// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "../../public/fpdf_ext.h" #include "../../third_party/base/nonstd_unique_ptr.h" #include "../include/formfiller/FFL_FormFiller.h" #include "../include/fsdk_define.h" #include "../include/fsdk_mgr.h" #include "../include/javascript/IJavaScript.h" #include "../include/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_app.h" #include "../include/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_doc.h" #include "../include/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_page.h" #include "../include/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_util.h" #if _FX_OS_ == _FX_ANDROID_ #include "time.h" #else #include #endif class CFX_SystemHandler : public IFX_SystemHandler { public: CFX_SystemHandler(CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv) : m_pEnv(pEnv), m_nCharSet(-1) {} ~CFX_SystemHandler() override {} public: // IFX_SystemHandler void InvalidateRect(FX_HWND hWnd, FX_RECT rect) override; void OutputSelectedRect(void* pFormFiller, CPDF_Rect& rect) override; FX_BOOL IsSelectionImplemented() override; CFX_WideString GetClipboardText(FX_HWND hWnd) override { return L""; } FX_BOOL SetClipboardText(FX_HWND hWnd, CFX_WideString string) override { return FALSE; } void ClientToScreen(FX_HWND hWnd, int32_t& x, int32_t& y) override {} void ScreenToClient(FX_HWND hWnd, int32_t& x, int32_t& y) override {} void SetCursor(int32_t nCursorType) override; FX_HMENU CreatePopupMenu() override { return NULL; } FX_BOOL AppendMenuItem(FX_HMENU hMenu, int32_t nIDNewItem, CFX_WideString string) override { return FALSE; } FX_BOOL EnableMenuItem(FX_HMENU hMenu, int32_t nIDItem, FX_BOOL bEnabled) override { return FALSE; } int32_t TrackPopupMenu(FX_HMENU hMenu, int32_t x, int32_t y, FX_HWND hParent) override { return -1; } void DestroyMenu(FX_HMENU hMenu) override {} CFX_ByteString GetNativeTrueTypeFont(int32_t nCharset) override; FX_BOOL FindNativeTrueTypeFont(int32_t nCharset, CFX_ByteString sFontFaceName) override; CPDF_Font* AddNativeTrueTypeFontToPDF(CPDF_Document* pDoc, CFX_ByteString sFontFaceName, uint8_t nCharset) override; int32_t SetTimer(int32_t uElapse, TimerCallback lpTimerFunc) override; void KillTimer(int32_t nID) override; FX_BOOL IsSHIFTKeyDown(FX_DWORD nFlag) override { return m_pEnv->FFI_IsSHIFTKeyDown(nFlag); } FX_BOOL IsCTRLKeyDown(FX_DWORD nFlag) override { return m_pEnv->FFI_IsCTRLKeyDown(nFlag); } FX_BOOL IsALTKeyDown(FX_DWORD nFlag) override { return m_pEnv->FFI_IsALTKeyDown(nFlag); } FX_BOOL IsINSERTKeyDown(FX_DWORD nFlag) override { return m_pEnv->FFI_IsINSERTKeyDown(nFlag); } FX_SYSTEMTIME GetLocalTime() override; int32_t GetCharSet() override { return m_nCharSet; } void SetCharSet(int32_t nCharSet) override { m_nCharSet = nCharSet; } private: CPDFDoc_Environment* m_pEnv; int m_nCharSet; }; void CFX_SystemHandler::SetCursor(int32_t nCursorType) { m_pEnv->FFI_SetCursor(nCursorType); } void CFX_SystemHandler::InvalidateRect(FX_HWND hWnd, FX_RECT rect) { // g_pFormFillApp->FFI_Invalidate(); CPDFSDK_Annot* pSDKAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)hWnd; CPDFXFA_Page* pPage = NULL; CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView = NULL; pPageView = pSDKAnnot->GetPageView(); pPage = pSDKAnnot->GetPDFXFAPage(); if (!pPage || !pPageView) return; CPDF_Matrix page2device; pPageView->GetCurrentMatrix(page2device); CPDF_Matrix device2page; device2page.SetReverse(page2device); FX_FLOAT left, top, right, bottom; device2page.Transform((FX_FLOAT)rect.left, (FX_FLOAT)rect.top, left, top); device2page.Transform((FX_FLOAT)rect.right, (FX_FLOAT)rect.bottom, right, bottom); CPDF_Rect rcPDF(left, bottom, right, top); rcPDF.Normalize(); m_pEnv->FFI_Invalidate(pPage, rcPDF.left, rcPDF.top, rcPDF.right, rcPDF.bottom); } void CFX_SystemHandler::OutputSelectedRect(void* pFormFiller, CPDF_Rect& rect) { CFFL_FormFiller* pFFL = (CFFL_FormFiller*)pFormFiller; if (pFFL) { CPDF_Point leftbottom = CPDF_Point(rect.left, rect.bottom); CPDF_Point righttop = CPDF_Point(rect.right, rect.top); CPDF_Point ptA = pFFL->PWLtoFFL(leftbottom); CPDF_Point ptB = pFFL->PWLtoFFL(righttop); CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = pFFL->GetSDKAnnot(); ASSERT(pAnnot); CPDFXFA_Page* pPage = pAnnot->GetPDFXFAPage(); ASSERT(pPage); m_pEnv->FFI_OutputSelectedRect(pPage, ptA.x, ptB.y, ptB.x, ptA.y); } } FX_BOOL