.m_Color = color; pState.m_pFont = pFont; pState.m_fFontSize = fHeight; int ascent = pFont->GetTypeAscent(); int descent = pFont->GetTypeDescent(); pState.m_fAscent = ascent * fHeight / (ascent - descent); if(descent == 0) { pState.m_fDescent = 0; } else { pState.m_fDescent = descent * fHeight / (ascent - descent); } pState.m_bVert = FALSE; CPDF_CIDFont *pCIDFont = pFont->GetCIDFont(); if(pCIDFont) { pState.m_bVert = pCIDFont->IsVertWriting(); } m_pReflowedPage->m_pCharState->Add(pState); return (CRF_CharState*)m_pReflowedPage->m_pCharState->GetAt(count); } int CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::GetCharWidth(FX_DWORD charCode, CPDF_Font* pFont) const { if(charCode == -1) { return 0; } int w = pFont->GetCharWidthF(charCode); if(w == 0) { CFX_ByteString str; pFont->AppendChar(str, charCode); w = pFont->GetStringWidth(str, 1); if(w == 0) { FX_RECT BBox; pFont->GetCharBBox(charCode, BBox); w = BBox.right - BBox.left; } } return w; } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::CreateRFData(CPDF_PageObject* pObj, CFX_AffineMatrix* pObjMatrix) { if (NULL == m_pReflowedPage->m_pMemoryPool) { return; } if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_TEXT) { CPDF_TextObject* pTextObj = (CPDF_TextObject* )pObj; int count = pTextObj->CountItems(); if(!count) { return; } if(count == 1) { CPDF_TextObjectItem Item; pTextObj->GetItemInfo(0, &Item); if(Item.m_CharCode == 49) { int a = 0; } } CPDF_Font * pFont = pTextObj->GetFont(); FX_FLOAT fs = pTextObj->GetFontSize(); FX_FLOAT* pmatrix = pTextObj->m_TextState.GetMatrix(); FX_FLOAT matrix1 = pmatrix[1]; if(pmatrix[2] == 0) { matrix1 = 0; } CFX_AffineMatrix textMatrix(pmatrix[0], matrix1, pmatrix[2], pmatrix[3], 0, 0); FX_FLOAT height = FXSYS_fabs(textMatrix.TransformDistance(fs)); if(pObjMatrix) { height = FXSYS_fabs(pObjMatrix->TransformDistance(height)); } int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; pTextObj->m_ColorState.GetFillColor()->GetRGB(r, g, b); FX_ARGB col = r * 0x10000; col += g * 0x100; col += b; CRF_CharState* pState = GetCharState(pTextObj, pFont, height, col); FX_FLOAT dx = 0, dy = 0; FX_RECT ObjBBox; if(pObjMatrix) { ObjBBox = pTextObj->GetBBox(pObjMatrix); dx = (float)ObjBBox.left; dy = (float)ObjBBox.bottom; } else { CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; ObjBBox = pTextObj->GetBBox(&matrix); } FX_FLOAT objWidth = 0; CFX_ByteString str; FX_BOOL bOrder = TRUE; CFX_PtrArray tempArray; int i = 0; CPDF_TextObjectItem Item; pTextObj->GetItemInfo(i, &Item); dx = Item.m_OriginX; dy = Item.m_OriginY; textMatrix.Transform(Item.m_OriginX, Item.m_OriginY, dx, dy); CRF_CharData* pLastData = NULL; FX_FLOAT horzScale = pTextObj->m_TextState.GetFontSizeV() / pTextObj->m_TextState.GetFontSizeH(); while(i < count) { pTextObj->GetItemInfo(i, &Item); if(Item.m_CharCode == -1) { i++; continue; } FX_FLOAT OriginX, OriginY; textMatrix.Transform(Item.m_OriginX, Item.m_OriginY, OriginX, OriginY); CRF_CharData* pData = (CRF_CharData*)m_pReflowedPage->m_pMemoryPool->Alloc(sizeof(CRF_CharData)); if (NULL == pData) { continue; } pData->m_Type = CRF_Data::Text; if(FXSYS_fabs(OriginY - dy) > FXSYS_fabs(OriginX - dx)) { pData->m_PosY = dy; pData->m_PosX = pLastData->m_PosX + pLastData->m_Width + textMatrix.TransformDistance(pTextObj->m_TextState.GetObject()->m_CharSpace); } else { pData->m_PosY = OriginY; pData->m_PosX = OriginX; } int size = tempArray.GetSize(); if(size && pData->m_PosX < pLastData->m_PosX ) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { CRF_CharData* pData1 = (CRF_CharData*)tempArray.GetAt(j); if(pData1->m_PosX > pData->m_PosX) { tempArray.InsertAt(j, pData); break; } } } else { tempArray.Add(pData); } pLastData = pData; pData->m_CharCode = Item.m_CharCode; pData->m_Height = FXSYS_fabs(height); int w = GetCharWidth(Item.m_CharCode, pFont); pData->m_Width = FXSYS_fabs(fs * textMatrix.TransformDistance((FX_FLOAT)w) / 1000); if(horzScale) { pData->m_Width /= horzScale; } pData->m_pCharState = pState; i++; } count = tempArray.GetSize(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { CRF_CharData* pData = (CRF_CharData*)tempArray.GetAt(j); if (m_pTempLine) { m_pTempLine->Add(pData); } } tempArray.RemoveAll(); } else if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_IMAGE) { CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObj = (CPDF_ImageObject* )pObj; CRF_ImageData* pRFImage = (CRF_ImageData*)m_pReflowedPage->m_pMemoryPool->Alloc(sizeof(CRF_ImageData)); if (NULL == pRFImage) { return; } pRFImage->m_pBitmap = NULL; pRFImage->m_Type = CRF_Data::Image; if (m_pTempLine) { m_pTempLine->Add(pRFImage); } CPDF_Image *pImage = pImageObj->m_pImage; if (!pImage->m_pDIBSource || !pImage->m_pMask) { if(pImage->StartLoadDIBSource(m_pReflowedPage->GetFormResDict(pImageObj), m_pReflowedPage->m_pPDFPage->m_pResources, 0, 0, TRUE)) { pImage->Continue(NULL); } } CFX_DIBSource* pDibSource = pImage->DetachBitmap(); if (pDibSource) { pRFImage->m_pBitmap = pDibSource->Clone(); delete pDibSource; } CFX_DIBSource* pMask = pImage->DetachMask(); if (pMask) { if (!pMask->IsAlphaMask()) { CFX_DIBitmap* pMaskBmp = pMask->Clone(); pMaskBmp->ConvertFormat(FXDIB_8bppMask); pRFImage->m_pBitmap->MultiplyAlpha(pMaskBmp); delete pMaskBmp; } else { pRFImage->m_pBitmap->MultiplyAlpha(pMask); } delete pMask; } CFX_FloatRect ObjBBox; if(pObjMatrix) { ObjBBox = pImageObj->GetBBox(pObjMatrix); } else { CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; ObjBBox = pImageObj->GetBBox(&matrix); } pRFImage->m_Width = ObjBBox.Width(); pRFImage->m_Height = ObjBBox.Height(); pRFImage->m_PosX = 0; pRFImage->m_PosY = 0; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); matrix.Concat(pImageObj->m_Matrix); matrix.Concat(*pObjMatrix); pRFImage->m_Matrix.Set(matrix.a == 0 ? 0 : matrix.a / FXSYS_fabs(matrix.a), matrix.b == 0 ? 0 : matrix.b / FXSYS_fabs(matrix.b), matrix.c == 0 ? 0 : matrix.c / FXSYS_fabs(matrix.c), matrix.d == 0 ? 0 : matrix.d / FXSYS_fabs(matrix.d), 0, 0); } else if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_PATH) { } } FX_FLOAT CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow:: GetDatasWidth(int beginPos, int endpos) { if(endpos < beginPos || !m_pTempLine) { return 0; } if(endpos > m_pTempLine->GetSize() - 1) { endpos = m_pTempLine->GetSize() - 1; } CRF_Data* pBeginData = (*m_pTempLine)[beginPos]; CRF_Data* pEndData = (*m_pTempLine)[endpos]; return pEndData->m_PosX - pBeginData->m_PosX + pEndData->m_Width; } FX_WCHAR CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::GetPreChar() { if (NULL == m_pCurrLine) { return -1; } int index = m_pCurrLine->GetSize() - 1; CRF_CharData* pCharData = NULL; while (index >= 0 && !pCharData) { CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pCurrLine)[index]; if(pData->GetType() == CRF_Data::Text) { pCharData = (CRF_CharData*)pData; } else { return -1; } index --; } if(m_pReflowedPage) { index = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize() - 1; } while(!pCharData && index >= 0) { CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed)[index]; if(pData->GetType() == CRF_Data::Text) { pCharData = (CRF_CharData*)pData; } else { return -1; } index --; } if(pCharData) { CFX_WideString str = pCharData->m_pCharState->m_pFont->UnicodeFromCharCode(pCharData->m_CharCode); return str.GetAt(0); } return -1; } int CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ProcessInsertObject(CPDF_TextObject* pObj, CFX_AffineMatrix formMatrix) { if(!pObj || !m_pPreObj || !m_pCurrLine) { return 0; } if(m_pCurrLine->GetSize() == 0) { return 0; } CPDF_TextObjectItem item; int nItem = m_pPreObj->CountItems(); m_pPreObj->GetItemInfo(nItem - 1, &item); FX_FLOAT last_pos = item.m_OriginX; FX_FLOAT last_width = GetCharWidth(item.m_CharCode, m_pPreObj->GetFont()) * m_pPreObj->GetFontSize() / 1000; last_width = FXSYS_fabs(last_width); pObj->GetItemInfo(0, &item); FX_FLOAT this_width = GetCharWidth(item.m_CharCode, pObj->GetFont()) * pObj->GetFontSize() / 1000; this_width = FXSYS_fabs(this_width); FX_FLOAT threshold = last_width > this_width ? last_width / 4 : this_width / 4; CFX_AffineMatrix prev_matrix, prev_reverse; m_pPreObj->GetTextMatrix(&prev_matrix); prev_matrix.Concat(m_perMatrix); prev_reverse.SetReverse(prev_matrix); FX_FLOAT x = pObj->GetPosX(), y = pObj->GetPosY(); formMatrix.Transform(x, y); prev_reverse.Transform(x, y); FX_WCHAR preChar = GetPreChar(); CFX_WideString wstrItem = pObj->GetFont()->UnicodeFromCharCode(item.m_CharCode); FX_WCHAR curChar = wstrItem.GetAt(0); if (FXSYS_fabs(y) > threshold * 2) { if (preChar == L'-') { return 3; } if (preChar != L' ') { return 1; } return 2; } if ((x - last_pos - last_width) > threshold && curChar != L' ' && preChar != L' ') { return 1; } return 0; } FX_INT32 CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::LogicPreObj(CPDF_TextObject* pObj) { CPDF_TextObject* pPreObj = m_pPreObj; m_pPreObj = pObj; if(!pObj || !pPreObj) { return 0; } CPDF_TextObjectItem item; pPreObj->GetItemInfo(pPreObj->CountItems() - 1, &item); FX_FLOAT last_pos = item.m_OriginX; FX_FLOAT last_width = pPreObj->GetFont()->GetCharWidthF(item.m_CharCode) * pPreObj->GetFontSize() / 1000; last_width = FXSYS_fabs(last_width); pObj->GetItemInfo(0, &item); FX_FLOAT this_width = pObj->GetFont()->GetCharWidthF(item.m_CharCode) * pObj->GetFontSize() / 1000; this_width = FXSYS_fabs(this_width); FX_FLOAT threshold = last_width > this_width ? last_width / 4 : this_width / 4; CFX_AffineMatrix prev_matrix, prev_reverse; pPreObj->GetTextMatrix(&prev_matrix); prev_reverse.SetReverse(prev_matrix); FX_FLOAT x = pObj->GetPosX(), y = pObj->GetPosY(); prev_reverse.Transform(x, y); CFX_WideString wstrItem = pObj->GetFont()->UnicodeFromCharCode(item.m_CharCode); FX_WCHAR curChar = wstrItem.GetAt(0); if (FXSYS_fabs(y) > threshold * 2) { return 2; } FX_WCHAR preChar = 0; if (FXSYS_fabs(last_pos + last_width - x) > threshold && curChar != L' ') { return 1; } return 0; m_pPreObj = pObj; if(!pPreObj) { return 0; } if(pPreObj->m_Type != pObj->m_Type) { return 0; } CFX_FloatRect rcCurObj(pObj->m_Left, pObj->m_Bottom, pObj->m_Right, pObj->m_Top); CFX_FloatRect rcPreObj(pPreObj->m_Left, pPreObj->m_Bottom, pPreObj->m_Right, pPreObj->m_Top); if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_IMAGE) { if(rcPreObj.Contains(rcCurObj)) { return 2; } if(rcCurObj.Contains(rcPreObj)) { return 2; } return 0; } if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_TEXT) { if(!((rcPreObj.bottom > rcCurObj.top) || (rcPreObj.top < rcCurObj.bottom))) { FX_FLOAT height = FX_MIN(rcPreObj.Height(), rcCurObj.Height()); if((rcCurObj.left - rcPreObj.right) > height / 3) { return 3; } } if(FXSYS_fabs(rcPreObj.Width() - rcCurObj.Width()) >= 2 || FXSYS_fabs(rcPreObj.Height() - rcCurObj.Height()) >= 2 ) { return 0; } CPDF_TextObject* pPreTextObj = (CPDF_TextObject*)pPreObj; CPDF_TextObject* pCurTextObj = (CPDF_TextObject*)pObj; int nPreCount = pPreTextObj->CountItems(); int nCurCount = pCurTextObj->CountItems(); if (nPreCount != nCurCount) { return 0; } FX_BOOL bSame = TRUE; for (int i = 0; i < nPreCount; i++) { CPDF_TextObjectItem itemPer, itemCur; pPreTextObj->GetItemInfo(i, &itemPer); pCurTextObj->GetItemInfo(i, &itemCur); if (itemCur.m_CharCode != itemPer.m_CharCode) { return 0; } if (itemCur.m_OriginX != itemPer.m_OriginX) { bSame = FALSE; } if (itemCur.m_OriginY != itemPer.m_OriginY) { bSame = FALSE; } } if(rcPreObj.left == rcCurObj.left && rcPreObj.top == rcCurObj.top) { return 1; } if(FXSYS_fabs(rcPreObj.left - rcCurObj.left) < rcPreObj.Width() / 3 && FXSYS_fabs(rcPreObj.top - rcCurObj.top) < rcPreObj.Height() / 3) { return 2; } } return 0; } FX_BOOL CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::IsSameTextObject(CPDF_TextObject* pTextObj1, CPDF_TextObject* pTextObj2) { if (!pTextObj1 || !pTextObj2) { return FALSE; } CFX_FloatRect rcPreObj(pTextObj2->m_Left, pTextObj2->m_Bottom, pTextObj2->m_Right, pTextObj2->m_Top); CFX_FloatRect rcCurObj(pTextObj1->m_Left, pTextObj1->m_Bottom, pTextObj1->m_Right, pTextObj1->m_Top); if (rcPreObj.IsEmpty() && rcCurObj.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } if (!rcPreObj.IsEmpty() || !rcCurObj.IsEmpty()) { rcPreObj.Intersect(rcCurObj); if (rcPreObj.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } if (FXSYS_fabs(rcPreObj.Width() - rcCurObj.Width()) > rcCurObj.Width() / 2) { return FALSE; } if (pTextObj2->GetFontSize() != pTextObj1->GetFontSize()) { return FALSE; } } int nPreCount = pTextObj2->CountItems(); int nCurCount = pTextObj1->CountItems(); if (nPreCount != nCurCount) { return FALSE; } for (int i = 0; i < nPreCount; i++) { CPDF_TextObjectItem itemPer, itemCur; pTextObj2->GetItemInfo(i, &itemPer); pTextObj1->GetItemInfo(i, &itemCur); if (itemCur.m_CharCode != itemPer.m_CharCode) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ProcessTextObject(CPDF_TextObject *pTextObj, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth, CFX_AffineMatrix objMatrix) { if(reflowWidth < 0 || !m_pCurrLine || !m_pTempLine) { return; } if(IsSameTextObject(pTextObj, m_pPreObj)) { return; } CPDF_PageObject* pPreObj = m_pPreObj; FX_INT32 logic = ProcessInsertObject(pTextObj, objMatrix); m_pPreObj = pTextObj; m_perMatrix.Copy(objMatrix); int size = m_pTempLine->GetSize(); int curs = m_pCurrLine->GetSize(); CreateRFData(pTextObj); size = m_pTempLine->GetSize(); int reds = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); if(size == 0) { return; } if(logic == 1) { m_fCurrLineWidth += pTextObj->GetBBox(&objMatrix).Height() / 3; } else if(logic == 3 && curs) { m_fCurrLineWidth -= (*m_pCurrLine)[curs - 1]->m_Width; m_pCurrLine->Delete(curs - 1); } int beginPos = 0, endPos = m_pTempLine->GetSize() - 1; while(beginPos <= endPos) { int tempBeginPos = beginPos; int tempEndPos = endPos; FX_FLOAT all_width = GetDatasWidth( beginPos, endPos); if(all_width < reflowWidth - m_fCurrLineWidth) { CRF_CharData* pBeginData = (CRF_CharData*)(*m_pTempLine)[beginPos]; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -pBeginData->m_PosX + m_fCurrLineWidth, -pBeginData->m_PosY); Transform(&matrix, m_pTempLine, beginPos, endPos - beginPos + 1); AddTemp2CurrLine(beginPos, endPos - beginPos + 1); m_pTempLine->RemoveAll(); return; } int midPos ; if(tempBeginPos >= tempEndPos && tempEndPos != 0) { midPos = tempEndPos; } else { while (tempBeginPos < tempEndPos ) { midPos = (tempEndPos - tempBeginPos) / 2 + tempBeginPos; if(midPos == tempBeginPos || midPos == tempEndPos) { break; } FX_FLOAT w = GetDatasWidth( beginPos, midPos); if(w < reflowWidth - m_fCurrLineWidth) { tempBeginPos = midPos; } else { tempEndPos = midPos; } } midPos = tempBeginPos; if(midPos == 0) { FX_FLOAT w = GetDatasWidth( beginPos, 1); if(w > reflowWidth - m_fCurrLineWidth) { midPos = -1; } } } if(midPos == -1) { int count = m_pCurrLine->GetSize(); if(count == 0) { midPos = 0; } } int f = -1; int i = 0; for(i = midPos; i >= beginPos; i--) { CRF_CharData* pData = (CRF_CharData*)(*m_pTempLine)[i]; CFX_WideString Wstr = pData->m_pCharState->m_pFont->UnicodeFromCharCode(pData->m_CharCode); FX_WCHAR cha = Wstr.GetAt(0); if(i < m_pTempLine->GetSize() - 1) { CRF_CharData* pNextData = (CRF_CharData*)(*m_pTempLine)[i + 1]; if(pNextData->m_PosX - (pData->m_PosX + pData->m_Width) >= pData->m_Height / 4) { f = i; i++; } } if(f == -1) { if(IsCanBreakAfter((FX_DWORD)cha)) { f = i; i++; } else if(IsCanBreakBefore((FX_DWORD)cha)) { f = i - 1; if(f < beginPos) { f = -1; } } } if(f != -1) { CRF_CharData* pBeginData = (CRF_CharData*)(*m_pTempLine)[beginPos]; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -pBeginData->m_PosX + m_fCurrLineWidth, -pBeginData->m_PosY); Transform(&matrix, m_pTempLine, beginPos, f - beginPos + 1); CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pTempLine)[0]; AddTemp2CurrLine(beginPos, f - beginPos + 1); beginPos = i; FinishedCurrLine(); f = 1; break; } } if(f == -1 && i < beginPos) { if( m_pCurrLine->GetSize()) { int count = m_pCurrLine->GetSize(); f = -1; for(int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pCurrLine)[i]; if(pData->GetType() != CRF_Data::Text) { f = i + 1; } else { CRF_CharData* pCharData = (CRF_CharData*)pData; CFX_WideString Wstr = pCharData->m_pCharState->m_pFont->UnicodeFromCharCode(pCharData->m_CharCode); FX_WCHAR cha = Wstr.GetAt(0); if(IsCanBreakAfter(cha)) { f = i + 1; i++; } else if(IsCanBreakBefore(cha)) { f = i; } if(f == 0) { f = -1; } } if(f != -1) { FinishedCurrLine(); if(f < count) { int reflowdCount = m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->GetSize(); int pos = reflowdCount + f - count; CRF_CharData* pData = (CRF_CharData*)(*m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed)[pos]; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -pData->m_PosX + m_fCurrLineWidth, -pData->m_PosY); Transform(&matrix, m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed, pos, reflowdCount - pos); for(int j = pos; j < reflowdCount; j++) { AddData2CurrLine((*m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed)[j]); } m_pReflowedPage->m_pReflowed->Delete(pos, count - f); if(logic == 3) { m_fCurrLineWidth += pTextObj->GetBBox(&objMatrix).Height() / 3; } } break; } } } if(f == -1) { CRF_CharData* pData = (CRF_CharData*)(*m_pTempLine)[beginPos]; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -pData->m_PosX + m_fCurrLineWidth, -pData->m_PosY); if(beginPos == midPos) { Transform(&matrix, pData); FX_RECT rect; pData->m_pCharState->m_pFont->GetFontBBox(rect); FX_FLOAT* pmatrix = pTextObj->m_TextState.GetMatrix(); CFX_AffineMatrix textMatrix(pmatrix[0], pmatrix[1], pmatrix[2], pmatrix[3], 0, 0); FX_FLOAT width = pData->m_Height * (rect.right - rect.left) / 1000; FX_FLOAT f = (reflowWidth - m_fCurrLineWidth) / width; pData->m_PosY *= f; pData->m_Width *= f; pData->m_Height *= f; pData->m_pCharState = GetCharState(pData->m_pCharState->m_pTextObj, pData->m_pCharState->m_pFont, pData->m_Height, pData->m_pCharState->m_Color); AddData2CurrLine(pData); } else { for(int m = beginPos; m <= midPos; m++) { CRF_CharData* pData = (CRF_CharData*)(*m_pTempLine)[m]; Transform(&matrix, pData); AddData2CurrLine(pData); } } FinishedCurrLine(); beginPos = midPos + 1; } } } m_pTempLine->RemoveAll(); return; } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ProcessUnitaryObjs(CPDF_PageObjects *pObjs, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth, CFX_AffineMatrix objMatrix) { if(!pObjs) { return; } CFX_FloatRect ObjBBox = pObjs->CalcBoundingBox(); objMatrix.TransformRect(ObjBBox); FX_FLOAT ObjWidth = ObjBBox.Width(); FX_FLOAT ObjHeight = ObjBBox.Height(); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; if(ObjWidth <= reflowWidth - m_fCurrLineWidth) { matrix.Set(1, 0, 0, 1, m_fCurrLineWidth , 0); } else if(ObjWidth <= reflowWidth) { FinishedCurrLine(); matrix.Set(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); } else { FinishedCurrLine(); FX_FLOAT f = reflowWidth / ObjWidth ; matrix.Set(f, 0, 0, f, 0, 0); } CFX_AffineMatrix tempMatrix = matrix; matrix.Concat(objMatrix); FX_POSITION pos = pObjs->GetFirstObjectPosition(); while(pos) { CPDF_PageObject* pObj = pObjs->GetNextObject(pos); if(pObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_TEXT) { FX_INT32 ret = LogicPreObj((CPDF_TextObject*)pObj); if(ret == 1 || ret == 2) { continue; } } CreateRFData(pObj, &matrix); } if (m_pTempLine) { Transform(&tempMatrix, m_pTempLine, 0, m_pTempLine->GetSize()); AddTemp2CurrLine(0, m_pTempLine->GetSize()); m_pTempLine->RemoveAll(); } } void CPDF_LayoutProcessor_Reflow::ProcessPathObject(CPDF_PathObject *pObj, FX_FLOAT reflowWidth) { }