// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "../include/fsdk_define.h" #include "../include/fsdk_mgr.h" #include "../include/fpdfview.h" #include "../include/fsdk_rendercontext.h" #include "../include/fpdf_progressive.h" #include "../include/fpdf_ext.h" #include "../../../core/src/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h" #include "../../third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h" CPDF_CustomAccess::CPDF_CustomAccess(FPDF_FILEACCESS* pFileAccess) { if (pFileAccess) m_FileAccess = *pFileAccess; } FX_BOOL CPDF_CustomAccess::ReadBlock(void* buffer, FX_FILESIZE offset, size_t size) { if (offset < 0) { return FALSE; } FX_SAFE_FILESIZE newPos = pdfium::base::checked_cast(size); newPos += offset; if (!newPos.IsValid() || newPos.ValueOrDie() > m_FileAccess.m_FileLen) { return FALSE; } return m_FileAccess.m_GetBlock(m_FileAccess.m_Param, offset,(FX_LPBYTE) buffer, size); } //0 bit: FPDF_POLICY_MACHINETIME_ACCESS static FX_DWORD foxit_sandbox_policy = 0xFFFFFFFF; void FSDK_SetSandBoxPolicy(FPDF_DWORD policy, FPDF_BOOL enable) { switch(policy) { case FPDF_POLICY_MACHINETIME_ACCESS: { if(enable) foxit_sandbox_policy |= 0x01; else foxit_sandbox_policy &= 0xFFFFFFFE; } break; default: break; } } FPDF_BOOL FSDK_IsSandBoxPolicyEnabled(FPDF_DWORD policy) { switch(policy) { case FPDF_POLICY_MACHINETIME_ACCESS: { if(foxit_sandbox_policy&0x01) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } break; default: break; } return FALSE; } #ifndef _T #define _T(x) x #endif #ifdef API5 CPDF_ModuleMgr* g_pModuleMgr = NULL; #else CCodec_ModuleMgr* g_pCodecModule = NULL; #endif //extern CPDFSDK_FormFillApp* g_pFormFillApp; #if _FX_OS_ == _FX_LINUX_EMBEDDED_ class CFontMapper : public IPDF_FontMapper { public: CFontMapper(); virtual ~CFontMapper(); virtual FT_Face FindSubstFont( CPDF_Document* pDoc, // [IN] The PDF document const CFX_ByteString& face_name, // [IN] Original name FX_BOOL bTrueType, // [IN] TrueType or Type1 FX_DWORD flags, // [IN] PDF font flags (see PDF Reference section 5.7.1) int font_weight, // [IN] original font weight. 0 for not specified int CharsetCP, // [IN] code page for charset (see Win32 GetACP()) FX_BOOL bVertical, CPDF_SubstFont* pSubstFont // [OUT] Subst font data ); FT_Face m_SysFace; }; CFontMapper* g_pFontMapper = NULL; #endif // #if _FX_OS_ == _FX_LINUX_EMBEDDED_ DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_InitLibrary() { g_pCodecModule = CCodec_ModuleMgr::Create(); CFX_GEModule::Create(); CFX_GEModule::Get()->SetCodecModule(g_pCodecModule); CPDF_ModuleMgr::Create(); CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->SetCodecModule(g_pCodecModule); CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->InitPageModule(); CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->InitRenderModule(); CPDF_ModuleMgr * pModuleMgr = CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get(); if ( pModuleMgr ) { pModuleMgr->LoadEmbeddedGB1CMaps(); pModuleMgr->LoadEmbeddedJapan1CMaps(); pModuleMgr->LoadEmbeddedCNS1CMaps(); pModuleMgr->LoadEmbeddedKorea1CMaps(); } } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_DestroyLibrary() { #if _FX_OS_ == _FX_LINUX_EMBEDDED_ if (g_pFontMapper) delete g_pFontMapper; #endif #ifdef API5 g_pModuleMgr->Destroy(); #else CPDF_ModuleMgr::Destroy(); CFX_GEModule::Destroy(); g_pCodecModule->Destroy(); #endif } #ifndef _WIN32 int g_LastError; void SetLastError(int err) { g_LastError = err; } int GetLastError() { return g_LastError; } #endif void ProcessParseError(FX_DWORD err_code) { // Translate FPDFAPI error code to FPDFVIEW error code switch (err_code) { case PDFPARSE_ERROR_FILE: err_code = FPDF_ERR_FILE; break; case PDFPARSE_ERROR_FORMAT: err_code = FPDF_ERR_FORMAT; break; case PDFPARSE_ERROR_PASSWORD: err_code = FPDF_ERR_PASSWORD; break; case PDFPARSE_ERROR_HANDLER: err_code = FPDF_ERR_SECURITY; break; } SetLastError(err_code); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicy(FPDF_DWORD policy, FPDF_BOOL enable) { return FSDK_SetSandBoxPolicy(policy, enable); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_DOCUMENT STDCALL FPDF_LoadDocument(FPDF_STRING file_path, FPDF_BYTESTRING password) { CPDF_Parser* pParser = FX_NEW CPDF_Parser; pParser->SetPassword(password); FX_DWORD err_code = pParser->StartParse((FX_LPCSTR)file_path); if (err_code) { delete pParser; ProcessParseError(err_code); return