// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com


class CPDFXFA_Page;

class CPDFXFA_Page : public CFX_Object 
	CPDFXFA_Page(CPDFXFA_Document* pDoc, int page_index);

	void		Release();
	void		AddRef(){ m_iRef ++; }
	FX_BOOL		LoadPage();
	FX_BOOL		LoadPDFPage(CPDF_Dictionary* pageDict);
	CPDFXFA_Document* GetDocument() { return m_pDocument; }
	int			GetPageIndex() { return m_iPageIndex; }
	CPDF_Page*	GetPDFPage() { return m_pPDFPage; }
	IXFA_PageView* GetXFAPageView() { return m_pXFAPageView; }

	FX_FLOAT	GetPageWidth();
	FX_FLOAT	GetPageHeight();

	void		DeviceToPage(int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, 
							 int rotate, int device_x, int device_y, double* page_x, double* page_y);
	void		PageToDevice(int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y,
							 int rotate, double page_x, double page_y, int* device_x, int* device_y);

	void		GetDisplayMatrix(CFX_AffineMatrix& matrix, int xPos, int yPos, 
								 int xSize, int ySize, int iRotate) const;

	FX_BOOL		LoadPDFPage();
	FX_BOOL		LoadXFAPageView();

	CPDF_Page*	m_pPDFPage;
	IXFA_PageView* m_pXFAPageView;
	int m_iPageIndex;
	CPDFXFA_Document* m_pDocument;
	int m_iRef;