CFX_SystemHandler::IsSelectionImplemented() { if (m_pEnv) { FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pInfo = m_pEnv->GetFormFillInfo(); if (pInfo && pInfo->FFI_OutputSelectedRect) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } CFX_ByteString CFX_SystemHandler::GetNativeTrueTypeFont(int32_t nCharset) { return ""; } FX_BOOL CFX_SystemHandler::FindNativeTrueTypeFont( int32_t nCharset, CFX_ByteString sFontFaceName) { CFX_FontMgr* pFontMgr = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr(); if (!pFontMgr) return FALSE; CFX_FontMapper* pFontMapper = pFontMgr->GetBuiltinMapper(); if (!pFontMapper) return FALSE; int nSize = pFontMapper->m_InstalledTTFonts.GetSize(); if (nSize == 0) { pFontMapper->LoadInstalledFonts(); nSize = pFontMapper->m_InstalledTTFonts.GetSize(); } for (int i = 0; i < nSize; ++i) { if (pFontMapper->m_InstalledTTFonts[i].Compare(sFontFaceName)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static int CharSet2CP(int charset) { if (charset == 128) return 932; if (charset == 134) return 936; if (charset == 129) return 949; if (charset == 136) return 950; return 0; } CPDF_Font* CFX_SystemHandler::AddNativeTrueTypeFontToPDF( CPDF_Document* pDoc, CFX_ByteString sFontFaceName, uint8_t nCharset) { if (pDoc) { CFX_Font* pFXFont = new CFX_Font(); pFXFont->LoadSubst(sFontFaceName, TRUE, 0, 0, 0, CharSet2CP(nCharset), FALSE); CPDF_Font* pFont = pDoc->AddFont(pFXFont, nCharset, FALSE); delete pFXFont; return pFont; } return NULL; } int32_t CFX_SystemHandler::SetTimer(int32_t uElapse, TimerCallback lpTimerFunc) { return m_pEnv->FFI_SetTimer(uElapse, lpTimerFunc); } void CFX_SystemHandler::KillTimer(int32_t nID) { m_pEnv->FFI_KillTimer(nID); } FX_SYSTEMTIME CFX_SystemHandler::GetLocalTime() { return m_pEnv->FFI_GetLocalTime(); } CPDFDoc_Environment::CPDFDoc_Environment(CPDFXFA_Document* pDoc, FPDF_FORMFILLINFO* pFFinfo) : m_pAnnotHandlerMgr(NULL), m_pActionHandler(NULL), m_pInfo(pFFinfo), m_pSDKDoc(NULL), m_pXFADoc(pDoc), m_pIFormFiller(NULL) { m_pSysHandler = new CFX_SystemHandler(this); } CPDFDoc_Environment::~CPDFDoc_Environment() { delete m_pIFormFiller; m_pIFormFiller = NULL; CPDFXFA_App* pProvider = CPDFXFA_App::GetInstance(); if (pProvider->m_pEnvList.GetSize() == 0) pProvider->SetJavaScriptInitialized(FALSE); delete m_pSysHandler; m_pSysHandler = NULL; delete m_pAnnotHandlerMgr; m_pAnnotHandlerMgr = NULL; delete m_pActionHandler; m_pActionHandler = NULL; } int CPDFDoc_Environment::JS_appAlert(const FX_WCHAR* Msg, const FX_WCHAR* Title, FX_UINT Type, FX_UINT Icon) { if (m_pInfo && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->app_alert) { CFX_ByteString bsMsg = CFX_WideString(Msg).UTF16LE_Encode(); CFX_ByteString bsTitle = CFX_WideString(Title).UTF16LE_Encode(); FPDF_WIDESTRING pMsg = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsMsg.GetBuffer(bsMsg.GetLength()); FPDF_WIDESTRING pTitle = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsTitle.GetBuffer(bsTitle.GetLength()); int ret = m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->app_alert(m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform, pMsg, pTitle, Type, Icon); bsMsg.ReleaseBuffer(); bsTitle.ReleaseBuffer(); return ret; } return -1; } int CPDFDoc_Environment::JS_appResponse(const FX_WCHAR* Question, const FX_WCHAR* Title, const FX_WCHAR* Default, const FX_WCHAR* cLabel, FPDF_BOOL bPassword, void* response, int length) { if (m_pInfo && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->app_response) { CFX_ByteString bsQuestion = CFX_WideString(Question).UTF16LE_Encode(); CFX_ByteString bsTitle = CFX_WideString(Title).UTF16LE_Encode(); CFX_ByteString bsDefault = CFX_WideString(Default).UTF16LE_Encode(); CFX_ByteString bsLabel = CFX_WideString(cLabel).UTF16LE_Encode(); FPDF_WIDESTRING pQuestion = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsQuestion.GetBuffer(bsQuestion.GetLength()); FPDF_WIDESTRING pTitle = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsTitle.GetBuffer(bsTitle.GetLength()); FPDF_WIDESTRING pDefault = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsDefault.GetBuffer(bsDefault.GetLength()); FPDF_WIDESTRING pLabel = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsLabel.GetBuffer(bsLabel.GetLength()); int ret = m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->app_response( m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform, pQuestion, pTitle, pDefault, pLabel, bPassword, response, length); bsQuestion.ReleaseBuffer(); bsTitle.ReleaseBuffer(); bsDefault.ReleaseBuffer(); bsLabel.ReleaseBuffer(); return