// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_ComboBox.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h" #include "fpdfsdk/fxedit/fxet_list.h" #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_Edit.h" #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_EditCtrl.h" #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_ListBox.h" #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_Utils.h" #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/PWL_Wnd.h" #include "public/fpdf_fwlevent.h" #define PWLCB_DEFAULTFONTSIZE 12.0f bool CPWL_CBListBox::OnLButtonUp(const CFX_PointF& point, uint32_t nFlag) { CPWL_Wnd::OnLButtonUp(point, nFlag); if (!m_bMouseDown) return true; ReleaseCapture(); m_bMouseDown = false; if (!ClientHitTest(point)) return true; if (CPWL_Wnd* pParent = GetParentWindow()) pParent->OnNotify(this, PNM_LBUTTONUP, 0, PWL_MAKEDWORD(point.x, point.y)); bool bExit = false; OnNotifySelChanged(false, bExit, nFlag); return !bExit; } bool CPWL_CBListBox::OnKeyDownWithExit(uint16_t nChar, bool& bExit, uint32_t nFlag) { switch (nChar) { case FWL_VKEY_Up: case FWL_VKEY_Down: case FWL_VKEY_Home: case FWL_VKEY_Left: case FWL_VKEY_End: case FWL_VKEY_Right: break; default: return false; } switch (nChar) { case FWL_VKEY_Up: m_pList->OnVK_UP(IsSHIFTpressed(nFlag), IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)); break; case FWL_VKEY_Down: m_pList->OnVK_DOWN(IsSHIFTpressed(nFlag), IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)); break; case FWL_VKEY_Home: m_pList->OnVK_HOME(IsSHIFTpressed(nFlag), IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)); break; case FWL_VKEY_Left: m_pList->OnVK_LEFT(IsSHIFTpressed(nFlag), IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)); break; case FWL_VKEY_End: m_pList->OnVK_END(IsSHIFTpressed(nFlag), IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)); break; case FWL_VKEY_Right: m_pList->OnVK_RIGHT(IsSHIFTpressed(nFlag), IsCTRLpressed(nFlag)); break; case FWL_VKEY_Delete: break; } OnNotifySelChanged(true, bExit, nFlag); return true; } bool CPWL_CBListBox::OnCharWithExit(uint16_t nChar, bool& bExit, uint32_t nFlag) { if (!m_pList->OnChar(nChar, IsSHIFTpressed(nFlag), IsCTRLpressed(nFlag))) return false; if (CPWL_ComboBox* pComboBox = (CPWL_ComboBox*)GetParentWindow()) pComboBox->SetSelectText(); OnNotifySelChanged(true, bExit, nFlag); return true; } void CPWL_CBButton::GetThisAppearanceStream(CFX_ByteTextBuf& sAppStream) { CPWL_Wnd::GetThisAppearanceStream(sAppStream); CFX_FloatRect rectWnd = CPWL_Wnd::GetWindowRect(); if (IsVisible() && !rectWnd.IsEmpty()) { CFX_ByteTextBuf sButton; CFX_PointF ptCenter = GetCenterPoint(); CFX_PointF pt1(ptCenter.x - PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN, ptCenter.y + PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN * 0.5f); CFX_PointF pt2(ptCenter.x + PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN, ptCenter.y + PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN * 0.5f); CFX_PointF pt3(ptCenter.x, ptCenter.y - PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN * 0.5f); if (IsFloatBigger(rectWnd.right - rectWnd.left, PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN * 2) && IsFloatBigger(rectWnd.top - rectWnd.bottom, PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN)) { sButton << "0 g\n"; sButton << pt1.x << " " << pt1.y << " m\n"; sButton << pt2.x << " " << pt2.y << " l\n"; sButton << pt3.x << " " << pt3.y << " l\n"; sButton << pt1.x << " " << pt1.y << " l f\n"; sAppStream << "q\n" << sButton << "Q\n"; } } } void CPWL_CBButton::DrawThisAppearance(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device) { CPWL_Wnd::DrawThisAppearance(pDevice, pUser2Device); CFX_FloatRect rectWnd = CPWL_Wnd::GetWindowRect(); if (IsVisible() && !rectWnd.IsEmpty()) { CFX_PointF ptCenter = GetCenterPoint(); CFX_PointF pt1(ptCenter.x - PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN, ptCenter.y + PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN * 0.5f); CFX_PointF pt2(ptCenter.x + PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN, ptCenter.y + PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN * 0.5f); CFX_PointF pt3(ptCenter.x, ptCenter.y - PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN * 0.5f); if (IsFloatBigger(rectWnd.right - rectWnd.left, PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN * 2) && IsFloatBigger(rectWnd.top - rectWnd.bottom, PWL_CBBUTTON_TRIANGLE_HALFLEN)) { CFX_PathData path; path.AppendPoint(pt1, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false); path.AppendPoint(pt2, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false); path.AppendPoint(pt3, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false); path.AppendPoint(pt1, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false); pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, nullptr, PWL_DEFAULT_BLACKCOLOR.ToFXColor(GetTransparency()), 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE); } } } bool CPWL_CBButton::OnLButtonDown(const CFX_PointF& point, uint32_t nFlag) { CPWL_Wnd::OnLButtonDown(point, nFlag); SetCapture(); if (CPWL_Wnd* pParent = GetParentWindow()) { pParent->OnNotify(this, PNM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, PWL_MAKEDWORD(point.x, point.y)); } return true; } bool CPWL_CBButton::OnLButtonUp(const CFX_PointF& point, uint32_t nFlag) { CPWL_Wnd::OnLButtonUp(point, nFlag); ReleaseCapture(); return true; } CPWL_ComboBox::CPWL_ComboBox() : m_bPopup(false), m_nPopupWhere(0), m_nSelectItem(-1), m_pFillerNotify(nullptr) {} CPWL_ComboBox::~CPWL_ComboBox() {} CFX_ByteString CPWL_ComboBox::GetClassName() const { return "CPWL_ComboBox"; } void CPWL_ComboBox::OnCreate(PWL_CREATEPARAM& cp) { cp.dwFlags &= ~PWS_HSCROLL; cp.dwFlags &= ~PWS_VSCROLL; } void CPWL_ComboBox::SetFocus() { if (m_pEdit) m_pEdit->SetFocus(); } void CPWL_ComboBox::KillFocus() { SetPopup(false); CPWL_Wnd::KillFocus(); } CFX_WideString CPWL_ComboBox::GetText() const { if (m_pEdit) { return m_pEdit->GetText(); } return CFX_WideString(); } void CPWL_ComboBox::SetText(const CFX_WideString& text) { if (m_pEdit) m_pEdit->SetText(text); } void CPWL_ComboBox::AddString(const CFX_WideString& str) { if (m_pList) m_pList->AddString(str); } int32_t CPWL_ComboBox::GetSelect() const { return m_nSelectItem; } void CPWL_ComboBox::SetSelect(int32_t nItemIndex) { if (m_pList) m_pList->Select(nItemIndex); m_pEdit->SetText(m_pList->GetText()); m_nSelectItem = nItemIndex; } void CPWL_ComboBox::SetEditSel(int32_t nStartChar, int32_t nEndChar) { if (m_pEdit) m_pEdit->SetSel(nStartChar, nEndChar); } void CPWL_ComboBox::GetEditSel(int32_t& nStartChar, int32_t& nEndChar) const { nStartChar = -1; nEndChar = -1; if (m_pEdit) m_pEdit->GetSel(nStartChar, nEndChar); } void CPWL_ComboBox::Clear() { if (m_pEdit) m_pEdit->Clear(); } void CPWL_ComboBox::CreateChildWnd(const PWL_CREATEPARAM& cp) { CreateEdit(cp); CreateButton(cp); CreateListBox(cp); } void CPWL_ComboBox::CreateEdit(const PWL_CREATEPARAM& cp) { if (m_pEdit) return; m_pEdit = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPWL_CBEdit>(); m_pEdit->AttachFFLData(m_pFormFiller); PWL_CREATEPARAM ecp = cp; ecp.pParentWnd = this; ecp.dwFlags = PWS_VISIBLE | PWS_CHILD | PWS_BORDER | PES_CENTER | PES_AUTOSCROLL | PES_UNDO; if (HasFlag(PWS_AUTOFONTSIZE)) ecp.dwFlags |= PWS_AUTOFONTSIZE; if (!HasFlag(PCBS_ALLOWCUSTOMTEXT)) ecp.dwFlags |= PWS_READONLY; ecp.rcRectWnd = CFX_FloatRect(0, 0, 0, 0); ecp.dwBorderWidth = 0; ecp.nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::SOLID; m_pEdit->Create(ecp); } void CPWL_ComboBox::CreateButton(const PWL_CREATEPARAM& cp) { if (m_pButton) return; m_pButton = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPWL_CBButton>(); PWL_CREATEPARAM bcp = cp; bcp.pParentWnd = this; bcp.dwFlags = PWS_VISIBLE | PWS_CHILD | PWS_BORDER | PWS_BACKGROUND; bcp.sBackgroundColor = PWL_SCROLLBAR_BKCOLOR; bcp.sBorderColor = PWL_DEFAULT_BLACKCOLOR; bcp.dwBorderWidth = 2; bcp.nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::BEVELED; bcp.eCursorType = FXCT_ARROW; m_pButton->Create(bcp); } void CPWL_ComboBox::CreateListBox(const PWL_CREATEPARAM& cp) { if (m_pList) return; m_pList = pdfium::MakeUnique<CPWL_CBListBox>(); m_pList->AttachFFLData(m_pFormFiller); PWL_CREATEPARAM lcp = cp; lcp.pParentWnd = this; lcp.dwFlags = PWS_CHILD | PWS_BORDER | PWS_BACKGROUND | PLBS_HOVERSEL | PWS_VSCROLL; lcp.nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::SOLID; lcp.dwBorderWidth = 1; lcp.eCursorType = FXCT_ARROW; lcp.rcRectWnd = CFX_FloatRect(0, 0, 0, 0); if (cp.dwFlags & PWS_AUTOFONTSIZE) lcp.fFontSize = PWLCB_DEFAULTFONTSIZE; else lcp.fFontSize = cp.fFontSize; if (cp.sBorderColor.nColorType == COLORTYPE_TRANSPARENT) lcp.sBorderColor = PWL_DEFAULT_BLACKCOLOR; if (cp.sBackgroundColor.nColorType == COLORTYPE_TRANSPARENT) lcp.sBackgroundColor = PWL_DEFAULT_WHITECOLOR; m_pList->Create(lcp); } void CPWL_ComboBox::RePosChildWnd() { CFX_FloatRect rcClient = GetClientRect(); if (m_bPopup) { CFX_FloatRect rclient = GetClientRect(); CFX_FloatRect rcButton = rclient; CFX_FloatRect rcEdit = rcClient; CFX_FloatRect rcList = CPWL_Wnd::GetWindowRect(); float fOldWindowHeight = m_rcOldWindow.Height(); float fOldClientHeight = fOldWindowHeight - GetBorderWidth() * 2; switch (m_nPopupWhere) { case 0: rcButton.left = rcButton.right - PWL_COMBOBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH; if (rcButton.left < rclient.left) rcButton.left = rclient.left; rcButton.bottom = rcButton.top - fOldClientHeight; rcEdit.right = rcButton.left - 1.0f; if (rcEdit.left < rclient.left) rcEdit.left = rclient.left; if (rcEdit.right < rcEdit.left) rcEdit.right = rcEdit.left; rcEdit.bottom = rcEdit.top - fOldClientHeight; rcList.top -= fOldWindowHeight; break; case 1: rcButton.left = rcButton.right - PWL_COMBOBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH; if (rcButton.left < rclient.left) rcButton.left = rclient.left; rcButton.top = rcButton.bottom + fOldClientHeight; rcEdit.right = rcButton.left - 1.0f; if (rcEdit.left < rclient.left) rcEdit.left = rclient.left; if (rcEdit.right < rcEdit.left) rcEdit.right = rcEdit.left; rcEdit.top = rcEdit.bottom + fOldClientHeight; rcList.bottom += fOldWindowHeight; break; } if (m_pButton) m_pButton->Move(rcButton, true, false); if (m_pEdit) m_pEdit->Move(rcEdit, true, false); if (m_pList) { m_pList->SetVisible(true); m_pList->Move(rcList, true, false); m_pList->ScrollToListItem(m_nSelectItem); } } else { CFX_FloatRect rcButton = rcClient; rcButton.left = rcButton.right - PWL_COMBOBOX_BUTTON_WIDTH; if (rcButton.left < rcClient.left) rcButton.left = rcClient.left; if (m_pButton) m_pButton->Move(rcButton, true, false); CFX_FloatRect rcEdit = rcClient; rcEdit.right = rcButton.left - 1.0f; if (rcEdit.left < rcClient.left) rcEdit.left = rcClient.left; if (rcEdit.right < rcEdit.left) rcEdit.right = rcEdit.left; if (m_pEdit) m_pEdit->Move(rcEdit, true, false); if (m_pList) m_pList->SetVisible(false); } } void CPWL_ComboBox::SelectAll() { if (m_pEdit && HasFlag(PCBS_ALLOWCUSTOMTEXT)) m_pEdit->SelectAll(); } CFX_FloatRect CPWL_ComboBox::GetFocusRect() const { return CFX_FloatRect(); } void CPWL_ComboBox::SetPopup(bool bPopup) { if (!m_pList) return; if (bPopup == m_bPopup) return; float fListHeight = m_pList->GetContentRect().Height(); if (!IsFloatBigger(fListHeight, 0.0f)) return; if (bPopup) { if (m_pFillerNotify) { #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA bool bExit = false; m_pFillerNotify->OnPopupPreOpen(GetAttachedData(), bExit, 