// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_textfield.h" #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_common.h" #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_formfillenvironment.h" #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_widget.h" #include "fpdfsdk/formfiller/cba_fontmap.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" CFFL_TextField::CFFL_TextField(CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* pApp, CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget) : CFFL_TextObject(pApp, pWidget) {} CFFL_TextField::~CFFL_TextField() { for (const auto& it : m_Maps) it.second->InvalidateFocusHandler(this); // See comment in cffl_formfiller.h. // The font map should be stored somewhere more appropriate so it will live // until the PWL_Edit is done with it. pdfium:566 DestroyWindows(); } CPWL_Wnd::CreateParams CFFL_TextField::GetCreateParam() { CPWL_Wnd::CreateParams cp = CFFL_TextObject::GetCreateParam(); int nFlags = m_pWidget->GetFieldFlags(); if (nFlags & FIELDFLAG_PASSWORD) cp.dwFlags |= PES_PASSWORD; if (nFlags & FIELDFLAG_MULTILINE) { cp.dwFlags |= PES_MULTILINE | PES_AUTORETURN | PES_TOP; if (!(nFlags & FIELDFLAG_DONOTSCROLL)) cp.dwFlags |= PWS_VSCROLL | PES_AUTOSCROLL; } else { cp.dwFlags |= PES_CENTER; if (!(nFlags & FIELDFLAG_DONOTSCROLL)) cp.dwFlags |= PES_AUTOSCROLL; } if (nFlags & FIELDFLAG_COMB) cp.dwFlags |= PES_CHARARRAY; if (nFlags & FIELDFLAG_RICHTEXT) cp.dwFlags |= PES_RICH; cp.dwFlags |= PES_UNDO; switch (m_pWidget->GetAlignment()) { default: case BF_ALIGN_LEFT: cp.dwFlags |= PES_LEFT; break; case BF_ALIGN_MIDDLE: cp.dwFlags |= PES_MIDDLE; break; case BF_ALIGN_RIGHT: cp.dwFlags |= PES_RIGHT; break; } cp.pFontMap = MaybeCreateFontMap(); cp.pFocusHandler = this; return cp; } CPWL_Wnd* CFFL_TextField::NewPDFWindow(const CPWL_Wnd::CreateParams& cp) { auto* pWnd = new CPWL_Edit(); pWnd->AttachFFLData(this); pWnd->Create(cp); pWnd->SetFillerNotify(m_pFormFillEnv->GetInteractiveFormFiller()); int32_t nMaxLen = m_pWidget->GetMaxLen(); WideString swValue = m_pWidget->GetValue(); if (nMaxLen > 0) { if (pWnd->HasFlag(PES_CHARARRAY)) { pWnd->SetCharArray(nMaxLen); pWnd->SetAlignFormatV(PEAV_CENTER); } else { pWnd->SetLimitChar(nMaxLen); } } pWnd->SetText(swValue); return pWnd; } bool CFFL_TextField::OnChar(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, uint32_t nChar, uint32_t nFlags) { switch (nChar) { case FWL_VKEY_Return: { if (m_pWidget->GetFieldFlags() & FIELDFLAG_MULTILINE) break; CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView = GetCurPageView(true); ASSERT(pPageView); m_bValid = !m_bValid; m_pFormFillEnv->Invalidate(pAnnot->GetPage(), pAnnot->GetRect().GetOuterRect()); if (m_bValid) { if (CPWL_Wnd* pWnd = GetPDFWindow(pPageView, true)) pWnd->SetFocus(); break; } if (!CommitData(pPageView, nFlags)) return false; DestroyPDFWindow(pPageView); return true; } case FWL_VKEY_Escape: { CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView = GetCurPageView(true); ASSERT(pPageView); EscapeFiller(pPageView, true); return true; } } return CFFL_TextObject::OnChar(pAnnot, nChar, nFlags); } bool CFFL_TextField::IsDataChanged(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView) { CPWL_Edit* pEdit = GetEdit(pPageView, false); return pEdit && pEdit->GetText() != m_pWidget->GetValue(); } void