// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/cpdfxfa_app.h" #include <memory> #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_formfillenvironment.h" #include "fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/cxfa_fwladaptertimermgr.h" #include "fpdfsdk/fsdk_define.h" #include "fpdfsdk/javascript/cjs_runtime.h" #include "fxjs/fxjs_v8.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/xfa_ffapp.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/xfa_fontmgr.h" CPDFXFA_App::CPDFXFA_App() { m_pXFAApp = pdfium::MakeUnique<CXFA_FFApp>(this); m_pXFAApp->SetDefaultFontMgr(pdfium::MakeUnique<CXFA_DefFontMgr>()); } CPDFXFA_App::~CPDFXFA_App() {} v8::Isolate* CPDFXFA_App::GetJSERuntime() const { if (!m_pFormFillEnv) return nullptr; // XFA requires V8, if we have V8 then we have a CJS_Runtime and not the stub. CJS_Runtime* runtime = static_cast<CJS_Runtime*>(m_pFormFillEnv->GetJSRuntime()); return runtime->GetIsolate(); } void CPDFXFA_App::SetFormFillEnv(CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* pFormFillEnv) { m_pFormFillEnv = pFormFillEnv; } void CPDFXFA_App::GetAppName(CFX_WideString& wsName) { if (m_pFormFillEnv) wsName = m_pFormFillEnv->FFI_GetAppName(); } void CPDFXFA_App::GetLanguage(CFX_WideString& wsLanguage) { if (m_pFormFillEnv) wsLanguage = m_pFormFillEnv->GetLanguage(); } void CPDFXFA_App::GetPlatform(CFX_WideString& wsPlatform) { if (m_pFormFillEnv) { wsPlatform = m_pFormFillEnv->GetPlatform(); } } void CPDFXFA_App::Beep(uint32_t dwType) { if (m_pFormFillEnv) m_pFormFillEnv->JS_appBeep(dwType); } int32_t CPDFXFA_App::MsgBox(const CFX_WideString& wsMessage, const CFX_WideString& wsTitle, uint32_t dwIconType, uint32_t dwButtonType) { if (!m_pFormFillEnv) return -1; uint32_t iconType = 0; int iButtonType = 0; switch (dwIconType) { case XFA_MBICON_Error: iconType |= 0; break; case XFA_MBICON_Warning: iconType |= 1; break; case XFA_MBICON_Question: iconType |= 2; break; case XFA_MBICON_Status: iconType |= 3; break; } switch (dwButtonType) { case XFA_MB_OK: iButtonType |= 0; break; case XFA_MB_OKCancel: iButtonType |= 1; break; case XFA_MB_YesNo: iButtonType |= 2; break; case XFA_MB_YesNoCancel: iButtonType |= 3; break; } int32_t iRet = m_pFormFillEnv->JS_appAlert(wsMessage.c_str(), wsTitle.c_str(), iButtonType, iconType); switch (iRet) { case 1: return XFA_IDOK; case 2: return XFA_IDCancel; case 3: return XFA_IDNo; case 4: return XFA_IDYes; } return XFA_IDYes; } CFX_WideString CPDFXFA_App::Response(const CFX_WideString& wsQuestion, const CFX_WideString& wsTitle, const CFX_WideString& wsDefaultAnswer, FX_BOOL bMark) { CFX_WideString wsAnswer; if (!m_pFormFillEnv) return wsAnswer; int nLength = 2048; char* pBuff = new char[nLength]; nLength = m_pFormFillEnv->JS_appResponse(wsQuestion.c_str(), wsTitle.c_str(), wsDefaultAnswer.c_str(), nullptr, bMark, pBuff, nLength); if (nLength > 0) { nLength = nLength > 2046 ? 2046 : nLength; pBuff[nLength] = 0; pBuff[nLength + 1] = 0; wsAnswer = CFX_WideString::FromUTF16LE( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned short*>(pBuff), nLength / sizeof(unsigned short)); } delete[] pBuff; return wsAnswer; } IFX_SeekableReadStream* CPDFXFA_App::DownloadURL(const CFX_WideString& wsURL) { return m_pFormFillEnv ? m_pFormFillEnv->DownloadFromURL(wsURL.c_str()) : nullptr; } FX_BOOL CPDFXFA_App::PostRequestURL(const CFX_WideString& wsURL, const CFX_WideString& wsData, const CFX_WideString& wsContentType, const