ret; } return -1; } CFX_WideString CPDFDoc_Environment::JS_fieldBrowse() { if (!m_pInfo || !m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform || !m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Field_browse) { return L""; } const int nRequiredLen = m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Field_browse(m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform, nullptr, 0); if (nRequiredLen <= 0) return L""; nonstd::unique_ptr pBuff(new char[nRequiredLen]); memset(pBuff.get(), 0, nRequiredLen); const int nActualLen = m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Field_browse( m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform, pBuff.get(), nRequiredLen); if (nActualLen <= 0 || nActualLen > nRequiredLen) return L""; CFX_ByteString bsRet = CFX_ByteString(pBuff.get(), nActualLen); CFX_WideString wsRet = CFX_WideString::FromLocal(bsRet); return wsRet; } CFX_WideString CPDFDoc_Environment::JS_docGetFilePath() { if (!m_pInfo || !m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform || !m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_getFilePath) { return L""; } const int nRequiredLen = m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_getFilePath( m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform, nullptr, 0); if (nRequiredLen <= 0) return L""; nonstd::unique_ptr pBuff(new char[nRequiredLen]); memset(pBuff.get(), 0, nRequiredLen); const int nActualLen = m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_getFilePath( m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform, pBuff.get(), nRequiredLen); if (nActualLen <= 0 || nActualLen > nRequiredLen) return L""; CFX_ByteString bsRet = CFX_ByteString(pBuff.get(), nActualLen); CFX_WideString wsRet = CFX_WideString::FromLocal(bsRet); return wsRet; } void CPDFDoc_Environment::JS_docSubmitForm(void* formData, int length, const FX_WCHAR* URL) { if (m_pInfo && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_submitForm) { CFX_ByteString bsDestination = CFX_WideString(URL).UTF16LE_Encode(); FPDF_WIDESTRING pDestination = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsDestination.GetBuffer(bsDestination.GetLength()); m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_submitForm(m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform, formData, length, pDestination); bsDestination.ReleaseBuffer(); } } void CPDFDoc_Environment::JS_docmailForm(void* mailData, int length, FPDF_BOOL bUI, const FX_WCHAR* To, const FX_WCHAR* Subject, const FX_WCHAR* CC, const FX_WCHAR* BCC, const FX_WCHAR* Msg) { if (m_pInfo && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform && m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_mail) { CFX_ByteString bsTo = CFX_WideString(To).UTF16LE_Encode(); CFX_ByteString bsCC = CFX_WideString(Subject).UTF16LE_Encode(); CFX_ByteString bsBcc = CFX_WideString(BCC).UTF16LE_Encode(); CFX_ByteString bsSubject = CFX_WideString(Subject).UTF16LE_Encode(); CFX_ByteString bsMsg = CFX_WideString(Msg).UTF16LE_Encode(); FPDF_WIDESTRING pTo = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsTo.GetBuffer(bsTo.GetLength()); FPDF_WIDESTRING pCC = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsCC.GetBuffer(bsCC.GetLength()); FPDF_WIDESTRING pBcc = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsBcc.GetBuffer(bsBcc.GetLength()); FPDF_WIDESTRING pSubject = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsSubject.GetBuffer(bsSubject.GetLength()); FPDF_WIDESTRING pMsg = (FPDF_WIDESTRING)bsMsg.GetBuffer(bsMsg.GetLength()); m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform->Doc_mail(m_pInfo->m_pJsPlatform, mailData, length, bUI, pTo, pSubject, pCC, pBcc, pMsg); bsTo.ReleaseBuffer(); bsCC.ReleaseBuffer(); bsBcc.ReleaseBuffer(); bsSubject.ReleaseBuffer(); bsMsg.ReleaseBuffer(); } } IJS_Runtime* CPDFDoc_Environment::GetJSRuntime() { if (!IsJSInitiated()) return NULL; if (!m_pJSRuntime) m_pJSRuntime.reset(IJS_Runtime::Create(this)); return m_pJSRuntime.get(); } CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* CPDFDoc_Environment::GetAnnotHandlerMgr() { if (!m_pAnnotHandlerMgr) m_pAnnotHandlerMgr = new CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr(this); return