// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "public/fpdf_annot.h" #include <memory> #include <utility> #include "core/fpdfapi/edit/cpdf_pagecontentgenerator.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_form.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_pageobject.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_name.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_number.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_string.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_annot.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_color.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_generateap.h" #include "fpdfsdk/fsdk_define.h" namespace { // These checks ensure the consistency of annotation subtype values across core/ // and public. static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::UNKNOWN) == FPDF_ANNOT_UNKNOWN, "CPDF_Annot::UNKNOWN value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::TEXT) == FPDF_ANNOT_TEXT, "CPDF_Annot::TEXT value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::LINK) == FPDF_ANNOT_LINK, "CPDF_Annot::LINK value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::FREETEXT) == FPDF_ANNOT_FREETEXT, "CPDF_Annot::FREETEXT value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::LINE) == FPDF_ANNOT_LINE, "CPDF_Annot::LINE value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::SQUARE) == FPDF_ANNOT_SQUARE, "CPDF_Annot::SQUARE value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::CIRCLE) == FPDF_ANNOT_CIRCLE, "CPDF_Annot::CIRCLE value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::POLYGON) == FPDF_ANNOT_POLYGON, "CPDF_Annot::POLYGON value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::POLYLINE) == FPDF_ANNOT_POLYLINE, "CPDF_Annot::POLYLINE value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::HIGHLIGHT) == FPDF_ANNOT_HIGHLIGHT, "CPDF_Annot::HIGHLIGHT value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::UNDERLINE) == FPDF_ANNOT_UNDERLINE, "CPDF_Annot::UNDERLINE value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::SQUIGGLY) == FPDF_ANNOT_SQUIGGLY, "CPDF_Annot::SQUIGGLY value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::STRIKEOUT) == FPDF_ANNOT_STRIKEOUT, "CPDF_Annot::STRIKEOUT value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::STAMP) == FPDF_ANNOT_STAMP, "CPDF_Annot::STAMP value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::CARET) == FPDF_ANNOT_CARET, "CPDF_Annot::CARET value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::INK) == FPDF_ANNOT_INK, "CPDF_Annot::INK value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::POPUP) == FPDF_ANNOT_POPUP, "CPDF_Annot::POPUP value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::FILEATTACHMENT) == FPDF_ANNOT_FILEATTACHMENT, "CPDF_Annot::FILEATTACHMENT value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::SOUND) == FPDF_ANNOT_SOUND, "CPDF_Annot::SOUND value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::MOVIE) == FPDF_ANNOT_MOVIE, "CPDF_Annot::MOVIE value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::WIDGET) == FPDF_ANNOT_WIDGET, "CPDF_Annot::WIDGET value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::SCREEN) == FPDF_ANNOT_SCREEN, "CPDF_Annot::SCREEN value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::PRINTERMARK) == FPDF_ANNOT_PRINTERMARK, "CPDF_Annot::PRINTERMARK value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::TRAPNET) == FPDF_ANNOT_TRAPNET, "CPDF_Annot::TRAPNET value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::WATERMARK) == FPDF_ANNOT_WATERMARK, "CPDF_Annot::WATERMARK value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::THREED) == FPDF_ANNOT_THREED, "CPDF_Annot::THREED value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::RICHMEDIA) == FPDF_ANNOT_RICHMEDIA, "CPDF_Annot::RICHMEDIA value mismatch"); static_assert(static_cast<int>(CPDF_Annot::Subtype::XFAWIDGET) == FPDF_ANNOT_XFAWIDGET, "CPDF_Annot::XFAWIDGET value mismatch"); class CPDF_AnnotContext { public: CPDF_AnnotContext(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict, CPDF_Page* pPage, CPDF_Stream* pStream) : m_pAnnotDict(pAnnotDict), m_pPage(pPage) { SetForm(pStream); } ~CPDF_AnnotContext() {} bool HasForm() const { return !!m_pAnnotForm; } void SetForm(CPDF_Stream* pStream) { if (!pStream) return; // Reset the annotation matrix to be the identity matrix, since the // appearance stream already takes matrix into account. pStream->GetDict()->SetMatrixFor("Matrix", CFX_Matrix()); m_pAnnotForm = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Form>( m_pPage->m_pDocument.Get(), m_pPage->m_pResources.Get(), pStream); m_pAnnotForm->ParseContent(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } CPDF_Form* GetForm() const { return m_pAnnotForm.get(); } CPDF_Dictionary* GetAnnotDict() const { return m_pAnnotDict.Get(); } CPDF_Page* GetPage() const { return m_pPage.Get(); } private: std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Form> m_pAnnotForm; CFX_UnownedPtr<CPDF_Dictionary> m_pAnnotDict; CFX_UnownedPtr<CPDF_Page> m_pPage; }; CPDF_AnnotContext* CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot) { return