// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com


#include "../../../core/include/fxcrt/fx_string.h"
#include "PWL_ListCtrl.h"
#include "PWL_Wnd.h"

class IPWL_IconList_Notify;
class CPWL_IconList_Item;
class CPWL_IconList_Content;
class CPWL_IconList;
class CPWL_Label;

class IPWL_IconList_Notify {
  virtual ~IPWL_IconList_Notify() {}
  virtual void OnNoteListSelChanged(int32_t nItemIndex) = 0;

class CPWL_IconList_Item : public CPWL_Wnd {
  virtual ~CPWL_IconList_Item();

  virtual CFX_ByteString GetClassName() const;
  virtual void CreateChildWnd(const PWL_CREATEPARAM& cp);
  virtual void RePosChildWnd();

  void SetSelect(FX_BOOL bSelected);
  FX_BOOL IsSelected() const;
  void SetData(void* pData);
  void SetIcon(int32_t nIconIndex);
  void SetText(const CFX_WideString& str);
  void SetIconFillColor(const CPWL_Color& color);
  CFX_WideString GetText() const;

  virtual FX_FLOAT GetItemHeight(FX_FLOAT fLimitWidth);
  virtual void DrawThisAppearance(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
                                  CPDF_Matrix* pUser2Device);

  virtual void OnEnabled();
  virtual void OnDisabled();

  int32_t m_nIconIndex;
  void* m_pData;
  FX_BOOL m_bSelected;
  CPWL_Label* m_pText;
  CPWL_Color m_crIcon;

class CPWL_IconList_Content : public CPWL_ListCtrl {
  CPWL_IconList_Content(int32_t nListCount);
  virtual ~CPWL_IconList_Content();

  void SetSelect(int32_t nIndex);
  int32_t GetSelect() const;
  void SetNotify(IPWL_IconList_Notify* pNotify);
  void EnableNotify(FX_BOOL bNotify);
  void SetListData(int32_t nItemIndex, void* pData);
  void SetListIcon(int32_t nItemIndex, int32_t nIconIndex);
  void SetListString(int32_t nItemIndex, const CFX_WideString& str);
  void SetIconFillColor(const CPWL_Color& color);
  CFX_WideString GetListString(int32_t nItemIndex) const;
  IPWL_IconList_Notify* GetNotify() const;
  void ScrollToItem(int32_t nItemIndex);

  virtual void CreateChildWnd(const PWL_CREATEPARAM& cp);
  virtual FX_BOOL OnLButtonDown(const CPDF_Point& point, FX_DWORD nFlag);
  virtual FX_BOOL OnLButtonUp(const CPDF_Point& point, FX_DWORD nFlag);
  virtual FX_BOOL OnMouseMove(const CPDF_Point& point, FX_DWORD nFlag);
  virtual FX_BOOL OnKeyDown(FX_WORD nChar, FX_DWORD nFlag);

  CPWL_IconList_Item* GetListItem(int32_t nItemIndex) const;
  void SelectItem(int32_t nItemIndex, FX_BOOL bSelect);
  int32_t FindItemIndex(const CPDF_Point& point);

  int32_t m_nSelectIndex;
  IPWL_IconList_Notify* m_pNotify;
  FX_BOOL m_bEnableNotify;
  FX_BOOL m_bMouseDown;
  int32_t m_nListCount;

class CPWL_IconList : public CPWL_Wnd {
  CPWL_IconList(int32_t nListCount);
  virtual ~CPWL_IconList();

  virtual FX_BOOL OnMouseWheel(short zDelta,
                               const CPDF_Point& point,
                               FX_DWORD nFlag);

  void SetSelect(int32_t nIndex);
  void SetTopItem(int32_t nIndex);
  int32_t GetSelect() const;
  void SetNotify(IPWL_IconList_Notify* pNotify);
  void EnableNotify(FX_BOOL bNotify);
  void SetListData(int32_t nItemIndex, void* pData);
  void SetListIcon(int32_t nItemIndex, int32_t nIconIndex);
  void SetListString(int32_t nItemIndex, const CFX_WideString& str);
  void SetIconFillColor(const CPWL_Color& color);
  CFX_WideString GetListString(int32_t nItemIndex) const;

  virtual void OnCreated();
  virtual void RePosChildWnd();
  virtual void CreateChildWnd(const PWL_CREATEPARAM& cp);

  virtual void OnNotify(CPWL_Wnd* pWnd,
                        FX_DWORD msg,
                        intptr_t wParam = 0,
                        intptr_t lParam = 0);

  CPWL_IconList_Content* m_pListContent;
  int32_t m_nListCount;