m_pAnnotHandlerMgr; } CPDFSDK_ActionHandler* CPDFDoc_Environment::GetActionHander() { if (!m_pActionHandler) m_pActionHandler = new CPDFSDK_ActionHandler(); return m_pActionHandler; } CFFL_IFormFiller* CPDFDoc_Environment::GetIFormFiller() { if (!m_pIFormFiller) m_pIFormFiller = new CFFL_IFormFiller(this); return m_pIFormFiller; } CPDFSDK_Document::CPDFSDK_Document(CPDFXFA_Document* pDoc, CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv) : m_pDoc(pDoc), m_pInterForm(nullptr), m_pFocusAnnot(nullptr), m_pEnv(pEnv), m_pOccontent(nullptr), m_bChangeMask(FALSE) {} CPDFSDK_Document::~CPDFSDK_Document() { for (auto& it : m_pageMap) delete it.second; m_pageMap.clear(); delete m_pInterForm; m_pInterForm = nullptr; delete m_pOccontent; m_pOccontent = nullptr; } CPDFSDK_PageView* CPDFSDK_Document::GetPageView(CPDFXFA_Page* pPDFXFAPage, FX_BOOL ReNew) { auto it = m_pageMap.find(pPDFXFAPage); if (it != m_pageMap.end()) return it->second; if (!ReNew) return nullptr; CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView = new CPDFSDK_PageView(this, pPDFXFAPage); m_pageMap[pPDFXFAPage] = pPageView; // Delay to load all the annotations, to avoid endless loop. pPageView->LoadFXAnnots(); return pPageView; } CPDFSDK_PageView* CPDFSDK_Document::GetCurrentView() { CPDFXFA_Page* pPage = (CPDFXFA_Page*)m_pEnv->FFI_GetCurrentPage(m_pDoc); return pPage ? GetPageView(pPage, TRUE) : nullptr; } CPDFSDK_PageView* CPDFSDK_Document::GetPageView(int nIndex) { CPDFXFA_Page* pTempPage = (CPDFXFA_Page*)m_pEnv->FFI_GetPage(m_pDoc, nIndex); if (!pTempPage) return nullptr; auto it = m_pageMap.find(pTempPage); return it->second; } void CPDFSDK_Document::ProcJavascriptFun() { CPDFXFA_Document* pPDFDoc = GetDocument(); CPDF_DocJSActions docJS(pPDFDoc->GetPDFDoc()); int iCount = docJS.CountJSActions(); if (iCount < 1) return; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { CFX_ByteString csJSName; CPDF_Action jsAction = docJS.GetJSAction(i, csJSName); if (m_pEnv->GetActionHander()) m_pEnv->GetActionHander()->DoAction_JavaScript( jsAction, CFX_WideString::FromLocal(csJSName), this); } } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_Document::ProcOpenAction() { if (!m_pDoc) return FALSE; CPDF_Dictionary* pRoot = m_pDoc->GetPDFDoc()->GetRoot(); if (!pRoot) return FALSE; CPDF_Object* pOpenAction = pRoot->GetDict("OpenAction"); if (!pOpenAction) pOpenAction = pRoot->GetArray("OpenAction"); if (!pOpenAction) return FALSE; if (pOpenAction->GetType() == PDFOBJ_ARRAY) return TRUE; if (CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pOpenAction->AsDictionary()) { CPDF_Action action(pDict); if (m_pEnv->GetActionHander()) m_pEnv->GetActionHander()->DoAction_DocOpen(action, this); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } CPDF_OCContext* CPDFSDK_Document::GetOCContext() { if (!m_pOccontent) m_pOccontent = new CPDF_OCContext(m_pDoc->GetPDFDoc()); return m_pOccontent; } void CPDFSDK_Document::ReMovePageView(CPDFXFA_Page* pPDFXFAPage) { auto it = m_pageMap.find(pPDFXFAPage); if (it == m_pageMap.end()) return; CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView = it->second; if (pPageView->IsLocked()) return; delete pPageView; m_pageMap.erase(it); } CPDFXFA_Page* CPDFSDK_Document::GetPage(int nIndex) { CPDFXFA_Page* pTempPage = (CPDFXFA_Page*)m_pEnv->FFI_GetPage(m_pDoc, nIndex); if (!pTempPage) return NULL; return pTempPage; } CPDFSDK_InterForm* CPDFSDK_Document::GetInterForm() { if (!m_pInterForm) m_pInterForm = new CPDFSDK_InterForm(this); return m_pInterForm; } void CPDFSDK_Document::UpdateAllViews(CPDFSDK_PageView* pSender, CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { for (const auto& it : m_pageMap) { CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView = it.second; if (pPageView != pSender) { pPageView->UpdateView(pAnnot); } } } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_Document::GetFocusAnnot() { return m_pFocusAnnot; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_Document::SetFocusAnnot(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot, FX_UINT nFlag) { if (m_pFocusAnnot == pAnnot) return TRUE; CPDFSDK_Annot* pLastFocusAnnot = m_pFocusAnnot; if (m_pFocusAnnot) { if (!KillFocusAnnot(nFlag)) return FALSE; } CPDFSDK_PageView* pPageView = NULL; if (pAnnot) pPageView = pAnnot->GetPageView(); if (pAnnot && pPageView->IsValid()) { CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandler = m_pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); if (pAnnotHandler && !m_pFocusAnnot) { if (!pAnnotHandler->Annot_OnChangeFocus(pAnnot, pLastFocusAnnot)) return FALSE; if (!pAnnotHandler->Annot_OnSetFocus(pAnnot, nFlag)) return FALSE; if (!m_pFocusAnnot) { m_pFocusAnnot = pAnnot; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_Document::KillFocusAnnot(FX_UINT nFlag) { if (m_pFocusAnnot) { CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandler = m_pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); if (pAnnotHandler) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pFocusAnnot = m_pFocusAnnot; m_pFocusAnnot = NULL; if (!pAnnotHandler->Annot_OnChangeFocus(NULL, pFocusAnnot)) return FALSE; if (pAnnotHandler->Annot_OnKillFocus(pFocusAnnot, nFlag)) { if (pFocusAnnot->GetType() == FX_BSTRC("Widget")) { CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = (CPDFSDK_Widget*)pFocusAnnot; int nFieldType = pWidget->GetFieldType(); if (FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD == nFieldType || FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX == nFieldType) m_pEnv->FFI_OnSetFieldInputFocus(NULL, NULL, 0, FALSE); } if (!m_pFocusAnnot) return TRUE; } else { m_pFocusAnnot = pFocusAnnot; } } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_Document::DeletePages(int nStart, int nCount) { if (nStart < 0 || nStart >= GetPageCount() || nCount <= 0) { return FALSE; } CPDFXFA_Page* pTempPage = NULL; for (int i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pTempPage = GetPage(nStart + i); if (pTempPage != NULL) { ReMovePageView(pTempPage); } } return TRUE; } void CPDFSDK_Document::OnCloseDocument() { KillFocusAnnot(); } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_Document::GetPermissions(int nFlag) { FX_DWORD dwPermissions = m_pDoc->GetPDFDoc()->GetUserPermissions(); return dwPermissions & nFlag; } IJS_Runtime* CPDFSDK_Document::GetJsRuntime() { ASSERT(m_pEnv != NULL); return m_pEnv->GetJSRuntime(); } CFX_WideString CPDFSDK_Document::GetPath() { ASSERT(m_pEnv != NULL); return m_pEnv->JS_docGetFilePath(); } CPDFSDK_PageView::CPDFSDK_PageView(CPDFSDK_Document* pSDKDoc, CPDFXFA_Page* page) : m_page(page), m_pSDKDoc(pSDKDoc) { CPDFSDK_InterForm* pInterForm = pSDKDoc->GetInterForm(); if (pInterForm) { CPDF_InterForm* pPDFInterForm = pInterForm->GetInterForm(); if (page->GetPDFPage()) pPDFInterForm->FixPageFields(page->GetPDFPage()); } m_fxAnnotArray.RemoveAll(); m_bEnterWidget = FALSE; m_bExitWidget = FALSE; m_bOnWidget = FALSE; m_CaptureWidget = NULL; m_bValid = FALSE; m_bLocked = FALSE; m_pAnnotList = NULL; } CPDFSDK_PageView::~CPDFSDK_PageView() { // if there is a focused annot on the page, we should kill the focus first. if (CPDFSDK_Annot* focusedAnnot = m_pSDKDoc->GetFocusAnnot()) { for (int i = 0, count = m_fxAnnotArray.GetSize(); i < count; i++) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_fxAnnotArray.GetAt(i); if (pAnnot == focusedAnnot) { KillFocusAnnot(); break; } } } CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); for (int i = 0, count = m_fxAnnotArray.GetSize(); i < count; i++) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_fxAnnotArray.GetAt(i); pAnnotHandlerMgr->ReleaseAnnot(pAnnot); } m_fxAnnotArray.RemoveAll(); delete m_pAnnotList; m_pAnnotList = NULL; } void CPDFSDK_PageView::PageView_OnDraw(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CPDF_Matrix* pUser2Device, CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions, FX_RECT* pClip) { m_curMatrix = *pUser2Device; CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFXFA_Page* pPage = GetPDFXFAPage(); if (pPage == NULL) return; #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA if (pPage->GetDocument()->GetDocType() == DOCTYPE_DYNIMIC_XFA) { CFX_Graphics gs; gs.Create(pDevice); if (pClip) { CFX_RectF rectClip; rectClip.Set(static_cast(pClip->left), static_cast(pClip->top), static_cast(pClip->Width()), static_cast(pClip->Height())); gs.SetClipRect(rectClip); } IXFA_RenderContext* pRenderContext = XFA_RenderContext_Create(); if (!pRenderContext) return; CXFA_RenderOptions renderOptions; renderOptions.m_bHighlight = TRUE; pRenderContext->StartRender(pPage->GetXFAPageView(), &gs, *pUser2Device, renderOptions); pRenderContext->DoRender(); pRenderContext->StopRender(); pRenderContext->Release(); return; } #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA // for pdf/static