static_cast<CPDF_AnnotContext*>(annot); } bool HasAPStream(const CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) { return !!FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); } } // namespace DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_IsSupportedSubtype(FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE subtype) { // The supported subtypes must also be communicated in the user doc. return subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_CIRCLE || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_HIGHLIGHT || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_INK || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_POPUP || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_SQUARE || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_SQUIGGLY || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_STAMP || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_STRIKEOUT || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_TEXT || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_UNDERLINE; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_ANNOTATION STDCALL FPDFPage_CreateAnnot(FPDF_PAGE page, FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE subtype) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage || !FPDFAnnot_IsSupportedSubtype(subtype)) return nullptr; auto pDict = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_Dictionary>( pPage->m_pDocument->GetByteStringPool()); pDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("Type", "Annot"); pDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Name>("Subtype", CPDF_Annot::AnnotSubtypeToString( static_cast<CPDF_Annot::Subtype>(subtype))); auto pNewAnnot = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_AnnotContext>(pDict.get(), pPage, nullptr); CPDF_Array* pAnnotList = pPage->m_pFormDict->GetArrayFor("Annots"); if (!pAnnotList) pAnnotList = pPage->m_pFormDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Array>("Annots"); pAnnotList->Add(std::move(pDict)); return pNewAnnot.release(); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFPage_GetAnnotCount(FPDF_PAGE page) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage || !pPage->m_pFormDict) return 0; CPDF_Array* pAnnots = pPage->m_pFormDict->GetArrayFor("Annots"); return pAnnots ? pAnnots->GetCount() : 0; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_ANNOTATION STDCALL FPDFPage_GetAnnot(FPDF_PAGE page, int index) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage || !pPage->m_pFormDict || index < 0) return nullptr; CPDF_Array* pAnnots = pPage->m_pFormDict->GetArrayFor("Annots"); if (!pAnnots || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= pAnnots->GetCount()) return nullptr; CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = ToDictionary(pAnnots->GetDirectObjectAt(index)); auto pNewAnnot = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPDF_AnnotContext>(pDict, pPage, nullptr); return pNewAnnot.release(); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFPage_CloseAnnot(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot) { delete CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFPage_RemoveAnnot(FPDF_PAGE page, int index) { CPDF_Page* pPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPage || !pPage->m_pFormDict || index < 0) return false; CPDF_Array* pAnnots = pPage->m_pFormDict->GetArrayFor("Annots"); if (!pAnnots || static_cast<size_t>(index) >= pAnnots->GetCount()) return false; pAnnots->RemoveAt(index); return true; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE STDCALL FPDFAnnot_GetSubtype(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot) { if (!annot) return FPDF_ANNOT_UNKNOWN; CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return FPDF_ANNOT_UNKNOWN; return static_cast<FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE>( CPDF_Annot::StringToAnnotSubtype(pAnnotDict->GetStringFor("Subtype"))); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_UpdatePathObject(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, FPDF_PAGEOBJECT path) { CPDF_AnnotContext* pAnnot = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot); CPDF_PageObject* pPathObj = CPDFPageObjectFromFPDFPageObject(path); if (!pAnnot || !pAnnot->GetAnnotDict() || !pAnnot->HasForm() || !pPathObj || !pPathObj->IsPath()) return false; // Check that the annotation type is supported by this method. FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE subtype = FPDFAnnot_GetSubtype(annot); if (subtype != FPDF_ANNOT_INK && subtype != FPDF_ANNOT_STAMP) return false; // Check that the annotation already has an appearance stream, since an // existing path object is to be updated. CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(pAnnot->GetAnnotDict(), CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (!pStream) return false; // Check that the path object is already in this annotation's object list. CPDF_PageObjectList* pObjList = pAnnot->GetForm()->GetPageObjectList(); auto it = std::find_if( pObjList->begin(), pObjList->end(), [pPathObj](const std::unique_ptr<CPDF_PageObject>& candidate) { return candidate.get() == pPathObj; }); if (it == pObjList->end()) return false; // Update the content stream data in the annotation's AP stream. CPDF_PageContentGenerator generator(pAnnot->GetForm()); std::ostringstream buf; generator.ProcessPageObjects(&buf); pStream->SetData(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf.str().c_str()), buf.tellp()); return true; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_AppendPathObject(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, FPDF_PAGEOBJECT path) { CPDF_AnnotContext* pAnnot = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot); CPDF_PageObject* pPathObj = CPDFPageObjectFromFPDFPageObject(path); if (!pAnnot || !pPathObj || !pPathObj->IsPath()) return false; CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = pAnnot->GetAnnotDict(); CPDF_Page* pPage = pAnnot->GetPage(); if (!pAnnotDict || !pPage) return false; // Check that the annotation type is supported by this method. FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE subtype = FPDFAnnot_GetSubtype(annot); if (subtype != FPDF_ANNOT_INK && subtype != FPDF_ANNOT_STAMP) return false; // If the annotation does not have an AP stream yet, generate and set it. CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(pAnnot->GetAnnotDict(), CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (!pStream) { auto pExtGStateDict = CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateExtGStateDict(*pAnnotDict, "GS", "Normal"); auto pResourceDict = CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateResourceDict( pPage->m_pDocument.Get(), std::move(pExtGStateDict), nullptr); std::ostringstream sStream; CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateAndSetAPDict(pPage->m_pDocument.Get(), pAnnotDict, &sStream, std::move(pResourceDict), false); pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (!pStream) return false; } // Get the annotation's corresponding form object for parsing its AP stream. if (!pAnnot->HasForm()) pAnnot->SetForm(pStream); CPDF_Form* pForm = pAnnot->GetForm(); // Check that the path object did not come from the same annotation. If this // check succeeds, then it is assumed that the path object came from // FPDFPageObj_CreateNewPath(). Note that a path object that came from a // different annotation must not be passed here, since a path object cannot // belong to more than one annotation. CPDF_PageObjectList* pObjList = pForm->GetPageObjectList(); auto it = std::find_if( pObjList->begin(), pObjList->end(), [pPathObj](const std::unique_ptr<CPDF_PageObject>& candidate) { return candidate.get() == pPathObj; }); if (it != pObjList->end()) return false; // Append the path object to the object list. std::unique_ptr<CPDF_PageObject> pPageObjHolder(pPathObj); pObjList->push_back(std::move(pPageObjHolder)); // Set the content stream data in the annotation's AP stream. CPDF_PageContentGenerator generator(pForm); std::ostringstream buf; generator.ProcessPageObjects(&buf); pStream->SetData(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf.str().c_str()), buf.tellp()); return true; } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFAnnot_GetPathObjectCount(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot) { CPDF_AnnotContext* pAnnot = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot); if (!pAnnot) return 0; if (!pAnnot->HasForm()) { CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP( pAnnot->GetAnnotDict(), CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (!pStream) return 0; pAnnot->SetForm(pStream); } int pathCount = 0; for (const auto& pObj : *pAnnot->GetForm()->GetPageObjectList()) { if (pObj && pObj->IsPath()) ++pathCount; } return pathCount; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_PAGEOBJECT STDCALL FPDFAnnot_GetPathObject(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, int index) { CPDF_AnnotContext* pAnnot = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot); if (!pAnnot || index < 0) return nullptr; if (!pAnnot->HasForm()) { CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP( pAnnot->GetAnnotDict(), CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (!pStream) return nullptr; pAnnot->SetForm(pStream); } const CPDF_PageObjectList* pObjList = pAnnot->GetForm()->GetPageObjectList(); if (static_cast<size_t>(index) >= pObjList->size()) return nullptr; // Retrieve the path object located at |index| in the list of path objects. // Note that the list of path objects is a sublist of the page object list, // consisting of only path objects specifically. int pathCount = -1; for (const auto& pObj : *pObjList) { if (pObj && pObj->IsPath()) { ++pathCount; if (pathCount == index) return pObj.get(); } } return nullptr; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_SetColor(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, FPDFANNOT_COLORTYPE type, unsigned int R, unsigned