NULL; } return pParser->GetDocument(); } extern void CheckUnSupportError(CPDF_Document * pDoc, FX_DWORD err_code); class CMemFile FX_FINAL: public IFX_FileRead { public: CMemFile(FX_BYTE* pBuf, FX_FILESIZE size):m_pBuf(pBuf),m_size(size) {} virtual void Release() {delete this;} virtual FX_FILESIZE GetSize() {return m_size;} virtual FX_BOOL ReadBlock(void* buffer, FX_FILESIZE offset, size_t size) { if (offset < 0) { return FALSE; } FX_SAFE_FILESIZE newPos = pdfium::base::checked_cast(size); newPos += offset; if (!newPos.IsValid() || newPos.ValueOrDie() > (FX_DWORD)m_size) { return FALSE; } FXSYS_memcpy(buffer, m_pBuf+offset, size); return TRUE; } private: FX_BYTE* m_pBuf; FX_FILESIZE m_size; }; DLLEXPORT FPDF_DOCUMENT STDCALL FPDF_LoadMemDocument(const void* data_buf, int size, FPDF_BYTESTRING password) { CPDF_Parser* pParser = FX_NEW CPDF_Parser; pParser->SetPassword(password); CMemFile* pMemFile = FX_NEW CMemFile((FX_BYTE*)data_buf, size); FX_DWORD err_code = pParser->StartParse(pMemFile); if (err_code) { delete pParser; ProcessParseError(err_code); return NULL; } CPDF_Document * pDoc = NULL; pDoc = pParser?pParser->GetDocument():NULL; CheckUnSupportError(pDoc, err_code); return pParser->GetDocument(); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_DOCUMENT STDCALL FPDF_LoadCustomDocument(FPDF_FILEACCESS* pFileAccess, FPDF_BYTESTRING password) { CPDF_Parser* pParser = FX_NEW CPDF_Parser; pParser->SetPassword(password); CPDF_CustomAccess* pFile = FX_NEW CPDF_CustomAccess(pFileAccess); FX_DWORD err_code = pParser->StartParse(pFile); if (err_code) { delete pParser; ProcessParseError(err_code); return NULL; } CPDF_Document * pDoc = NULL; pDoc = pParser?pParser->GetDocument():NULL; CheckUnSupportError(pDoc, err_code); return pParser->GetDocument(); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDF_GetFileVersion(FPDF_DOCUMENT doc, int* fileVersion) { if(!doc||!fileVersion) return FALSE; *fileVersion = 0; CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)doc; CPDF_Parser* pParser = (CPDF_Parser*)pDoc->GetParser(); if(!pParser) return FALSE; *fileVersion = pParser->GetFileVersion(); return TRUE; } // jabdelmalek: changed return type from FX_DWORD to build on Linux (and match header). DLLEXPORT unsigned long STDCALL FPDF_GetDocPermissions(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { if (document == NULL) return 0; CPDF_Document*pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; CPDF_Parser* pParser = (CPDF_Parser*)pDoc->GetParser(); CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pParser->GetEncryptDict(); if (pDict == NULL) return (FX_DWORD)-1; return pDict->GetInteger("P"); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDF_GetSecurityHandlerRevision(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { if (document == NULL) return -1; CPDF_Document*pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; CPDF_Parser* pParser = (CPDF_Parser*)pDoc->GetParser(); CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pParser->GetEncryptDict(); if (pDict == NULL) return -1; return pDict->GetInteger("R"); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDF_GetPageCount(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { if (document == NULL) return 0; return ((CPDF_Document*)document)->GetPageCount(); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_PAGE STDCALL FPDF_LoadPage(FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int page_index) { if (document == NULL) return NULL; if (page_index < 0 || page_index >= FPDF_GetPageCount(document)) return NULL; // CPDF_Parser* pParser = (CPDF_Parser*)document; CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; if (pDoc == NULL) return NULL; CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pDoc->GetPage(page_index); if (pDict == NULL) return NULL; CPDF_Page* pPage = FX_NEW CPDF_Page; pPage->Load(pDoc, pDict); pPage->ParseContent(); // CheckUnSupportError(pDoc, 0); return pPage; } DLLEXPORT double STDCALL FPDF_GetPageWidth(FPDF_PAGE page) { if (!page) return 0.0; return ((CPDF_Page*)page)->GetPageWidth(); } DLLEXPORT double STDCALL FPDF_GetPageHeight(FPDF_PAGE page) { if (!page) return 0.0; return ((CPDF_Page*)page)->GetPageHeight(); } void DropContext(void* data) { delete (CRenderContext*)data; } void FPDF_RenderPage_Retail(CRenderContext* pContext, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, int