// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com


#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/JS_Define.h"

class event : public CJS_EmbedObj {
  explicit event(CJS_Object* pJSObject);
  ~event() override;

  bool change(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool changeEx(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool commitKey(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool fieldFull(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool keyDown(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool modifier(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool name(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool rc(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool richChange(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool richChangeEx(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
                    CJS_PropValue& vp,
                    WideString& sError);
  bool richValue(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool selEnd(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool selStart(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool shift(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool source(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool target(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool targetName(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool type(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool value(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);
  bool willCommit(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, CJS_PropValue& vp, WideString& sError);

class CJS_Event : public CJS_Object {
  explicit CJS_Event(v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject) : CJS_Object(pObject) {}
  ~CJS_Event() override {}

  JS_STATIC_PROP(change, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(changeEx, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(commitKey, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(fieldFull, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(keyDown, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(modifier, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(name, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(rc, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(richChange, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(richChangeEx, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(richValue, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(selEnd, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(selStart, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(shift, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(source, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(target, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(targetName, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(type, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(value, event);
  JS_STATIC_PROP(willCommit, event);