int G, unsigned int B, unsigned int A) { if (!annot || R > 255 || G > 255 || B > 255 || A > 255) return false; CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return false; // For annotations with their appearance streams already defined, the path // stream's own color definitions take priority over the annotation color // definitions set by this method, hence this method will simply fail. if (HasAPStream(pAnnotDict)) return false; // Set the opacity of the annotation. pAnnotDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Number>("CA", A / 255.f); // Set the color of the annotation. CFX_ByteString key = type == FPDFANNOT_COLORTYPE_InteriorColor ? "IC" : "C"; CPDF_Array* pColor = pAnnotDict->GetArrayFor(key); if (pColor) pColor->Clear(); else pColor = pAnnotDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Array>(key); pColor->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(R / 255.f); pColor->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(G / 255.f); pColor->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(B / 255.f); return true; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_GetColor(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, FPDFANNOT_COLORTYPE type, unsigned int* R, unsigned int* G, unsigned int* B, unsigned int* A) { if (!annot || !R || !G || !B || !A) return false; CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return false; // For annotations with their appearance streams already defined, the path // stream's own color definitions take priority over the annotation color // definitions retrieved by this method, hence this method will simply fail. if (HasAPStream(pAnnotDict)) return false; CPDF_Array* pColor = pAnnotDict->GetArrayFor( type == FPDFANNOT_COLORTYPE_InteriorColor ? "IC" : "C"); *A = (pAnnotDict->KeyExist("CA") ? pAnnotDict->GetNumberFor("CA") : 1) * 255.f; if (!pColor) { // Use default color. The default colors must be consistent with the ones // used to generate AP. See calls to GetColorStringWithDefault() in // CPVT_GenerateAP::Generate*AP(). if (pAnnotDict->GetStringFor("Subtype") == "Highlight") { *R = 255; *G = 255; *B = 0; } else { *R = 0; *G = 0; *B = 0; } return true; } CPVT_Color color = CPVT_Color::ParseColor(*pColor); switch (color.nColorType) { case CPVT_Color::kRGB: *R = color.fColor1 * 255.f; *G = color.fColor2 * 255.f; *B = color.fColor3 * 255.f; break; case CPVT_Color::kGray: *R = 255.f * color.fColor1; *G = 255.f * color.fColor1; *B = 255.f * color.fColor1; break; case CPVT_Color::kCMYK: *R = 255.f * (1 - color.fColor1) * (1 - color.fColor4); *G = 255.f * (1 - color.fColor2) * (1 - color.fColor4); *B = 255.f * (1 - color.fColor3) * (1 - color.fColor4); break; case CPVT_Color::kTransparent: *R = 0; *G = 0; *B = 0; break; } return true; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_HasAttachmentPoints(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot) { if (!annot) return false; FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE subtype = FPDFAnnot_GetSubtype(annot); return subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_LINK || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_HIGHLIGHT || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_UNDERLINE || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_SQUIGGLY || subtype == FPDF_ANNOT_STRIKEOUT; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_SetAttachmentPoints(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, const FS_QUADPOINTSF* quadPoints) { if (!annot || !quadPoints || !FPDFAnnot_HasAttachmentPoints(annot)) return false; CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return false; // Update the "QuadPoints" entry in the annotation dictionary. CPDF_Array* pQuadPoints = pAnnotDict->GetArrayFor("QuadPoints"); if (pQuadPoints) pQuadPoints->Clear(); else pQuadPoints = pAnnotDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Array>("QuadPoints"); pQuadPoints->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(quadPoints->x1); pQuadPoints->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(quadPoints->y1); pQuadPoints->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(quadPoints->x2); pQuadPoints->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(quadPoints->y2); pQuadPoints->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(quadPoints->x3); pQuadPoints->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(quadPoints->y3); pQuadPoints->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(quadPoints->x4); pQuadPoints->AddNew<CPDF_Number>(quadPoints->y4); // If the annotation's appearance stream is defined, and the new quadpoints // defines a bigger bounding box than the appearance stream currently // specifies, then update the "BBox" entry in the AP dictionary too, since it // comes from annotation dictionary's "QuadPoints" entry. CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (pStream) { CFX_FloatRect newRect = CPDF_Annot::RectFromQuadPoints(pAnnotDict); if (newRect.Contains(pStream->GetDict()->GetRectFor("BBox"))) pStream->GetDict()->SetRectFor("BBox", newRect); } return