// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "public/fpdf_sysfontinfo.h" #include #include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_font.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmgr.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h" #include "core/fxge/fx_font.h" #include "core/fxge/systemfontinfo_iface.h" #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_helpers.h" #include "fpdfsdk/pwl/cpwl_font_map.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" static_assert(FXFONT_ANSI_CHARSET == FX_CHARSET_ANSI, "Charset must match"); static_assert(FXFONT_DEFAULT_CHARSET == FX_CHARSET_Default, "Charset must match"); static_assert(FXFONT_SYMBOL_CHARSET == FX_CHARSET_Symbol, "Charset must match"); static_assert(FXFONT_SHIFTJIS_CHARSET == FX_CHARSET_ShiftJIS, "Charset must match"); static_assert(FXFONT_HANGEUL_CHARSET == FX_CHARSET_Hangul, "Charset must match"); static_assert(FXFONT_GB2312_CHARSET == FX_CHARSET_ChineseSimplified, "Charset must match"); static_assert(FXFONT_CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET == FX_CHARSET_ChineseTraditional, "Charset must match"); static_assert(sizeof(CFX_Font::CharsetFontMap) == sizeof(FPDF_CharsetFontMap), "CFX_Font::CharsetFontMap should be same as FPDF_CharsetFontMap"); class CFX_ExternalFontInfo final : public SystemFontInfoIface { public: explicit CFX_ExternalFontInfo(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pInfo) : m_pInfo(pInfo) {} ~CFX_ExternalFontInfo() override { if (m_pInfo->Release) m_pInfo->Release(m_pInfo); } bool EnumFontList(CFX_FontMapper* pMapper) override { if (m_pInfo->EnumFonts) { m_pInfo->EnumFonts(m_pInfo, pMapper); return true; } return false; } void* MapFont(int weight, bool bItalic, int charset, int pitch_family, const char* family) override { if (!m_pInfo->MapFont) return nullptr; int iExact; return m_pInfo->MapFont(m_pInfo, weight, bItalic, charset, pitch_family, family, &iExact); } void* GetFont(const char* family) override { if (!m_pInfo->GetFont) return nullptr; return m_pInfo->GetFont(m_pInfo, family); } uint32_t GetFontData(void* hFont, uint32_t table, uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t size) override { if (!m_pInfo->GetFontData) return 0; return m_pInfo->GetFontData(m_pInfo, hFont, table, buffer, size); } bool GetFaceName(void* hFont, ByteString* name) override { if (!m_pInfo->GetFaceName) return false; uint32_t size = m_pInfo->GetFaceName(m_pInfo, hFont, nullptr, 0); if (size == 0) return false; char* buffer = FX_Alloc(char, size); size = m_pInfo->GetFaceName(m_pInfo, hFont, buffer, size); *name = ByteString(buffer, size); FX_Free(buffer); return true; } bool GetFontCharset(void* hFont, int* charset) override { if (!m_pInfo->GetFontCharset) return false; *charset = m_pInfo->GetFontCharset(m_pInfo, hFont); return true; } void DeleteFont(void* hFont) override { if (m_pInfo->DeleteFont) m_pInfo->DeleteFont(m_pInfo, hFont); } private: FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* const m_pInfo; }; FPDF_EXPORT void FPDF_CALLCONV FPDF_AddInstalledFont(void* mapper, const char* name, int charset) { CFX_FontMapper* pMapper = static_cast(mapper); pMapper->AddInstalledFont(name, charset); } FPDF_EXPORT void FPDF_CALLCONV FPDF_SetSystemFontInfo(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pFontInfoExt) { if (pFontInfoExt->version != 1) return; CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr()->SetSystemFontInfo( pdfium::MakeUnique(pFontInfoExt)); } FPDF_EXPORT const FPDF_CharsetFontMap* FPDF_CALLCONV FPDF_GetDefaultTTFMap() { return reinterpret_cast(CFX_Font::defaultTTFMap); } struct FPDF_SYSFONTINFO_DEFAULT final : public FPDF_SYSFONTINFO { UnownedPtr m_pFontInfo; }; static void DefaultRelease(struct _FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis) { auto* pDefault = static_cast(pThis); delete pDefault->m_pFontInfo.Release(); } static void DefaultEnumFonts(struct _FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, void* pMapper) { auto* pDefault = static_cast(pThis); pDefault->m_pFontInfo->EnumFontList(static_cast(pMapper)); } static void* DefaultMapFont(struct _FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, int weight, int bItalic, int charset, int pitch_family, const char* family, int* bExact) { auto* pDefault = static_cast(pThis); return pDefault->m_pFontInfo->MapFont(weight, !!bItalic, charset, pitch_family, family); } void* DefaultGetFont(struct _FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, const char* family) { auto* pDefault = static_cast(pThis); return pDefault->m_pFontInfo->GetFont(family); } static unsigned long DefaultGetFontData(struct _FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, void* hFont, unsigned int table, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned long buf_size) { auto* pDefault = static_cast(pThis); return pDefault->m_pFontInfo->GetFontData(hFont, table, buffer, buf_size); } static unsigned long DefaultGetFaceName(struct _FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, void* hFont, char* buffer, unsigned long buf_size) { ByteString name; auto* pDefault = static_cast(pThis); if (!pDefault->m_pFontInfo->GetFaceName(hFont, &name)) return 0; if (name.GetLength() >= static_cast(buf_size)) return name.GetLength() + 1; strncpy(buffer, name.c_str(), (name.GetLength() + 1) * sizeof(ByteString::CharType)); return name.GetLength() + 1; } static int DefaultGetFontCharset(struct _FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, void* hFont) { int charset; auto* pDefault = static_cast(pThis); if (!pDefault->m_pFontInfo->GetFontCharset(hFont, &charset)) return 0; return charset; } static void DefaultDeleteFont(struct _FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pThis, void* hFont) { auto* pDefault = static_cast(pThis); pDefault->m_pFontInfo->DeleteFont(hFont); } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* FPDF_CALLCONV FPDF_GetDefaultSystemFontInfo() { std::unique_ptr pFontInfo = SystemFontInfoIface::CreateDefault(nullptr); if (!pFontInfo) return nullptr; FPDF_SYSFONTINFO_DEFAULT* pFontInfoExt = FX_Alloc(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO_DEFAULT, 1); pFontInfoExt->DeleteFont = DefaultDeleteFont; pFontInfoExt->EnumFonts = DefaultEnumFonts; pFontInfoExt->GetFaceName = DefaultGetFaceName; pFontInfoExt->GetFont = DefaultGetFont; pFontInfoExt->GetFontCharset = DefaultGetFontCharset; pFontInfoExt->GetFontData = DefaultGetFontData; pFontInfoExt->MapFont = DefaultMapFont; pFontInfoExt->Release = DefaultRelease; pFontInfoExt->version = 1; pFontInfoExt->m_pFontInfo = pFontInfo.release(); return pFontInfoExt; } FPDF_EXPORT void FPDF_CALLCONV FPDF_FreeDefaultSystemFontInfo(FPDF_SYSFONTINFO* pDefaultFontInfo) { FX_Free(static_cast(pDefaultFontInfo)); }