CFFL_TextField::SaveData(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView) { CPWL_Edit* pWnd = GetEdit(pPageView, false); if (!pWnd) return; WideString sOldValue = m_pWidget->GetValue(); WideString sNewValue = pWnd->GetText(); CPDFSDK_Widget::ObservedPtr observed_widget(m_pWidget.Get()); CFFL_TextField::ObservedPtr observed_this(this); m_pWidget->SetValue(sNewValue, false); if (!observed_widget) return; m_pWidget->ResetFieldAppearance(true); if (!observed_widget) return; m_pWidget->UpdateField(); if (!observed_widget || !observed_this) return; SetChangeMark(); } void CFFL_TextField::GetActionData(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDF_AAction::AActionType type, CPDFSDK_FieldAction& fa) { switch (type) { case CPDF_AAction::KeyStroke: if (CPWL_Edit* pWnd = GetEdit(pPageView, false)) { fa.bFieldFull = pWnd->IsTextFull(); fa.sValue = pWnd->GetText(); if (fa.bFieldFull) { fa.sChange = L""; fa.sChangeEx = L""; } } break; case CPDF_AAction::Validate: if (CPWL_Edit* pWnd = GetEdit(pPageView, false)) { fa.sValue = pWnd->GetText(); } break; case CPDF_AAction::LoseFocus: case CPDF_AAction::GetFocus: fa.sValue = m_pWidget->GetValue(); break; default: break; } } void CFFL_TextField::SetActionData(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDF_AAction::AActionType type, const CPDFSDK_FieldAction& fa) { switch (type) { case CPDF_AAction::KeyStroke: if (CPWL_Edit* pEdit = GetEdit(pPageView, false)) { pEdit->SetFocus(); pEdit->SetSelection(fa.nSelStart, fa.nSelEnd); pEdit->ReplaceSel(fa.sChange); } break; default: break; } } bool CFFL_TextField::IsActionDataChanged(CPDF_AAction::AActionType type, const CPDFSDK_FieldAction& faOld, const CPDFSDK_FieldAction& faNew) { switch (type) { case CPDF_AAction::KeyStroke: return (!faOld.bFieldFull && faOld.nSelEnd != faNew.nSelEnd) || faOld.nSelStart != faNew.nSelStart || faOld.sChange != faNew.sChange; default: break; } return false; } void CFFL_TextField::SaveState(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView) { ASSERT(pPageView); CPWL_Edit* pWnd = GetEdit(pPageView, false); if (!pWnd) return; pWnd->GetSelection(m_State.nStart, m_State.nEnd); m_State.sValue = pWnd->GetText(); } void CFFL_TextField::RestoreState(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView) { ASSERT(pPageView); CPWL_Edit* pWnd = GetEdit(pPageView, true); if (!pWnd) return; pWnd->SetText(m_State.sValue); pWnd->SetSelection(m_State.nStart, m_State.nEnd); } #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA bool CFFL_TextField::IsFieldFull(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView) { CPWL_Edit* pWnd = GetEdit(pPageView, false); return pWnd && pWnd->IsTextFull(); } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA void CFFL_TextField::OnSetFocus(CPWL_Edit* pEdit) { pEdit->SetCharSet(FX_CHARSET_ChineseSimplified); pEdit->SetReadyToInput(); WideString wsText = pEdit->GetText(); int nCharacters = wsText.GetLength(); ByteString bsUTFText = wsText.UTF16LE_Encode(); auto* pBuffer = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(bsUTFText.c_str()); m_pFormFillEnv->OnSetFieldInputFocus(pBuffer, nCharacters, true); } CPWL_Edit* CFFL_TextField::GetEdit(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, bool bNew) { return static_cast<CPWL_Edit*>(GetPDFWindow(pPageView, bNew)); }