// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef FPDFSDK_CPDFSDK_DOCUMENT_H_ #define FPDFSDK_CPDFSDK_DOCUMENT_H_ #include <map> #include <memory> #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_observable.h" #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_annot.h" #include "fpdfsdk/fsdk_define.h" #include "public/fpdf_formfill.h" class CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment; class CPDFSDK_InterForm; class CPDFSDK_PageView; class IJS_Runtime; class CPDFSDK_Document : public CFX_Observable<CPDFSDK_Document> { public: CPDFSDK_Document(UnderlyingDocumentType* pDoc, CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* pEnv); ~CPDFSDK_Document(); CPDFSDK_InterForm* GetInterForm(); // Gets the document object for the next layer down; for master this is // a CPDF_Document, but for XFA it is a CPDFXFA_Document. UnderlyingDocumentType* GetUnderlyingDocument() const { #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA return GetXFADocument(); #else // PDF_ENABLE_XFA return GetPDFDocument(); #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA } // Gets the CPDF_Document, either directly in master, or from the // CPDFXFA_Document for XFA. CPDF_Document* GetPDFDocument() const { #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA return m_pDoc ? m_pDoc->GetPDFDoc() : nullptr; #else // PDF_ENABLE_XFA return m_pDoc; #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA } #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA // Gets the XFA document directly (XFA-only). CPDFXFA_Document* GetXFADocument() const { return m_pDoc; } void ResetXFADocument() { m_pDoc = nullptr; } int GetPageViewCount() const { return m_pageMap.size(); } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA CPDFSDK_PageView* GetPageView(UnderlyingPageType* pPage, bool ReNew); CPDFSDK_PageView* GetPageView(int nIndex); CPDFSDK_PageView* GetCurrentView(); void RemovePageView(UnderlyingPageType* pPage); void UpdateAllViews(CPDFSDK_PageView* pSender, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot); IJS_Runtime* GetJsRuntime(); CPDFSDK_Annot* GetFocusAnnot() { return m_pFocusAnnot.Get(); } FX_BOOL SetFocusAnnot(CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr* pAnnot); FX_BOOL KillFocusAnnot(uint32_t nFlag); void ClearAllFocusedAnnots(); FX_BOOL ExtractPages(const std::vector<uint16_t>& arrExtraPages, CPDF_Document* pDstDoc); FX_BOOL InsertPages(int nInsertAt, const CPDF_Document* pSrcDoc, const std::vector<uint16_t>& arrSrcPages); FX_BOOL ReplacePages(int nPage, const CPDF_Document* pSrcDoc, const std::vector<uint16_t>& arrSrcPages); void OnCloseDocument(); int GetPageCount() { return m_pDoc->GetPageCount(); } FX_BOOL GetPermissions(int nFlag); FX_BOOL GetChangeMark() { return m_bChangeMask; } void SetChangeMark() { m_bChangeMask = TRUE; } void ClearChangeMark() { m_bChangeMask = FALSE; } CFX_WideString GetPath(); UnderlyingPageType* GetPage(int nIndex); CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* GetEnv() { return m_pEnv; } void ProcJavascriptFun(); FX_BOOL ProcOpenAction(); private: std::map<UnderlyingPageType*, CPDFSDK_PageView*> m_pageMap; UnderlyingDocumentType* m_pDoc; std::unique_ptr<CPDFSDK_InterForm> m_pInterForm; CPDFSDK_Annot::ObservedPtr m_pFocusAnnot; CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* m_pEnv; FX_BOOL m_bChangeMask; FX_BOOL m_bBeingDestroyed; }; #endif // FPDFSDK_CPDFSDK_DOCUMENT_H_