true; } DLLEXPORT FS_QUADPOINTSF STDCALL FPDFAnnot_GetAttachmentPoints(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot) { if (!annot || !FPDFAnnot_HasAttachmentPoints(annot)) return FS_QUADPOINTSF(); CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return FS_QUADPOINTSF(); // If the annotation's appearance stream is defined, then retrieve the // quadpoints defined by the "BBox" entry in the AP dictionary, since its // "BBox" entry comes from annotation dictionary's "QuadPoints" entry, but // takes priority over "QuadPoints" when rendering. Otherwise, retrieve // the "Quadpoints" entry from the annotation dictionary. CPDF_Array* pArray; FS_QUADPOINTSF quadPoints; CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (pStream) { pArray = pStream->GetDict()->GetArrayFor("BBox"); if (!pArray) return FS_QUADPOINTSF(); // Convert the BBox array into quadpoint coordinates. BBox array follows the // order of a rectangle array: (left, bottom, right, up); and quadpoints // follows the following order: (top-left vertex, top-right vertex, bottom- // left vertex, bottom-right vertex). quadPoints.x1 = pArray->GetNumberAt(0); quadPoints.y1 = pArray->GetNumberAt(3); quadPoints.x2 = pArray->GetNumberAt(2); quadPoints.y2 = pArray->GetNumberAt(3); quadPoints.x3 = pArray->GetNumberAt(0); quadPoints.y3 = pArray->GetNumberAt(1); quadPoints.x4 = pArray->GetNumberAt(2); quadPoints.y4 = pArray->GetNumberAt(1); } else { pArray = pAnnotDict->GetArrayFor("QuadPoints"); if (!pArray) return FS_QUADPOINTSF(); quadPoints.x1 = pArray->GetNumberAt(0); quadPoints.y1 = pArray->GetNumberAt(1); quadPoints.x2 = pArray->GetNumberAt(2); quadPoints.y2 = pArray->GetNumberAt(3); quadPoints.x3 = pArray->GetNumberAt(4); quadPoints.y3 = pArray->GetNumberAt(5); quadPoints.x4 = pArray->GetNumberAt(6); quadPoints.y4 = pArray->GetNumberAt(7); } return quadPoints; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_SetRect(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, const FS_RECTF* rect) { if (!annot || !rect) return false; CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return false; CFX_FloatRect newRect(rect->left, rect->bottom, rect->right, rect->top); // Update the "Rect" entry in the annotation dictionary. pAnnotDict->SetRectFor("Rect", newRect); // If the annotation's appearance stream is defined, the annotation is of a // type that does not have quadpoints, and the new rectangle is bigger than // the current bounding box, then update the "BBox" entry in the AP // dictionary too, since its "BBox" entry comes from annotation dictionary's // "Rect" entry. if (FPDFAnnot_HasAttachmentPoints(annot)) return true; CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (pStream && newRect.Contains(pStream->GetDict()->GetRectFor("BBox"))) pStream->GetDict()->SetRectFor("BBox", newRect); return true; } DLLEXPORT FS_RECTF STDCALL FPDFAnnot_GetRect(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot) { if (!annot) return FS_RECTF(); CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return FS_RECTF(); // If the annotation's appearance stream is defined and the annotation is of // a type that does not have quadpoints, then retrieve the rectangle defined // by the "BBox" entry in the AP dictionary, since its "BBox" entry comes // from annotation dictionary's "Rect" entry, but takes priority over "Rect" // when rendering. Otherwise, retrieve the "Rect" entry from the annotation // dictionary. CFX_FloatRect rt; CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(pAnnotDict, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode::Normal); if (!pStream || FPDFAnnot_HasAttachmentPoints(annot)) rt = pAnnotDict->GetRectFor("Rect"); else rt = pStream->GetDict()->GetRectFor("BBox"); FS_RECTF rect; rect.left = rt.left; rect.bottom = rt.bottom; rect.right = rt.right; rect.top = rt.top; return rect; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFAnnot_SetText(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, FPDFANNOT_TEXTTYPE type, FPDF_WIDESTRING text) { if (!annot) return false; CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return false; CFX_ByteString key = type == FPDFANNOT_TEXTTYPE_Author ? "T" : "Contents"; FX_STRSIZE len = CFX_WideString::WStringLength(text); CFX_WideString encodedText = CFX_WideString::FromUTF16LE(text, len); pAnnotDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_String>(key, encodedText.UTF8Encode(), false); return true; } DLLEXPORT unsigned long STDCALL FPDFAnnot_GetText(FPDF_ANNOTATION annot, FPDFANNOT_TEXTTYPE type, void* buffer, unsigned long buflen) { if (!annot) return 0; CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict = CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation(annot)->GetAnnotDict(); if (!pAnnotDict) return 0; CFX_ByteString key = type == FPDFANNOT_TEXTTYPE_Author ? "T" : "Contents"; CFX_ByteString contents = pAnnotDict->GetUnicodeTextFor(key).UTF16LE_Encode(); unsigned long len = contents.GetLength(); if (buffer && buflen >= len) memcpy(buffer, contents.c_str(), len); return len; }