flags,FX_BOOL bNeedToRestore, IFSDK_PAUSE_Adapter * pause ); void (*Func_RenderPage)(CRenderContext*, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, int flags,FX_BOOL bNeedToRestore, IFSDK_PAUSE_Adapter * pause ) = FPDF_RenderPage_Retail; #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG) #define DEBUG_TRACE #endif #if defined(_WIN32) DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_RenderPage(HDC dc, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, int flags) { if (page==NULL) return; CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*)page; CRenderContext* pContext = FX_NEW CRenderContext; pPage->SetPrivateData((void*)1, pContext, DropContext); #ifndef _WIN32_WCE CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = NULL; FX_BOOL bBackgroundAlphaNeeded=FALSE; bBackgroundAlphaNeeded = pPage->BackgroundAlphaNeeded(); if (bBackgroundAlphaNeeded) { pBitmap = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap; pBitmap->Create(size_x, size_y, FXDIB_Argb); pBitmap->Clear(0x00ffffff); #ifdef _SKIA_SUPPORT_ pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CFX_SkiaDevice; ((CFX_SkiaDevice*)pContext->m_pDevice)->Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*)pBitmap); #else pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CFX_FxgeDevice; ((CFX_FxgeDevice*)pContext->m_pDevice)->Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*)pBitmap); #endif } else pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CFX_WindowsDevice(dc); Func_RenderPage(pContext, page, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y, rotate, flags,TRUE,NULL); if (bBackgroundAlphaNeeded) { if (pBitmap) { CFX_WindowsDevice WinDC(dc); if (WinDC.GetDeviceCaps(FXDC_DEVICE_CLASS) == FXDC_PRINTER) { CFX_DIBitmap* pDst = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap; int pitch = pBitmap->GetPitch(); pDst->Create(size_x, size_y, FXDIB_Rgb32); FXSYS_memset(pDst->GetBuffer(), -1, pitch*size_y); pDst->CompositeBitmap(0, 0, size_x, size_y, pBitmap, 0, 0, FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL, NULL, FALSE, NULL); WinDC.StretchDIBits(pDst,0,0,size_x,size_y); delete pDst; } else WinDC.SetDIBits(pBitmap,0,0); } } #else // get clip region RECT rect, cliprect; rect.left = start_x; rect.top = start_y; rect.right = start_x + size_x; rect.bottom = start_y + size_y; GetClipBox(dc, &cliprect); IntersectRect(&rect, &rect, &cliprect); int width = rect.right - rect.left; int height = rect.bottom - rect.top; #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE { char str[128]; memset(str, 0, sizeof(str)); FXSYS_snprintf(str, sizeof(str) - 1, "Rendering DIB %d x %d", width, height); CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, str); } #endif // Create a DIB section LPVOID pBuffer; BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih; FXSYS_memset(&bmih, 0, sizeof bmih); bmih.biSize = sizeof bmih; bmih.biBitCount = 24; bmih.biHeight = -height; bmih.biPlanes = 1; bmih.biWidth = width; pContext->m_hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(dc, (BITMAPINFO*)&bmih, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pBuffer, NULL, 0); if (pContext->m_hBitmap == NULL) { #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) char str[128]; memset(str, 0, sizeof(str)); FXSYS_snprintf(str, sizeof(str) - 1, "Error CreateDIBSection: %d x %d, error code = %d", width, height, GetLastError()); CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(FPDFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, str); #else CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(FPDFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); #endif } FXSYS_memset(pBuffer, 0xff, height*((width*3+3)/4*4)); #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE { CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "DIBSection created"); } #endif // Create a device with this external buffer pContext->m_pBitmap = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap; pContext->m_pBitmap->Create(width, height, FXDIB_Rgb, (FX_LPBYTE)pBuffer); pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CPDF_FxgeDevice; ((CPDF_FxgeDevice*)pContext->m_pDevice)->Attach(pContext->m_pBitmap); #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "Ready for PDF rendering"); #endif // output to bitmap device Func_RenderPage(pContext, page, start_x - rect.left, start_y - rect.top, size_x, size_y, rotate, flags); #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "Finished PDF rendering"); #endif // Now output to real device HDC hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); if (hMemDC == NULL) { #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) char str[128]; memset(str, 0, sizeof(str)); FXSYS_snprintf(str, sizeof(str) - 1, "Error CreateCompatibleDC. Error code = %d", GetLastError()); CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(FPDFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, str); #else CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(FPDFERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); #endif } HGDIOBJ hOldBitmap = SelectObject(hMemDC, pContext->m_hBitmap); #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "Ready for screen rendering"); #endif BitBlt(dc, rect.left, rect.top, width, height, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hMemDC, hOldBitmap); DeleteDC(hMemDC); #ifdef DEBUG_TRACE CPDF_ModuleMgr::Get()->ReportError(999, "Finished screen rendering"); #endif #endif if (bBackgroundAlphaNeeded) { if (pBitmap) delete pBitmap; pBitmap = NULL; } delete pContext; pPage->RemovePrivateData((void*)1); } #endif DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_RenderPageBitmap(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, int flags) { if (bitmap == NULL || page == NULL) return; CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*)page; CRenderContext* pContext = FX_NEW CRenderContext; pPage->SetPrivateData((void*)1, pContext, DropContext); #ifdef _SKIA_SUPPORT_ pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CFX_SkiaDevice; if (flags & FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER) ((CFX_SkiaDevice*)pContext->m_pDevice)->Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap,0,TRUE); else ((CFX_SkiaDevice*)pContext->m_pDevice)->Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap); #else pContext->m_pDevice = FX_NEW CFX_FxgeDevice; if (flags & FPDF_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER) ((CFX_FxgeDevice*)pContext->m_pDevice)->Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap,0,TRUE); else ((CFX_FxgeDevice*)pContext->m_pDevice)->Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap); #endif Func_RenderPage(pContext, page, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y, rotate, flags,TRUE,NULL); delete pContext; pPage->RemovePrivateData((void*)1); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_ClosePage(FPDF_PAGE page) { if (!page) return; CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView = (CPDFSDK_PageView*)(((CPDF_Page*)page))->GetPrivateData((FX_LPVOID)page); if (pPageView && pPageView->IsLocked()) { pPageView->TakeOverPage(); return; } delete (CPDF_Page*)page; } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_CloseDocument(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { if (!document) return; CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; CPDF_Parser* pParser = (CPDF_Parser*)pDoc->GetParser(); if (pParser == NULL) { delete pDoc; return; } delete pParser; // delete pDoc; } DLLEXPORT unsigned long STDCALL FPDF_GetLastError() { return GetLastError(); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_DeviceToPage(FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, int device_x, int device_y, double* page_x, double* page_y) { if (page == NULL || page_x == NULL || page_y == NULL) return; CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*)page; CPDF_Matrix page2device; pPage->GetDisplayMatrix(page2device, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y, rotate); CPDF_Matrix device2page; device2page.SetReverse(page2device); FX_FLOAT page_x_f, page_y_f; device2page.Transform((FX_FLOAT)(device_x), (FX_FLOAT)(device_y), page_x_f, page_y_f); *page_x = (page_x_f); *page_y = (page_y_f); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDF_PageToDevice(FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, double page_x, double page_y, int* device_x, int* device_y) { if (page == NULL || device_x == NULL || device_y == NULL) return; CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*)page; CPDF_Matrix page2device; pPage->GetDisplayMatrix(page2device, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y, rotate); FX_FLOAT device_x_f, device_y_f; page2device.Transform(((FX_FLOAT)page_x), ((FX_FLOAT)page_y), device_x_f, device_y_f); *device_x = FXSYS_round(device_x_f); *device_y = FXSYS_round(device_y_f); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BITMAP STDCALL FPDFBitmap_Create(int width, int height, int alpha) { CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap; pBitmap->Create(width, height, alpha ? FXDIB_Argb : FXDIB_Rgb32); return pBitmap; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BITMAP STDCALL FPDFBitmap_CreateEx(int width, int height, int format, void* first_scan, int stride) { FXDIB_Format fx_format; switch (format) { case FPDFBitmap_Gray: fx_format = FXDIB_8bppRgb; break; case FPDFBitmap_BGR: fx_format = FXDIB_Rgb; break; case FPDFBitmap_BGRx: fx_format = FXDIB_Rgb32; break; case FPDFBitmap_BGRA: fx_format = FXDIB_Argb; break; default: return NULL; } CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap; pBitmap->Create(width, height, fx_format, (FX_LPBYTE)first_scan, stride); return pBitmap; } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFBitmap_FillRect(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap, int left, int top, int width, int height, FPDF_DWORD color) { if (bitmap == NULL) return; #ifdef _SKIA_SUPPORT_ CFX_SkiaDevice device; #else CFX_FxgeDevice device; #endif device.Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap); if (!((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap)->HasAlpha()) color |= 0xFF000000; FX_RECT rect(left, top, left+width, top+height); device.FillRect(&rect, color); } DLLEXPORT void* STDCALL FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap) { if (bitmap == NULL) return NULL; return ((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap)->GetBuffer(); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFBitmap_GetWidth(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap) { if (bitmap == NULL) return 0; return ((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap)->GetWidth(); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFBitmap_GetHeight(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap) { if (bitmap == NULL) return 0; return ((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap)->GetHeight(); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFBitmap_GetStride(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap) { if (bitmap == NULL) return 0; return ((CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap)->GetPitch(); } DLLEXPORT void STDCALL FPDFBitmap_Destroy(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap) { if (bitmap == NULL) return; delete (CFX_DIBitmap*)bitmap; } void FPDF_RenderPage_Retail(CRenderContext* pContext, FPDF_PAGE page, int start_x, int start_y, int size_x, int size_y, int rotate, int flags,FX_BOOL bNeedToRestore, IFSDK_PAUSE_Adapter * pause ) { CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*)page; if (pPage == NULL) return; if (!pContext->m_pOptions) pContext->m_pOptions = new CPDF_RenderOptions; // CPDF_RenderOptions options; if (flags & FPDF_LCD_TEXT) pContext->m_pOptions->m_Flags |= RENDER_CLEARTYPE; else pContext->m_pOptions->m_Flags &= ~RENDER_CLEARTYPE; if (flags & FPDF_NO_NATIVETEXT) pContext->m_pOptions->m_Flags |= RENDER_NO_NATIVETEXT; if (flags & FPDF_RENDER_LIMITEDIMAGECACHE) pContext->m_pOptions->m_Flags |= RENDER_LIMITEDIMAGECACHE; if (flags & FPDF_RENDER_FORCEHALFTONE) pContext->m_pOptions->m_Flags |= RENDER_FORCE_HALFTONE; //Grayscale output if (flags & FPDF_GRAYSCALE) { pContext->m_pOptions->m_ColorMode = RENDER_COLOR_GRAY; pContext->m_pOptions->m_ForeColor = 0; pContext->m_pOptions->m_BackColor = 0xffffff; } const CPDF_OCContext::UsageType usage = (flags & FPDF_PRINTING) ? CPDF_OCContext::Print : CPDF_OCContext::View; pContext->m_pOptions->m_AddFlags = flags >> 8; pContext->m_pOptions->m_pOCContext = new CPDF_OCContext(pPage->m_pDocument, usage); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; pPage->GetDisplayMatrix(matrix, start_x, start_y, size_x, size_y, rotate); FX_RECT clip; clip.left = start_x; clip.right = start_x + size_x; clip.top = start_y; clip.bottom = start_y + size_y; pContext->m_pDevice->SaveState(); pContext->m_pDevice->SetClip_Rect(&clip); pContext->m_pContext = FX_NEW CPDF_RenderContext; pContext->m_pContext->Create(pPage); pContext->m_pContext->AppendObjectList(pPage, &matrix); if (flags & FPDF_ANNOT) { pContext->m_pAnnots = FX_NEW CPDF_AnnotList(pPage); FX_BOOL bPrinting = pContext->m_pDevice->GetDeviceClass() != FXDC_DISPLAY; pContext->m_pAnnots->DisplayAnnots(pPage, pContext->m_pContext, bPrinting, &matrix, TRUE, NULL); } pContext->m_pRenderer = FX_NEW CPDF_ProgressiveRenderer; pContext->m_pRenderer->Start(pContext->m_pContext, pContext->m_pDevice, pContext->m_pOptions, pause); if (bNeedToRestore) { pContext->m_pDevice->RestoreState(); } //#endif } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDF_GetPageSizeByIndex(FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int page_index, double* width, double* height) { CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; if(pDoc == NULL) return FALSE; CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pDoc->GetPage(page_index); if (pDict == NULL) return FALSE; CPDF_Page page; page.Load(pDoc, pDict); *width = page.GetPageWidth(); *height = page.GetPageHeight(); return TRUE; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintScaling(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; if (!pDoc) return TRUE; CPDF_ViewerPreferences viewRef(pDoc); return viewRef.PrintScaling(); } DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetNumCopies(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; if (!pDoc) return 1; CPDF_ViewerPreferences viewRef(pDoc); return viewRef.NumCopies(); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_PAGERANGE STDCALL FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRange(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; if (!pDoc) return NULL; CPDF_ViewerPreferences viewRef(pDoc); return viewRef.PrintPageRange(); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_DUPLEXTYPE STDCALL FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetDuplex(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; if (!pDoc) return DuplexUndefined; CPDF_ViewerPreferences viewRef(pDoc); CFX_ByteString duplex = viewRef.Duplex(); if (FX_BSTRC("Simplex") == duplex) return Simplex; if (FX_BSTRC("DuplexFlipShortEdge") == duplex) return DuplexFlipShortEdge; if (FX_BSTRC("DuplexFlipLongEdge") == duplex) return DuplexFlipLongEdge; return DuplexUndefined; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_DWORD STDCALL FPDF_CountNamedDests(FPDF_DOCUMENT document) { if (!document) return 0; CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; CPDF_Dictionary* pRoot = pDoc->GetRoot(); if (!pRoot) return 0; CPDF_NameTree nameTree(pDoc, FX_BSTRC("Dests")); int count = nameTree.GetCount(); CPDF_Dictionary* pDest = pRoot->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Dests")); if (pDest) count += pDest->GetCount(); return count; } DLLEXPORT FPDF_DEST STDCALL FPDF_GetNamedDestByName(FPDF_DOCUMENT document,FPDF_BYTESTRING name) { if (!document) return NULL; if (!name || name[0] == 0) return NULL; CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; CPDF_NameTree name_tree(pDoc, FX_BSTRC("Dests")); return name_tree.LookupNamedDest(pDoc, name); } DLLEXPORT FPDF_DEST STDCALL FPDF_GetNamedDest(FPDF_DOCUMENT document, int index, void* buffer, long& buflen) { if (!buffer) buflen = 0; if (!document || index < 0) return NULL; CPDF_Document* pDoc = (CPDF_Document*)document; CPDF_Dictionary* pRoot = pDoc->GetRoot(); if (!pRoot) return NULL; CPDF_Object* pDestObj = NULL; CFX_ByteString bsName; CPDF_NameTree nameTree(pDoc, FX_BSTRC("Dests")); int count = nameTree.GetCount(); if (index >= count) { CPDF_Dictionary* pDest = pRoot->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Dests")); if (!pDest) return NULL; if (index >= count + pDest->GetCount()) return NULL; index -= count; FX_POSITION pos = pDest->GetStartPos(); int i = 0; while (pos) { pDestObj = pDest->GetNextElement(pos, bsName); if (!pDestObj) continue; if (i == index) break; i++; } } else { pDestObj = nameTree.LookupValue(index, bsName); } if (!pDestObj) return NULL; if (pDestObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_DICTIONARY) { pDestObj = ((CPDF_Dictionary*)pDestObj)->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("D")); if (!pDestObj) return NULL; } if (pDestObj->GetType() != PDFOBJ_ARRAY) return NULL; CFX_WideString wsName = PDF_DecodeText(bsName); CFX_ByteString utf16Name = wsName.UTF16LE_Encode(); unsigned int len = utf16Name.GetLength(); if (!buffer) { buflen = len; } else if (buflen >= len) { memcpy(buffer, utf16Name.c_str(), len); buflen = len; } else { buflen = -1; } return (FPDF_DEST)pDestObj; }