// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef FPDFSDK_INCLUDE_FX_SYSTEMHANDLER_H_ #define FPDFSDK_INCLUDE_FX_SYSTEMHANDLER_H_ typedef void* FX_HWND; typedef void* FX_HMENU; typedef void (*TimerCallback)(int32_t idEvent); typedef struct _FX_SYSTEMTIME { _FX_SYSTEMTIME() : wYear(0), wMonth(0), wDayOfWeek(0), wDay(0), wHour(0), wMinute(0), wSecond(0), wMilliseconds(0) {} FX_WORD wYear; FX_WORD wMonth; FX_WORD wDayOfWeek; FX_WORD wDay; FX_WORD wHour; FX_WORD wMinute; FX_WORD wSecond; FX_WORD wMilliseconds; } FX_SYSTEMTIME; // cursor style #define FXCT_ARROW 0 #define FXCT_NESW 1 #define FXCT_NWSE 2 #define FXCT_VBEAM 3 #define FXCT_HBEAM 4 #define FXCT_HAND 5 class IFX_SystemHandler { public: virtual ~IFX_SystemHandler() {} virtual void InvalidateRect(FX_HWND hWnd, FX_RECT rect) = 0; virtual void OutputSelectedRect(void* pFormFiller, CPDF_Rect& rect) = 0; virtual FX_BOOL IsSelectionImplemented() = 0; virtual CFX_WideString GetClipboardText(FX_HWND hWnd) = 0; virtual FX_BOOL SetClipboardText(FX_HWND hWnd, CFX_WideString string) = 0; virtual void ClientToScreen(FX_HWND hWnd, int32_t& x, int32_t& y) = 0; virtual void ScreenToClient(FX_HWND hWnd, int32_t& x, int32_t& y) = 0; /*cursor style FXCT_ARROW FXCT_NESW FXCT_NWSE FXCT_VBEAM FXCT_HBEAM FXCT_HAND */ virtual void SetCursor(int32_t nCursorType) = 0; virtual FX_HMENU CreatePopupMenu() = 0; virtual FX_BOOL AppendMenuItem(FX_HMENU hMenu, int32_t nIDNewItem, CFX_WideString string) = 0; virtual FX_BOOL EnableMenuItem(FX_HMENU hMenu, int32_t nIDItem, FX_BOOL bEnabled) = 0; virtual int32_t TrackPopupMenu(FX_HMENU hMenu, int32_t x, int32_t y, FX_HWND hParent) = 0; virtual void DestroyMenu(FX_HMENU hMenu) = 0; virtual CFX_ByteString GetNativeTrueTypeFont(int32_t nCharset) = 0; virtual FX_BOOL FindNativeTrueTypeFont(int32_t nCharset, CFX_ByteString sFontFaceName) = 0; virtual CPDF_Font* AddNativeTrueTypeFontToPDF(CPDF_Document* pDoc, CFX_ByteString sFontFaceName, uint8_t nCharset) = 0; virtual int32_t SetTimer(int32_t uElapse, TimerCallback lpTimerFunc) = 0; virtual void KillTimer(int32_t nID) = 0; virtual FX_BOOL IsSHIFTKeyDown(FX_DWORD nFlag) = 0; virtual FX_BOOL IsCTRLKeyDown(FX_DWORD nFlag) = 0; virtual FX_BOOL IsALTKeyDown(FX_DWORD nFlag) = 0; virtual FX_BOOL IsINSERTKeyDown(FX_DWORD nFlag) = 0; virtual FX_SYSTEMTIME GetLocalTime() = 0; virtual int32_t GetCharSet() = 0; virtual void SetCharSet(int32_t nCharSet) = 0; }; #endif // FPDFSDK_INCLUDE_FX_SYSTEMHANDLER_H_