xfa. CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator annotIterator(this, TRUE); int index = -1; while (CPDFSDK_Annot* pSDKAnnot = annotIterator.Next(index)) { CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnDraw(this, pSDKAnnot, pDevice, pUser2Device, 0); } } CPDF_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetPDFAnnotAtPoint(FX_FLOAT pageX, FX_FLOAT pageY) { int nCount = m_pAnnotList->Count(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDF_Annot* pAnnot = m_pAnnotList->GetAt(i); CFX_FloatRect annotRect; pAnnot->GetRect(annotRect); if (annotRect.Contains(pageX, pageY)) return pAnnot; } return NULL; } CPDF_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetPDFWidgetAtPoint(FX_FLOAT pageX, FX_FLOAT pageY) { int nCount = m_pAnnotList->Count(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDF_Annot* pAnnot = m_pAnnotList->GetAt(i); if (pAnnot->GetSubType() == "Widget") { CFX_FloatRect annotRect; pAnnot->GetRect(annotRect); if (annotRect.Contains(pageX, pageY)) return pAnnot; } } return NULL; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetFXAnnotAtPoint(FX_FLOAT pageX, FX_FLOAT pageY) { CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator annotIterator(this, FALSE); CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); CPDFSDK_Annot* pSDKAnnot = NULL; int index = -1; pSDKAnnot = annotIterator.Next(index); while (pSDKAnnot) { CPDF_Rect rc = pAnnotMgr->Annot_OnGetViewBBox(this, pSDKAnnot); if (rc.Contains(pageX, pageY)) return pSDKAnnot; pSDKAnnot = annotIterator.Next(index); } return NULL; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetFXWidgetAtPoint(FX_FLOAT pageX, FX_FLOAT pageY) { CPDFSDK_AnnotIterator annotIterator(this, FALSE); CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); int index = -1; while (CPDFSDK_Annot* pSDKAnnot = annotIterator.Next(index)) { if (pSDKAnnot->GetType() == "Widget" || pSDKAnnot->GetType() == FSDK_XFAWIDGET_TYPENAME) { pAnnotMgr->Annot_OnGetViewBBox(this, pSDKAnnot); CPDF_Point point(pageX, pageY); if (pAnnotMgr->Annot_OnHitTest(this, pSDKAnnot, point)) return pSDKAnnot; } } return NULL; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::Annot_HasAppearance(CPDF_Annot* pAnnot) { CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDic = pAnnot->GetAnnotDict(); if (pAnnotDic) return pAnnotDic->KeyExist("AS"); return FALSE; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::AddAnnot(CPDF_Annot* pPDFAnnot) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); ASSERT(pEnv); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandler = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); CPDFSDK_Annot* pSDKAnnot = NULL; if (pAnnotHandler) { pSDKAnnot = pAnnotHandler->NewAnnot(pPDFAnnot, this); } if (!pSDKAnnot) return NULL; m_fxAnnotArray.Add(pSDKAnnot); if (pAnnotHandler) { pAnnotHandler->Annot_OnCreate(pSDKAnnot); } return pSDKAnnot; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::AddAnnot(IXFA_Widget* pPDFAnnot) { if (!pPDFAnnot) return NULL; CPDFSDK_Annot* pSDKAnnot = GetAnnotByXFAWidget(pPDFAnnot); if (pSDKAnnot) return pSDKAnnot; CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); ASSERT(pEnv); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandler = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); pSDKAnnot = NULL; if (pAnnotHandler) { pSDKAnnot = pAnnotHandler->NewAnnot(pPDFAnnot, this); } if (!pSDKAnnot) return NULL; m_fxAnnotArray.Add(pSDKAnnot); return pSDKAnnot; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::AddAnnot(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) { return pDict ? AddAnnot(pDict->GetString("Subtype"), pDict) : nullptr; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::AddAnnot(const FX_CHAR* lpSubType, CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) { return NULL; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::DeleteAnnot(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { if (!pAnnot) return FALSE; CPDFXFA_Page* pPage = pAnnot->GetPDFXFAPage(); if (!pPage || (pPage->GetDocument()->GetDocType() != DOCTYPE_STATIC_XFA && pPage->GetDocument()->GetDocType() != DOCTYPE_DYNIMIC_XFA)) return FALSE; int index = m_fxAnnotArray.Find(pAnnot); m_fxAnnotArray.RemoveAt(index); if (m_CaptureWidget == pAnnot) m_CaptureWidget = NULL; return TRUE; } CPDF_Document* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetPDFDocument() { if (m_page) { return