// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "public/fpdf_transformpage.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_clippath.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_pageobject.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_path.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_reference.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h" #include "fpdfsdk/fsdk_define.h" namespace { void SetBoundingBox(CPDF_Page* page, const CFX_ByteString& key, float left, float bottom, float right, float top) { CPDF_Array* pBoundingBoxArray = new CPDF_Array; pBoundingBoxArray->AddNew(left); pBoundingBoxArray->AddNew(bottom); pBoundingBoxArray->AddNew(right); pBoundingBoxArray->AddNew(top); page->m_pFormDict->SetFor(key, pBoundingBoxArray); } bool GetBoundingBox(CPDF_Page* page, const CFX_ByteString& key, float* left, float* bottom, float* right, float* top) { CPDF_Array* pArray = page->m_pFormDict->GetArrayFor(key); if (!pArray) return false; *left = pArray->GetFloatAt(0); *bottom = pArray->GetFloatAt(1); *right = pArray->GetFloatAt(2); *top = pArray->GetFloatAt(3); return true; } } // namespace DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFPage_SetMediaBox(FPDF_PAGE page, float left, float bottom, float right, float top) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage) return; SetBoundingBox(pPage, "MediaBox", left, bottom, right, top); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFPage_SetCropBox(FPDF_PAGE page, float left, float bottom, float right, float top) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage) return; SetBoundingBox(pPage, "CropBox", left, bottom, right, top); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFPage_GetMediaBox(FPDF_PAGE page, float* left, float* bottom, float* right, float* top) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); return pPage && GetBoundingBox(pPage, "MediaBox", left, bottom, right, top); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFPage_GetCropBox(FPDF_PAGE page, float* left, float* bottom, float* right, float* top) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); return pPage && GetBoundingBox(pPage, "CropBox", left, bottom, right, top); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip(FPDF_PAGE page, FS_MATRIX* matrix, FS_RECTF* clipRect) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage) return false; CFX_ByteTextBuf textBuf; textBuf << "q "; CFX_FloatRect rect(clipRect->left, clipRect->bottom, clipRect->right, clipRect->top); rect.Normalize(); CFX_ByteString bsClipping; bsClipping.Format("%f %f %f %f re W* n ", rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.Width(), rect.Height()); textBuf << bsClipping; CFX_ByteString bsMatix; bsMatix.Format("%f %f %f %f %f %f cm ", matrix->a, matrix->b, matrix->c, matrix->d, matrix->e, matrix->f); textBuf << bsMatix; CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDic = pPage->m_pFormDict; CPDF_Object* pContentObj = pPageDic ? pPageDic->GetObjectFor("Contents") : nullptr; if (!pContentObj) pContentObj = pPageDic ? pPageDic->GetArrayFor("Contents") : nullptr; if (!pContentObj) return false; CPDF_Document* pDoc = pPage->m_pDocument; if (!pDoc) return false; CPDF_Dictionary* pDic = new CPDF_Dictionary(pDoc->GetByteStringPool()); CPDF_Stream* pStream = pDoc->NewIndirect(nullptr, 0, pDic); pStream->SetData(textBuf.GetBuffer(), textBuf.GetSize()); pDic = new CPDF_Dictionary(pDoc->GetByteStringPool()); CPDF_Stream* pEndStream = pDoc->NewIndirect(nullptr, 0, pDic); pEndStream->SetData((const uint8_t*)" Q", 2); CPDF_Array* pContentArray = nullptr; CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(pContentObj); if (pArray) { pContentArray = pArray; pContentArray->InsertNewAt(0, pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddNew(pDoc, pEndStream->GetObjNum()); } else if (CPDF_Reference* pReference = ToReference(pContentObj)) { CPDF_Object* pDirectObj = pReference->GetDirect(); if (pDirectObj) { CPDF_Array* pObjArray = pDirectObj->AsArray(); if (pObjArray) { pContentArray = pObjArray; pContentArray->InsertNewAt(0, pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddNew(pDoc, pEndStream->GetObjNum()); } else if (pDirectObj->IsStream()) { pContentArray = pDoc->NewIndirect(); pContentArray->AddNew(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddNew(pDoc, pDirectObj->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddNew(pDoc, pEndStream->GetObjNum()); pPageDic->SetReferenceFor("Contents", pDoc, pContentArray); } } } // Need to transform the patterns as well. CPDF_Dictionary* pRes = pPageDic->GetDictFor("Resources"); if (pRes) { CPDF_Dictionary* pPattenDict = pRes->GetDictFor("Pattern"); if (pPattenDict) { for (const auto& it : *pPattenDict) { CPDF_Object* pObj = it.second; if (pObj->IsReference()) pObj = pObj->GetDirect(); CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = nullptr; if (pObj->IsDictionary()) pDict = pObj->AsDictionary(); else if (CPDF_Stream* pObjStream = pObj->AsStream()) pDict = pObjStream->GetDict(); else continue; CFX_Matrix m = pDict->GetMatrixFor("Matrix"); CFX_Matrix t = *(CFX_Matrix*)matrix; m.Concat(t); pDict->SetMatrixFor("Matrix", m); } } } return true; } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFPageObj_TransformClipPath(FPDF_PAGEOBJECT page_object, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f) { CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj = (CPDF_PageObject*)page_object; if (!pPageObj) return; CFX_Matrix matrix((FX_FLOAT)a, (FX_FLOAT)b, (FX_FLOAT)c, (FX_FLOAT)d, (FX_FLOAT)e, (FX_FLOAT)f); // Special treatment to shading object, because the ClipPath for shading // object is already transformed. if (!pPageObj->IsShading()) pPageObj->TransformClipPath(matrix); pPageObj->TransformGeneralState(matrix); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_CLIPPATH STDCALL FPDF_CreateClipPath(float left, float bottom, float right, float top) { CPDF_Path Path; Path.AppendRect(left, bottom, right, top); CPDF_ClipPath* pNewClipPath = new CPDF_ClipPath(); pNewClipPath->AppendPath(Path, FXFILL_ALTERNATE, false); return pNewClipPath; } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_DestroyClipPath(FPDF_CLIPPATH clipPath) { delete (CPDF_ClipPath*)clipPath; } void OutputPath(CFX_ByteTextBuf& buf, CPDF_Path path) { const CFX_PathData* pPathData = path.GetObject(); if (!pPathData) return; FX_PATHPOINT* pPoints = pPathData->GetPoints(); if (path.IsRect()) { buf << (pPoints[0].m_PointX) << " " << (pPoints[0].m_PointY) << " " << (pPoints[2].m_PointX - pPoints[0].m_PointX) << " " << (pPoints[2].m_PointY - pPoints[0].m_PointY) << " re\n"; return; } CFX_ByteString temp; for (int i = 0; i < pPathData->GetPointCount(); i++) { buf << (pPoints[i].m_PointX) << " " << (pPoints[i].m_PointY); int point_type = pPoints[i].m_Flag & FXPT_TYPE; if (point_type == FXPT_MOVETO) { buf << " m\n"; } else if (point_type == FXPT_BEZIERTO) { buf << " " << (pPoints[i + 1].m_PointX) << " " << (pPoints[i + 1].m_PointY) << " " << (pPoints[i + 2].m_PointX) << " " << (pPoints[i + 2].m_PointY); if (pPoints[i + 2].m_Flag & FXPT_CLOSEFIGURE) buf << " c h\n"; else buf << " c\n"; i += 2; } else if (point_type == FXPT_LINETO) { if (pPoints[i].m_Flag & FXPT_CLOSEFIGURE) buf << " l h\n"; else buf << " l\n"; } } } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFPage_InsertClipPath(FPDF_PAGE page, FPDF_CLIPPATH clipPath) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage) return; CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDic = pPage->m_pFormDict; CPDF_Object* pContentObj = pPageDic ? pPageDic->GetObjectFor("Contents") : nullptr; if (!pContentObj) pContentObj = pPageDic ? pPageDic->GetArrayFor("Contents") : nullptr; if (!pContentObj) return; CFX_ByteTextBuf strClip; CPDF_ClipPath* pClipPath = (CPDF_ClipPath*)clipPath; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < pClipPath->GetPathCount(); i++) { CPDF_Path path = pClipPath->GetPath(i); int iClipType = pClipPath->GetClipType(i); if (path.GetPointCount() == 0) { // Empty clipping (totally clipped out) strClip << "0 0 m W n "; } else { OutputPath(strClip, path); if (iClipType == FXFILL_WINDING) strClip << "W n\n"; else strClip << "W* n\n"; } } CPDF_Document* pDoc = pPage->m_pDocument; if (!pDoc) return; CPDF_Dictionary* pDic = new CPDF_Dictionary(pDoc->GetByteStringPool()); CPDF_Stream* pStream = pDoc->NewIndirect(nullptr, 0, pDic); pStream->SetData(strClip.GetBuffer(), strClip.GetSize()); CPDF_Array* pArray = ToArray(pContentObj); if (pArray) { pArray->InsertNewAt(0, pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); return; } CPDF_Reference* pReference = ToReference(pContentObj); if (!pReference) return; CPDF_Object* pDirectObj = pReference->GetDirect(); if (!pDirectObj) return; CPDF_Array* pObjArray = pDirectObj->AsArray(); if (pObjArray) { pObjArray->InsertNewAt(0, pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); return; } if (pDirectObj->IsStream()) { CPDF_Array* pContentArray = pDoc->NewIndirect(); pContentArray->AddNew(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddNew(pDoc, pDirectObj->GetObjNum()); pPageDic->SetReferenceFor("Contents", pDoc, pContentArray); } }