// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "../include/fsdk_define.h" #include "../include/fsdk_mgr.h" #include "../include/formfiller/FFL_FormFiller.h" #include "../include/fsdk_annothandler.h" CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr(CPDFDoc_Environment* pApp) { m_pApp = pApp; CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler* pHandler = new CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler(m_pApp); pHandler->SetFormFiller(m_pApp->GetIFormFiller()); RegisterAnnotHandler(pHandler); } CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::~CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr() { for (int i = 0; i < m_Handlers.GetSize(); i++) { IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pHandler = m_Handlers.GetAt(i); delete pHandler; } m_Handlers.RemoveAll(); m_mapType2Handler.RemoveAll(); } void CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::RegisterAnnotHandler( IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler) { ASSERT(pAnnotHandler != NULL); ASSERT(GetAnnotHandler(pAnnotHandler->GetType()) == NULL); m_Handlers.Add(pAnnotHandler); m_mapType2Handler.SetAt(pAnnotHandler->GetType(), (void*)pAnnotHandler); } void CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::UnRegisterAnnotHandler( IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler) { ASSERT(pAnnotHandler != NULL); m_mapType2Handler.RemoveKey(pAnnotHandler->GetType()); for (int i = 0, sz = m_Handlers.GetSize(); i < sz; i++) { if (m_Handlers.GetAt(i) == pAnnotHandler) { m_Handlers.RemoveAt(i); break; } } } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::NewAnnot(CPDF_Annot* pAnnot, CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); ASSERT(pPageView != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot->GetSubType())) { return pAnnotHandler->NewAnnot(pAnnot, pPageView); } return new CPDFSDK_Annot(pAnnot, pPageView); } void CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::ReleaseAnnot(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); pAnnot->GetPDFPage(); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { pAnnotHandler->OnRelease(pAnnot); pAnnotHandler->ReleaseAnnot(pAnnot); } else { delete (CPDFSDK_Annot*)pAnnot; } } void CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnCreate(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CPDF_Annot* pPDFAnnot = pAnnot->GetPDFAnnot(); CPDFSDK_DateTime curTime; pPDFAnnot->GetAnnotDict()->SetAtString("M", curTime.ToPDFDateTimeString()); pPDFAnnot->GetAnnotDict()->SetAtNumber("F", 0); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { pAnnotHandler->OnCreate(pAnnot); } } void CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnLoad(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { pAnnotHandler->OnLoad(pAnnot); } } IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::GetAnnotHandler( CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) const { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CPDF_Annot* pPDFAnnot = pAnnot->GetPDFAnnot(); ASSERT(pPDFAnnot != NULL); return GetAnnotHandler(pPDFAnnot->GetSubType()); } IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::GetAnnotHandler( const CFX_ByteString& sType) const { void* pRet = NULL; m_mapType2Handler.Lookup(sType, pRet); return (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler*)pRet; } void CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnDraw(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CPDF_Matrix* pUser2Device, FX_DWORD dwFlags) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { pAnnotHandler->OnDraw(pPageView, pAnnot, pDevice, pUser2Device, dwFlags); } else { pAnnot->DrawAppearance(pDevice, pUser2Device, CPDF_Annot::Normal, NULL); } } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnLButtonDown( CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnLButtonDown(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnLButtonUp(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnLButtonUp(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnLButtonDblClk( CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnLButtonDblClk(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnMouseMove(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnMouseMove(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnMouseWheel(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, short zDelta, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnMouseWheel(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, zDelta, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnRButtonDown( CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnRButtonDown(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnRButtonUp(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnRButtonUp(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } void CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnMouseEnter(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { pAnnotHandler->OnMouseEnter(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlag); } return; } void CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnMouseExit(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { pAnnotHandler->OnMouseExit(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlag); } return; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnChar(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nChar, FX_DWORD nFlags) { if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnChar(pAnnot, nChar, nFlags); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnKeyDown(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, int nKeyCode, int nFlag) { if (!m_pApp->FFI_IsCTRLKeyDown(nFlag) && !m_pApp->FFI_IsALTKeyDown(nFlag)) { CPDFSDK_PageView* pPage = pAnnot->GetPageView(); CPDFSDK_Annot* pFocusAnnot = pPage->GetFocusAnnot(); if (pFocusAnnot && (nKeyCode == FWL_VKEY_Tab)) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pNext = GetNextAnnot(pFocusAnnot, !m_pApp->FFI_IsSHIFTKeyDown(nFlag)); if (pNext && pNext != pFocusAnnot) { CPDFSDK_Document* pDocument = pPage->GetSDKDocument(); pDocument->SetFocusAnnot(pNext); return