m_page->GetDocument()->GetPDFDoc(); } return NULL; } CPDF_Page* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetPDFPage() { if (m_page) { return m_page->GetPDFPage(); } return NULL; } int CPDFSDK_PageView::CountAnnots() { return m_fxAnnotArray.GetSize(); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetAnnot(int nIndex) { int nCount = m_fxAnnotArray.GetSize(); if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= nCount) { return NULL; } return (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_fxAnnotArray.GetAt(nIndex); } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetAnnotByDict(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict) { int nCount = m_fxAnnotArray.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_fxAnnotArray.GetAt(i); if (pDict == pAnnot->GetPDFAnnot()->GetAnnotDict()) return pAnnot; } return NULL; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetAnnotByXFAWidget(IXFA_Widget* hWidget) { if (hWidget == NULL) return NULL; int annotCount = m_fxAnnotArray.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < annotCount; i++) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_fxAnnotArray.GetAt(i); if (pAnnot->GetXFAWidget() == hWidget) return pAnnot; } return NULL; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnLButtonDown(const CPDF_Point& point, FX_UINT nFlag) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); ASSERT(pEnv); CPDFSDK_Annot* pFXAnnot = GetFXWidgetAtPoint(point.x, point.y); if (!pFXAnnot) { KillFocusAnnot(nFlag); } else { CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); FX_BOOL bRet = pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnLButtonDown(this, pFXAnnot, nFlag, point); if (bRet) { SetFocusAnnot(pFXAnnot); } return bRet; } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnRButtonDown(const CPDF_Point& point, FX_UINT nFlag) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); ASSERT(pEnv); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); CPDFSDK_Annot* pFXAnnot = GetFXWidgetAtPoint(point.x, point.y); if (pFXAnnot == NULL) return FALSE; FX_BOOL bRet = pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnRButtonDown(this, pFXAnnot, nFlag, point); if (bRet) { SetFocusAnnot(pFXAnnot); } return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnRButtonUp(const CPDF_Point& point, FX_UINT nFlag) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); ASSERT(pEnv); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); CPDFSDK_Annot* pFXAnnot = GetFXWidgetAtPoint(point.x, point.y); if (pFXAnnot == NULL) return FALSE; FX_BOOL bRet = pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnRButtonUp(this, pFXAnnot, nFlag, point); if (bRet) { SetFocusAnnot(pFXAnnot); } return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnLButtonUp(const CPDF_Point& point, FX_UINT nFlag) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); ASSERT(pEnv); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); CPDFSDK_Annot* pFXAnnot = GetFXWidgetAtPoint(point.x, point.y); CPDFSDK_Annot* pFocusAnnot = GetFocusAnnot(); FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (pFocusAnnot && pFocusAnnot != pFXAnnot) { // Last focus Annot gets a chance to handle the event. bRet = pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnLButtonUp(this, pFocusAnnot, nFlag, point); } if (pFXAnnot && !bRet) { bRet = pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnLButtonUp(this, pFXAnnot, nFlag, point); return bRet; } return bRet; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnMouseMove(const CPDF_Point& point, int nFlag) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); if (CPDFSDK_Annot* pFXAnnot = GetFXWidgetAtPoint(point.x, point.y)) { if (m_CaptureWidget && m_CaptureWidget != pFXAnnot) { m_bExitWidget = TRUE; m_bEnterWidget = FALSE; pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnMouseExit(this, m_CaptureWidget, nFlag); } m_CaptureWidget = (CPDFSDK_Widget*)pFXAnnot; m_bOnWidget = TRUE; if (!m_bEnterWidget) { m_bEnterWidget = TRUE; m_bExitWidget = FALSE; pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnMouseEnter(this, pFXAnnot, nFlag); } pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnMouseMove(this, pFXAnnot, nFlag, point); return TRUE; } if (m_bOnWidget) { m_bOnWidget = FALSE; m_bExitWidget = TRUE; m_bEnterWidget = FALSE; if (m_CaptureWidget) { pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnMouseExit(this, m_CaptureWidget, nFlag); m_CaptureWidget = NULL; } } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnMouseWheel(double deltaX, double deltaY, const CPDF_Point& point, int nFlag) { if (CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = GetFXWidgetAtPoint(point.x, point.y)) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); return pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnMouseWheel(this, pAnnot, nFlag, (int)deltaY, point); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnChar(int nChar, FX_UINT nFlag) { if (CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = GetFocusAnnot()) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); return pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnChar(pAnnot, nChar, nFlag); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnKeyDown(int nKeyCode, int nFlag) { if (CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = GetFocusAnnot()) { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); ASSERT(pAnnotHandlerMgr); return pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnKeyDown(pAnnot, nKeyCode, nFlag); } return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::OnKeyUp(int nKeyCode, int nFlag) { return FALSE; } void CPDFSDK_PageView::LoadFXAnnots() { CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); CPDFSDK_AnnotHandlerMgr* pAnnotHandlerMgr = pEnv->GetAnnotHandlerMgr(); SetLock(TRUE); m_page->AddRef(); if (m_pSDKDoc->GetDocument()->GetDocType() == DOCTYPE_DYNIMIC_XFA) { IXFA_PageView* pageView = NULL; pageView = m_page->GetXFAPageView(); ASSERT(pageView != NULL); IXFA_WidgetIterator* pWidgetHander = pageView->CreateWidgetIterator( XFA_TRAVERSEWAY_Form, XFA_WIDGETFILTER_Visible | XFA_WIDGETFILTER_Viewable | XFA_WIDGETFILTER_AllType); if (!pWidgetHander) { m_page->Release(); SetLock(FALSE); return; } IXFA_Widget* pXFAAnnot = pWidgetHander->MoveToNext(); while (pXFAAnnot) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = pAnnotHandlerMgr->NewAnnot(pXFAAnnot, this); if (!pAnnot) { pXFAAnnot = pWidgetHander->MoveToNext(); continue; } m_fxAnnotArray.Add(pAnnot); pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnLoad(pAnnot); pXFAAnnot = pWidgetHander->MoveToNext(); } pWidgetHander->Release(); } else { CPDF_Page* pPage = m_page->GetPDFPage(); ASSERT(pPage != NULL); FX_BOOL enableAPUpdate = CPDF_InterForm::UpdatingAPEnabled(); // Disable the default AP construction. CPDF_InterForm::EnableUpdateAP(FALSE); m_pAnnotList = new CPDF_AnnotList(pPage); CPDF_InterForm::EnableUpdateAP(enableAPUpdate); int nCount = m_pAnnotList->Count(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CPDF_Annot* pPDFAnnot = m_pAnnotList->GetAt(i); CPDF_Document* pDoc = GetPDFDocument(); CheckUnSupportAnnot(pDoc, pPDFAnnot); CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = pAnnotHandlerMgr->NewAnnot(pPDFAnnot, this); if (!pAnnot) continue; m_fxAnnotArray.Add(pAnnot); pAnnotHandlerMgr->Annot_OnLoad(pAnnot); } } m_page->Release(); SetLock(FALSE); } void CPDFSDK_PageView::UpdateRects(CFX_RectArray& rects) { for (int i = 0; i < rects.GetSize(); i++) { CPDF_Rect rc = rects.GetAt(i); CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); pEnv->FFI_Invalidate(m_page, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); } } void CPDFSDK_PageView::UpdateView(CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot) { CPDF_Rect rcWindow = pAnnot->GetRect(); CPDFDoc_Environment* pEnv = m_pSDKDoc->GetEnv(); pEnv->FFI_Invalidate(m_page, rcWindow.left, rcWindow.top, rcWindow.right, rcWindow.bottom); } int CPDFSDK_PageView::GetPageIndex() { if (m_page) { CPDF_Dictionary* pDic = m_page->GetPDFPage()->m_pFormDict; CPDFXFA_Document* pDoc = m_pSDKDoc->GetDocument(); if (pDoc && pDic) { return pDoc->GetPDFDoc()->GetPageIndex(pDic->GetObjNum()); } } return -1; } FX_BOOL CPDFSDK_PageView::IsValidAnnot(void* p) { if (p == NULL) return FALSE; int iCount = m_pAnnotList->Count(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { if (m_pAnnotList->GetAt(i) == p) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } CPDFSDK_Annot* CPDFSDK_PageView::GetFocusAnnot() { CPDFSDK_Annot* pFocusAnnot = m_pSDKDoc->GetFocusAnnot(); if (!pFocusAnnot) return NULL; for (int i = 0; i < m_fxAnnotArray.GetSize(); i++) { CPDFSDK_Annot* pAnnot = (CPDFSDK_Annot*)m_fxAnnotArray.GetAt(i); if (pAnnot == pFocusAnnot) return pAnnot; } return NULL; }