// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "public/fpdf_text.h" #include "core/include/fpdfdoc/fpdf_doc.h" #include "core/include/fpdftext/fpdf_text.h" #include "fpdfsdk/include/fsdk_define.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif DLLEXPORT FPDF_TEXTPAGE STDCALL FPDFText_LoadPage(FPDF_PAGE page) { CPDF_Page* pPDFPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPDFPage) return nullptr; CPDF_ViewerPreferences viewRef(pPDFPage->m_pDocument); IPDF_TextPage* textpage = IPDF_TextPage::CreateTextPage(pPDFPage, viewRef.IsDirectionR2L()); textpage->ParseTextPage(); return textpage; } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFText_ClosePage(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page) { delete (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFText_CountChars(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page) { if (!text_page) return -1; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; return textpage->CountChars(); } DLLEXPORT unsigned int STDCALL FPDFText_GetUnicode(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index) { if (!text_page) return -1; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; if (index < 0 || index >= textpage->CountChars()) return 0; FPDF_CHAR_INFO charinfo; textpage->GetCharInfo(index, charinfo); return charinfo.m_Unicode; } DLLEXPORT double STDCALL FPDFText_GetFontSize(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index) { if (!text_page) return 0; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; if (index < 0 || index >= textpage->CountChars()) return 0; FPDF_CHAR_INFO charinfo; textpage->GetCharInfo(index, charinfo); return charinfo.m_FontSize; } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFText_GetCharBox(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index, double* left, double* right, double* bottom, double* top) { if (!text_page) return; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; if (index < 0 || index >= textpage->CountChars()) return; FPDF_CHAR_INFO charinfo; textpage->GetCharInfo(index, charinfo); *left = charinfo.m_CharBox.left; *right = charinfo.m_CharBox.right; *bottom = charinfo.m_CharBox.bottom; *top = charinfo.m_CharBox.top; } // select DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFText_GetCharIndexAtPos(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, double x, double y, double xTolerance, double yTolerance) { if (!text_page) return -3; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; return textpage->GetIndexAtPos((FX_FLOAT)x, (FX_FLOAT)y, (FX_FLOAT)xTolerance, (FX_FLOAT)yTolerance); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFText_GetText(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int start, int count, unsigned short* result) { if (!text_page) return 0; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; if (start >= textpage->CountChars()) return 0; CFX_WideString str = textpage->GetPageText(start, count); if (str.GetLength() > count) str = str.Left(count); CFX_ByteString cbUTF16str = str.UTF16LE_Encode(); FXSYS_memcpy(result, cbUTF16str.GetBuffer(cbUTF16str.GetLength()), cbUTF16str.GetLength()); cbUTF16str.ReleaseBuffer(cbUTF16str.GetLength()); return cbUTF16str.GetLength() / sizeof(unsigned short); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFText_CountRects(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int start, int count) { if (!text_page) return 0; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; return textpage->CountRects(start, count); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFText_GetRect(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int rect_index, double* left, double* top, double* right, double* bottom) { if (!text_page) return; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; CFX_FloatRect rect; textpage->GetRect(rect_index, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); *left = rect.left; *top = rect.top; *right = rect.right; *bottom = rect.bottom; } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFText_GetBoundedText(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, double left, double top, double right, double bottom, unsigned short* buffer, int buflen) { if (!text_page) return 0; IPDF_TextPage* textpage = (IPDF_TextPage*)text_page; CFX_FloatRect rect((FX_FLOAT)left, (FX_FLOAT)bottom, (FX_FLOAT)right, (FX_FLOAT)top); CFX_WideString str = textpage->GetTextByRect(rect); if (buflen <= 0 || buffer == NULL) { return str.GetLength(); } CFX_ByteString cbUTF16Str = str.UTF16LE_Encode(); int len = cbUTF16Str.GetLength() / sizeof(unsigned short); int size = buflen > len ? len : buflen; FXSYS_memcpy(buffer, cbUTF16Str.GetBuffer(size * sizeof(unsigned short)), size * sizeof(unsigned short)); cbUTF16Str.ReleaseBuffer(size * sizeof(unsigned short)); return size; } // Search //-1 for end DLLEXPORT FPDF_SCHHANDLE STDCALL FPDFText_FindStart(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, FPDF_WIDESTRING findwhat, unsigned long flags, int start_index) { if (!text_page) return NULL; IPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = NULL; textpageFind = IPDF_TextPageFind::CreatePageFind((IPDF_TextPage*)text_page); FX_STRSIZE len = CFX_WideString::WStringLength(findwhat); textpageFind->FindFirst(CFX_WideString::FromUTF16LE(findwhat, len), flags, start_index); return textpageFind; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFText_FindNext(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return FALSE; IPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = (IPDF_TextPageFind*)handle; return textpageFind->FindNext(); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFText_FindPrev(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return FALSE; IPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = (IPDF_TextPageFind*)handle; return textpageFind->FindPrev(); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFText_GetSchResultIndex(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return 0; IPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = (IPDF_TextPageFind*)handle; return textpageFind->GetCurOrder(); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFText_GetSchCount(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return 0; IPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = (IPDF_TextPageFind*)handle; return textpageFind->GetMatchedCount(); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFText_FindClose(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return; IPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = (IPDF_TextPageFind*)handle; delete textpageFind; handle = NULL; } // web link DLLEXPORT FPDF_PAGELINK STDCALL FPDFLink_LoadWebLinks(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page) { if (!text_page) return NULL; IPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = NULL; pageLink = IPDF_LinkExtract::CreateLinkExtract(); pageLink->ExtractLinks((IPDF_TextPage*)text_page); return pageLink; } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFLink_CountWebLinks(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page) { if (!link_page) return 0; IPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = (IPDF_LinkExtract*)link_page; return pageLink->CountLinks(); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFLink_GetURL(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page, int link_index, unsigned short* buffer, int buflen) { if (!link_page) return 0; IPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = (IPDF_LinkExtract*)link_page; CFX_WideString url = pageLink->GetURL(link_index); CFX_ByteString cbUTF16URL = url.UTF16LE_Encode(); int len = cbUTF16URL.GetLength() / sizeof(unsigned short); if (buffer == NULL || buflen <= 0) return len; int size = len < buflen ? len : buflen; if (size > 0) { FXSYS_memcpy(buffer, cbUTF16URL.GetBuffer(size * sizeof(unsigned short)), size * sizeof(unsigned short)); cbUTF16URL.ReleaseBuffer(size * sizeof(unsigned short)); } return size; } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFLink_CountRects(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page, int link_index) { if (!link_page) return 0; IPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = (IPDF_LinkExtract*)link_page; CFX_RectArray rectArray; pageLink->GetRects(link_index, rectArray); return rectArray.GetSize(); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFLink_GetRect(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page, int link_index, int rect_index, double* left, double* top, double* right, double* bottom) { if (!link_page) return; IPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = (IPDF_LinkExtract*)link_page; CFX_RectArray rectArray; pageLink->GetRects(link_index, rectArray); if (rect_index >= 0 && rect_index < rectArray.GetSize()) { CFX_FloatRect rect = rectArray.GetAt(rect_index); *left = rect.left; *right = rect.right; *top = rect.top; *bottom = rect.bottom; } } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFLink_CloseWebLinks(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page) { delete (IPDF_LinkExtract*)link_page; }