0); if (bExit) return; #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA int32_t nWhere = 0; float fPopupRet = 0.0f; float fPopupMin = 0.0f; if (m_pList->GetCount() > 3) fPopupMin = m_pList->GetFirstHeight() * 3 + m_pList->GetBorderWidth() * 2; float fPopupMax = fListHeight + m_pList->GetBorderWidth() * 2; m_pFillerNotify->QueryWherePopup(GetAttachedData(), fPopupMin, fPopupMax, nWhere, fPopupRet); if (IsFloatBigger(fPopupRet, 0.0f)) { m_bPopup = bPopup; CFX_FloatRect rcWindow = CPWL_Wnd::GetWindowRect(); m_rcOldWindow = rcWindow; switch (nWhere) { default: case 0: rcWindow.bottom -= fPopupRet; break; case 1: rcWindow.top += fPopupRet; break; } m_nPopupWhere = nWhere; Move(rcWindow, true, true); #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA bExit = false; m_pFillerNotify->OnPopupPostOpen(GetAttachedData(), bExit, 0); if (bExit) return; #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA } } } else { m_bPopup = bPopup; Move(m_rcOldWindow, true, true); } } bool CPWL_ComboBox::OnKeyDown(uint16_t nChar, uint32_t nFlag) { if (!m_pList) return false; if (!m_pEdit) return false; m_nSelectItem = -1; switch (nChar) { case FWL_VKEY_Up: if (m_pList->GetCurSel() > 0) { bool bExit = false; #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA if (m_pFillerNotify) { m_pFillerNotify->OnPopupPreOpen(GetAttachedData(), bExit, nFlag); if (bExit) return false; bExit = false; m_pFillerNotify->OnPopupPostOpen(GetAttachedData(), bExit, nFlag); if (bExit) return false; } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA if (m_pList->OnKeyDownWithExit(nChar, bExit, nFlag)) { if (bExit) return false; SetSelectText(); } } return true; case FWL_VKEY_Down: if (m_pList->GetCurSel() < m_pList->GetCount() - 1) { bool bExit = false; #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA if (m_pFillerNotify) { m_pFillerNotify->OnPopupPreOpen(GetAttachedData(), bExit, nFlag); if (bExit) return false; bExit = false; m_pFillerNotify->OnPopupPostOpen(GetAttachedData(), bExit, nFlag); if (bExit) return false; } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA if (m_pList->OnKeyDownWithExit(nChar, bExit, nFlag)) { if (bExit) return false; SetSelectText(); } } return true; } if (HasFlag(PCBS_ALLOWCUSTOMTEXT)) return m_pEdit->OnKeyDown(nChar, nFlag); return false; } bool CPWL_ComboBox::OnChar(uint16_t nChar, uint32_t nFlag) { if (!m_pList) return false; if (!m_pEdit) return false; m_nSelectItem = -1; if (HasFlag(PCBS_ALLOWCUSTOMTEXT)) return m_pEdit->OnChar(nChar, nFlag); bool bExit = false; #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA if (m_pFillerNotify) { m_pFillerNotify->OnPopupPreOpen(GetAttachedData(), bExit, nFlag); if (bExit) return false; m_pFillerNotify->OnPopupPostOpen(GetAttachedData(), bExit, nFlag); if (bExit) return false; } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA return m_pList->OnCharWithExit(nChar, bExit, nFlag) ? bExit : false; } void CPWL_ComboBox::OnNotify(CPWL_Wnd* pWnd, uint32_t msg, intptr_t wParam, intptr_t lParam) { switch (msg) { case PNM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (pWnd == m_pButton.get()) { SetPopup(!m_bPopup); return; } break; case PNM_LBUTTONUP: if (m_pEdit && m_pList) { if (pWnd == m_pList.get()) { SetSelectText(); SelectAll(); m_pEdit->SetFocus(); SetPopup(false); return; } } break; } CPWL_Wnd::OnNotify(pWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } bool CPWL_ComboBox::IsPopup() const { return m_bPopup; } void CPWL_ComboBox::SetSelectText() { m_pEdit->SelectAll(); m_pEdit->ReplaceSel(m_pList->GetText()); m_pEdit->SelectAll(); m_nSelectItem = m_pList->GetCurSel(); } void CPWL_ComboBox::SetFillerNotify(IPWL_Filler_Notify* pNotify) { m_pFillerNotify = pNotify; if (m_pEdit) m_pEdit->SetFillerNotify(pNotify); if (m_pList) m_pList->SetFillerNotify(pNotify); }