// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef FPDFSDK_INCLUDE_JAVASCRIPT_JS_OBJECT_H_ #define FPDFSDK_INCLUDE_JAVASCRIPT_JS_OBJECT_H_ #include <map> #include "../../../third_party/base/nonstd_unique_ptr.h" #include "../fsdk_define.h" // For FX_UINT #include "../fsdk_mgr.h" // For CPDFDoc_Environment #include "../fx_systemhandler.h" // For IFX_SystemHandler #include "../jsapi/fxjs_v8.h" class CPDFSDK_PageView; class CJS_Context; class CJS_Object; class CJS_Runtime; class CJS_Timer; class CJS_EmbedObj { public: explicit CJS_EmbedObj(CJS_Object* pJSObject); virtual ~CJS_EmbedObj(); virtual void TimerProc(CJS_Timer* pTimer) {} CJS_Timer* BeginTimer(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp, FX_UINT nElapse); void EndTimer(CJS_Timer* pTimer); CJS_Object* GetJSObject() const { return m_pJSObject; } CPDFSDK_PageView* JSGetPageView(IFXJS_Context* cc); int MsgBox(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp, CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, const FX_WCHAR* swMsg, const FX_WCHAR* swTitle = NULL, FX_UINT nType = 0, FX_UINT nIcon = 0); void Alert(CJS_Context* pContext, const FX_WCHAR* swMsg); protected: CJS_Object* m_pJSObject; }; class CJS_Object { public: explicit CJS_Object(JSFXObject pObject); virtual ~CJS_Object(); void MakeWeak(); void Dispose(); virtual FX_BOOL IsType(const FX_CHAR* sClassName) { return TRUE; } virtual CFX_ByteString GetClassName() { return ""; } virtual FX_BOOL InitInstance(IFXJS_Context* cc) { return TRUE; } virtual FX_BOOL ExitInstance() { return TRUE; } operator JSFXObject() { return v8::Local<v8::Object>::New(m_pIsolate, m_pObject); } // Takes ownership of |pObj|. void SetEmbedObject(CJS_EmbedObj* pObj) { m_pEmbedObj.reset(pObj); } CJS_EmbedObj* GetEmbedObject() const { return m_pEmbedObj.get(); } static CPDFSDK_PageView* JSGetPageView(IFXJS_Context* cc); static int MsgBox(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp, CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, const FX_WCHAR* swMsg, const FX_WCHAR* swTitle = NULL, FX_UINT nType = 0, FX_UINT nIcon = 0); static void Alert(CJS_Context* pContext, const FX_WCHAR* swMsg); v8::Isolate* GetIsolate() { return m_pIsolate; } protected: nonstd::unique_ptr<CJS_EmbedObj> m_pEmbedObj; v8::Global<v8::Object> m_pObject; v8::Isolate* m_pIsolate; }; class CJS_Timer { public: CJS_Timer(CJS_EmbedObj* pObj, CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp) : m_nTimerID(0), m_pEmbedObj(pObj), m_bProcessing(FALSE), m_dwStartTime(0), m_dwTimeOut(0), m_dwElapse(0), m_pRuntime(NULL), m_nType(0), m_pApp(pApp) {} virtual ~CJS_Timer() { KillJSTimer(); } public: FX_UINT SetJSTimer(FX_UINT nElapse); void KillJSTimer(); void SetType(int nType) { m_nType = nType; } int GetType() const { return m_nType; } void SetStartTime(FX_DWORD dwStartTime) { m_dwStartTime = dwStartTime; } FX_DWORD GetStartTime() const { return m_dwStartTime; } void SetTimeOut(FX_DWORD dwTimeOut) { m_dwTimeOut = dwTimeOut; } FX_DWORD GetTimeOut() const { return m_dwTimeOut; } void SetRuntime(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime) { m_pRuntime = pRuntime; } CJS_Runtime* GetRuntime() const { return m_pRuntime; } void SetJScript(const CFX_WideString& script) { m_swJScript = script; } CFX_WideString GetJScript() const { return m_swJScript; } static void TimerProc(int idEvent); private: using TimerMap = std::map<FX_UINT, CJS_Timer*>; static TimerMap* GetGlobalTimerMap(); FX_UINT m_nTimerID; CJS_EmbedObj* m_pEmbedObj; FX_BOOL m_bProcessing; // data FX_DWORD m_dwStartTime; FX_DWORD m_dwTimeOut; FX_DWORD m_dwElapse; CJS_Runtime* m_pRuntime; CFX_WideString m_swJScript; int m_nType; // 0:Interval; 1:TimeOut CPDFDoc_Environment* m_pApp; }; #endif // FPDFSDK_INCLUDE_JAVASCRIPT_JS_OBJECT_H_