// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef FPDFSDK_FPDFXFA_CPDFXFA_DOCUMENT_H_ #define FPDFSDK_FPDFXFA_CPDFXFA_DOCUMENT_H_ #include <memory> #include "fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/cpdfxfa_docenvironment.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/xfa_ffdoc.h" class CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment; class CPDFXFA_App; class CPDFXFA_Page; class CXFA_FFDocHandler; class IJS_Runtime; class IJS_Context; enum LoadStatus { FXFA_LOADSTATUS_PRELOAD = 0, FXFA_LOADSTATUS_LOADING, FXFA_LOADSTATUS_LOADED, FXFA_LOADSTATUS_CLOSING, FXFA_LOADSTATUS_CLOSED }; class CPDFXFA_Document { public: CPDFXFA_Document(std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Document> pPDFDoc, CPDFXFA_App* pProvider); ~CPDFXFA_Document(); FX_BOOL LoadXFADoc(); CPDF_Document* GetPDFDoc() { return m_pPDFDoc.get(); } CXFA_FFDoc* GetXFADoc() { return m_pXFADoc.get(); } CXFA_FFDocView* GetXFADocView() { return m_pXFADocView; } int GetDocType() const { return m_iDocType; } CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* GetFormFillEnv() const { return m_pFormFillEnv; } void SetFormFillEnv(CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* pFormFillEnv) { m_pFormFillEnv = pFormFillEnv; } void DeletePage(int page_index); int GetPageCount() const; CPDFXFA_Page* GetXFAPage(int page_index); CPDFXFA_Page* GetXFAPage(CXFA_FFPageView* pPage) const; void RemovePage(CPDFXFA_Page* page); void ClearChangeMark(); protected: friend class CPDFXFA_DocEnvironment; int GetOriginalPageCount() const { return m_nPageCount; } void SetOriginalPageCount(int count) { m_nPageCount = count; m_XFAPageList.SetSize(count); } LoadStatus GetLoadStatus() const { return m_nLoadStatus; } CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDFXFA_Page*>* GetXFAPageList() { return &m_XFAPageList; } private: void CloseXFADoc(CXFA_FFDocHandler* pDoc) { if (pDoc) { m_pXFADoc->CloseDoc(); m_pXFADoc.reset(); m_pXFADocView = nullptr; } } int m_iDocType; std::unique_ptr<CPDF_Document> m_pPDFDoc; std::unique_ptr<CXFA_FFDoc> m_pXFADoc; CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* m_pFormFillEnv; // not owned. CXFA_FFDocView* m_pXFADocView; // not owned. CPDFXFA_App* const m_pApp; CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDFXFA_Page*> m_XFAPageList; LoadStatus m_nLoadStatus; int m_nPageCount; // Must be destroyed before |m_pFormFillEnv|. CPDFXFA_DocEnvironment m_DocEnv; }; #endif // FPDFSDK_FPDFXFA_CPDFXFA_DOCUMENT_H_