CFX_WideString& wsEncode, const CFX_WideString& wsHeader, CFX_WideString& wsResponse) { if (!m_pFormFillEnv) return FALSE; wsResponse = m_pFormFillEnv->PostRequestURL( wsURL.c_str(), wsData.c_str(), wsContentType.c_str(), wsEncode.c_str(), wsHeader.c_str()); return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CPDFXFA_App::PutRequestURL(const CFX_WideString& wsURL, const CFX_WideString& wsData, const CFX_WideString& wsEncode) { return m_pFormFillEnv && m_pFormFillEnv->PutRequestURL(wsURL.c_str(), wsData.c_str(), wsEncode.c_str()); } void CPDFXFA_App::LoadString(int32_t iStringID, CFX_WideString& wsString) { switch (iStringID) { case XFA_IDS_ValidateFailed: wsString = L"%s validation failed"; return; case XFA_IDS_CalcOverride: wsString = L"Calculate Override"; return; case XFA_IDS_ModifyField: wsString = L"Are you sure you want to modify this field?"; return; case XFA_IDS_NotModifyField: wsString = L"You are not allowed to modify this field."; return; case XFA_IDS_AppName: wsString = L"pdfium"; return; case XFA_IDS_Unable_TO_SET: wsString = L"Unable to set "; return; case XFA_IDS_INVAlID_PROP_SET: wsString = L"Invalid property set operation."; return; case XFA_IDS_NOT_DEFAUL_VALUE: wsString = L" doesn't have a default property."; return; case XFA_IDS_UNABLE_SET_LANGUAGE: wsString = L"Unable to set language value."; return; case XFA_IDS_UNABLE_SET_NUMPAGES: wsString = L"Unable to set numPages value."; return; case XFA_IDS_UNABLE_SET_PLATFORM: wsString = L"Unable to set platform value."; return; case XFA_IDS_UNABLE_SET_VARIATION: wsString = L"Unable to set variation value."; return; case XFA_IDS_UNABLE_SET_VERSION: wsString = L"Unable to set version value."; return; case XFA_IDS_UNABLE_SET_READY: wsString = L"Unable to set ready value."; return; case XFA_IDS_COMPILER_ERROR: wsString = L"Compiler error."; return; case XFA_IDS_DIVIDE_ZERO: wsString = L"Divide by zero."; return; case XFA_IDS_ACCESS_PROPERTY_IN_NOT_OBJECT: wsString = L"An attempt was made to reference property '%s' of a non-object in " L"SOM expression %s."; return; case XFA_IDS_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: wsString = L"Index value is out of bounds."; return; case XFA_IDS_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_METHOD: wsString = L"Incorrect number of parameters calling method '%s'."; return; case XFA_IDS_ARGUMENT_MISMATCH: wsString = L"Argument mismatch in property or function argument."; return; case XFA_IDS_NOT_HAVE_PROPERTY: wsString = L"'%s' doesn't have property '%s'."; return; case XFA_IDS_VIOLATE_BOUNDARY: wsString = L"The element [%s] has violated its allowable number of occurrences."; return; case XFA_IDS_SERVER_DENY: wsString = L"Server does not permit."; return; case XFA_IDS_ValidateLimit: wsString = L"Message limit exceeded. Remaining %d validation errors not " L"reported."; return; case XFA_IDS_ValidateNullWarning: wsString = L"%s cannot be blank. To ignore validations for %s, click Ignore."; return; case XFA_IDS_ValidateNullError: wsString = L"%s cannot be blank."; return; case XFA_IDS_ValidateWarning: wsString = L"The value you entered for %s is invalid. To ignore validations for " L"%s, click Ignore."; return; case XFA_IDS_ValidateError: wsString = L"The value you entered for %s is invalid."; return; } } IFWL_AdapterTimerMgr* CPDFXFA_App::GetTimerMgr() { CXFA_FWLAdapterTimerMgr* pAdapter = nullptr; if (m_pFormFillEnv) pAdapter = new CXFA_FWLAdapterTimerMgr(m_pFormFillEnv); return pAdapter; }