TRUE; } } } if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { return pAnnotHandler->OnKeyDown(pAnnot, nKeyCode, nFlag); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnKeyUp(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, int nKeyCode, int nFlag) { return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnSetFocus(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { if (pAnnotHandler->OnSetFocus(pAnnot, nFlag)) { CPDFSDK_PageView* pPage = pAnnot->GetPageView(); pPage->GetSDKDocument(); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnKillFocus(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) return pAnnotHandler->OnKillFocus(pAnnot, nFlag); return FALSE; } CPDF_Rect CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnGetViewBBox( CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) return pAnnotHandler->GetViewBBox(pPageView, pAnnot); return pAnnot->GetRect(); } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::Annot_OnHitTest(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot); if (IPDFSDK_AnnotHandler* pAnnotHandler = GetAnnotHandler(pAnnot)) { if (pAnnotHandler->CanAnswer(pAnnot)) return pAnnotHandler->HitTest(pPageView, pAnnot, point); } return FALSE; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr::GetNextAnnot(CPDFSDK_Annot* pSDKAnnot, FX_BOOL bNext) { CBA_AnnotIterator ai(pSDKAnnot->GetPageView(), "Widget", ""); return bNext ? ai.GetNextAnnot(pSDKAnnot) : ai.GetPrevAnnot(pSDKAnnot); } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::CanAnswer(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot->GetType() == "Widget"); if (pAnnot->GetSubType() == BFFT_SIGNATURE) return FALSE; CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = (CPDFSDK_Widget*)pAnnot; if (!pWidget->IsVisible()) return FALSE; int nFieldFlags = pWidget->GetFieldFlags(); if ((nFieldFlags & FIELDFLAG_READONLY) == FIELDFLAG_READONLY) return FALSE; if (pWidget->GetFieldType() == FIELDTYPE_PUSHBUTTON) return TRUE; CPDF_Page* pPage = pWidget->GetPDFPage(); CPDF_Document* pDocument = pPage->m_pDocument; FX_DWORD dwPermissions = pDocument->GetUserPermissions(); return (dwPermissions & FPDFPERM_FILL_FORM) || (dwPermissions & FPDFPERM_ANNOT_FORM); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::NewAnnot(CPDF_Annot* pAnnot, CPDFSDK_PageView* pPage) { CPDFSDK_Document* pSDKDoc = m_pApp->GetSDKDocument(); CPDFSDK_InterForm* pInterForm = (CPDFSDK_InterForm*)pSDKDoc->GetInterForm(); CPDF_FormControl* pCtrl = CPDFSDK_Widget::GetFormControl( pInterForm->GetInterForm(), pAnnot->GetAnnotDict()); if (!pCtrl) return nullptr; CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = new CPDFSDK_Widget(pAnnot, pPage, pInterForm); pInterForm->AddMap(pCtrl, pWidget); CPDF_InterForm* pPDFInterForm = pInterForm->GetInterForm(); if (pPDFInterForm && pPDFInterForm->NeedConstructAP()) pWidget->ResetAppearance(nullptr, FALSE); return pWidget; } void CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::ReleaseAnnot(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); if (m_pFormFiller) m_pFormFiller->OnDelete(pAnnot); CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = (CPDFSDK_Widget*)pAnnot; CPDFSDK_InterForm* pInterForm = pWidget->GetInterForm(); ASSERT(pInterForm != NULL); CPDF_FormControl* pCtrol = pWidget->GetFormControl(); pInterForm->RemoveMap(pCtrol); delete pWidget; } void CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnDraw(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CPDF_Matrix* pUser2Device, FX_DWORD dwFlags) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { pAnnot->DrawAppearance(pDevice, pUser2Device, CPDF_Annot::Normal, NULL); } else { if (m_pFormFiller) { m_pFormFiller->OnDraw(pPageView, pAnnot, pDevice, pUser2Device, dwFlags); } } } void CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnMouseEnter(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) m_pFormFiller->OnMouseEnter(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlag); } } void CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnMouseExit(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) m_pFormFiller->OnMouseExit(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlag); } } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnLButtonDown(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnLButtonDown(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnLButtonUp(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnLButtonUp(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnLButtonDblClk(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnLButtonDblClk(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnMouseMove(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnMouseMove(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnMouseWheel(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, short zDelta, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnMouseWheel(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, zDelta, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnRButtonDown(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnRButtonDown(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnRButtonUp(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlags, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnRButtonUp(pPageView, pAnnot, nFlags, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnChar(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nChar, FX_DWORD nFlags) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnChar(pAnnot, nChar, nFlags); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnKeyDown(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, int nKeyCode, int nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnKeyDown(pAnnot, nKeyCode, nFlag); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnKeyUp(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, int nKeyCode, int nFlag) { return FALSE; } void CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnCreate(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) m_pFormFiller->OnCreate(pAnnot); } } void CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnLoad(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = (CPDFSDK_Widget*)pAnnot; if (!pWidget->IsAppearanceValid()) pWidget->ResetAppearance(NULL, FALSE); int nFieldType = pWidget->GetFieldType(); if (nFieldType == FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD || nFieldType == FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX) { FX_BOOL bFormated = FALSE; CFX_WideString sValue = pWidget->OnFormat(bFormated); if (bFormated && nFieldType == FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX) { pWidget->ResetAppearance(sValue.c_str(), FALSE); } } if (m_pFormFiller) m_pFormFiller->OnLoad(pAnnot); } } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnSetFocus(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnSetFocus(pAnnot, nFlag); } return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::OnKillFocus(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_DWORD nFlag) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->OnKillFocus(pAnnot, nFlag); } return TRUE; } CPDF_Rect CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::GetViewBBox(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { ASSERT(pAnnot != NULL); CFX_ByteString sSubType = pAnnot->GetSubType(); if (sSubType == BFFT_SIGNATURE) { } else { if (m_pFormFiller) return m_pFormFiller->GetViewBBox(pPageView, pAnnot); } return CPDF_Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_BFAnnotHandler::HitTest(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, const CPDF_Point& point) { ASSERT(pPageView); ASSERT(pAnnot); CPDF_Rect rect = GetViewBBox(pPageView, pAnnot); return rect.Contains(point.x, point.y); } // CReader_AnnotIteratorEx CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator(CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, FX_BOOL bReverse, FX_BOOL bIgnoreTopmost /*=FALSE*/, FX_BOOL bCircle /*=FALSE*/, CFX_PtrArray* pList /*=NULL*/) { ASSERT(pPageView); m_bReverse = bReverse; m_bIgnoreTopmost = bIgnoreTopmost; m_bCircle = bCircle; m_pIteratorAnnotList.RemoveAll(); InitIteratorAnnotList(pPageView, pList); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::NextAnnot(const CPDFSDK_Annot* pCurrent) { int index = -1; int nCount = m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetSize(); if (pCurrent) { for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pReaderAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetAt(i); if (pReaderAnnot == pCurrent) { index = i; break; } } } return NextAnnot(index); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::PrevAnnot(const CPDFSDK_Annot* pCurrent) { int index = -1; int nCount = m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetSize(); if (pCurrent) { for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pReaderAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetAt(i); if (pReaderAnnot == pCurrent) { index = i; break; } } } return PrevAnnot(index); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::NextAnnot(int& index) { int nCount = m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetSize(); if (nCount <= 0) index = -1; else { if (index < 0) { index = 0; } else { if (m_bCircle) { index = (index < nCount - 1) ? (index + 1) : 0; } else { index = (index < nCount - 1) ? (index + 1) : -1; } } } return (index < 0) ? NULL : (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetAt(index); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::PrevAnnot(int& index) { int nCount = m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetSize(); if (nCount <= 0) index = -1; else { if (index < 0) { index = nCount - 1; } else { if (m_bCircle) { index = (index > 0) ? (index - 1) : nCount - 1; } else { index = (index > 0) ? (index - 1) : -1; } } } return (index < 0) ? NULL : (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetAt(index); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::Next(const CPDFSDK_Annot* pCurrent) { return (m_bReverse) ? PrevAnnot(pCurrent) : NextAnnot(pCurrent); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::Prev(const CPDFSDK_Annot* pCurrent) { return (m_bReverse) ? NextAnnot(pCurrent) : PrevAnnot(pCurrent); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::Next(int& index) { return (m_bReverse) ? PrevAnnot(index) : NextAnnot(index); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::Prev(int& index) { return (m_bReverse) ? NextAnnot(index) : PrevAnnot(index); } void CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::InsertSort(CFX_PtrArray& arrayList, AI_COMPARE pCompare) { for (int i = 1; i < arrayList.GetSize(); i++) { if (pCompare((CPDFSDK_Annot*)(arrayList[i]), (CPDFSDK_Annot*)(arrayList[i - 1])) < 0) { int j = i - 1; CPDFSDK_Annot* pTemp = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)arrayList[i]; do { arrayList[j + 1] = arrayList[j]; } while (--j >= 0 && pCompare(pTemp, (CPDFSDK_Annot*)arrayList[j]) < 0); arrayList[j + 1] = pTemp; } } } int LyOrderCompare(CPDFSDK_Annot* p1, CPDFSDK_Annot* p2) { if (p1->GetLayoutOrder() < p2->GetLayoutOrder()) return -1; if (p1->GetLayoutOrder() > p2->GetLayoutOrder()) return 1; return 0; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator::InitIteratorAnnotList( CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView, CFX_PtrArray* pAnnotList) { ASSERT(pPageView); if (pAnnotList == NULL) { pAnnotList = pPageView->GetAnnotList(); } m_pIteratorAnnotList.RemoveAll(); if (!pAnnotList) return FALSE; CPDFSDK_Annot* pTopMostAnnot = (m_bIgnoreTopmost) ? NULL : pPageView->GetFocusAnnot(); int nCount = pAnnotList->GetSize(); for (int i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pReaderAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)pAnnotList->GetAt(i); m_pIteratorAnnotList.Add(pReaderAnnot); } InsertSort(m_pIteratorAnnotList, &LyOrderCompare); if (pTopMostAnnot) { for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pReaderAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_pIteratorAnnotList.GetAt(i); if (pReaderAnnot == pTopMostAnnot) { m_pIteratorAnnotList.RemoveAt(i); m_pIteratorAnnotList.InsertAt(0, pReaderAnnot); break; } } } return TRUE; }